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Town Council Special Meeting Minutes 12/9/2013


Minutes Page 1  December 9, 2013

TOWN COUNCIL – Special Meeting
Council Chambers – South Windsor Town Hall

1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Anwar called the Special Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  

2.      Roll Call

Members Present:        Mayor M. Saud Anwar
        Deputy Mayor Edward Havens
        Councilor Carolyn Mirek
        Councilor Liz Pendleton
        Councilor Janice Snyder
        Councilor Stephen Wagner
        Councilor Keith Yagaloff

Members Absent: Councilor Thomas Delnicki
        Councilor Cary Prague

Also Present:   Matthew B. Galligan, Town Manager
        Kari Olson, Town Attorney

3.      Public Participation

Mr. Don Gonsalves, 40 Bayberry Trail came before the Town Council and stated that he feels the Council should eliminate Public Participation/Public Input on the Town Council agenda’s and allow the public to speak on each resolution after the Council has spoken.

Mr. Robert Dickinson, 19 Birch Road concurred with statements made by Mr. Gonsalves.

Mr. Mike Mundo, 249 Maskel Road questioned why a STEAP grant would be sought for an Emergency Operation Center when the Town already has one and would just be moving staff.  Mr. Mundo also questioned why the Council is not seeking a STEAP grant for the athletic field proposal which was approved by the Town Council.


3.      Public Participation (Continued)

Mr. Matt Riley, 12 Heatherwood Drive questioned why the resolution for a hiring/spending freeze was going forward and from a revenue standpoint where the Town is expecting lower revenues.  Mr. Riley also voiced concern and questioned why a second STEAP grant is potentially going to be requested to support the build out of the Old Post Office.  There may be a need for an Emergency Operation Center, but Mr. Riley said he would like to hear more information regarding a business incubator.  The Town Council’s job is to bring in businesses that will generate tax revenue for the Town.  The Emergency Operation Center is something that should be done regionally.  Mr. Riley felt that the Town should be moving forward with a request for STEAP grant funds for the development of athletic fields as approved by the previous Council.  There is nothing that prohibits the Town from applying for a STEAP grant for the site for the development of fields.  

Mr. Richard Grigorian, 369 Main Street came forward and stated that the original intended use of the property where the fields have been proposed was for passive recreation.  The ballot read, “Shall the resolution appropriating $3,000,000 of land for open space, recreational, and/or other public purposes and for the preservation of agricultural land pursuant to certain State programs, etc.”  It was never intended to have active recreational use for that property and 11 acres of that land must remain agricultural.  Mr. Grigorian then stated that he has been asking for the field’s actual use which he has not received.  The Town needs to show what the need is for additional fields.

Mr. Kevin McCann, 170 Lisa Drive stated that it has been reported that the property for the Connecticut Studios project has been foreclosed on by DCK.  The representative at the last meeting should have informed the Council that the foreclosure had been fully executed.  There is a resolution on the agenda tonight for a public hearing to require referendum for certain types of expenditures over $1 million dollars.  What will happen if there is a referendum for school roofs and the referendum fails.  The Council has a responsibility to take care of items such as roofs.  This proposal may have good intentions but the Council needs to think about how it will impact and restrict the Council from doing your job.  Mr. McCann then stated that the Town Council should review the use of the Old Post Office before applying for a STEAP grant funds for this item.  The State would like to see a Regional Emergency Operation Center east of the river, but if the State wants it then they should build it.  The Town currently has an Emergency Operation Center


3.      Public Participation (Continued)

Ms. Cindy Beaulieu explained to the Council that the previous Council received a legal opinion from the Town Attorney dated October 7, 2013 which concluded that the Town could construct active recreation facilities on a portion of the property that is proposed for athletic fields.  Such use falls within the recreational and/or other public purposes approved in 1987 and 1988 by the Town Council and approved by referendum.  On October 15, 2013, the Town Council approved moving forward with this project.  In that same resolution, the Town Manager was directed to apply for STEAP grant funds as a way to finance a portion of this project.  The need for fields has been established and the Council should continue to seek for other ways to finance the EOC.

4.      Communications

Councilor Mirek informed the Council that she has received a communication from Mr. Grigorian that she would like distributed to the whole Town Council.

