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Town Council Work Session Minutes 12/16/2013

TOWN COUNCIL                                                 MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2013
COUNCIL CHAMBERS                                                                   TIME:  7:00 P.M.

1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Anwar called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

2.      Roll Call

Members Present:        Mayor M. Saud Anwar
        Deputy Mayor Edward Havens
        Councilor Thomas Delnicki
        Councilor Carolyn Mirek
        Councilor Liz Pendleton (arrived at 7:54 p.m.)
        Councilor Cary Prague
        Councilor Janice Snyder
        Councilor Stephen Wagner
        Councilor Keith Yagaloff

Also Present:           Matthew B. Galligan, Town Manager

3.      Public Participation

Mr. Don Gonsalves, 40 Bayberry Trail requested to speak after the Economic Development issue.

Mr. Carl Werkhoven, 68 Oakwood Drive came before the Town Council and returned the proclamation that was given to him by the Town because he felt his work is not done and would like to receive this proclamation when his work is complete.  Mr. Werkhoven explained to the Council that he tried to get permits to put signs up but was told that he could not get a permit unless he was part of an organization or business.  There are four signs in the back of his truck which will stay there and are legal.  Mr. Werkhoven thanked Mr. Kelly and his daughter for allowing him to be on their property but they did receive complaints from their tenants so he would not be on the property any longer.  There was a gentleman at the Town Hall that complaint that there were dog feces under the Christmas tree where I protesting distracted driving.  Mr. Werkhoven explained that any time he has an animal he picks up the feces from these animals, except from his horse which he is not required to.

Mr. Mike Sullivan, 24 Jared Court requested that as part of the discussion regarding exploring economic development in the region and for South Windsor include procedures of the Town Council and associated agencies to offer tax abatements to businesses.  Mr. Sullivan also stated that the Town recently had a developer that pulled out of a project at Evergreen Walk which consisted of residential mixed use development.  The proposal consisted of 200 apartments which Mr. Galligan stated was not enough.  Mr. Sullivan questioned how this information comes about, is it what the developer tells the Town?  What is that the Town Council does to satisfy themselves as to what is the appropriate scale for a development and tax abatements?  What benefit comes to the Town?


3.      Public Participation

Mr. Richard Grigorian, 369 Main Street came before the Town Council to give an update.  Mr. Grigorian explained that he had met with the Town Manager and Mr. Ray Favreau.  Mr. Favreau stated he did not feel that the need for additional fields were necessary.  The property on Nevers Road where the fields are proposed can not become 100% passive/active recreation.  There is a dual use for the property and part of that use was for preservation of farmland or open space.  The CREC School is allowing the Town to use two fields that have been built there.  There is not a need for the proposed additional athletic fields and should not happen.

Mr. Matthew Riley, 12 Heatherwood Drive stated that the need for fields has been established and the Town Council approved the use of the 11 acres for the installation of fields.  Mr. Favreau was a member of the Athletic Fields Subcommittee.  This is the third meeting in a row where there is a resolution on the table regarding a STEAP grant application for the Old Post Office.  This project has not been well vetted and there is mention in the resolution of creating a regional EOC.  Mr. Riley stated he supports an EOC but has not heard any discussion regarding a Regional EOC, so he feels greater discussion needs to occur.  The Council has already directed the Town Manager to use 2014 STEAP Grant Application for the field’s project.  The field project proposal was discussed at length for over 18 months and was scaled back from the original recommendation.  If the Town Council is going to use the 2014 STEAP Grant for another purpose, first the Town Council needs to tell the Town Manager how he is going to fund the previously approved development of that 11 acres including the installation of a synthetic turf field which is a need in the community.  

Ms. Cindy Beaulieu, 19 Cody Circle came forward and reminded the Town Council that the field’s project was approved and this is not the time to reopen this project.  Ms. Beaulieu also stated that she does not like the fact that Mr. Favreau was quoted tonight and he is not here to give his own opinion, the Town Council should question Mr. Favreau themselves.  The EOC/Business Incubator use of the Old Post Office is a project that has not been vetted.  There has not been a subcommittee or discussion but suddenly a request for a STEAP grant is necessary which was already targeted for the field’s project.  Ms. Beaulieu expressed disappointment that the Town Council did in fact pass the Hiring/Spending Freeze which will tie the Town Manager’s hands.  There has not been enough information from the revenue side that would indicate that this is the time to do that.  Another item tonight on the agenda is to form a subcommittee to assist with economic development.  There is a need to work on economic development in South Windsor and Ms. Beaulieu stated she would like to hear from the Town Manager and Shari Fiveash on this item.


