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Town Council Minutes 3/25/2015


ROOM ALT. 6                                                                           DATE:  MARCH 25, 2015
TIMOTHY EDWARDS MIDDLE SCHOOL                                             TIME:  7:00 P.M.

1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Anwar called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

2.      Roll Call

                        Town Council

Members Present:        Mayor Saud Anwar
        Deputy Mayor Edward Havens
        Councilor Thomas Delnicki
        Councilor Carolyn Mirek
        Councilor Andrew Paterna
        Councilor Liz Pendleton
        Councilor Matthew Riley
        Councilor Janice Snyder
        Councilor Steve Wagner

Also Present:           Town Manager, Matthew B. Galligan

                        Board of Education

Members Present:        Chairperson David Joy
                                Joseph Durette
                                Jamie Gamble
                                Michael Gonzelez
Philip Koboski
Richard Stahr
Craig Zimmerman

Members Absent: Vice Chairperson Lisa Maneeley
                                Michael Gonzelez
Also Present:           Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kate Carter
                                Asst. Superintendent Daniel Hansen
                                Asst. Superintendent Colin McNamara
                                Chris Chermerka, Business Manager


3.      Public Participation

Mr. Michael Berghuis, 18 Mountain View Road came forward and explained that his home is adjacent to the field at the High School.  Mr. Berghuis stated that he does not support having the artificial turf placed on the field at the High School.  Different concerns the neighborhood would like answered are how much will this field be used, will there be non-Board of Education events held on this field, will different Town’s be allowed to use this field, and how will the noise concerns be addressed.

4.      Items for Discussion

  • Board of Education Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2015/2016
Chairman Joy welcomed the Council to the Board of Education meeting room.  Chairman Joy explained that he presented the budget to the Council recently and is ready to answer any questions the Town Council may have regarding the proposed budget.

Deputy Mayor Havens requested that Chairman Joy give a brief overview of the proposed Board of Education budget.

Chairman Joy stated that as is done every year, the Board of Education provided Dr. Carter with Budget Guidelines for the development of the Superintendent’s Budget.  An additional guideline for this budget is to anticipate the resources required to support initiatives that the Board was likely to include in the 2015/2016 Strategic Plan.  The Board of Education’s three year Strategic Plan continues with the same broad themes of previous Strategic Plans, which are Curriculum, Instruction, and the Assessment of Learning; Professional Learning; and Scientific Research-Based Intervention.  The Board of Education is proposing an operating budget of $71,694,151 which represents an increase of $3,138,584 or a 4.58%.  The budget is distributed by expense type consisting of Instruction (62%); Staff Services (20%); Facilities (8%); Student Services (6%); and District Administration (4%).  The major drivers of this budget are Staff Services; Special Programs; and New Investments in the budget.  Chairman Joy reviewed new additional items that are being put into this budget.

(Discussion Continued on Next Page)


4.      A.      (Continued)

Answering questions from the Council, Dr. Carter explained that other districts are facing the same challenges as South Windsor with special education costs.  It is difficult to predict what will be necessary each year because scenarios change.  This year and last year there was a deficit in special education.  In the budget there is an increase of an FTE in this budget.  The requested budget increase last year was 1.94% and with an additional cut was down $438,000 or 1.29%.  The Town Council cut the budget further by $432,000 which left the Board of Education with a 0.63% increase.   The major drivers of the increase of $3,138,584 are Staff Services, Special Education and the new investments.  The new investments include School Safety, Additional School Psychologist, Additional English Learner Teacher, and Special Education Teacher for the Medially Fragile Program, half time BCBA, computing devices for 9th grade students, three FTE’s at the high school, and STEM Pilot Teacher.   The total cost of the new investments is $666,000 which also includes two LPN’s.  The new initiatives will reach approximately 1,956 students.  Just to open the doors and meet contractual obligations and other requirements, the budget increase would be $2.4 million dollars or 3.61%.  Dr. Carter explained the STEM program further.  This would be a program offered to children in Kindergarten through 5th grade and there will resources in the building were someone is focusing on science, technology, engineering and math rather than a teacher trying to squeeze it into the rest of the curriculum.  This will help students get ready for Middle School and High School with programs that already exist.  Mr. Hansen added that this program would be scheduled as part of a student’s week and is a special that the teacher will attend with students.  Dr. Carter explained to the Council that the Career Pathways Program focuses on High School students and is designed for both kids who want to go to college and kids who do not want to go to college.  This opportunity will give more information to students to make that decision.  The Board of Education is trying to find areas of interests for kids.   The Board of Education is requesting three FTE’s for this area which will help with the creation of an eight period day that will allow students to take more classes.