Mr. Galligan explained to the Council that a grant can be submitted for the athletic fields but these grants go up against other grants and are rated.  Last year only seven grants were awarded and South Windsor happened to be one of them.  Mr. Galligan stated that his fear is that if the Town applies for the grant and the competition from other Towns is greater, then the Town will not receive any funds.  Also in the application process it is asked if the proposed land use require the conversion of lands currently agricultural use to a non-agricultural use.  That is already putting a red flag on the grant.  There is a way to do both projects by using both LoCIP funds and applying for STEAP funds.

Answering questions from the Council, Mr. Galligan explained that the likelihood of receiving STEAP funds for athletic fields would be very hard.  The Emergency Operations Center will not cost the Town $3 million dollars as stated previously.  The current EOC is at the Police Department in the Police Training Room which was never designed to be an EOC.  A 5,000 square foot facility is necessary to run an appropriate EOC for the Town of South Windsor.  

Councilor Yagaloff stated that he would not be able to support a resolution for the Town to apply for STEAP grant funds for the Emergency Operation Center because the previous Town Council approved the Town to apply for STEAP grant funds for the creation of athletic fields.  Projects should not be competing.


4.      Communications

Mr. Galligan suggested that at the next meeting a public hearing be set for LoCIP funding for the field project.  

Councilor Snyder stated that she also feels that the field’s project should move forward and a STEAP grant should be applied for as approved by the previous Council.  The Town will be receiving LoCIP in the next budget cycle and those funds should be used for an EOC because an EOC is an important issue.

Councilor Pendleton stated that an EOC is a priority issue for the Town.  Can the State help financially with an EOC?  Mr. Galligan explained that the Director of Finance is reviewing this issue.  The whole purpose is for South Windsor to have an EOC and then the other uses for this building can be reviewed.  

Deputy Mayor Havens explained that the purpose of purchasing the Old Post Office was to provide future accommodations for the crowding of Town Hall and should be used for as many uses as possible.

Councilor Mirek felt that when there is funding for a project, that project should be completed before looking at other projects.  Requesting another $500,000. STEAP grant may be premature.  A study on the Old Post Office should be complete before the Town moves forward with requesting funding so the Town can look at all of the options available.  

Mayor Anwar felt that the Town has wasted a lot of money taking care of the Old Post Office for the past 10 years.  An Emergency Operation Center is needed for the safety of the community.  

Mayor Anwar then stated that he attended MDC’s Board Members meeting where MDC was going to vote on the new rates that have been proposed.  South Windsor is a non-member and is being charged much more then Town’s that are members.  Other Town’s are upset with the way the rates have been handled by MDC.

On December 14th at 12:00 p.m., the American Legion will hold a program called Wreaths Across America at Veterans Memorial Park.

The Town of South Windsor is going to hold a Community Emergency Response Training on January 23, 2014.  The CERC training will be held for eight weeks where volunteers will be trained to help First Responders.


4.      Communications

Last week there was a meeting with representatives of the Water Pollution Control Authority to discuss plans and strategies for sewer user rates.  Representative from Vernon were there to explain how they handle their rates.  The Town Council will be inviting Water Pollution Control Authority to a future Town Council meeting to discuss sewer user rates.

Mayor Anwar announced that he attended a CCM meeting which provided various training and networking with other municipalities.

On December 14th it will be one year that the tragedy at Sandy Hook happened.  South Windsor sends our prayers to those affected by this tragedy.

5.      Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meetings

BEIT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council approves the minutes of the following Town Council Meetings:  Work Session Minutes of November 18, 2013; and Regular Meeting Minutes of November 18, 2013.

Was made by Councilor Mirek
Seconded by Councilor Wagner
The motion was approved, unanimously

6.      Special Old Business

A.      Resolution Concerning Nevers Park Fields Project

WHEREAS, a Request for Tax Abatement has been received from Johnson Development Associates, Inc. at 2000 and 3000 Town Center Road, South Windsor, CT; and

WHEREAS, the Town of South Windsor’s Tax Partnership program, established pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes Section 12-65b, is intended to encourage the development and expansion of quality businesses in Town through tax and other economic incentives, and is designed to retain and attract businesses that will generate substantial additional tax revenues and employment opportunities for the Town while providing quality goods and services; and

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)


