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Town Council Public Hearing Minutes 9/16/2013

September 16, 2013
7:00 p.m.

South Windsor Town Council

PURPOSE:        To receive citizen input on a Proposed Plan for Athletic Fields on the vacant 11 acres on Nevers Road across from Ayers Road

Mayor Delnicki called the Public Hearing to order at 7:02 p.m.; and requested that the Clerk of the Council read the call of the meeting (a copy of which is attached hereto).  There were approximately two hundred (200) people present in the audience.

Deputy Mayor Gary Bazzano came forward and presented the proposed athletic fields plan, as shown in attached Exhibit B.

Mr. Michael Musco from Musco Lighting came before the Council to review the proposed lighting of the proposed field.  Mr. Musco explained that it was made clear that controlling the lights and being a good neighbor was a critical component to this project.  In order to achieve those goals, the design as shown in the presentation, Exhibit B, was proposed.  The system comes with an automatic shut off so when a time is designated the system will shut the lights off automatically.  If one lamp goes out over the next 25 years, Musco is responsible for replacing that lamp.  This lighting system provides excellent glare control, minimal light trespass spill lighting and greatly curtails contributions to sky glow from direct plighting components.

Deputy Mayor Bazzano continued the presentation on the proposed athletic field plan, as shown in attached Exhibit B.

At 8:00 p.m. Mayor Delnicki recessed the Public Hearing to call the Regular Meeting to Order.  The Public Hearing reconvened at 8:03 p.m.

Deputy Mayor Bazzano concluded the presentation explaining that the plan has been revised twelve times.  The Committee consisted of sixteen members who all contributed in some way.  Deputy Mayor Bazzano asked everyone to support the project in an effort to move the Town forward.  

Mayor Delnicki asked if there was anyone from the public that would like to speak.


Mr. Craig Zimmerman, 5A Amato Drive and also a member of the Park & Recreation Commission came forward to support this project.  If the whole project can not be done, one turf field with lights should be done.  Mr. Zimmerman also stated that he hopes if this goes to referendum that it not be done prior to the school referendum.

Ms. Mary Sullivan from Wyndemere Court felt that the Committee worked very hard on this project but she would like to urge the Town Council to not approve this project.  Her concerns are that wildlife would be driven from the area, Wyndemere Court would be surrounded by fields and taxes would increase.  Ms. Sullivan felt that if the Town wants to spend money, those funds should be put towards sidewalks which the whole community would be able to use.
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September 16, 2013
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Mr. Stephen Wagner, 181 Tumblebrook Drive came forward and explained that presently there are lights shining on Wyndemere Court and he would suggest that the Athletic Fields Sub-Committee invite the residents to a field with lights like the ones being proposed to show the residents how they would be working.  There are presently roads in Town that need repair and in March the Board of Education will be coming forward with their own referendum.  It the Town is going to increase expenditures then the grand list needs to be expanded.

Mr. Jim Morrison, Ayers Road felt that bringing projects to referendum is a way to protect all of the citizens.  This project should go to referendum, not go to lease.

Ms. Jan Nichols, 60 Nevers Road came forward to speak in opposition to this proposal.  Enrollment in the schools have gone down, the schools themselves need repairs, these fields will not improve the SAT scores or the Town, Plum Gulley Brook will be changed and wildlife will be effected by this proposal.

Mr. Matt Riley, 12 Heatherwood Drive thanked Deputy Mayor Bazzano for a clear and compelling presentation.  Mr. Riley stated he feels these fields are needed with children participating in sports all year long.  The Town needs new fields and synthetic turf fields are the best way to go.  The property where these fields are proposed are adjacent to Nevers Road Park which makes the plan fit perfectly into the area.  Referendums are done to go out for bonding and Mr. Riley stated he is not sure this project is appropriate for bonding.

Ms. Brenda DeMaris, 146 Kelly Road stated she would like to have the right to vote on this project and feels the Town should scale back on the project because there are people in the Town that are struggling.  

