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Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes 6/17/2013


Minutes Page 1  June 17, 2013

TOWN COUNCIL – Regular Meeting
Council Chambers – South Windsor Town Hall

1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Delnicki called the Regular Meeting to order at 8:00 p.m.

4.      Roll Call

Members Present:        Mayor Thomas Delnicki
        Deputy Mayor Gary Bazzano
        Councillor M. Saud Anwar
        Councillor Cindy Beaulieu
        Councillor Edward havens
        Councillor Kevin McCann
        Councillor Cary Prague
        Councillor Janice Snyder
        Councillor Keith Yagaloff

Also Present:           Matthew B. Galligan, Town Manager

5.      Public Input

Mr. Don Gonsalves, 40 Bayberry Trail came before the Town Council and stated he disagrees with leaving the sewer user charge at $374.00.  Part of the increase this year in the taxes is sewer bonds for about $900,000.  The Water Pollution Control for the last couple years have been providing $100.00 for every household, which equals to $1,000,000 that they are adding to the reserve to pay for the bonds which they do not need and the sewer rate should be $100.00 less.  Mr. Gonsalves stated he has been asking for a long time for the reserve information and still has not received anything.  The Council could do more and should contact someone from the State to get to the bottom of this issue.

Mayor Delnicki requested that when the Town Council has a date scheduled for the Water Pollution Control Authority to come in, he would like established questions from the public so there is a chance to respond to the public in that meeting.  There is a lot of concern over the sewer reserves and what they actually constitute and consist of.  Mayor Delnicki also said he would like an answer on who the Water Pollution Control Authority reports to at the State level.

Mr. Galligan stated he would get the legal opinion regarding issues to the Town Council.


6.      Environmental Health & Safety Message


7.      Adoption of Minutes

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council approves the Minutes of the following Town Council Meetings:  Special Work Session Minutes of May 8, 2013; Work Session Minutes of June 3, 2013; and Regular Meeting Minutes of June 3, 2013.

Was made by Councillor Beaulieu
Seconded by Councillor McCann

Councillor Beaulieu stated she would like a change on the May 8, 2013 Special Budget Work Session minutes, under Item 6. B. – Proposed Amendments to the General Government Budget.  The Council was discussing ways to cut the budget and she was speaking at that time specifically to the Capital Projects budget and would like the minutes to reflect that.

Councillor McCann thanked the Clerk of the Council for making a requested change to the June 3, 2013 Work Session minutes.

The motion was approved, unanimously with amendments

8.      Public Petitions


9.      Communications from Officers and Boards Directly Responsible to Council


10.     Reports from Standing Committees



11.     Reports of Temporary Committees

Deputy Mayor Bazzano presented Council members with an updated final plan that the Athletic Fields Sub-Committed established for additional athletic fields on Nevers Road, as shown in attached Exhibit A.  At the next meeting Deputy Mayor Bazzano said he would have a presentation on this issue.

Councillor Yagaloff reiterated the positive feedback regarding the sub-committee.  He stated that the sub-committee has worked hard to work with the neighbors to help with any impact to the neighbors.  The next step will be with the financing of the project.

12.     Consent Agenda


13.     Unfinished Business


Councillor Yagaloff made a motion to suspend the rules in order to bring Item 14. E. forward.  Deputy Mayor Bazzano seconded the motion; and it was approved, unanimously.

14.     New Business

E.      Resolution Authorizing the Town Manager and Town Attorney to Prepare and Advertise Bid Specifications for the Purchase of a New Fire Engine with 1500 GPM Pump

WHEREAS, the South Windsor Fire Department had developed a Capital Plan for the purchase of various Fire Department vehicles; and

WHEREAS, South Windsor Fire Chief, Kevin Cooney, and his staff, have determined that a priority need for the fire safety of South Windsor’s businesses and residences is the purchase of a new Fire Engine with 1500 GPM pump; and

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)


14.     E.      Continued

WHEREAS, this purchase is in accordance with the long-term plan for equipment replacement that the Fire Department has been following

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council authorizes Town Manager, Matthew B. Galligan and Town Attorney, Murtha Cullina LLP, to prepare appropriate bid specifications for the purchase of a new fire engine with 1500 GPM pump; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council authorizes the Town Manger and the Town Attorney to advertise such bids through the normal appropriate bidding process of the Town of South Windsor.

