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EDC Minutes 10-23-02
Members present:        Chairperson Marjorie Anthony, Vice Chairman Joseph Carino, Members, Terrie Kyc, Mark Lilllis, Marilyn Morrison , James Murray, Jan Murtha

Alternates present:     David Fields

Alternates absent:      Dwight Johnson, John Mitchell, Daniel Rys

Members absent: Joseph DeMaio, Edwina Futtner, Clifford Slicer


Chairperson Anthony called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.






A motion to approve the minutes of the September 25, 2002, regular meeting, was made by Commissioner Murtha, seconded by Commissioner Lillis and unanimously passed.

The Chair announced that on Monday, October 21, 2002, the Town Council approved the appointment of Republican Daniel Rys, to serve as an Alternate, replacing Ralph Mosher.

Ms. Anthony reported that the building next to the old Parkway Supermarket has been purchased and is being refurbished.

The Chair informed the members that there has been a F.O.I. request from Updike, Kelly & Spellacy. The EDC Commission will be submitting all information on Evergreen Walk to Barry Guliano, Town Attorney, for his review. The reason for the request is not clear at this time.

Chairperson Anthony told the members that she presented the Between Rounds tax abatement to the Town Council and it was approved.

The Chairperson solicited the opinions of the Commissioners regarding the Parkside Plunkett application submitted to the Planning & Zoning Commission and endorsed by the EDC. Ms. Anthony reported that she has learned that the Strategic Plan for Sullivan Avenue does not allow for a road cut that they are requesting, and the owner of the property has not given permission for a new road and the needed right of way. The property owner is hoping for a Class A office building to locate there and truck traffic would not be suitable to any potential owner.

Ms Anthony said that the applicants were aware of what they needed to do before the presentation, and did not do it. They also did not incorporate any of the suggestions offered by the Commission at the last meeting. She stated that the EDC still supports the application and would like to see the business remain in South Windsor, but they have not made the necessary concessions to accommodate the Town. She stated that this is a large project that would be good for the Town of South Windsor, but the Commission does not want to be unresponsive to the Planning & Zoning Commission and thereby jeopardize a good working relationship with them.

Liaison Reports:

Report from Clifford Slicer, Liaison, Planning and Zoning Commission:
Mr. Slicer was not present at this meeting.

Report from Mr. DeMaio, Liaison, Inland/Wetlands:
Mr. DeMaio was not present at this meeting.

Report from Mr. Carino, Liaison, Water Pollution and Control Authority:
Mr. Carino reported that the WPCA approved the sewer system for a commercial building hook up at 179 Commerce Way.

They also approved, preliminary, a facilities plan that is an update of the Towns wastewater facility. They will be going to the Town Council and then a Public Hearing. The State is tightening its controls on the release of nitrogen and other pollutants. This will be a 14 Million-dollar program. The state will pay 30% of the Nitrogen portion and 20% of the rest. The engineers expect the project will be eligible for a grant of 3 Million dollars leaving 11.2 Million to be financed with a 2% loan for 20 years.

Sub Committee Reports:

Report from the Research Analysis & Marketing/Communications Sub Committee:
There is no report at this time.

Report from Commissioner David Fields of the Business Retention Sub-Committee:
Commissioner Lillis reported on changes they will be making to the second business survey. They will be tailoring this survey to reflect concerns that were noted in the first survey.
Report from Research Analysis/Recommendations Sub-Committee:
The Chair said the meeting with CERC is being re-scheduled, as the Manager was unable to attend the previously scheduled meeting. She stated that they will be discussing data they have on the second phase of the 25- year study and analysis, but the Town Manager must be present to answer many of the questions they have


A discussion occurred on a Connecticut Magazine article, November 2002 issue, called
Ms. Murtha offered to make a copy of the article and send it to Ms. Anthony.

The Chair mentioned that Robert Urso, developer, has purchased land off of Hilton Drive and wishes to put approximately 20 units of Senior housing in the area. She reported that the neighbors are upset even though they will put a buffer between the units and existing homes.

A motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 p.m., was made by Commissioner Murtha, seconded by Commissioner Lillis and unanimously pass

Joan Beaudry
Recording Secretary