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Town Council Agenda 1/4/2010


TOWN COUNCIL                     WORK SESSION
COUNCIL CHAMBERS                                   MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 2009
SOUTH WINDSOR TOWN HALL                      TIME:  7:00 P.M.

1.      Call Meeting to Order

2.      Roll Call

3.      Public Participation
        [Per Town Council Rules, this segment of the meeting shall not exceed thirty (30) minutes unless extended by the Mayor, with the consent of the majority of the Town Council.]

4.      Communications

5.      Town Manager’s Report
[Per Town Council Rules, this segment of the meeting shall not exceed ten (10) minutes unless extended by the Mayor, with the consent of the majority of the Council.]          

6.      Items for Discussion

A)      Film Production Ordinance

B)      Ordinance for Land Use Fees

7.      Executive Session

A)      Discuss Personnel Issue - Town Clerk

8.      Adjournment

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Public Participation is Invited on Any Agenda Item


COUNCIL CHAMBERS                                                     MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 2009
SOUTH WINDSOR TOWN HALL                                                           TIME:  8:00 P.M.

1.      Call Meeting to Order

2.      Prayer:  Pastor David Johnson, Colonial Point Christian Church                                

3.      Pledge of Allegiance

4.      Roll Call

5.      Public Input
[Per Town Council Rules, this segment of the meeting shall not exceed twenty (20) minutes unless extended by the Mayor, with the consent of a majority of the Town Council.]

6.      Environmental Health & Safety Message

7.      Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meetings

8.      Public Petitions

9.      Communications from Officers and Boards Directly Responsible to Council

10.     Communications and Reports from Town Manager
[Per Town Council Rules, this segment of the meeting shall not exceed ten (10) minutes unless extended by the Mayor, with the consent of a majority of the Council.]

11.     Reports from Standing Committees

12.     Reports of Temporary Committees

13.     Communications and Petitions from Council
[Per Town Council Rules, this segment of the meeting shall not exceed twenty (20) minutes unless extended by the Mayor, with the consent of a majority of the Council.]

14.     Public Participation
[Per Town Council Rules, this segment of the meeting shall not exceed thirty (30) minutes unless extended by the Mayor, with the consent of a majority of the Town Council.]

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Regular Meeting – Town Council
January 4, 2010

15.     Consent Agenda
[All items listed with an asterisk (*) are considered to be routine by the Town Council and will be enacted by one Motion.  There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the General Order of Business and be considered in its normal sequence on the Agenda.]

16.     Unfinished Business

* A.    Resolution Appointing Kevin Ricker (R) an Alternate to the Planning & Zoning Commission

* B.    Resolution Appointing Rachna Khanna (R) an Alternate to the Planning & Zoning Commission

* C.    Resolution Appointing Mario Marrero (D) an Alternate to the Planning and Zoning Commission

* D.    Resolution Reappointing David Patria (D) to the Building Code Board of Appeals

* E.    Resolution Appointing Jean Klein (D) a Full Member to the Historic District Commission

* F.    Resolution Appointing Caroline Taylor (D) an Alternate to the Historic District Commission

* G.    Resolution Appointing Marion Burke (D) to the Housing Authority

* H.    Resolution Appointing Rabbi Jeff Glickman (D) to the Human Relations Commission

* I.    Resolution Appointing Nilofer Haider (D) to the Human Relations Commission

* J.    Resolution Appointing Hugh Brower (D) a Full Member to the Inland Wetlands/Conservation Commission

* K.    Resolution Appointing Anthony Duarte (D) an Alternate to the Inland Wetlands/Conservation Commission

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Regular Meeting – Town Council
January 4, 2010

16.     Unfinished Business (Continued)

* L.    Resolution Appointing Karen Wagner (D) to the Mass Transit and Highway Advisory Commission

* M.    Resolution Appointing Robert O’Connor (D) to the Park and Recreation Commission

* N.    Resolution Appointing Craig Zimmerman (D) an Alternate to the Park and Recreation Commission

* O.    Resolution Appointing Roger Anderson (D) to the Patriotic Commission

* P.    Resolution Appointing Edward O’Connell (D) to the Public Building Commission