Was made by Councillor Prague
Seconded by Deputy Mayor Bazzano

Chief Cooney thanked the Council for their efforts put into this.  Council members have received a packet from the Volunteer Fire Department showing the equipment replacement plan.  An educational session was held and Chief Cooney thanked those who attended.  

Councillor Yagaloff stated that the report the Council received is very thorough.  The Volunteer Fire Department has demonstrated the need for the upgrade and the Council realizes that the Volunteer Fire Department has deferred requests in the past for apparatus knowing the economic situation.  The request is a top priority and is a safety issue; and Councillor Yagaloff stated he would support this request.

Deputy Mayor Bazzano felt it is very important for the Town staff to give the Town Council the correct information regarding issues which creates support from the Town Council.

Councillor Havens stated he would support this request and remarked how well the Volunteer Fire Department takes care of all their equipment.  Councillor Havens thanked the Volunteer Fire Department for all of their hard work and said it is very important to make sure all of the equipment for this department is safe.

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)


14.     E.      Continued

Answering questions from Councillor McCann, Chief Cooney explained that the old Pumper Truck will be sold and the proceeds go back to the general fund.  

Deputy Chief Knipple explained that he puts the truck on some websites.  The last two trucks have been sold for $22,000 and $23,000.  Deputy Chief Knipple stated he would try to get $22,000 for this truck.  The National standards for the longevity of a fire truck are approximately 20 years and there is a lot of wear and tear on these trucks.

Mr. Galligan told the Council that this proposal is a purchase with a lease.  The Town has a portfolio with Webster Bank and this goes into the Municipal Lease Tax Exempt portfolio.  The Town will also bid this with other banks and whoever comes out with the best rate is the one who gets the lease.  It would be too expensive to bond these vehicles.

Councillor Anwar stated he would be supporting this resolution.

Councillor Beaulieu stated that she had gone to the educational session and learned that it is not just about the truck itself but also about the truck safety for the firefighters going out to the fires.  

Chief Cooney explained to the Council that the old fire truck cost between $200,000 to $300,000.  The new truck will cost $650,000 for the truck itself.  The truck will be delivered any where from 8 months to 1 year after the bids are approved and accepted.  There are no manufacturers in Connecticut that produce fire trucks but there are service center that will be used.

Councillor Snyder thanked the Volunteer Fire Department for their service to the community.  The Volunteer Fire Department always comes to the Council with transparent requests and do not ask for more then what is necessary.

Chief Cooney stated that there are 130 residents that are volunteers of the Fire Department and are all taxpayers.

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)


14.     E.      Continued

Mayor Delnicki stated that the Volunteer Fire Department is all volunteers that work very hard to make things better every day.  The Volunteer Fire Department does a fantastic job and has commitment and dedication to the community.  

Mayor Delnicki called for a motion on the resolution; it was approved, unanimously.

A.      Resolution Appropriating $70,000 of LoCIP funds for Paving of the Fire Department Headquarters Driveway

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council having conducted the required Public Hearing at 7:30 p.m. on June 17, 2013, hereby approves the appropriation of $70,000 of LoCIP Funds for paving of the Fire Department Headquarters driveway.

Was made by Councillor McCann
Seconded by Councillor Yagaloff

Assistant Chief Brian Peck from the South Windsor Fire Department came forward and explained that there have been significant ruts in the front driveway of the Fire Department and there are also pavement improvements that are necessary.  This became a safety hazard as well as wear and tear issue on the apparatus.  The driveway was paved back in 1978 which is the original pavement.  The Fire Department worked with Mike Gantick and Jeff Doolittle on developing the estimate for this repavement project.

Councillor Yagaloff stated that there is a resident who is willing to do a considerable amount of the work at no cost.  

Mr. Galligan explained that the Town is supplying the materials and Mr. William Mitchell is bringing the heavy equipment in to dig it up, install the concrete and prepare the whole site.

Councillor Yagaloff said he would support this resolution and would like to thank Mr. Mitchell for his donation to the Town.