6.      A.      (Continued)

WHEREAS, pursuant to said program, that a tax assessment agreement, summarized in Exhibit A, be offered to Johnson Development Associates, Inc. as an incentive to invest an estimated $26,000,000.00 in total costs, including land and building improvements, and to construct 200 individual apartment units in South Windsor (the land and building improvements collectively referred to as the “Real Property”)

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council is pleased to offer a tax assessment agreement, as summarized in Exhibit A, between the Town and Johnson Development Associates, Inc. as outlined in Exhibit A; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council’s offer is conditioned upon Johnson Development Associates, Inc. (1) meeting the estimated $26,000,000.00 in construction cost figures and agreeing to the estimated assessment figure; and (2) continuing operations at the Real Property for a minimum of ten (10) years from the date the Certificate of Occupancy is issued; if Johnson Development Associates, Inc. fails to meet either of these conditions, Johnson Development Associates, Inc. shall refund the Town of South Windsor all of the tax benefit reductions it has received; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council’s offer is contingent upon Johnson Development Associates, Inc. execution of a written agreement reflecting the terms set forth in this Resolution and such other terms as the Town may require.

Councilor Snyder made a motion to remove this item from the agenda.  Councilor Yagaloff seconded the motion.

Mr. Galligan explained that the developer was looking for a way to get 200 units constructed, but the project was too expensive so they decided that they would have to back out of the deal.

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)


6.      A.      (Continued)

Answering questions from the Council, Mr. Galligan explained that this is the third developer who has had to walk away from a project that was being proposed in this area.  

Mayor Anwar felt that the Town needs to develop a comprehensive strategy to bring business to Town.

Councilor Mirek suggested that the Town look at different developers that construct units in other Towns such as Santini in Vernon.  Mr. Galligan explained that the Planning & Zoning Commission did not like their product and it really comes down to the limited number of units that are being proposed.  The Town will need to get a special type of developer that will be willing to build only 200 units.

Mayor Anwar called for a vote on the motion; it was approved, unanimously.

7.      Special New Business

A.      Resolution Accepting the Resignation of Stephen Wagner (D) an Alternate from the Planning & Zoning Commission

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby accepts with regret, the resignation of Stephen Wagner (D) an Alternate from the Planning & Zoning Commission, said resignation effective immediately; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council extends its thanks to Stephen Wagner for the time he has dedicated to serving his community by his membership on the Planning & Zoning Commission.

Was made by Councilor Yagaloff
Seconded by Mayor Anwar
The motion was approved, unanimously


7.      New Business (Continued)

B.      Resolution Accepting the Resignation of Caroline C. Taylor (D) from the Housing Authority

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby accepts with regret, the resignation of Caroline C. Taylor (D) from the Housing Authority; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council extends its thanks to Caroline C. Taylor for the time she has dedicated to serving her community by her membership on the Planning & Zoning Commission.

Was made by Councilor Yagaloff
Seconded by Mayor Anwar
The motion was approved, unanimously

D.      Resolution Amending the South Windsor Council Rules and Procedures

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council Rules and Procedures be Amended as shown in attached Exhibit B.

Was made by Mayor Anwar
Seconded by Councilor Yagaloff

Deputy Mayor Havens stated that if the Council finds that this change does not work, the South Windsor Rules and Procedures can be reviewed again in the future and make the necessary changes.

Councilor Wagner supported the idea of allowing the public to speak on each resolution after the Council has spoken.  Councilor Yagaloff explained that there is a rule that allows for a Council member to request that a member of the public be allowed to comment.

Mayor Anwar called for a vote on the motion; it was approved, unanimously.

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)


7.      D.      (Continued)

Mr. Don Gonsalves, 40 Bayberry Trail stated that the Council should review the changes because he has no idea what is being proposed.  It also should be clarified when the public is allowed to speak.

Councilor Yagaloff explained that the proposed changes are attached to the agenda as an exhibit.  Councilor Wagner added that the South Windsor Rules and Procedures are on the website.

E.      Resolution Setting a Time and Place for a Public Hearing to Receive Citizen Input on a Proposed Ordinance Concerning Referenda for Leases or Other Expenditures having a Cost Equal to or Exceeding One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00)

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby sets Monday, January 6, 2014, at 8:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers of the South Windsor Town Hall, 1540 Sullivan Avenue, South Windsor, Connecticut as the time and place for a Public Hearing to receive citizen input on a Proposed Ordinance concerning referenda for leases or other expenditures having a cost equal to or exceeding one million dollars ($1,000,000.00).  A copy of the proposed is attached as Exhibit C., and is on file in the Office of the Town Clerk.

