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Demolition Delay Committee Minutes 09-05-2013
September 5, 2013

The public hearing was called to order by Chairman Art Utay at 7:31 pm.  In attendance was Attorney Ralph Alexander, John Mitchell, Matthew Mitchell, Della Mitchell, Billy Mitchell, Robert Urso, Edwina Futtner and Bruce Burnham.

1468 Sullivan Avenue – Attorney Alexander opened the discussion on this property by stating the DDC has missed the deadline for action on this property.  Mr. John Mitchell stated he purchased this property and would like to use it for development purposes.  He said the house was a hazard with thefts and squatters.  He has the house now boarded up.  He stated he would like to offer the house to the SWFD for demolition, there is no lead or asbestos in the structure.  
Governor’s Highway/Rte 5 -  Mr. Robert Urso made a case that the barn is not 75 years old.  He presented pictures taken in 1934 with no barn on the property.  Mr. Urso also stated he has contacted CT and MA barn preservationists and he may have some interest.  Also, there is an interested party in East Windsor.  Mr. Urso has the approvals from P & Z to develop this property and plans to occupy the site January 1, 2014.
1146  Main St. – Dr. Bruce Burnham reported he has been working with the Kasheta family to possibly purchase the home.  He will continue to let us know the outcome.
Public hearing closed at 8:35 pm.

September 5, 2013
1.~~~~ Call Meeting to Order:
The regular meeting of the DDC was called to order by Chair Art Utay at 8:40 pm

2.~~~~~Roll Call:  
  • Members present: Art Utay, Ginny Macro, Walter FitzPatrick and Viney Wilson
  • Members absent:  Wayne McKinney
3.~~~~ Public Participation:
  • None
4.~~~~ Approval of Minutes:
  • Motion by member Macro, seconded by member Wilson, was made to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on July 8, 2013.  The motion carried unanimously.
5.~~~~ Old Business:  
Chair Utay reported the DDC package is up and running on the town web site and a gmail account for answering questions of the committee has been established.
Chair Utay reported he met with Chris Dougan to go over the demolition delay package and to issue a request from IT to generate a list of 75 year old homes.  We are going to need long term cooperation from the Building Department.
After discussion, it was decided that we request a 60 day delay to explore other options and to obtain a blueprint of the building at 1468 Sullivan Ave.  The Committee was opposed to donating this property to the SWFD for training. Chair Utay will send a letter to applicant with our request.
It was decided to request a 60 day delay regarding the barn on Governor’s Highway and Rte. 5.  Chair Utay will send Mr. Urso a letter.  
It was made clear that the 60 days were from date of application.
7.~~~~ Administration
  • The next regular Demolition Delay Committee meeting will be October 3.
8.~~~~ Adjournment
  • Member Fitzpatrick moved to adjourn at 9:45 pm.  Second by member Wilson.  Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Viney Wilson