* Q.    Resolution Appointing Thomas Deming (D) to the Water Pollution Control Authority

* R.    Resolution Appointing Richard Aries (D) an Alternate to the Water Pollution Control Authority

* S.    Resolution Appointing William Vees (D) to the Water Pollution Control Authority

* T.    Resolution Appointing James Kupchunos (D) to the Zoning Board of Appeals

  U.    Resolution Authorizing Town Manager to Enter into a Contract with the South Windsor Town Employees Bargaining Unit, SEIU/AFL-CIO Local 760

 V.    Discussion Item:  Tax Relief for Certain Homeowners Age 65 or Over or Permanently and Totally Disabled (requested by Councillor Hale)

 W.    Discussion Item:  Vision Statement for the Town of South Windsor (requested by Councillor Prague)

17.     New Business

* A.    Resolution Accepting the Resignation of Roy Szoka (R) from the Inland Wetlands/Conservation Commission

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Regular Meeting – Town Council
January 4, 2010

17.     New Business (Continued)

* B.    Resolution Appointing Richard Muller (R) an Alternate to the Inland Wetlands/Conservation Commission and Postponing Consideration of this Motion until the Town Council’s Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting

 C.    Resolution Approving the Creation of a “Search Committee” of the Town Council to Develop, Distribute, and Review Requests for Proposals for a Town Attorney

 D.    Resolution Approving the Transfer of $5,200.00 from the Contingency Account to the Town Council’s Fees and Memberships Account

 E.    Resolution to Reconsider a Previously Approved Motion from the December 21, 2009 Meeting to Reduce the Board of Education Budget for Fiscal Year 2009/2010

  F.    Resolution Addressing the Expected Shortfall in Revenues for the 2010/2011 Budget

 G.    Resolution Authorizing the Transfer of $45,000.00 from the Contingency Account to the Volunteer Abatement Account and Approving the Payment of $45,000.00 from the Volunteer Abatement Account to the South Windsor Volunteer Fire Department Inc.

 H.    Resolution Approving a Refund of Taxes to Forty-Nine (49) South Windsor Taxpayers

18.     Passage of Ordinance

19.     Communications and Petitions from Council (Continued)
[This Agenda Item permits continued communications not covered under Item #13 due to time restraints.]

20.     Communications and Reports from Town Manager (Continued)
[This Agenda Item permits continued communications not covered under Item #10 due to time restraints.]

21.     Executive Session

A.      Discuss Personnel Issue - Town Clerk

22.     Adjournment     
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January 4, 2010

7.      Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meetings
        (Councillor Favreau)

        BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council approves the Minutes of the following Town Council Meetings:  Work Session of December 21, 2009; and Regular Meeting of December 21, 2009.

15.     Consent Agenda
        (Councillor Yagaloff and Councillor Delnicki)

        Motion to approve Agenda Items 16. C. through 16. T. and Items 17. A. and 17. B. as the Consent Agenda.
        (Please read dark headings, only, on Consent Agenda items.)

16.     Unfinished Business

 A.    Resolution Appointing Kevin Ricker (R) an Alternate to the Planning & Zoning Commission
        (Councillor McCann)

        Resolution appointing Kevin Ricker (R) an alternate to the Planning & Zoning Commission for a term ending November 9, 2013 to fill an expired term of Daniel Van Horn.

 B.    Resolution Appointing Rachna Khanna (R) an Alternate to the Planning & Zoning Commission        
        (Councillor Prague)

        BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby appoints Rachna Khanna (R) an Alternate to the Planning & Zoning Commission for a term ending November 9, 2013 to fill an expired vacancy.

* C.    Resolution Appointing Mario Marrero (D) an Alternate to the Planning and Zoning Commission
        (Councillor Yagaloff)

        Resolution appointing Mario Marrero (D) an Alternate to the Planning and Zoning Commission for a term ending November 7, 2011 to fill an unexpired vacancy.

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Regular Meeting – Town Council
January 4, 2010

16.     Unfinished Business (Continued)

* D.    Resolution Reappointing David Patria (D) to the Building Code Board of Appeals
        (Councillor Yagaloff)

        Resolution reappointing David Patria (D) to the Building Code Board of Appeals for a term ending January 1, 2015.