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)


14.     A.      Continued

Councillor McCann stated that the area in the front of the driveway has become deeply rutted.  There is no way to drain water and it freezes in the winter months.  There is only so many times the driveway can be patched and this project will improve the driveway by putting in a concrete slab in front of the bays of the Fire Department.  

Councillor Havens thanked Billy Mitchell for his contribution to the Fire Department.

Councillor Prague clarified that Public Works patched the driveway in early spring so while it is not dangerous presently, it was all winter.  This proposal will be a permanent fix for years to come.  Councillor Prague stated he would be supporting this resolution.

Mayor Delnicki said that Billy Mitchell had dedicated his life not only to the community but to the South Windsor Volunteer Fire Department.  The Town is blessed to have a person like Billy Mitchell around to do this.

Mayor Delnicki called for a vote on the resolution; it was approved, unanimously.

B.      Resolution Appropriating $120,000 of LoCIP Funds for a Drainage Project on Ridge Road

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council having conducted the required Public Hearing at 7:30 p.m. on June 17, 2013, hereby approves the appropriation of $120,000 of LoCIP Funds for a drainage project on Ridge Road.

Was made by Councillor Havens
Seconded by Councillor Anwar

Councillor Havens stated it is good that the neighborhood understands that this plan may not take care of water in their basements but will help with the standing water in the neighborhood.  Councillor Havens said he would be supporting this resolution.

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)


14.     B.      Continued

Answering questions from the Council, Mr. Doolittle explained that the plan before the Town Council will not take care of the entire problem.  There is a high water table in the area and there is ledge under ground which contributes to it.  The plan is to install drainage in the road to pick up the water as it comes into the road and convey it away from the area.  It will alleviate some of the flooding of the surrounding yards.  This will directly impact 4-5 houses but it will help everyone who travels on the road by getting standing water off the roadway.  

Councillor Snyder stated that there are many drainage issues in Town that effect more residents.  Out of all of the years that Capital Projects have been around, how is this all of a sudden a project that has risen to where the Town wants to do this right away.

Mr. Doolittle answered that this project has gotten attention because the residents have come in and brought it to the Town Council’s attention.

Councillor Snyder said this project has been on Capital Projects for years but there are many other projects that are of higher priority.

Answering further questions, Mr. Doolittle explained that the $120,000 has some contingency built into it but it is a rough number because some engineering still needs to be done to determine exactly what can be done in this area to help solve the problem.  The road has very little pitch and not much crown, the road does not meet Town standards.  The water will be drained into catch basins and brought it out to the drainage system in Deming Street.  Currently there is no drainage in this section of Ridge Road.  There is drainage on the southern end by the cul-de-sac. There are 3 new catch basins being installed into Ridge Road.

Councillor Snyder stated that based on all of the information she is not comfortable using $120,000 that will not solve the whole problem.  Another drainage project could be completed for this amount.

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)


14.     B.      Continued

Mr. Doolittle answered various questions from the Council members and Council members voiced concern about using funds towards a problem that might not solve the whole problem other Council members felt the plan should move forward as presented.  Mr. Doolittle explained that the Town has not done a lot of engineering on this project.  It will take 4-6 months to get a complete engineering plan done which costs approximately $25,000 to $30,000.  The Town will use the same process whether the Council votes on the $120,000 or a less amount.  The Town will look at the problem and determine what needs to be done.

Mr. Galligan added that the Town has the financing approved by the Council so a study can be done.  The Town will not move forward until a complete engineering plan is done.  If more funds are necessary to get this project done, the Town staff will come back to the Town Council for approval.

Councillor Yagaloff stated that the LoCIP funds could be used for other projects such as the Old Post Office or the Nevers Road project.  It would be better to reprioritize the bonding money if Ridge Road is a priority to take care of this project with funds that are meant for this type of project.  Then the LoCIP funds would be available for other projects.

Councillor Yagaloff made a motion to Amend this resolution by putting after LoCIP Funds “subject to engineering studies demonstrating that such an appropriation shall resolve the drainage problem and subject to final approval by the Town Council”.  Deputy Mayor Bazzano seconded the amendment.

