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Town Council Work Session and Regular Meeting Agenda 5/6/2013

TOWN COUNCIL                            WORK SESSION
COUNCIL CHAMBERS                                            MONDAY, MAY 6, 2013
SOUTH WINDSOR TOWN HALL                                                     TIME:  7:00 P. M.

1.      Call Meeting to Order

2.      Roll Call

3.      Public Participation
        [Per Town Council Rules, this segment of the meeting shall not exceed thirty (30) minutes unless extended by the Mayor, with the consent of the majority of the Town Council.]

4.      Communications

5.      Town Manager’s Report
[Per Town Council Rules, this segment of the meeting shall not exceed ten (10) minutes unless extended by the Mayor, with the consent of the majority of the Council.]          

6.      Items for Discussion

A.      Information Technology Services Regional Opportunity with the Town of Tolland

B.      General Government Budget

7.      Executive Session

        A.      Potential Claims and Litigation

8.      Adjournment

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Public Participation is Invited on Any Agenda Item


COUNCIL CHAMBERS                                                               MONDAY, MAY 6, 2013
SOUTH WINDSOR TOWN HALL                                                           TIME:  8:00 P.M.

After Roll Call is complete, the Mayor will read a proclamation recognizing the month of May as National Bike Month.

1.      Call Meeting to Order

2.      Prayer:  Mayor Delnicki

3.      Pledge of Allegiance

4.      Roll Call

5.      Public Input
[Per Town Council Rules, this segment of the meeting shall not exceed thirty (30) minutes unless extended by the Mayor, with the consent of a majority of the Town Council.]

6.      Environmental Health & Safety Message

7.      Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meetings

8.      Public Petitions

9.      Communications from Officers and Boards Directly Responsible to Council

10.     Reports from Standing Committees

11.     Reports of Temporary Committees

12.     Consent Agenda
[All items listed with an asterisk (*) are considered to be routine by the Town Council and will be enacted by one Motion.  There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the General Order of Business and be considered in its normal sequence on the Agenda.]

13.     Unfinished Business

* A.    Resolution Appointing Karen Wagner (D) to the Human Relations Commission

* B.    Resolution Appointing Caroline Taylor (D) to the Housing Authority

* C.    Resolution Appointing Michael Kelly (R) an Alternate to the Park & Recreation Commission
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Regular Meeting – Town Council
Monday, May 6, 2013

14.     New Business

A.      Resolution Authorizing Town Manager, Matthew B. Galligan to Enter into and Execute a Technology Services Agreement with the Town of Tolland for Information Technology Services

B.      Resolution Authorizing Town Manager, Matthew B. Galligan to Execute and Deliver Any and All Documents Deemed to be Necessary or Appropriate to the State of Connecticut, Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security on behalf of the Town of South Windsor

C.      Resolution Authorizing the Town Manager to Enter into a Contract for an Historic Documents Preservation Grant with the Connecticut State Library        

D.      Resolution Approving a Transfer of $30,000.00 from the Contingency Account to the Town Manager’s Professional Account

E.      Resolution Authorizing Town Manager, Matthew B. Galligan to Enter into a Contract with Environmental Services and Waive Competitive Bidding for the Repaving of Company #1, Fire Department Headquarters Parking Lot

F.      Resolution Approving a Refund of Taxes to Thirty-Eight (38) South Windsor Taxpayers

G.      Discussion Item:  South Windsor Food Alliance Master Plan

H.      Discussion Item:  85 Nutmeg Road

I.      Discussion item:  General Government

15.     Passage of Ordinance

16.     Public Input
[Per Town Council Rules, this segment of the meeting shall not exceed thirty (30) minutes unless extended by the Mayor, with the consent of a majority of the Town Council.]

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Regular Meeting – Town Council
Monday, May 6, 2013

17.     Communications and Petitions from Council
[Per Town Council Rules, this segment of the meeting shall not exceed twenty (20) minutes unless extended by the Mayor, with the consent of a majority of the Council.]

18.     Communications and Reports from Town Manager
[Per Town Council Rules, this segment of the meeting shall not exceed ten (10) minutes unless extended by the Mayor, with the consent of a majority of the Council.]

19.     Executive Session

        A.      Potential Claims and Litigation

20.     Adjournment   

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Monday, May 6, 2013

7.      Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meetings
        (Councillor Snyder)

        BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council approves the Minutes of the following Town Council Meetings:  Joint Work Session with the Board of Education Minutes of April 2, 2013; Special Budget Work Session Minutes of April 22, 2013; Work Session Minutes of April 14, 2013; Special Meeting of April 24, 2013; Regular Meeting Minutes of April 15, 2013; and Public Hearing Minutes of April 24, 2013.

12.     Consent Agenda
(Councillor Havens and Deputy Mayor Bazzano)

        Motion to approve Agenda Item 13. A. and 13. C. as the Consent Agenda.
        (Please read dark headings, only, on Consent Agenda items.)

13.     Unfinished Business

* A.    Resolution Appointing Karen Wagner (D) to the Human Relations Commission
(Councillor Havens)

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby appoints Karen Wagner (D) to the Human Relations Commission for a term ending November 30, 2015 to fill a vacancy.