Was made by Councilor Snyder
Seconded by Councilor Wagner

Addressing voiced concerns, Town Attorney Kari Olson explained that this ordinance only applies to leasing expenditures.  There is an emergency expenditure that is addressed by the Town Charter and concerns regarding budget expenditures are addressed in the ordinance.  

Council members discussed changes they would like to see in the ordinance.  

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)


7.      E.      (Continued)

Councilor Snyder stated she did not feel this ordinance would be ready for a public hearing on January 6th and made an amendment to the resolution to hold the public hearing on February 18th which is the second meeting in February.  Deputy Mayor Havens seconded the amendment; and it was approved, unanimously.

Mayor Anwar called for a vote on the amended resolution; it was approved, unanimously.

The amended resolution to read as follows:

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby sets Monday, February 18, 2014, at 8:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers of the South Windsor Town Hall, 1540 Sullivan Avenue, South Windsor, Connecticut as the time and place for a Public Hearing to receive citizen input on a Proposed Ordinance concerning referenda for leases or other expenditures having a cost equal to or exceeding one million dollars ($1,000,000.00).  A copy of the proposed is attached as Exhibit B., and is on file in the Office of the Town Clerk.

F.      Resolution Instituting a Hiring/Spending Freeze

WHEREAS, the Town of South Windsor wishes to prepare in advance for low anticipated revenues and avoid budget deficits

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that effective immediately upon the passage of this resolution:

1.      The Town of South Windsor shall institute a hiring freeze until further notice.  No full-time or part-time positions, except one full-time Police Officer and two full-time Public Safety Dispatchers in the Police Department; one full-time IT Technician in the Information Technologies Department; one part-time Fire Safety Code Inspector in the Fire Marshal’s Office; one part-time Teen Center Supervisor in the Human Services Department; and positions which are funded by programmatic fees, shall be filled without further action of the Council.

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)


7.      F.      (Continued)

2.      Neither the Manager nor any Department Head of the Town shall authorize overtime other than on a critical need basis until further action by Council.  To the extent possible, the Department shall adjust their shifts to provide necessary coverage without overtime.  The Manager shall direct the Department Heads to provide the Manager with periodic written reports of overtime, which they deemed to be critical needs.  The Manager shall make the determination of what is and what is not a critical need.  The Manager shall report monthly to Council with a statement of critical need overtime.

3.      No vehicles or equipment shall be ordered or purchased at a cost of more than $5,000 without prior notification to Council.

4.      The Town of South Windsor shall cancel all out of state travel by Town personnel, including trips for seminars, training, fact finding, marketing, etc., until further action by Council.  To the extent that previously planned, out of state training is available at a substantial savings to the Town through the relative means of video conferencing, teleconferencing, internet or similar means that Town personnel shall utilize such alternative means.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Manager will take all the reasonable steps to ensure that the total actual expenditures for fiscal year ending June 30, 2014 is below amounts.  This resolution shall expire April 30, 2014 unless extended by Council.

Was made by Councilor Pendleton
Seconded by Mayor Anwar

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)


7.      F.      (Continued)

Mr. Galligan explained that the only revenue from the State that he is concerned that the Town will not get the full amount under Manufacturing Equipment and Machinery which is currently $1 million dollars.  Mr. Galligan stated that he has been told that the Town will receive approximately $900,000.  In the next budget that item will be exempt from taxes from local government.  If a freeze is going to be set, Mr. Galligan suggested that any accumulation of funds or surplus be left in the budget so the Town will have a cushion when the $1 million dollars is eliminated from the budget.  Mr. Galligan informed the Council that in the 18 years that he has been Town Manager, the budget has never been over expended.  

Mr. Galligan informed the Council that the Library also has an opening for a position so the Council may want to amend the resolution to add that position in.

Mayor Anwar stated that discussions at CCM revealed that there is an expected $1 billion dollar shortfall in the Connecticut budget.  There is also a risk that there will be less support coming from the Federal Government.  

