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EDC Minutes 07-24-02
Members present:        Chairperson Marjorie Anthony, Vice Chairman Joseph Carino, Members, Joseph DeMaio, Edwina Futtner, Mark Lilllis, James Murray, Jan Murtha, and Clifford Slicer
Alternates present:     David Fields John Mitchell,

Members absent: Terri Kyc and Marilyn Morrison


Chairperson Anthony called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.






Commissioner Carino asked that the minutes be corrected to reflect the use of the word town in place of the word commission in two locations in the minutes. A motion to approve the minutes of the June 26, 2002, meeting with the correction noted, was made by Commissioner DeMaio, seconded by Commissioner Carino and was unanimously passed.

The Chairperson said she would forego her remarks.

The Chairperson stated to the members that she had asked Commissioner Slicer to attend the Planning and Zoning meeting on July 16, 2002 and speak on behalf of the Economic Development Commission.
Report from Clifford Slicer, Liaison, Planning and Zoning Commission:
Commissioner Slicer reported that he attended the meeting of the P & Z and spoke in favor of the South Windsor Technology Center project on Sullivan Ave. The Commission has since approved it. He reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission adopted their
The Chair discussed her letter that was sent to the Planning and Zoning Commission (Attachment B) stating the concerns and positions taken by the EDC.
Action Item: The Chair will request a copy of the adopted Plan of Conservation and Development. Upon receipt, the changes requested that are of concern to the EDC will be noted and further action will be decided upon.

Comments on the possibility of sports fields in a commercial/ industrial area of town were offered. The need for ball fields not being denied; it was agreed that this desirable land is needed for our tax base, even knowing that we would be required to pay the state for the land.
It was suggested that the Commissioners visit the 20 acre site to see how it is configured. It was also noted that the site offers rail access thereby increasing its desirability.
Action Item: The chair will invite the Town Manager to a Special Meeting during the first week of August so that he might discuss this and other issues regarding land use and open space. The Commissioners will then decide on appropriate action.

Report from Mr. DeMaio, Liaison, Inland/Wetlands: Mr. DeMaio stated that there was nothing occurring at the present time that is of interest to the EDC.

Report from Mr. Carino, Liaison, Water Pollution and Control Authority: Mr. Carino reported that the WPCA has not met since the last meeting of the EDC.

Report from the Research Analysis & Marketing/Communications Sub Committee: The Committee will begin to work on creating a cable access television program. The Chair will meet with some contacts she made to get pointers. Some discussion occurred on the way to present useful information to the public. The planned television show is to promote economic development in Town, educate the taxpayers regarding our need for a strong tax base, explain the workings of each of the commissions and encourage the public to call in with questions and interact with guests that will be on the program.
Report from Commissioner David Fields of the Business Retention Committee: Mr. Fields and Mr. Lillis reported that they received 13 responses out of 60 Business Surveys they sent out. The returning comments were mixed, but it was generally agreed, mostly favorable. After discussion and comments on the results of the survey, it was decided to bring some areas of concern to the Town Manager and prepare to respond to some of the complaints received.
Action Item: The survey is to be refined and sent to specific businesses. The Chamber of Commerce will be notified so that they may include questions in the next mailing. A summary of


Chairperson Anthony presented the tax abatement request and development proposal from Between Rounds, on RT 5, to the commission members. (Attachment C) After discussion,  Commissioner DeMaio made a motion


A motion to adjourn was made at 9:30 PM by Commissioner Murtha, seconded by Commissioner Kyc and unanimously carried.

Joan Beaudry
Recording Secretary