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Minutes 02/27/02
Members present:        Chairperson Anthony, Vice Chairman Carino, Members Murray, Futtner, Kyc, Lillis, Murtha, Slicer, Alternate, Fields

Members absent: Mr. DeMaio, Alternates Guay, Mitchell, Mosher
        Mr. Fields sat for Ms. Morrison,

Town Council Liaisons present:  Councillor John Pelkey


Chairperson Anthony called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.






A motion to approve the minutes of the January 23, 2002, Regular Meeting was made by Mr. Lillis, seconded by Ms. Futtner, and unanimously approved.


Chairman Anthony requested a motion to discuss the new business item (a) Tax Abatement for Filene
With the Chairs direction, the Commission discussed Filenes request for tax abatement and reviewed the documents submitted for consideration. Filenes has requested a tax abatement on the 35,000+ square foot addition to their existing facility at 301 Governor
Ms. Futtner asked about the condition of the surroundings of the Filenes property and Chairman Anthony agreed to look into it to see if she can get any new information.
The Chairman was expecting to deliver a report from the Business Retention Sub-Committee, Old Business, Item C), but was unable to do so as the information needed for the report is not yet complete. Ms. Anthony is continuing to try to set up a meeting with the Commission and the Board of Education. Ms. Anthony asked Mr. Wayne Hunicke, Consultant, to act as a facilitator at this meeting.

Chairman Anthony reported that she has made progress working with two South Windsor businesses, Franklin Distributors and New York Meat. Both companies are interested in expanding in South Windsor. She is assisting them in their search for land and/or buildings. The Handy and Harmon building at 300 Rye Street was discussed. She reports that presently the owners are discussing possible options in the disposal of their building and acreage.

After discussion and polling it was decided to leave the next meeting date as scheduled, even though it may be impossible for all members to attend as it is Holy Week and the evening before Passover.

Report from Clifford Slicer, Liaison, Planning and Zoning: Commissioner Slicer attended the last meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission where discussions were held on the South Windsor Technical Park.  After conferring with the Chair, Mr. Slicer spoke his approval on behalf of the Economic Development Commission. Chairman Anthony thanked him for his presentation to them.
Report from Mr. DeMaio, Liaison, Inland/Wetlands: Mr. DeMaio was not present.

Report from Mr. Carino, Liaison, Water Pollution and Control Authority: Mr. Carino reports that nothing of importance to the EDC Commission was discussed during their last meeting.

a)   Report from Commissioner Futtner of the Marketing/Communications Committee:
Commissioner Futtner stated she spoke with Mr. Craig Stevenson of the CT Economic Resource Committee. They will prepare some of the marketing material needed. She will coordinate with her committee members and arrange a meeting.
Report from David Fields of the Business Retention Committee: Commissioner Fields and his committee presented the final version of the Survey of South Windsor Businesses. He submitted a prospective mailing list. It was agreed that a cover letter will be prepared and the survey will mailed before the next meeting. The Commission reviewed the document and a motion to approve the final draft was made by Mr. Murray, seconded by Mr. Slicer and unanimously carried.


Chairman Anthony introduced Peter DeMaille, of Design Professionals. Mr. DeMaille gave an interesting presentation on the status of DST Output
Mr. DeMaille requested the support of the members of the Economic Development Commission
on various projects that are pending before various commissions. He provided a brief overview of each and stressed the importance of an appearance by a member or members of the EDC and the impact they can have on the outcome of some very economically desirable projects for the town.


Discussion took place pertaining to the issues brought forth in the course of the meeting.


A motion to adjourn was made at 9:30 by Ms. Janis Murtha, seconded by Mr. Lillis and unanimously carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Joan Beaudry
Recording Secretary