Mr. Roy Normen, Homestead Drive said he could support the plan as long as it does not increase taxes.  A survey should be done to provide input on the scope of the project.

Mr. Richard Gregorian, 369 Main Street felt that the proposed fields are a wonderful project but it is necessary to have a grand list that is increasing in order do projects.   

Mr. Robert Dickinson, 19 Birch Road stated he is in favor of this project but feels it is necessary to be done in phases.

Mr. Mike Mundo, 249 Maskel Road came forward to speak in favor of the proposed athletic fields proposal.  Mr. Mundo stated he would like to have a place that the kids can enjoy.  This will be a place where kids and seniors alike can use the facilities.  The synthetic turf fields will save the Town money because other fields in Town will not be used as much; therefore the other fields will not need as much maintenance to them.  Having synthetic turf fields will allow South Windsor to hold tournaments in Town which in turn will bring people to Town that will spend money at surrounding businesses.

Mr. Dick Kelly, 49 Rosemary Lane stated he would like both a pool in Town and more fields but feel these items should go to referendum for a vote.  Mr. Kelly suggested that the Town Council work with the Board of Education on the field issue.
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September 16, 2013
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Mr. Srinivasa Chalikonoa came forward to support the proposed plan.  Presently South Windsor does not have any Cricket Fields and he would request that the Council support this plan.

Ms. Betty Warren, 494 Abbe Road stated she is still troubled by the fact that on the legal notice the land is referred as vacant.  The land is being actively farmed and is not vacant.  The Town should honor the contract to the end because there are other properties where this proposed plan could be implemented.  CREC has announced that the Town can use their fields.  This item should go to referendum so that everyone has a voice.

Mr. Mahudeo Adjodhi, 19 Andreis Trail stated he is involved in Cricket in Hartford and he has two sons at South Windsor High School who both play Cricket.  Mr. Adjodhi supports this proposal.

Mr. Jim Kupchunos, 1 Christine Lane came forward and explained that his family has farmed in South Windsor.  A referendum was held twenty-six years ago in the amount of $3 million dollars and that referendum passed because people wanted to keep South Windsor special and see farm fields when entering South Windsor.  The Town Council should review the history of the referendum and purchase of the property before moving forward.

Ms. Karen Isherwood, 58 Ordway Drive stated she supports this plan because South Windsor needs more fields, even more then what is being proposed.

Mr. Eric Lajoie, President of Boys Lacrosse said he also supports the plan and feels more fields are needed in South Windsor.

Mr. Garfield Vaughn stated he appreciated the presentation and understands the need for these fields.  There are items that need to be reviewed such as the financing of this project.

Mr. Sean Cecinn said he hopes that everyone can work together with the Council to support this project.  The youth of the Town are the most important issue and the Town should be supporting its youth.

Ms. Kristin Heckt, 3 French Lane felt that this plan supports the needs of our youth and our future.  The Town needs a comprehensive approach to meet the needs of our children.  Ms. Heckt urged the Council to stay focused on “One Town One future”.

Mr. Tom Lines, 43 Wedgewood Drive came forward to speak in support of this project.  Physical activity helps kids academically and is very important.

Mr. James Fuska, Muddy Brook Road, Ellington came before the Town Council to thank the Sub-Committee for including in the plan a Miracle Field.  Mr. Fuska stated he supports this plan.

Ms. Susan Hollander, Judge Lane felt that this plan is important for the kids.  A referendum should not be needed.

Ms. Elizabeth McGuire, 89 Heritage Drive stated she is not in favor of spending $2 million dollars on fields and would rather see a smaller project that is scaled down and phased in.  Ms. McGuire also felt that this proposal should go to referendum.

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September 16, 2013
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Mr. Hugo DelRosso, 50 Sharon Drive said that at times there is not enough fields for all the different activities and the Town is in need of more fields.

