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Minutes 01/23/02
Members present:        Chairperson Anthony, Vice Chairman Carino, Members Murray, Futtner, Kyc, Lillis, Slicer, Alternates, Fields, Guay, Mitchell, Mosher

Members absent: Mr. Fields sat for Ms. Morrison
                        Mr. Mitchell sat for Ms. Murtha


Chairperson Anthony called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.






A motion to approve the minutes of the November 28, 2001, Regular Meeting was made by Mr. Mitchell, seconded by Mr. DeMaio, and unanimously approved.


Chairman Anthony reminded members to note on their calendars that the Business Expansion Dinner will be on 3/21/02 at the Nutmeg Restaurant. Ms. Anthony received an Economic Review Book from Northeast Utilities and reports that they are willing to come to an EDC meeting and give a presentation on CT
The Chairman has requested that real estate brokers provide a list of properties that are sold, leased or rented. Century has agreed to send press releases to her.
She reported on the following:
Golik Machine Company formerly of Vernon, has purchased 154 Commerce Way for $485,000. They will relocate in late November of 2002. The property is 5,000 sq. ft. It was owned by Central Records and Tapes.
Eagle Tissue has purchased 70 Bidwell Road for $950,000. It is a 20,000-sq. ft. industrial facility owned by Manchem Limited Partnership.
Faxon Sales Inc. has sub leased 17,730-sq. ft. at 515 John Fitch Blvd. from Mestek.
Filenes has not formerly requested tax abatement as yet. The Chairman stated that they would be coming to the EDC for tax abatement in the future.

The Chairman reported that she and Town Manager Matt Galligan had a meeting with the Connecticut Economic Resource Center in Rocky Hill. Attending from CERC were Craig Stevenson, Jeff Blodgett, and Allissa DeLonge. They went over the impact analysis of the Evergreen walk and where they are. They have asked for more information from the Manager. The Chairman gave them a time frame, requesting that it be finished by the February EDC meeting and presented to the Town Council in March as well a joint meeting with the Rotary and Chamber of Commerce.
The Chairman announced that the next phase of her Research Analysis sub committee would be a 25-Year Analysis of the past and where we are going. They are very enthused, as this would be a groundbreaking idea for any town to under take.

Chairman Anthony announced her four choices to be added to the

Report from Commissioner Slicer, Liaison for Planning and Zoning Commission: Commissioner Slicer has not attended a recent meeting, as he has not been receiving their Agendas and Minutes. The Chairman asked the recording secretary to make sure Mr. Slicer
Report from Commissioner DiMaio, Liaison for the Inland/Wetlands Commission:
Commissioner DeMaio stated that he no longer has the time to attend the Commissions meetings, but when asked by the Chairman he agreed to continue as Liaison by commenting on the very thorough Minutes that he receives from the Commission.
c)   Report from Commissioner Carino, Liaison to the Water Pollution and Control Commission:
Commission Carino who is a member to the Commission, reported that the group completed their segment of the Strategic Planning Program and it has been sent to the town staff to be distributed for inclusion in the Strategic Planning Resource Guide Books. He stated that they are very please with the final product of their labors.  He also reported on the major upgrade of the Clark Street Pumping Station. It is being completed primarily in anticipation of the additional requirements that will be needed when Buckland Road is developed. They are making sure that we have a system that will function well, even though the development may be a few years away; they want to be ahead of it. They are installing automated technical equipment, as this is about the most critical pumping station we have in South Windsor. The Chairman asked if it could handle Evergreen Walk. Commission Carino replied that it would. He explained that there are whole new controls and measuring equipment being used and also that there is new technology in the way pumps are operated.

d)   Report from Commissioner Futtner of the Marketing/Communications Committee:
Commissioner Futtner stated she would not be able to report until she receives information from the Research Analysis/Recommendation Committee. Chairman Anthony assigned Alternate Ralph Mosher to the Marketing Committee.
Report from David Fields of the Business Retention Committee: Commissioner Fields and his committee presented a revised copy of their Survey of South Windsor Businesses which has been shortened considerably. The Commission reviewed it and offered suggestions for the final draft. The Chamber of Commerce requested adding an additional question inquiring about the importance of high-speed data transmission to their businesses. The committee added it to the survey under Section 2, Industry. It was decided that the first mailing is to be based on criteria the sub-committee has determined and limited to 100 businesses. It was agreed that a cover letter would be sent, signed by the Economic Development Commission and the Town Manager. The Chairman remarked that the subcommittee has done and excellent job on this survey and the consensus of the commission is that this will be the final revision. After final approval at next months meeting, the committee will submit it to the Town Manager for his signature and for printing.


Discussion took place pertaining to the issues brought forth in the course of the meeting.


A motion to adjourn was made at 9:00 by Mr. DeMaio, seconded by Ms. Futtner and unanimously carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Joan Beaudry
Recording Secretary