4.      Communications

Councilor Wagner stated he met with the Park & Recreation Commission.  The Park & Recreation Commission is drafting an Ordinance which will require any projects or proposals that are recreational related to go through their Commission.  The Town Attorney is reviewing that Ordinance before it comes to the Council.  The Park & Recreation Commission has invited the Board of Education to provide their Commission with a Liaison because they have a lot of interaction with the Board of Education.  The Park & Recreation Commission has requested that the Athletic Fields Subcommittee be a subcommittee of the Park & Recreation Commission.  There has been a request for a Frisbee field which the Park & Recreation Commission is reviewing.  The Planning & Zoning Commission has a meeting with Emily Hultquist to talk about Sustainable Land Use and how the zoning regulations effect sustained land use.  There was also a plan with Planimetrics regarding improvements in the Town Center.  The South Windsor Town Council Rules and Procedures will be put on the website as soon as the latest changes are complete.

Councilor Yagaloff stated he is not interested in an Ordinance requiring that everything go through Park & Recreation Commission which would be binding on the Town Council.  The Town Council should not be expending Town Attorney fees drafting an Ordinance unless the Town Council wishes to have the Ordinance come before the Council.  The concept that the Athletic Fields Subcommittee becoming a subcommittee of the Park & Recreation Commission, Councilor Yagaloff stated he is not interested in this either.  If the Town Council wants to establish a subcommittee for any purpose that should be the Town Council’s subcommittee that would report back to the Town Council.  Councilor Yagaloff also voiced concern with the Park & Recreation Commission is not providing Town Council members with information they have requested without getting the Council as a whole to request that information.  Councilor Yagaloff suggested that the Park & Recreation Commission come to the next Town Council meeting to give an explanation regarding their concerns.  

Councilor Snyder questioned if the Park & Recreation Commission requesting an Ordinance so that all projects have to go through them?  Mr. Wagner stated that was correct.  Councilor Snyder stated she would like to discuss this issue further later in the meeting.

5.      Town Manager’s Report

This item will be discussed in the Regular Meeting


6.      Items for Discussion

A.      Economic Development in the Region (requested by Mayor Anwar – Peter DeMallie owner of Design Professionals, Inc. to be present)

Mr. DeMallie, President of Design Professional, Inc. came before the Town Council to discuss Economic Development in the Region.  Mr. DeMallie informed the Council of the number of Regional Committees that he serves on.  Mr. DeMallie then explained that South Windsor is part of the Hartford Region and if the region is healthy, South Windsor will do well but if the regions economy is lacking, South Windsor’s economy will falter as well.  South Windsor is doing well within our region, but others are recovering at a faster rate, especially out of State.  South Windsor is in need of attracting businesses and the young work force.  Organizations such as the Hartford/Springfield economic partnership have been working to rebrand this area as something much larger and more relevant to the nation and to the some extent the international market place.  Three regions, Hartford/Springfield/New Haven have consolidated into a single large area called New England’s Knowledge Corridor.  The total population of this region is 2,774,471 which make it the twentieth largest market in the United States.  The land area that comprises of the Knowledge Corridor is about 4,000 square miles.  The population density is about 700 people per square mile.  Metro Hartford/Springfield/New Haven is the largest single metropolitan area in this country without professional sports teams which is hurting efforts to recruit and retain employers, businesses and young professionals.  The Knowledge Corridor has 1,247,106 employees and also has 41 colleges and universities within the region.  There are 215,000 college students which employers want to be near.  The Knowledge Corridor is building a commuter rail system with 25 daily trains connecting Hartford with Springfield and New Haven.  This will become operational in late 2016.  This is a major development for our region and is going to be a game changer to some degree but needs to be built upon.  The Knowledge Corridor is also building a bus rapid transit line which will become operational in 2015.  There is talk of extending Boston’s commuter rail line beyond Worchester to Springfield thus connecting the Knowledge Corridor new commuter rail line, not only with New York via New Haven, but also with the Boston area via Springfield.  There is also talk of connecting our new rail system with Montreal through Vermont.  Businesses and individuals will want access to such and integrated network and there will be another reason for individuals and businesses to locate here.  Both major transit projects are on the other side of the Connecticut River from South Windsor and as a result South Windsor does not have descent connection to them.  South Windsor needs to be a part of the regions improving transit system for its residents, employees and employers and needs to have an intertown system.  South Windsor is also in need of housing for young professionals.  Both these suggestions will enhance South Windsor’s economy as well as working with other communities to enhance Bradley International Airport to have more direct flights and more routes.  