Councillor Yagaloff felt that this would allow the Town to make sure the allocation is subject to the engineering study and would allow this project to come back to Council for discussion.  This project could expand into a $300,000 project or even larger.  On the other hand it could cost less.  

Mr. Galligan stated that in this year’s budget there is approximately $350,000 balance in LoCIP Funds.  The Town has no problems brining projects back to the Town Council for review.

Mr. Doolittle voiced concern that if OPM thinks the Town is just doing engineering studies they may say it does not qualify as a capital project.

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)


14.     B.      Continued

Councillor Yagaloff withdrew the final statement that says subject to final approval by the Town Council but felt the initial statement should be left in the resolution.  Deputy Mayor Bazzano stated he would support that.

Councillor Anwar stated he would support the amendment.

Councillor Havens said he would not support this amendment because he feels the resolution as written will solve the problem on Ridge Road.  

Mayor Delnicki explained that his concern is that if the Town has that type of language in the resolution the project Town could be at risk whether it is approved by OPM.  Mr. Doolittle will come back to the Town Council if he finds the funds are inadequate.  If the funds are adequate then there will be no delay in proceeding with the project.

Mayor Delnicki called for a vote on the Amendment; it passed on a roll call vote of 6 to 3 with Deputy Mayor Bazzano, Councillor Anwar, Councillor Beaulieu, Councillor McCann, Councillor Snyder and Councillor Yagaloff voting in favor of the Amendment; and Mayor Delnicki, Councillor Havens and Councillor Prague voting in opposition of the Amendment.

Ms. Anna Mae Davis, 9 Ridge Road came forward and explained this problem is 34 years old.  The builder who built homes in back of the neighborhood has made the problem much worse.  The drainage has to be connected to the Deming Street drain.  Ms. Davis stated she is disappointed in the amendment.

Mr. Matt Riley, 12 Heatherwood Drive stated he is glad that this existing problem is getting the attention that it deserves.  Mr. Riley said he fully supports the effort to rectify this situation.  The only concern is the way this project was prioritized.

Mayor Delnicki called for a vote on the amended resolution; it was approved, unanimously.

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)


14.     B.      (Continued)

The resolution to read as follows (change in bold):

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council having conducted the required Public Hearing at 7:30 p.m. on June 17, 2013, hereby approves the appropriation of $120,000 of LoCIP Funds subject to engineering studies demonstrating that such an appropriation shall resolve the drainage problem for a drainage project on Ridge Road.

C.      Resolution Approving Offer to a Tax Assessment Agreement with Carla’s Pasta Inc.

WHEREAS, a Request for Tax Abatement has been received from Carla’s Pasta, Inc., the owner of the property at 50 Talbot Lane, South Windsor, CT.; and

WHEREAS, the Town of South Windsor’s Tax Partnership program, established pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes Section 12-65b, is intended to encourage the development and expansion of quality businesses in Town through tax and other economic incentives, and is designed to retain and attract businesses that will generate substantial additional tax revenues and employment opportunities for the Town while providing quality goods and services; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to said program, that a tax assessment agreement be offered to Carla’s Pasta, Inc. as an incentive to invest an estimated $7,100,000 in total costs, including land and building improvements, and to construct 26,000 square foot expansion in South Windsor (the land and building improvements collectively referred to as the “Real Property”)

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)


14.     C.      (Continued)

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council is pleased to offer a tax assessment agreement between the Town and Carla’s Pasta, Inc. reducing the amount of the estimated increase of $173,453 in real property assessment of the Real Property by 50% for a period of five (5) years with an estimated tax benefit reduction of approximately $86,726.50 annually for five (5) years, commencing with the Grand List following the date the Certificate of Occupancy is issued for the Real Property; provided, however, that if such assessment is changed by any future Town revaluation, the new assessment value of the Real Property shall be reduced by the percentage applicable to the year within the five (5) year period such assessment is changed; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council’s offer is conditioned upon Carla’s Pasta, Inc. (1) meeting the estimated $7,100,000 construction cost figures and agreeing to the estimated assessment figure; and (2) continuing operations at the Real Property for a minimum of ten (10) years from the date the Certificate of Occupancy is issued; if Carla’s Pasta, Inc. fail to meet either of these conditions, Carla’s Pasta, Inc. shall refund the Town of South Windsor all of the tax benefit reductions it has received; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council’s offer is contingent upon Carla’s Pasta, Inc. execution of a written agreement reflecting the terms set forth in this Resolution and such other terms as the Town may require.