* E.    Resolution Appointing Jean Klein (D) a Full Member to the Historic District Commission
        (Councillor Yagaloff)

        Resolution appointing Jean Klein (D) a full member to the Historic District Commission for a term ending November 30, 2010 to fill an unexpired vacancy.

* F.    Resolution Appointing Caroline Taylor (D) an Alternate to the Historic District Commission
        (Councillor Yagaloff)

        Resolution appointing Caroline Taylor (D) an alternate to the Historic District Commission for a term ending November 30, 2013 to fill an unexpired term of Jean Klein.

* G.    Resolution Appointing Marion Burke (D) to the Housing Authority
        (Councillor Yagaloff)

        Resolution appointing Marion Burke (D) to the Housing Authority for a term ending November 30, 2014 to fill an expired term of Yvette Chabotte.

* H.    Resolution Appointing Rabbi Jeff Glickman (D) to the Human Relations Commission
        (Councillor Yagaloff)

        Resolution appointing Rabbi Jeff Glickman (D) to the Human Relations Commission for a term ending November 30, 2011 to fill an expired term of Leslie Ann Carman.

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Regular Meeting – Town Council
January 4, 2010

16.     Unfinished Business (Continued)

* I.    Resolution Appointing Nilofer Haider (D) to the Human Relations Commission
        (Councillor Yagaloff)

        Resolution appointing Nilofer Haider (D) to the Human Relations Commission for a term ending November 30, 2011 to fill an unexpired term of Janice Favreau.

* J.    Resolution Appointing Hugh Brower (D) a Full Member to the Inland Wetlands/Conservation Commission
        (Councillor Yagaloff)

        Resolution appointing Hugh Brower (D) a full member to the Inland Wetlands/Conservation Commission for a term ending June 1, 2013 to fill an expired term of Richard Muller.

* K.    Resolution Appointing Anthony Duarte (D) an Alternate to the Inland Wetlands/Conservation Commission
        (Councillor Yagaloff)

        Resolution appointing Anthony Duarte (D) an Alternate  to the Inland Wetlands/Conservation Commission for a term ending December 1, 2012 to fill an unexpired term of Hugh Brower.

* L.    Resolution Appointing Karen Wagner (D) to the Mass Transit and Highway Advisory Commission
        (Councillor Yagaloff)

        Resolution appointing Karen Wagner (D) to the Mass Transit and Highway Advisory Commission for a term ending November 30, 2013 to fill an expired term of Dorothy Corcoran.

* M.    Resolution Appointing Robert O’Connor (D) to the Park and Recreation Commission
        (Councillor Yagaloff)

        Resolution appointing Robert O’Connor (D) to the Park and Recreation Commission for a term ending November 30, 2013 to fill an expired term of James Snow.

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Regular Meeting – Town Council
January 4, 2010

16.     Unfinished Business (Continued)

* N.    Resolution Appointing Craig Zimmerman (D) an Alternate to the Park and Recreation Commission
        (Councillor Yagaloff)

        Resolution appointing Craig Zimmerman (D) an Alternate to the Park and Recreation Commission for a term ending November 30, 2013 to fill an unexpired term of Robert O’Connor.

* O.    Resolution Appointing Roger Anderson (D) to the Patriotic Commission
        (Councillor Yagaloff)

        Resolution appointing Roger Anderson (D) to the Patriotic Commission for a term ending August 31, 2012 to fill an expired term of Scott C. Simmons.

* P.    Resolution Appointing Edward O’Connell (D) to the Public Building Commission
        (Councillor Yagaloff)

        Resolution appointing Edward O’Connell (D) to the Public Building Commission for a term ending November 30, 2013 to fill an expired term of Carol Kelley.       

* Q.    Resolution Appointing Thomas Deming (D) a Full Member to the Water Pollution Control Authority
        (Councillor Yagaloff)

        Resolution appointing Thomas Deming (D) a full member to the Water Pollution Control Authority for a term ending November 30, 2015 to fill an expired term of Richard Aries.  

* R.    Resolution Appointing Richard Aries (D) an Alternate to the Water Pollution Control Authority
        (Councillor Yagaloff)

        Resolution appointing Richard Aries (D) an Alternate to the Water Pollution Control Authority for a term ending November 30, 2011 to fill an unexpired term of Thomas Deming.