Mr. Galligan stated that there was a strong commitment from Ben Barnes the other day that came from the Governor that Municipalities would not be affected.  The State would have to look for shortfalls within their own budget.  The Town is in good shape with the new ECS funding and there are other grants that just came out from the Governors Office and the Town is in good shape with those also.

Answering questions from the Council, Mr. Galligan explained that there are no new positions being requested.  The position at the Library is a full-time position.

Councilor Snyder informed the Council that she would not be supporting this resolution at this time.  The Town has one of the top Town Manager’s in the State who has never over expended the budget.  The Town Manager knows how to do his job.  

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)


7.      F.      (Continued)

Mayor Anwar stated that a similar resolution was proposed last year which was supported by most, if not everyone.  It was stated last year that this is not to restrict the Town Manager, but will give the Town Manager the tools to be able to have a surplus like last year.

Councilor Yagaloff felt that the Town Manager’s job is to operate the Town within the budget.  If the Town Council wants to have a policy that says the Town Council would like to put a freeze in place in order to create a surplus, or reduce spending, that is the Town Council’s job.  The Town Council should give the Town Manager direction.  Now is the time to start planning for the budget.  Councilor Yagaloff then questioned if the part-time Fire Safety Code Inspector was a grant funded position?  Mr. Galligan thought this position was a position in the Town budget but would check on that and would not hire for this position if it is not in the budget.

Councilor Yagaloff then questioned if the Library position is an existing opening that was created by someone leaving?  Mr. Galligan explained that someone left and there is an existing employee that is being trained to do that position.  

Councilor Yagaloff questioned if the salary of the position will cover the salary of the new hired position?  Ms. Mary Etter stated that it would

Councilor Yagaloff made a friendly amendment to paragraph one to include the one full-time Library Assistant/IT position.  The amendment was accepted by Councilor Pendleton.

Answering questions from the Council, Mr. Galligan explained that there is some training that staff has to go to for certification.  Those types of training programs have already been approved because the certifications have to be applied for.  One of the key training courses which have already been approved is for ADA compliance for a Recreation program.  Mr. Galligan

stated that the Town Council has never stopped staff members from going to crucial training that is necessary.  In an emergency situation, Mr. Galligan stated that he would make certain decisions that need to be made and then come back and inform the Council.

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)


7.      F.      (Continued)

Mr. Galligan stated that the only down side to a hiring freeze is that at the end of the year if there is a surplus, the Town has missed some opportunities during the freeze to get some projects done that had been budgeted for and those projects go back into the budget that is being worked on.

Councilor Wagner said that he does not like the idea of a hiring freeze because it is being used as a method of doing business, however if the Town is looking for cost savings going into the future the Town Council needs to be careful about hiring people if the position in the future could be eliminated.  Councilor Wagner felt that the Town Council should take this opportunity to take a long term look at staffing levels on a department by department basis.  Hiring has a long term impact on budgets.  At this time there does not seem to be any extraordinary reason to have a hiring/spending freeze but will support it.

Mayor Anwar stated that during the Town Council’s budget deliberations a detailed conversation on this topic could be brought forward.

Councilor Mirek stated that she does not believe the Town is over staffed and she trusts the Town Manager’s expertise.  

Mayor Anwar called for a vote on the resolution; it passed on a roll call vote of 5 to 2 with Mayor Anwar, Deputy Mayor Havens, Councilor Pendleton, Councilor Wagner and Councilor Yagaloff voting in favor of approval of the resolution; and Councilor Mirek and Councilor Snyder voting in opposition of approval of the resolution.

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)


7.      F.      (Continued)

The resolution to read as follows:

WHEREAS, the Town of South Windsor wishes to prepare in advance for low anticipated revenues and avoid budget deficits

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that effective immediately upon the passage of this resolution:

1.      The Town of South Windsor shall institute a hiring freeze until further notice.  No full-time or part-time positions, except one full-time Police Officer and two full-time Public Safety Dispatchers in the Police Department; one full-time IT Technician in the Information Technologies Department; one part-time Fire Safety Code Inspector in the Fire Marshal’s Office; one part-time Teen Center Supervisor in the Human Services Department; one full-time Library Assistant/IT position in the South Windsor Public Library and positions which are funded by programmatic fees, shall be filled without further action of the Council.