Was made by Councillor Snyder
Seconded by Deputy Mayor Bazzano

Answering questions from the Council, Mr. Galligan stated that he is satisfied with this agreement as well as Carla’s Pasta, Inc.  The State of Connecticut is offering a loan on the equipment.  The site that they are looking to expand 50,000 square feet have Tiger Beetles.  Carla’s Pasta, Inc. will have to submit a plan to the DEEP regarding moving the beetles.  

Councillor Havens stated he would support this resolution and is happy to keep Carla’s Pasta, Inc. in Town.

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)


14.     C.      (Continued)

Deputy Mayor Bazzano said he would support this resolution and is glad Carla’s Pasta, Inc. is in support of what the Town is giving for a tax abatement.

Councillor Yagaloff felt that Carla’s Pasta, Inc. is an important business to keep in Town.  They offer good jobs and are a quality employer.  The Town Council negotiated hard on this agreement and came up with a compromise.  Councillor Yagaloff stated he would support this resolution.

Answering further questions, Mr. Galligan explained that the abatements start when the company gets their Certificate of Occupancy and would end five (5) years from that Certificate of Occupancy.  The amount of the abatement will be assessed on the Town’s new revaluation.

Mr. Don Gonsalves, 40 Bayberry Trail came forward and informed the Town Council that the wording is wrong in the resolution.  The Town should use tax or assessment.  In the fourth WHEREAS where is says $173,453 in real property assessment, should say taxes, not assessment.  Council members agreed with Mr. Gonsalves.

Councillor Yagaloff made an Amendment to change the fourth WHEREAS as stated above, assessment should say taxes.  Deputy Mayor Bazzano seconded the motion; and it was approved, unanimously.

Councillor McCann questioned if the $173,453 in the resolution is based on the value prior to the revaluation or after the revaluation?  Mr. Galligan explained that presently those are estimates and will be based on when the Town Assessor goes out there and does an assessment.  I believe this was done at the current mill rate of 34.90.

Mayor Delnicki called for a vote on the amended resolution; it was approved, unanimously.

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)


14.     C.      (Continued)

The resolution to read as follows (change in bold):

WHEREAS, a Request for Tax Abatement has been received from Carla’s Pasta, Inc., the owner of the property at 50 Talbot Lane, South Windsor, CT.; and

WHEREAS, the Town of South Windsor’s Tax Partnership program, established pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes Section 12-65b, is intended to encourage the development and expansion of quality businesses in Town through tax and other economic incentives, and is designed to retain and attract businesses that will generate substantial additional tax revenues and employment opportunities for the Town while providing quality goods and services; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to said program, that a tax assessment agreement be offered to Carla’s Pasta, Inc. as an incentive to invest an estimated $7,100,000 in total costs, including land and building improvements, and to construct 26,000 square foot expansion in South Windsor 9the land and building improvements collectively referred to as the “Real Property”)

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council is pleased to offer a tax assessment agreement between the Town and Carla’s Pasta, Inc. reducing the amount of the estimated increase of $173,453 in real property taxes of the Real Property by 50% for a period of five (5) years with an estimated tax benefit reduction of approximately $86,726.50 annually for five (5) years, commencing with the Grand List following the date the Certificate of Occupancy is issued for the Real Property; provided, however, that if such assessment is changed by any future Town revaluation, the new assessment value of the Real Property shall be reduced by the percentage applicable to the year within the five (5) year period such assessment is changed; and

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)


14.     C.      (Continued)

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council’s offer is conditioned upon Carla’s Pasta, Inc. (1) meeting the estimated $7,100,000 construction cost figures and agreeing to the estimated assessment figure; and (2) continuing operations at the Real Property for a minimum of ten (10) years from the date the Certificate of Occupancy is issued; if Carla’s Pasta, Inc. fail to meet either of these conditions, Carla’s Pasta, Inc. shall refund the Town of South Windsor all of the tax benefit reductions it has received; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council’s offer is contingent upon Carla’s Pasta, Inc. execution of a written agreement reflecting the terms set forth in this Resolution and such other terms as the Town may require.