* B.    Resolution Appointing Caroline Taylor (D) to the Housing Authority
(Councillor Havens)

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby appoints Caroline Taylor (D) to the Housing Authority for a term ending November 30, 2017 to fill an expired term of Jay Knipple.

* C.    Resolution Appointing Michael Kelly (R) an Alternate to the Park & Recreation Commission
(Deputy Mayor Bazzano)

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby appoints Michael Kelly (R) an Alternate to the Park & Recreation Commission for a term ending December 31, 2013 to fill an unexpired vacancy.

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Regular Meeting – Town Council
Monday, May 6, 2013

14.     New Business

A.      Resolution Authorizing Town Manager, Matthew B. Galligan to Enter into and Execute a Technology Services Agreement with the Town of Tolland for Information Technology Services
(Councillor Yagaloff)

WHEREAS, Tolland has a need for certain information technology services for the operation of its governmental functions; and

WHEREAS, Tolland does not have the technical systems and personnel in-house necessary to implement a comprehensive information technology system; and

WHEREAS, South Windsor has the technical systems and ability to provide Tolland with the information technology services Tolland desires; and

WHEREAS, South Windsor and Tolland desire to reduce/maintain costs through regional collaboration; and

WHEREAS, Tolland would like to utilize the expertise of the Town of South Windsor; and

WHEREAS, South Windsor and Tolland would like to enter into an agreement for information technology services

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby authorizes Town Manager, Matthew B. Galligan to enter into and execute a Technology Services Agreement with the Town of Tolland for information technology services.

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Regular Meeting – Town Council
Monday, May 6, 2013

14.     New Business (Continued)

B.      Resolution Authorizing Town Manager, Matthew B. Galligan to Execute and Deliver Any and All Documents Deemed to be Necessary or Appropriate to the State of Connecticut, Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security on behalf of the Town of South Windsor
(Councillor Beaulieu)

BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of South Windsor may enter into with and deliver to the State of Connecticut, Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security any and all documents which it deems necessary or appropriate for the “Memorandum of Agreement Regarding use of Federal Fiscal Year 2011 State Homeland Security Grant Funding and Custodial Ownership of Regional Assets in DEMHS Region 3”; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Matthew B. Galligan, Town Manager of the Town of South Windsor is authorized and directed to execute and deliver any and all documents on behalf of the Town of South Windsor and to do and perform all acts and things which he deems to be necessary or appropriate to carry out the terms of the “Memorandum of Agreement Regarding use of Federal Fiscal Year 2011 State Homeland Security Grant Funding and Custodial Ownership of Regional Assets in DEMHS Region 3”, including, but not limited to, executing and delivering all agreements and documents contemplated by such documents.

C.      Resolution Authorizing the Town Manager to Enter into a Contract for an Historic Documents Preservation Grant with the Connecticut State Library        
(Councillor Anwar)

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby authorizes Matthew B. Galligan, South Windsor Town Manager to execute and deliver in the name and on behalf of this municipality a contract with the Connecticut State Library for an Historic Documents Preservation Grant.

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Regular Meeting – Town Council
Monday, May 6, 2013

14.     New Business (Continued)

D.      Resolution Approving a Transfer of $30,000.00 from the Contingency Account to the Town Manager’s Professional Account
(Councillor McCann)

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby approves a transfer of $30,000.00 from the Contingency Account to the Town Manager’s Professional Account to cover costs associated with the repaving of the Fire Department Headquarters, Company #1 parking lot.

E.      Resolution Authorizing Town Manager, Matthew B. Galligan to Enter into a Contract with Environmental Services and Waive Competitive Bidding for the Repaving of Company #1, Fire Department Headquarters Parking Lot
(Councillor Snyder)

WHEREAS, the parking lot at Company #1, Fire Department Headquarters is in need of repaving; and

WHEREAS, it is in the Town’s best interest to get this project done as soon as possible; and

WHEREAS, a contractor has been identified that is willing to do the necessary work to repave the parking lot and only charge for the materials needed; and

WHEREAS, this project will be managed by Town staff to make sure that all requirements are met

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby authorizes Town Manager, Matthew B. Galligan to enter into a contract with Environmental Services and waive competitive bidding for this project.

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Regular Meeting – Town Council
Monday, May 6, 2013

14.     New Business (Continued)

F.      Resolution Approving a Refund of Taxes to Thirty-Eight (38) South Windsor Taxpayers
        (Councillor Prague)

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby approves a refund of property taxes to thirty-eight (38) South Windsor Taxpayers, the total of said refund being $30,878.18, and as more fully described on attached Exhibit A.

G.      Discussion Item:  South Windsor Food Alliance Master Plan

H.      Discussion Item:  85 Nutmeg Road

I.      Discussion item:  General Government

15.     Passage of Ordinance
16.     Public Input
[Per Town Council Rules, this segment of the meeting shall not exceed thirty (30) minutes unless extended by the Mayor, with the consent of a majority of the Town Council.]

17.     Communications and Petitions from Council
[Per Town Council Rules, this segment of the meeting shall not exceed twenty (20) minutes unless extended by the Mayor, with the consent of a majority of the Council.]

18.     Communications and Reports from Town Manager
[Per Town Council Rules, this segment of the meeting shall not exceed ten (10) minutes unless extended by the Mayor, with the consent of a majority of the Council.]

19.     Executive Session

        A.      Potential Claims and Litigation

20.     Adjournment

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