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Town Council Work Session Minutes 6/17/2013

TOWN COUNCIL                                                            MONDAY, JUNE 17, 2013
COUNCIL CHAMBERS                                                                   TIME:  7:00 P.M.

1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Delnicki called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.

2.      Roll Call

Members Present:        Mayor Thomas Delnicki
        Deputy Mayor Gary Bazzano
        Councillor M. Saud Anwar
        Councillor Edward Havens
        Councillor Kevin McCann
        Councillor Cary Prague
        Councillor Janice Snyder
        Councillor Keith Yagaloff

Also Present:           Matthew B. Galligan, Town Manager

3.      Public Participation

Ms. Mary Sullivan, Wyndemere Court came before the Town Council and voiced concerns she has with additional athletic fields being proposed on Nevers Road which is adjacent to Wyndemere Court.  Taxpayer’s money could be used for so many other necessary items.

Mr. Joe Candeias, 258 Nevers Road came before the Town Council to voice his concerns with the approval conditions that were placed on the lights at Duprey Field.  Most of the conditions are not being met.  If other fields are constructed, Mr. Candeias stated his house would be surrounded by fields and lights and he is not in support of these proposed additional athletic fields.  The proposal for fields has gone to referendum twice and has been voted down twice, so Mr. Candeias stated that he feels the majority of residents do not want more fields at this time.

4.      Communications

Mayor Delnicki announced that the South Windsor Historical Society held their 150th Anniversary Celebration, Flag Day Celebration and a flag dedication to Rob Walsh at the District 5 Old Schoolhouse on Ellington Road.  Senator Murphy was in attendance which was  nice surprise.  Cusson Automotive celebrated their 20th Anniversary and raised $700.00 for the South Windsor Food and Fuel Bank along with food donations.  Saxton Financial had their Grand Opening last week.  The Board of Education celebrated Volunteer Day at Timothy Edwards Middle School and the Bissell House celebrated their 200th Birthday/Anniversary on Saturday, June 15th.  On Tuesday, June 18th, DQ will be holding their Grand Opening from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m..  There will be a send off party on June 18th for Joann Moriarty from Human Services who has resigned.  The Volunteer Fire Department will hold a golf tournament on June 27th.


5.      Town Manager’s Report

Mr. Galligan reported on the following:

  • There are new cameras in the Council Chambers.  The Town was able to get these through grants.  The sound system will be worked on next.
  • There has been an overall savings of 30% for individuals who have used the prescription card through CCM.
  • On Thursday, June 13, 2013 Mr. Galligan stated he attended Legislative Review through CCM.  Funds that will be coming to the Town will be a grant through MRSA.  Town staff will have to sit down to determine how to funnel the revenue into the expenditure stream because OPM has certain criteria on what those funds can be spent on.  Town staff may need to come to the Town Council in the future for a budget adjustment.
  • On Friday, June 14, 2013 Mr. Galligan stated he was at the Connecticut Manager’s Association meeting.  Governor Malloy attended and was questioned on prevailing wage, arbitration, CRRA and other issues.
  • The Board of Education passed an MOU on the Health Reserve.  The Committee should meet to review the MOU and then make a recommendations to the Council
  • Emergency Management Training session was done using the dashboard exercise collector.  It was very successful.  
  • The State is doing an Emergency Management Exercise on June 20, 2013.  South Windsor will be a backup to see how our communications are.  Region 5 will be the focal point of that event.
  • Mr. Galligan told the Council that he was elected the First Vice President of CCM.
Answering questions from the Council, Mr. Galligan explained that the WPCA sub-committee will meet soon to discuss the billing.  

Ms. Mary Sullivan questioned the Town Manager if every unit in Berry Patch and Watson Farm pay the same sewer user fee as she does?  Mr. Galligan stated he would get that answer for her.  

Answering further questions, Mr. Galligan stated he would think the Council will hear from the Water Pollution Control Authority regarding the sewer rates.  There is no change to the rates this year but the Chairperson could come speak to the Council regarding their budget.

At 7:30 p.m. Mayor Delnicki recessed the Work Session in order to bring the Public Hearing to order.  The Work Session reconvened at 7:36 p.m.

Mr. Galligan explained to the Council that Connecticut Studios is preparing an application to PURA.  They feel that everything is moving forward accordingly and are hoping to put the application in by July 1, 2013.  The Power Purchase Agreement should be coming to the Council soon.


6.      Items for Discussion

A.      Emergency and Civil Preparedness (requested by Councillor Anwar)

Councillor Anwar stated that in the past the Town Council has had discussions about the need for Emergency Management and Civil Preparedness in a coordinated fashion for the entire Town.  Unfortunately disasters are a reality and we have seen a few in the last few years.  Many of those disasters have had an impact on our community.  Councillor Anwar reviewed the presentation as shown in attached Exhibit A.

Mayor Delnicki informed the Council that he contacted the East Hartford Fire Department and they have an individual there that trains people for a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT).  This would be a good first step.  Is a resolution necessary to establish a Community Emergency Response Team?

Mr. Galligan stated he would prefer a resolution so when looking for grants he can send the resolution in showing the Legislative Body approves of a Community Emergency Response Team.  A resolution can be prepared for July by the Chief of Police and himself.

Mayor Delnicki stated he would provide the Town Manager with a contact.

Mr. Galligan said that South Windsor has staff that currently works together for emergency management but it would be nice to have a Coordinator to make sure everything gets done.  South Windsor also has a lot of good volunteers but it would be nice to have a Community Emergency Response Team where volunteers would have specific tasks and would be trained in those tasks.  The more volunteers that the Town has will make is easier for the individuals in the EOC to work on what their tasks are.  Volunteers need to be expanded so if there is a larger emergency there will be enough individuals.

Mayor Delnicki reiterated that having some organization to all emergencies situations will help the whole Town.  Mayor Delnicki stated he would like to see Amateur Radio Operators involved for backup communications.

Councillor Prague said if the Town is going to enable volunteers and train them he feels the Town should use the professionals such as the Area 51 Coordinators, the Police Department and the Fire Department.  The Town did pretty well in the storm that brought all of the trees down, although the Town would not have done so well if the temperature dropped.  Councillor Prague stated he is not in favor of spending a lot of staff money on this issue because there are things that happen every day versus something that may happen every 10 or 15 years.  The Town could use some volunteers to do specific things like clean up, medical and food.  


6.      Items for Discussion (Continued)

Mr. Galligan stated that the Town should coordinate with restaurants and grocery stores in order to get food to the community if necessary.  The reason the Town needs to get volunteers in place is because there is a liability and the Town would have to let the Insurance Carrier know.  

Councillor Yagaloff stated that something devastating could happen and the Police Department can not be there for each and every resident.  Councillor Anwar is proposing to be prepared for something that could happen during a larger event.  If a part time employee is necessary the Town Council should support that.  Councillor Yagaloff said he supports this endeavor to prepare for civil preparedness because it would be a low cost to provide for a catastrophic event.

Councillor Anwar explained that this is not a new idea; many communities are doing this because it is about being better prepared.

7.      Executive Session


8.      Adjournment

At 8:003 p.m. Deputy Mayor Bazzano made a motion to adjourn the Work Session.  Councillor McCann seconded the motion and it was approved, unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah W. Reid
Recording Secretary