D.      Resolution Approving Offer of a Tax Assessment Agreement with Commercial Storefront Services, Inc.

WHEREAS, a Request for Tax Abatement has been received from Commercial Storefront Services, Inc., the owner of the property at 1265 John Fitch Boulevard, South Windsor, CT.; and

WHEREAS, the Town of South Windsor’s Tax Partnership program, established pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes Section 12-65b, is intended to encourage the development and expansion of quality businesses in Town through tax and other economic incentives, and is designed to retain and attract businesses that will generate substantial additional tax revenues and employment opportunities for the Town while providing quality goods and services; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to said program, that a tax assessment agreement be offered to Commercial Storefront Services, Inc. as an incentive to invest an estimated $988,000 in total costs, including land and building improvements, and to construct 8,300 square foot building in South Windsor (the land and building improvements collectively referred to as the “Real Property”)

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)


14.     D.      (Continued)

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council is pleased to offer a tax assessment agreement between the Town and Commercial Storefront Services, Inc. reducing the amount of the estimated increase of $23,112 in real property taxes of the Real Property by 50% for a period of five (5) years with an estimated tax benefit reduction of approximately $11,556 annually for five (5) years, commencing with the Grand List following the date the Certificate of Occupancy is issued for the Real Property provided, however, that if such assessment is changed by any future Town revaluation, the new assessment value of the Real Property shall be reduced by the percentage applicable to the year within the five (5) year period such assessment is changed; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council’s offer is conditioned upon Commercial Storefront Services, Inc. (1) meeting the estimated $838,000 construction cost figures and agreeing to the estimated assessment figure; and (2) continuing operations at the Real Property for a minimum of ten (10) years from the date the Certificate of Occupancy is issued; if Commercial Storefront Services, Inc. fails to meet either of these conditions, Commercial Storefront Services, Inc. shall refund the Town of South Windsor all of the tax benefit reductions it has received; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council’s offer is contingent upon Commercial Storefront Services, Inc. execution of a written agreement reflecting the terms set forth in this Resolution and such other terms as the Town may require.

Was made by Councillor Yagaloff
Seconded by Councillor Havens

Mr. Galligan explained that this is a vacant piece of property at 1265 John Fitch Boulevard.  Commercial Storefront Services, Inc. has not pulled their building permits yet but do have an SBA loan and are waiting for this abatement to move forward.  Their current sales are $2.3 million dollars, operating expenses are $670,000 annually, building costs will be $838,000, land cost is $150,000 (which is not part of the abatement), furniture, fixtures and equipment will be between $50,000 and $100,000.  Mr. Jeski would like to expand his business.

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)


14.     D.      (Continued)

Answering questions from the Council, Mr. Galligan explained that the agreement can be filed on the land records against the property.  

Mayor Delnicki called for a vote on the resolution; it was approved, unanimously.

F.      Resolution Approving a Refund of Taxes to Eleven (11) South Windsor Taxpayers

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby approves a refund of property taxes to eleven (11) South Windsor Taxpayers, the total of said refund being $2,446.68, and as more fully described on attached Exhibit B.

Was made by Councillor Anwar
Seconded by Deputy Mayor Bazzano
The motion was approved, unanimously

15.     Passage of Ordinance


16.     Public Input

        Marietta St. Onge of 214 Newberry Road and a Scott Kelley of 845 Main Street came before the Town Council to voice their displeasure over Councillor Keith Yagaloff getting in touch with a Boy Scouts of America representative to inquire whether it was permitted for the Cub Scouts Troop 390 to participate in the Strawberry Festival.

17.     Communications and Petitions from Council

        Council members voiced their opinions regarding the Boy Scouts of America not being allowed to have a booth at the Strawberry Festival.

18.     Communications and Reports from Town Manager



19.     Executive Session


20.     Adjournment

Deputy Mayor Bazzano made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:25 p.m.  Councillor McCann seconded the motion; and it was approved, unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah W. Reid
Clerk of the Council