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Town Council Agenda 11/09/2009


TOWN COUNCIL                                                        ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING
COUNCIL CHAMBERS                                                               NOVEMBER 9, 2009
SOUTH WINDSOR TOWN HALL                                                   TIME:  8:00 P. M.

 1.     Call Meeting to Order

2.     Invocation

3.     Administering of Oath of Office to Town Council Members by the Town Clerk

4.     Election of a Mayor by the Town Council for a Term of Office Ending November 7, 2011, or until a Successor is Chosen and Seated

5.     Election of a Deputy Mayor by the Town Council for a Term of Office Ending November 7, 2011, or until a Successor is Chosen and Seated

6.     Appointment of a Clerk of the Council by the Town Council

7.     Resolution Accepting the Resignation of Janice E. Favreau (D) from the Human Relations Commission

8.     Setting of a Time and Place for Regular Council Meetings

9.     Adoption of Rules and Procedures for the Town Council which Include the Method for the Calling of Special Meetings

10.     Administering of Oath of Office to Other Elected Officials by the Town Clerk

11.     Remarks by the New Mayor

12.     Adjournment

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TOWN COUNCIL                                             ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING
COUNCIL CHAMBERS                                                         NOVEMBER 9, 2009

1.      Call Meeting to Order

Town Clerk Gretchen Bickford calls the meeting to order; and introduces Pastor Randall Pekari, Pastor of Our Savior Lutheran Church.

2.      Invocation

3.      Administering of Oath of Office to Town Council Members by the Town Clerk

                Gary Bazzano
                Thomas Delnicki
                Janice E. Favreau
                Edward F. Havens
                Kathryn  Hale
                Kevin McCann
                John P. Pelkey
                Cary Prague   
                Keith Yagaloff   

4.      Election of a Mayor by the Town Council for a Term of Office Ending November 7, 2011 or until a Successor is Chosen and Seated

Town Clerk Gretchen Bickford calls for nominations for election of a Mayor by the Town Council for a term of office ending November 7, 2011, or until a successor is chosen and seated.

Councillor Havens: Motion to nominate John Pelkey as Mayor for a term ending November 7, 2011, or until a successor is chosen and seated.

Councillor Delnicki:  Seconds the nomination of John Pelkey as Mayor for a term ending November 7, 2011, or until a success is chosen and seated.

The Town Clerk asks if there are any further nominations; and, if not, she calls for a vote on the nomination.

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Town Council Organizational Meeting
Program and Resolutions
November 9, 2009

5.      Election of a Deputy Mayor by the Town Council for a Term of Office Ending November 7, 2011, or until a Successor is Chosen and Seated

The Mayor calls for nominations for election of a Deputy Mayor by the Town Council for a term of office ending November 7, 2011, or until a successor is chosen and seated.

Councillor Yagaloff:  Motion to nominate Edward Havens as Deputy Mayor for a term of office ending November 7, 2011, or until a successor is chosen and seated.

The Mayor calls for a second of the nomination.

The Mayor asks if there are any further nominations; and, if not, he calls for a vote on the nomination.

6.      Appointment of a Clerk of the Council by the Town Council

Councillor Prague:  Motion to appoint Deborah W. Reid as Clerk of the Council for a term ending November 7, 2011, or until a successor is chosen and seated.

The Mayor calls for a second of the nomination.

The Mayor calls for a vote on the nomination.

7.      Resolution Accepting the Resignation of Janice Favreau (D) from the Human Relations Commission

Councillor Hale:  BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council accepts the resignation of Janice Favreau from the Human Relations Commission, said resignation to be effective immediately.

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Town Council Organizational Meeting
Program and Resolutions
November 9, 2009

8.      Setting of a Time and Place for Regular Council Meeting

Councillor McCann:  BE IT RESOLVED that the next Regular Meeting of the South Windsor Town Council be set for Monday, November 16, 2009, at 8:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers of the South Windsor Town Hall; and the previous Council schedule of Regular Meetings be adopted pending Council approval of permanent Rules and Procedures.

9.      Adoption of Rules and Procedures for the Town Council which Include the Method for the Calling of Special Meetings

Councillor Bazzano:  BE IT RESOLVED that the Rules and Procedures of the previous Council be adopted as this Council’s Rules, including the method for the calling of Special Meetings.

10.     Administering of Oath of Office to Other Elected Officials by the Town Clerk

Town Clerk Gretchen Bickford administers the Oath of Office to those present of the following listed elected officials:

Town Treasurer:

Penny Hill

Board of Education

Sheila A. Appleton
Diane F. Behler
Carol M. Driscoll
David S. Joy
Timothy Paul Kenefick
Richard J. Mabey
Lisa M. Maneeley
Brian L. Salerno
Janice A. Snyder

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Town Council Organizational Meeting
Program and Resolutions
November 9, 2009

10.     (Continued)

        Planning and Zoning

        Patrick L. Kennedy
           Elizabeth A. Kuehnel
           Timothy Moriarty
           Lavina M. Wilson


                Peter T. Anthony, Sr.
                Audrey J. Delnicki
                Sandra C. Jeski
                Jay G. Murtha
                Daniel W. Seypura

                Board of Selectmen

                Peter T. Anthony, Jr.
                       Paul Burnham
                James H. Throwe

11.     Remarks by the New Mayor

12.     Adjournment

Councillor Favreau:  Motion to adjourn the Organizational Meeting.

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