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Regular Meeting – Town Council
January 4, 2010

16.     Unfinished Business (Continued)

* S.    Resolution Appointing William Vees (D) to the Water Pollution Control Authority
        (Councillor Yagaloff)

        Resolution appointing William Vees (D) to the Water Pollution Control Authority for a term ending November 30, 2013 to fill an unexpired vacancy.

* T.    Resolution Appointing James Kupchunos (D) to the Zoning Board of Appeals
        (Councillor Yagaloff)

        Resolution appointing James Kupchunos (D) to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a term ending November 30, 2013 to fill an expired term of Teri Dickey-Gaignat.

 U.    Resolution Authorizing the Town Manager to Enter into a Contract with the South Windsor Town Employees Bargaining Unit, SEIU/AFL-CIO Local 760
        (Councillor Bazzano)

        BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby authorizes Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan to enter into a Contract between the Town of South Windsor and the South Windsor Town Employees Bargaining Unit, SEIU/AFL-CIO Local 760, said contract to be in effect from July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2013.

V.      Discussion Item:  Tax Relief for Certain Homeowners Age 65 or Over or Permanently and Totally Disabled (Requested by Councillor Hale)

W.      Discussion Item:  Vision Statement for the Town of South Windsor (requested by Councillor Prague)

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Regular Meeting – Town Council
January 4, 2010

17.     New Business

* A.    Resolution Accepting the Resignation of Roy Szoka (R) from the Inalnd Wetlands/Conservation Commission
        (Councillor Delnicki)

BE IT RESOLVED that the south Windsor Town Council hereby accepts with regret, the resignation of Roy Szoka, said resignation to be effective immediately; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council extends its thanks to Roy Szoka for the time he had dedicated to servicing his community by his membership on the Inland Wetlands/Conservation Commission.

* B.    Resolution Appointing Richard Muller (R) an Alternate to the Inland Wetlands/Conservation Commission and Postponing Consideration of this Motion until the Town Council’s Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting
        (Councillor Delnicki)

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby appoints Richard Muller (R) an Alternate to the Inland Wetlands/Conservation Commission for a term ending December 1, 2011 to fill the unexpired term of Roy Szoka and postponing consideration until the Town Council’s next regularly scheduled meeting.

 C.    Resolution Approving the Creation of a “Search Committee” of the Town Council to Develop, Distribute, and Review Requests for Proposals for a Town Attorney
(Deputy Mayor Havens)

WHEREAS, the term of the current Town Attorney will end on March 20, 2010; and

WHEREAS, the South Windsor Town Council feels it is imperative that legal services and advice on municipal matters be available to Town staff, elected officials, and Board and Commission Members

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)

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Regular Meeting – Town Council
January 4, 2010

17.     C.      (Continued)

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council approves the creation of a “Town Attorney Search Committee” whose Members consist of Mayor Pelkey, Councillor Favreau, Councillor McCann and Councillor Delnicki, and whose charge will be to develop, distribute, and review upon their return all “Requests for Proposals” submitted for the position of Town Attorney; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, upon completion of this review, the South Windsor Town Council will choose and appoint, by Resolution, an attorney, or law firm, deemed most suitable by the Committee for the position of Town Attorney.

D.      Resolution Approving the Transfer of $5,200.00 from the Contingency Account to the Town Council’s Fees and Memberships Account
        (Councillor Delnicki)

        BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby approves a transfer of $5,200.00 from the Contingency Account to the Town Council’s Fees and Memberships Account to cover the membership fee for Metro Hartford Alliance.