2.      Neither the Manager nor any Department Head of the Town shall authorize overtime other than on a critical need basis until further action by Council.  To the extent possible, the Department shall adjust their shifts to provide necessary coverage without overtime.  The Manager shall direct the Department Heads to provide the Manager with periodic written reports of overtime, which they deemed to be critical needs.  The Manager shall make the determination of what is and what is not a critical need.  The Manager shall report monthly to Council with a statement of critical need overtime.

3.      No vehicles or equipment shall be ordered or purchased at a cost of more than $5,000 without prior notification to Council.

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)


7.      F.      (Continued)

4.      The Town of South Windsor shall cancel all out of state travel by Town personnel, including trips for seminars, training, fact finding, marketing, etc., until further action by Council.  To the extent that previously planned, out of state training is available at a substantial savings to the Town through the relative means of video conferencing, teleconferencing, internet or similar means that Town personnel shall utilize such alternative means.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Manager will take all the reasonable steps to ensure that the total actual expenditures for fiscal year ending June 30, 2014 is below amounts.  This resolution shall expire April 30, 2014 unless extended by Council.

G.      Resolution Authorizing the Town Manager to Apply for a STEAP Gant with the State of Connecticut for Improvements to the EOC/Business Center in the Town Hall Annex

WHEREAS, the Town of South Windsor has been awarded a previous STEAP Grant from the State of Connecticut in the amount of $500,000 for the improvements to the EOC/Business Center in the Town Hall Annex; and

WHEREAS, the Town has prepared plans and specifications for an EOC/Business Center in the Town Hall Annex; and

WHEREAS, the Town wishes to move forward with this project that will positively impact the Town of South Windsor and other surrounding communities and provide a training center for disaster preparedness for these communities and business development; and

WEHREAS, the Town Council would like to apply for an additional $500,000 in STEAP funding for the next round of applications in April 2014

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council authorizes Town Manager, Matthew B. Galligan to apply for a STEAP Grant in the amount of $500,000 for improvements to the Town Hall Annex for an EOC/Business Center in the Town of South Windsor in which the Town Council will accept such grant for such purpose; and

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)


7.      G.      (Continued)

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Matthew B. Galligan was appointed Town Manger of the Town of South Windsor on January 16, 1996 and will continue in the future, and as the Town Manager, Matthew B. Galligan serves as Chief Executive Officer of South Windsor and is duly authorized to enter into agreements and contracts on behalf of the Town of South Windsor.

Councilor Snyder made a motion to postpone the resolution until the next scheduled meeting.  Mayor Anwar seconded the motion; and it was approved, unanimously.

H.      Resolution to Enter into a Master Municipal Agreement for Construction Projects with the State of Connecticut

WHEREAS, the Town of South Windsor has been awarded Federal and State funding and expects to continue to receive such funding for improvements to various locally maintained roadways, bridges and other transportation projects; and

WHEREAS, the State of Connecticut requires that the Town of South Windsor enter into an agreement with the State for the construction phase of these projects

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council authorizes its Town Manager, Matthew B. Galligan, to sign and execute the Agreement entitled, “Master Municipal Agreement for Construction Projects between the State of Connecticut, Department of Transportation and the Town of South Windsor”.

Was made by Councilor Wagner
Seconded by Mayor Anwar

Mr. Galligan explained that this is a 10 year agreement.  In the past when the Town gets an agreement with the State, there is a huge document that both the Town and State have.  The State came up a process where there is a 10 year agreement which is not project specific.  When a project does come up there is a one-page document that is signed.  If the Town does not do this then a new agreement would have to be established every time.

Mayor Anwar called for a vote on the resolution; it was approved, unanimously.


8.      Executive Session

At 9:32 p.m. Councilor Wagner made a motion to go into Executive Session to discuss potential claims and litigation.  Deputy Mayor Havens seconded the motion; and it was approved, unanimously.

At 10:40 p.m. Mayo Anwar made a motion to adjourn the Executive Session.  Councilor Snyder seconded the motion; and it was approved, unanimously.

9.      Adjournment

At 10:40 p.m. Mayor Anwar made a motion to adjourn the Special Meeting.  Councilor Snyder seconded the motion; and it was approved, unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah W. Reid
Clerk of the Council