Councilor Wagner stated that the proposed increase of 4.58% will raise the mill rate 3.5%.  The General Government proposed increase is approximately 4%.  If both requests are given that would be approximately a 6% increase to the mill rate.  All of the programs that have been discussed are wonderful, but the mill rate increase would be a detriment to a lot of residents.  The Town Council will have to make some tough decisions.

(Discussion Continued on Next Page)


4.      A.      (Continued)

Dr. Carter explained that the Magnet School can impact the Board of Education budget through tuition which reduces the ECS funding and transportation.  The district is not required to pay for transportation out of Town but is required to pay for transportation in Town.  When a student who is in special education attends a Magnet School, the Board of Education still has the cost of special education.  Also Special Education staff spends a lot of time driving to Magnet Schools to attend PPT meetings which is inefficient use of staff.  Dr. Carter explained that she has encouraged staff to find a better way to handle these meetings.  The number of students going to Two Rivers Magnet Schools began the year at 150 and is down to 23 at this time.  If more Magnet Schools are built, there will be more students who may attend.  

Councilor Mirek stated that she is in favor of starting a STEM program and also felt that school security is a priority.

Dr. Carter told the Council that as part of the Board of Education’s Strategic Plan, within the three year plan World Language at the elementary level will be implemented into the curriculum.  This is not proposed in this budget, but it is part of the three year plan.  

Councilor Mirek felt that the Board of Education should consider using some solar power to save costs.  Ms. Chemerka explained that the Board of Education did review programs through C L & P and were approved to do a couple of buildings but the projects never did get picked up.  Dr. Carter stated that the time was not right to do some of the roofs because of the age of the roofs.  There are a variety of mechanisms that could be done to save energy and will be looked at further in the future.  

Councilor Mirek stated that she appreciates all of the work that was done on this budget but will find it very challenging where to cut back.

Answering further questions, Dr. Carter stated that there is a cost to have students go to a Magnet School.  Dr. Carter said she would get that information to the Council after it is calculated out.  When South Windsor was first involved, there was over crowding in our schools and it may have been cost effective to have students attend the Magnet Schools.  There have been significant State dollars spent on these facilities.

(Discussion Continued on Next Page)


4.      A.      (Continued)

Mr. Hansen told the Council that when he came to the district in 1990 there was a small program for English Learners where part time tutors were hired.  Today the English Learners Program has two Certified Teachers and in this budget a third teacher is being requested.  

Dr. Carter explained that the Unexpended Education Fund account which is a non-lapsing account for Special Education has approximately $370,000 in the account. The account is not designed to contain costs, but is designed to respond to contingencies.  This account would be used If there were several outplacements that the budget could not cover.   It is hopeful that Special Education can be covered under the current operating budget.  There are School Resource Officers at the Middle School and at the High School and there are four Safety Officers at the High School.  The positions are very different.  Dr. Carter explained that there is a newsletter that went out to the community regarding the progress of the new elementary school.  As indicated in the newsletter, more newsletters will be sent out.  There was a neighborhood meeting when the site was being reviewed.  The Architects are working on another community meeting that would have drawings and more details for people to review.  There is an organization in Town that is interested in this project and has provided information to the community.

Councilor Wagner stated that there are other ways to do solar such as Virtual Net Metering which can be discussed in the future.

Dr. Carter stated that if she were able to discuss mandates, the primary mandate that is a problem is in Special Education.  It is a very inefficient policy to fund and manage in the State of Connecticut.  Another issue she would discuss would be the unintended consequences of well intentioned bills and there are many bills that are well intended that become very cumbersome to manage.  Staff is necessary for these mandates which creates a cost.  School systems are continuing to increase staff due to these mandates even though the original vision was not to require more staffing.

