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Demolition Delay Committee Minutes 12-05-2013

December 5, 2013
1.~~~~ Call Meeting to Order:
The Demolition Delay Committee meeting was called to order by Chairperson Art Utay at 7:33 pm.

2.~~~~~Roll Call:  
  • Members present: Art Utay, Virginia Macro, Walter FitzPatrick, and Wayne McKinney
  • Members absent:  Viney Wilson.
3.~~~~ Public Participation:
  • None
4.~~~~ Approval of Minutes:
  • Motion by member Macro, seconded by member FitzPatrick, was made to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on November 7, 2013.  The motion carried unanimously.
5.~~~~ Old Business:  

Status of 1146 Main Street – There is no new information whether an interested party has made an offer on the property.  Art contacted the owners regarding internal measurement documentation; they did not favor entering the property.
Status of 1049 John Fitch Blvd. – Dismantling of the front of the barn commenced in October.  Exterior boards on the North side have been cut in preparation for removal.  
Status of 1468 Sullivan Avenue - The structure was reported ready to demolish last month.  Mr. Mitchell indicated he is ready to pull the structure down.  The roof has holes in numerous locations as a result of first responder training.  Art will photo document the exterior when the overgrown shrubbery in the front of the house has been removed.
6.~~~~ New Business:  None

7.~~~~ Administration
  • The next regular Demolition Delay Committee meeting will be January 9, 2014.
8.~~~~ Adjournment
  • Member Fitzpatrick moved to adjourn at 8:02 pm.  Second by member McKinney.  The motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Walt FitzPatrick for Viney Wilson