Mr. Gavin Boudle, 130 Stonefield Trail stated that the plan looks fantastic but the Town Council has to think about all taxpayers who would be affected by this proposal.

Ms. Carol Hatch, Wyndemere Court said she does not want more fields next to Wyndemere Court.  This proposal will impact Wyndemere Court residents and she feels this proposal should be placed in another location.

Mr. Mike Sullivan, 24 Jared Court felt there are other needs in Town that need to be addressed that are a larger priority.  This project should go to referendum so residents can make a decision.  

Mr. David Donovan came forward and stated that this proposal will produce more traffic on a road that is already busy.  The Town has other parks that need attention before another park is established and the property is presently being farmed.

Ms. Carol Driscoll, 61 Austin Circle felt that the Town Council should put this project to referendum in order to have the residents be the ones to say yes or no regarding this project.

Ms. Roseann Williams, 182 Smith Street felt a public survey should be taken to get the opinion of residents whether they feel this is a project that the Town Council should be going forward with.  Residents do not mind having better schools, fields, etc. but the Town can not afford to do them all at once and do not want taxes to go up every year.  Consider what is good for the entire community and stop being big spenders.

Ms. Liz Pendleton, 319 Hilton Drive stated that there are other things that need to be done in Town.  A strategic plan that will be phased in should be established.

Mayor Delnicki read letters from Mr. Jack Phillips (Attachment C), Darren DeMartino (Attachment D) and George Charlton (Attachment E) into the record.

Mr. John Bentley came forward and stated he is not opposed to fields but feels the taxpayers deserve the right to vote and this proposal should go to referendum.

Ms. Nancy Yario, 20 Andreis Tail said that she is in favor of more facilities for the Town but feels this plan should be smaller and have items phased in over time.  Ms. Yario also suggested that some of the Park & Recreation funds be used for this project.

Mr. Steve Lewis, Scott Drive felt that another location should be sought for this proposal.  The road can not support any more traffic and would disrupt the lives of those at Wyndemere Court.

Following comments from the Public, Mayor Delnicki asked for a Straw Vote, the results of which were as follows:

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September 16, 2013
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Those supporting the proposed Athletic Fields plan:  -24

Those in opposition of the proposed Athletic Fields plan:  - 22

Following the Straw Vote, Mayor Delnicki asked if there were anyone from the public who would like to make further comments:


Ms. Jan Nichols, 60 Nevers Road commented further that she is worried about the wildlife that would be disturbed.  The Town should improve what makes South Windsor special.  Encourage, cultivate and perfect our athletes to go on to have a career in sports where South Windsor will be known nationwide or worldwide.  South Windsor is a beautiful natural place.  The seniors in South Windsor still pay taxes and their knowledge count.  Everyone in South Windsor deserves a voice and a vote on projects.

Mr. Matt Riley, 12 Heatherwood Drive stated that South Windsor is not a small farming community any more.  The 11 acres where the fields are being proposed are part of Nevers Park and is the right place to put these fields that are necessary.

Mr. Richard Gregorian, 369 Main Street felt that it is important for the grand list to go up which would control what the Town spends.  This proposal should go to referendum and a 63-20 Corporation should not be used as a way of financing this project.

Mr. Mike Mundo, 249 Maskel Road stated that the biggest problem with doing this project in stages is it will cost more.  The residents at Wyndemere Court moved next to the fields that are presently there so this should not be a surprise to them.  The proposed area where the plan is being proposed is the best location for this plan.  The Town needs to do more to attract young families into Town.

Mr. Jim Kupchunos, 1 Christine Lane commented that the Town needs to remember that the Board of Education will be undertaking different projects that need to be taken care of in the near future.  

The public hearing was closed at 11:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah W. Reid
Clerk of the Council

Public Hearing Notice – Exhibit A
Athletic Fields Plan – Exhibit B
Letter from jack Phillips – Exhibit C
Letter from Darren DeMartino – Exhibit D
Letter from George Charlton – Exhibit E