6.      A.      (Continued)

At 8:00 p.m. Mayor Anwar called to recess the Work Session in order to call the Regular Meeting to order.  The Work Session reconvened t 8:04 p.m.

Councilor Mirek stated that she was on the Mass Transit Transportation Commission and when that Commission explored adding bus routes in South Windsor, they were told by large employers that none of their employees use it.  

Mr. DeMallie explained that he feels people are not using the bus routes because they are too slow and infrequent.  If South Windsor entertained the notion of having enhanced bus transit system that connects to other faster routes and faster services it could help employers in South Windsor attract employees who may have the skill sets that they are looking for.  Another aspect of the bus transportation is that safe shelter for people using the bus system needs to be constructed.  

Deputy Mayor Havens explained that this idea goes back 10-20 years and has never been solved.  Both apartments for the younger community and a bus route in South Windsor would help South Windsor’s economy.  Another item that would help South Windsor is having the Hartford Courant participate in the growth of East of the River.

Mr. DeMallie felt that working with other organizations and communities through CRCOG would help to solve some issues.

Council members discussed the need for South Windsor to develop affordable apartments for the young work force which in turn would attract employers.  Mr. DeMallie also mentioned that incentives need to be made available to attract businesses.

Mayor Anwar informed the Council of the number of residents that commute out of South Windsor every day and go to different communities is as follows:

  • 2,335 to Hartford
  • 1,053 to Manchester
  • 955 to East Hartford
  • 655 to Windsor
The number of individuals that come from different communities to work in South Windsor is as follows:

  • 988 from Manchester
  • 745 from East Hartford
  • 596 from Vernon
  • 585 from Hartford


6.      A.      (Continued)

The number of people that live in South Windsor and work in South Windsor is 1,664.

Councilor Wagner felt that having bus transportation to and from South Windsor would be an investment for the future and would help to attract people to different job opportunities in South Windsor as well as help attract business to South Windsor.  Councilor Wagner added that the Planning & Zoning Commission designs the Town and as their work goes forward it has the potential for changing the charter of the community.

B.      Campaign for No Texting While Driving (Dennis Sheridan from Human Services to be present)

Mr. Dennis Sheridan from the South Windsor Human Services Department came before the Council and explained that the Human Services Department working collaboratively with the School System campaign to raise awareness about distracted driving.  There are a number of programs that have been established.

Ms. Liz Langevin from the Human Services Department explained that for the past 10 years Youth and Family Services along with the High School, Police Department and the Ambulance Services have coordinated “Broken Dreams” which is a program where students and families safely learn the tragic consequences of risky behaviors including distracted and impaired driving and how poor decision making affects all of us.  The program happens every two years to reach all High School Juniors and Seniors who are out on the road.  The program is funded through grants and donations.  In September, Youth and Family Services held a program called Coffee Cups and Conversations along with the schools and Police Department.  The group met three times and this program gave parents the chance to learn about teens and the law and how to keep kids safe.  On November 7th, Youth and Family Services parenting program, SWAN, hosted a free presentation at the Library regarding teen driving.  It was presented by Tim Hollister who is a parent that lost his son in a tragic car accident and Gary Lapidus with the Department of Public Health.  The presentation included a lot of research on teen motor vehicle crashes and the importance of parents to be educated on the dangers of teen driving.

Ms. Kathy Reed, School Outreach Specialist for South Windsor Youth and Family Services explained that Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) is a club at South Windsor High School which is a National Organization.  There are 30 students from all grades in the High School that meet three to four times per month.  The club organizes programs that remind students about the dangers of distracted driving along with many other important topics.  Ms. Reed explained to the Council the different programs that have been held.


6.      B.      (Continued)

Dr. Bombara from the High School came forward and explained that he was one of the original advisors for the SADD program.  This program has grown over the years and has a great relationship with the Youth and Family Services Department.  The students talk about impaired driving, bullying, dating violence, teen depression, safe driving habits, distracted driving and many other topcis.  The program promotes leadership skills so the kids can be great role models.  On the week of February 10th there will be a program that an Insurance Company is hosting using a mobile classroom with simulated driving experiences.

Answering questions from the Council, Dr. Bombara explained that he has had extensive conversations with Mr. Werkhoven and would work with him in the future.

7.      Executive Session


8.      Adjournment

At 8:32 p.m. Councilor Delnicki made a motion to adjourn the Work Session.  Councilor Wagner seconded the motion; and it was approved unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah W. Reid
Recording Secretary