E.      Resolution to Reconsider a Previously Approved Motion from the December 21, 2009 Meeting to Reduce the Board of Education Budget for Fiscal Year 2009/2010
(Councillor Prague)

WHEREAS, at the December 21, 2009 meeting the Town Council approved a resolution to reduce the Board of Education budget for fiscal year 2009/2010 by $1,834,504., the amount funded through the federal ARRA program; and

WHEREAS, it is the Town Council’s wish to reconsider this previously approved resolution; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Education, through an approved resolution, agreed to return approximately $1.8 million in ARRA funding to the Town as received from the State Government

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)

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Regular Meeting – Town Council
January 4, 2010

17.     E.      (Continued)

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that it is in the best interest of the Town of South Windsor and Board of Education to allow a previous agreement between the Town Manager of South Windsor and the Superintendent for the Board of Education to stand

 F.    Resolution Address the Expected Shortfall in Revenues for the 2010/2011 Budget
        (Councillor McCann)

        WHEREAS, the Governor of the State of Connecticut has notified the State Legislature of projected budget shortfalls for fiscal years ending in 2010 and 2011, and is implementing substantial budget reductions for the State, and has called for additional major budget tightening for the next two fiscal years; and 

        WHEREAS, the Town of South Windsor receives a substantial portion of its revenues each year from the State of Connecticut, which may be lowered as a result of budget reductions by the State; and

        WHEREAS, the Town Manager of South Windsor has reported to Council an expectation of lower revenues from a variety of sources in the current fiscal year and for the next fiscal year; and

        WHEREAS, Council wishes to prepare in advance for anticipated lower revenues, and avoid budget deficits

        NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that effective immediately upon passage of this resolution:

  • The Town of South Windsor shall institute a hiring freeze until further
notice.  No full time or part time positions, except positions which are funded by programmatic fees, shall be filled without further
        action of the Council.

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)

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Regular Meeting – Town Council
January 4, 2010

17.     F.      (Continued)

  • Neither the Manager nor any Department Head of the Town shall
        authorize overtime other than on a critical need basis until further action
        by Council.  To the extent possible, the Department shall adjust their
        shifts to provide necessary coverage without overtime.  The Manager
        shall direct the Department Heads to provide the Manager with periodic
        written reports of overtime which they deem to be a critical need.  The
        Manager shall make the determination of what is and what is not a critical
        need.  The Manager shall report monthly to Council with a statement of
        critical need overtime.

        3.      The Town of South Windsor shall cancel all out-of-state travel by Town
                personnel, including trips for seminars, training, “fact-finding”, marketing,
        etc. until further action by Council.  To the extent that previously planned out-of-state training is available at a substantial savings to the Town through the alternative means of video conferencing, teleconferencing, the internet, or similar means, Town personnel shall utilize such alternative means.

4.      No vehicles or equipment shall be ordered or purchased at a cost of more than $5,000 without prior notification to Council.

5.      The Manager shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that the total actual expenditures for fiscal year ending June 30, 2010 is below budgeted amounts

6.      This Resolution shall expire on June 30, 2010, unless extended by Council.

G.      Resolution Authorizing the Transfer of $45,000.00 from the Contingency Account to the Volunteer Abatement Account and Approving the Payment of $45,000.00 from the Volunteer Abatement Account to the South Windsor Volunteer Fire Department Inc.
(Councillor Favreau)

WHEREAS, the Town of South Windsor wishes to provide funds to the South Windsor Volunteer Fire Department Inc., in lieu of tax abatements, said funds to be distributed as deemed appropriate by the Town Manager and Fire Chief

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)

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Regular Meeting – Town Council
January 4, 2010

17.     G.      (Continued)

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council authorizes the transfer of $45,000.00 from the Contingency Account to the Volunteer Abatement Account; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the South Windsor Town Council authorizes the payment of $45,000.00 from the Volunteer Abatement Account to the South Windsor Volunteer Fire Department Inc. in lieu of tax abatements, said funds to be distributed as deemed appropriate by the Town Manager and Fire Chief.

H.      Resolution Approving a Refund of Taxes to Forty-Nine (49) South Windsor Taxpayers
        (Councillor Hale)

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council approves a refund of property taxes to forty-nine (49) South Windsor Taxpayers, the total of said refunds being $4,249.51, and as more fully described on attached Exhibit A.

18.     Passage of Ordinance

19.     Communications and Petitions from Council (Continued)
[This Agenda Item permits continued communications not covered under Item #13 due to time restraints.]

20.     Communications and Reports from Town Manager (Continued)
[This Agenda Item permits continued communications not covered under Item #10 due to time restraints.]

21.     Executive Session

A.      Discuss Personnel Issue - Town Clerk

22.     Adjournment

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