(Discussion Continued on Next Page)


4.      A.      (Continued)

Chairperson Joy explained that Connecticut is just one of a handful of States where the burden of proof for Special Education falls onto the district regardless of who requested the hearing.  In most States it is the plaintiff that has the burden of proof.  It would cost Connecticut nothing to change this.  special educators are sensitive to the fact that since the districts have the burden of proof, it does factor into the accommodations that are provided to parents and their children.  The Education Committee has heard this bill in the past and has refused to let it out of Committee.   Mr. Koboski added that he was able to go to the Cave Day on the Hill today and this item was brought up numerous times.  The burden on the Board of Education where enrollments are going down, but costs are going up.  It is a problem throughout the State.

Answering questions, Dr. Carter stated that the Medically Fragile Program is under Special Education.  Ms. Chemerka said she would get the Council the number of students at the Middle School and High School.  There are no new mandates on school security.  The request is the Board of Education being responsible and having the ability to monitor the hallways.  It is hopeful that in a short amount of time there will be a transition from text books to technology, but text book companies still have a strong hold on districts right.  Ms. Chemerka explained that Pupil Services and Special Education added together make up special programs.  Dr. Carter stated that there are increases across the State in the English Language Learner program and this is not unique to South Windsor.  Mr. Hansen added that there are sixty nine different languages spoken in the households in South Windsor.  Dr. Carter said South Windsor’s program supports families, not just students with a series of evening events.  

Ms. Chemerka indicated that the Board of Education presently has a deficit of $350,000 in Special Education and it is anticipated that any surplus would go towards that deficit.  Dr. Carter stated that the Board of Education anticipates that the personnel accounts will have a savings.  There have been commitments towards the softball field and the funding of the pension contribution.

(Discussion Continued on Next Page)


4.      A.      (Continued)

Councilor Riley praised the Board of Education for a well thought out budget proposal.  Education is the most important issue in Town and brings families to the Town.  Councilor Riley discussed the eight period schedule.  Dr. Carter explained that there is one other Town in South Windsor’s DRG that is not on an 8 period schedule.  South Windsor needs to deliver more quality and quantity of electives.

Mr. Hansen explained that it varies how long a student will stay in the English Language Learner program.  The earlier the student begins to learn English the more quickly that they will acclimate to the typical class room which is true for any language.  In the future there will be a request to have World Language as early as Kindergarten.  After a student exits the program, they are monitored for two years.  

The cost per student in the District Reference Group (DRG) which South Windsor is in the DRG B is in the middle of the group statewide.  Having a nurse for support of a student is the schools obligation if it is in the IEP.  The Board of Education asks families if the Town can apply for reimbursement from Medicare.

Chairman Joy explained that the Board is looking to improve athletic facilities, specifically outdoor fields which is in the Strategic Plan.  The Board has not had any conversations regarding the artificial turf field at the High School, but is interested in the improvement and having discussions.  Dr. Carter added that having it in the Strategic Plan shows the Board of Educations support.  The staff is waiting eagerly to hear from the Council.  

Dr. Carter stated that while her job is to advocate for the school and its students, she is aware of the competing demands and the Board of Education will work with the budget given to them.  The High School is waiting to know where the budget stands due to the creation of student schedules.

Chairman Joy suggested that a different process be followed this year because of the amount being requested by each the Town and Board of Education.  Chairman Joy stated he is open to ideas on how things can be done differently so the budget amounts are understood earlier in the process.

(Discussion Continued on the Next Page)


4.      A.      (Continued)

Mayor Anwar stated that we all have difficult jobs in regards with the budget.  The Board of Education needs to fill their obligation to all the students and there are limitations placed on the Board of Education.  The Town has tried to increase revenue in order to allow for additional budget items.  The Town Council will work hard on this budget and do their best for the community.

Deputy Mayor Havens said the Town Council has a hard responsibility and will not be able to satisfy everyone.  The Town Council needs to figure out what needs to be eliminated out of each budget.

Chairman Joy thanked the Council for a very good meeting and for their hard work in this process

5.      Executive Session


6.      Adjournment

Deputy Mayor Havens made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:28 p.m. Councilor Snyder seconded the motion; and it was approved, unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah W. Reid
Clerk of the Council