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Town Council Special Work Session Minutes 7/9/2012

TOWN COUNCIL                                                              MONDAY, JULY 9, 2012
COUNCIL CHAMBERS                                                                   TIME:  7:00 P.M.

1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Delnicki called the meeting to order at 7:09 p.m.

2.      Roll Call

Members Present:        Mayor Thomas Delnicki
        Deputy Mayor Gary Bazzano
        Councillor Cindy Beaulieu
        Councillor Ed Havens
        Councillor Kevin McCann
        Councillor Janice Snyder
        Councillor Keith Yagaloff

Members Absent: Councillor M. Saud Anwar
        Councillor Cary Prague  

Also Present:           Matthew B. Galligan, Town Manager
                                Kari Olson, Town Attorney
3.      Public Participation

Mr. Don Gonsalves, 40 Bayberry Trail came before the Town Council and stated that the Board of Education should be returning any surplus back to the Town each year to be put into the fund balance.  Mr. Gonsalves then requested that the Town Manager inform the public whether the fund balance is $4.1 million.  If the fund balance is $4.1 million the Town should not be doing any projects at this time.  If an emergency comes up there will be a big problem in Town.

4.      Communications

Mayor Delnicki informed the Council that on Tuesday, July 10, 2012 there will be a tree planting ceremony in memory of John Samsel at the Rotary Pavilion from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Mayor Delnicki then informed the Council and the public that on Friday, July 13, 2012 Kevin Cooney will be sworn in as the new Fire Chief at Maneeley’s.


5.      Town Manager’s Report

Mr. Galligan reported on the following items:

  • the Town went out to bid for the Regional Animal Facility and has received a favorable bid to begin working on the facility.  The Town will be meeting with the two other Town’s involved in the Regional Animal Facility to discuss a mutual agreement which will go back to each Town’s Town Council for approval.
  • Will be on vacation from Monday, July 16, 2012 through July 20, 2012.  Protocol will be emailed to the Council.  
  • July 30th and 31st, the Town will be participating in the Statewide exercise for hurricane preparedness.
  • The Town is in negotiations with NAGE and may need to meet with the Town Council under Executive Session to discuss this issue.
  • Mr. Galligan was elected to Second Vice-President of CCM.
Mayor Delnicki requested that the information that will be given to Mr. Gonsalves regarding the fund balance be sent to the Council.

6.      Items for Discussion

  • Demolition Delay Ordinance
Attorney Kari Olson, Murtha Cullina came forward to discuss the changes made to the Demolition Delay Ordinance.  Attorney Olson explained that the purpose of the ordinance is not to prohibit people from demolishing or refurbishing or in any way structurally altering their properties.  The purpose of the ordinance is to give the Historic District Commission and others in the community the opportunity to explore options besides demolition or significant structural modifications.  

This ordinance creates a Demolition Delay Committee which would be appointed by the Town Council.  The Committee will be made up of members of the Historic District Commission, members of the community, members of the Planning & Zoning Commission and members from the Historical Society.  

Any time demolition is proposed for all or part of a building that is 75 years or older, the ordinance would come into effect.  The process would have to be followed before any demolition or deconstruction is done.  When the ordinance was structured, the reason 75 years or older was chosen was because during the process it is wanted for everyone to be treated equally.  The previous ordinance gave a lot of discretion of which buildings would be delayed.  An application will be done and the Chief Building Official will send notice to the Demolition Delay Committee.  The Committee will decide whether demolition should be considered for delay and if it is a historically significant building and if so it will schedule a public hearing or once the application is filed, a public notice is also provided and the public is given the opportunity to file a notice or petition which would then allow them to hold a public hearing to discuss the potential demolition or deconstruction.  

6.      A.      (Continued)

After the public hearing process a decision is made by the Demolition Delay Committee as to whether the building is a historically significant and at that time a delay will be issued up to 180 days.  Even is a permit is issued for demolition of a historically significant building, it is only good for one year.  There are penalties for failure to comply and those penalties incorporate penalties for building code violations.

Answering questions from the Council, Ms. Macro explained that the delay would happen if the change to a building would destroy the significance of the building.  Councillor Yagaloff felt that residents who have a historically significant building should take notice that there is going to be Demolition Delay Ordinance that prevents the so called demolition of all or part of the structure which could interfere with their plans to raise the building or take down part of it and could delay it up to 180 days.  

Attorney Olson explained that the whole reason of having the ordinance is to get people around the table to come up with alternatives to the destruction of a historic building.  

