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Minutes 03/27/02
Members present:        Chairperson Anthony, Vice Chairman Carino, Members DeMaio, Futtner, Kyc, Lillis, Slicer, Alternate, Mitchell

Members absent: Members Morrison, Murtha, Murray, Alternates Guay, Fields, Mosher
                        Mr. Mitchell sat for Ms. Murtha


Chairperson Anthony called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.






A motion to approve the minutes of the February 27, 2002, Regular Meeting was made by Mr. Carino, seconded by Ms. Futtner, Mr. Mitchell sustained explaining he was not present at last months meeting. The minutes were approved with this exception noted.


The Chair reported that New York Meat is still trying to negotiate with the owners of the building. Prices to clean up the building were more than they had planned. Franklin Distributors is looking at other properties in addition to South Windsor. The Chairman reported on the Business Expansion dinner she attended was last week. Andre Liebert, from Bradley Field, was the guest speaker. At the present time they are working on economic development with the four towns surrounding the airfield. Chairman Anthony expressed interest in promoting South Windsor not only because of our proximity to Bradley but also our availability for cargo business. The Chairman was invited to come to future meetings to offer her suggestions and she responded that she would do so.


Report from Clifford Slicer, Liaison, Planning and Zoning: Commissioner Slicer attended the last meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission where the focus of the meeting was on the Sr. Housing Regulation changes. He commented that many attended to oppose changes to Sr. Housing regulations. Mr. Peter DeMaille, of Design Professionals made a presentation. He spoke in opposition to the changes. His report demonstrated visually the impact these changes would have if they were in effect when our present senior housing units (both public and private) were built. The reduction in the size of the projects was substantial. Collins Crossing would be reduced to 3 or 4 units, some of the others were down to 6 or 7, some were almost non existent. Porter Share would lose all its green area under these new regulations. If these setback lines and the side yard requirements were imposed on these developments it would literally wipe those projects out. The buffer and setbacks would give the senior homeowner more land to take care of instead of less. Proposed site development pending right now would make it economically impractical for developers to continue. The presentation by Mr. DeMaille offers the Planning and Zoning Commission a visual report so they can see the impact of some of their ideas on paper and how works out in a practical situation.

The majority of people present were in favor of more seniors housing in our community and felt that more sites should be made available to promote this. Mr. DeMaille stated that most of the sites suitable for this purpose are small parcels of land where a developed sub division already exists. The developments would be designed to blend into the single-family residential communities.

Commission Slicer feels the EDC should follow this issue. The Commissioner felt that these ideas of Mr. DeMaille should have an impact on the Planning and Zoning Commission. Hopefully, they will reassess and modify these proposed regulations. Commission Mitchell stated that these are revenue positive projects for the town with literally no negative impact. He reported that it would be advantageous for the EDC to advocate for them as they come along.

Commissioner Futtner commented on the tax benefits also and Commission Kyce commented that the majority of seniors wanted less land and more square footage devoted to floor space. Chairman Anthony thanked Mr. Slicer for his report.

Report from Mr. DeMaio, Liaison, Inland/Wetlands: Mr. DeMaio reported on a number of applications under discussion. They were Mannarino sub division on Avery Street, Technology Centers, on Schwier Road and Vintage Hills subdivision on Barber Hill Road. Commissioner DeMaio advised that the members monitor the Technology Center project, as it should be of interest to the commission. The Town of South Windsor also has made application for projects on Clark St. and Pleasant Valley Road intersection, Ellington Road and Foster Road for drainage improvements, and to replace road culverts at stream crossings on Miller Road.

Report from Mr. Carino, Liaison, Water Pollution and Control Authority: Mr. Carino reports that the commission approved the sewer connection for DST Output, and also Deming Street (Gateway Plaza), with the Town of Manchester. They approved the sewer connection per their agreement, which states that South Windsor will accept sewage from certain properties, if they meet all of our requirements. They also approved the billing of all the commercial and industrial water/sewer billing. The total bill for industrial/commercial sewer use is $464,000.

Report from Commissioner Futtner of the Marketing/Communications Sub Committee: Commissioner Futtner consulted with Mr. Stevenson prior to the meeting and he offered some parameters and suggestions to help get started on some of the major projects such as Public Access television. The chair remarked that this project will require a great amount of work but it is a promising undertaking.

Report from Commissioner Mark Lillis of the Business Retention Committee: Commissioner Lillis inquired about the status of the business survey. The Chair informed him that there were corrections made to the document and there are still some changes to the mailing list to be discussed. She will be presenting the cover letter to the Town Manager for his approval. She said his will be done in the near future and town staff will send out the survey.

Report from Chairman Anthony of the Research/Analysis Committee:
Chairman Anthony proceeded to Item 7, New Business as she had an invited guest to discuss Research/Analysis.


Chairman Anthony introduced Craig Stevenson from CERC (Connecticut Economic Resource Center); Mr. Stevenson gave a presentation to update the members on the current status of the Fiscal Impact Analysis Survey being performed by CERC.

Mr. Stevenson detailed the costs that the town is responsible for such as traffic lights and other items outside of the development; and what the developer will provide, such as sewers, roads, and sidewalks.

Current costs for basic services were discussed so that it can be determined what the financial demands of Evergreen Walk will be on the town. The fiscal impact on the town's police, fire services and public works need to be analyzed. A question was raised about the total annual costs of these departments. The members concurred that these figures may need adjustment. Mr. Stevenson responded that he agreed that the public works figure is low and he will research it further. He reported that Evergreen Walk is expected to generate tax revenues of 1.6 million from the retail establishments, offices, etc. and there will be a one time sewer connection charge and also an annual sewer usage charge to be factored into the analysis.

CERC will prepare a summary of costs and a summary of revenues that the town can expect over a certain period of time, and this will be compared with the fiscal costs and the fiscal revenues over that same period of time. This then gives one an idea of exactly what the net sum gain will be and what the costs will be to the Town. There is still an ongoing regulatory process that must take place. In addition, the Town of South Windsor wants to educate the residents about the benefits of development so that they may make good choices about whether or not they wish to support a project.

After the analysis is complete CERC and the EDC will get this information out with a communications plan whereby a presentation is made by the Economic Development Commission Chairperson to the Town Council, Chamber of Commerce, the business community and the public newspapers.

The Chairman thanked Mr. Stevenson for his presentation.


The Chairman spoke about the importance of the meeting on April 2, 2002 with the Board of Education. The meeting will provide invaluable information to the Commission on its 25-year plan. She stated that with the Boards impute the EDC will know what kind of economic development is going to be required to meet the growth of the school system.

Mr. DeMaio discussed with the commission the sale of fuel cells to Verizon for $900,000 each from UTC Fuel Cells.

The members discussed that some of the commissioners are receiving faxes from Mr. DeMaille on agenda items that are of importance to the EDC while others are not.

A lengthy dialogue ensued on the permissibility of a Commission member speaking as a private citizen at other Commission meetings. The pros and cons were discussed. The members discussed the drafting of a letter on behalf on the Economic Development Commission to voice its opinion on the Material Redemption Center, at 420 John Fitch Blvd. The consensus was that the Chair should appear at the next Planning and Zoning Commission meeting on April 23, 2002, and voice their concern that this project in not conducive to that area and would have a negative impact on the 291 Corridor. The Chairman will discuss this with the Town Manager and the Town Attorney before proceeding.


A motion to adjourn was made at 9:30 by Commissioner Lillis, seconded by Commissioner Mitchell and unanimously carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Joan Beaudry
Recording Secretary