  • Recommendations from the Athletic Field Sub-Committee
Deputy Mayor Bazzano came forward and explained that the Athletic Fields Sub-Committee has been working hard over the past couple of months trying to find more fields or improve existing fields for better utilization.  Deputy Mayor Bazzano made recommendations regarding athletic fields to the Town Council, as shown in the attached presentation (Exhibit A).  The Athletic Fields Sub-Committee is proposing putting synthetic turf on the Stadium Field at the High School and installing conduit so lights could be installed at a later date if that is wanted.  There are 11 acres at Nevers Park and it is being proposed to have on field that would be 220’ x 360’ that would have synthetic turf and would have lights.  Two other fields would be 180’ x 360’ and would be natural turf.  A gravel parking lot is proposed consisting of 180 parking spaces and a concession/restroom facility.  It is being proposed to add lights to the baseball field at Nevers Park so it can be utilized at night and the Ayers Road Softball field is being proposed to be realigned 90 degrees which would create a safer playing field.

Councillor Yagaloff stated that he is in favor of this plan and stated that the charge of the Committee has been met which was to establish more fields in Town.  The 11 acres at Nevers Road will create a complex with more fields in Town.  The costs are down from a few years ago and this is a good opportunity for the Town.  With the creation of the turf field, this will allow other fields to be rested which is necessary to keep the fields looking nice.  The artificial turf will allow constant use of fields.  

At 8:00 p.m. Mayor Delnicki recessed the Special Work Session in order to bring the Special Meeting to order.  The Special Work Session reconvened at 8:23 p.m.


6.      B.      (Continued)

Councillor McCann came forward and stated that the Athletic Field Sub-Committee came up with a comprehensive plan that he would be in favor of.  This plan provides new fields for the Town and synthetic fields for the Town for much less than proposals in the past.  Councillor McCann questioned if bleachers would be placed at the 11 acres at Nevers Road Park?  Deputy Mayor Bazzano stated that bleachers would fit (may have to lose some parking) but would have to be done in the future.

Councillor Beaulieu stated that she is very much in favor of this proposal.  There have been conflicts in Town for field space in the past and this proposal will subside those conflicts.  The synthetic turf will be less maintenance for the Parks Department to worry about.  At this time it is a very good time to finance projects.

Councillor Snyder felt this is a great package and she would fully support it.  These fields will help support the athletic program at the High School.  

Mr. Galligan explained that there are two different corporations that can be used to finance this project which are Public/Private Partnerships (PFIC) or 6320 Corporation.  Mr. Galligan explained how both these options work.  


Mr. Matt Riley, 12 Heatherwood Drive came forward and thanked the Committee for a very clear and concise proposal.  This is the perfect time for the Council to be considering a project such as this from the standpoint of the cost of the project and cost of capital.  Mr. Riley informed the Council that 80% of the Town’s peer groups (High Schools) have synthetic turf field.

Mr. Tom White, 109 Sand Hill came forward and stated he is very supportive of this plan.

Mr. Al Larson, 26 Jacques Lane and Chairperson of the Park & Recreation Commission thanked Deputy Mayor Bazzano for keeping the Commission updated regarding the meetings of the Athletic Fields Sub-Committee.  The best thing that came out of the recommendations was the multiple options that can be chosen from as well as the different financing options.  Overall the plan is great and will enhance Nevers Road Park.

Ms. Willa Bulkley Bridges, 18 Mountain View Road stated that she feels the proposal sounds great and appreciates that the Sub-Committee has given her neighborhood opportunities to discuss these proposals with the Committee.  South Windsor certainly needs more athletic fields.  It is appreciated that the Committee is not considering lighting the high school field at this time, however there is a concern if the conduit is put in that lights will be considered in the future.


6.      B.      (Continued)

Mr. Eric Hill, 36 Mountain View Road came forward and explained that the outside edge of the track is approximately 23 feet from his property line and the idea of conduits leaves an unknown.  The Committee did an excellent job and it is known that the fields are needed, but Mr. Hill felt that taking the conduits out of the proposal could save funds on this project and concerns of the neighborhood.

Ms. Carol Driscoll, 61 Austin Circle felt that many of the benefits that were explained in the presentation are more assumptions rather than fact because these are benefits that one hopes will happen once the project is done.  If this project is included in a community referendum to the citizens of this Town, there is a fear that the referendum which will have a lot of community infrastructure needs might be rejected once the athletic fields are included in the referendum.  The fields are not a priority of the majority of residents in this Town.  Ms. Driscoll requested that the athletic fields not be included in the referendum of community infrastructure.

Mr. Ray Deming, 28 Hillsdale Road stated that he does not understand why these fields are being crammed in at Nevers Road.  The Priest property is large and could be used for this type of proposal.  

Mr. John Caldwell, Superintendent of Parks & Recreation Department and a resident of South Windsor at 63 Natsisky Farm Road.  Mr. Caldwell stated that if it comes down to no conduit at the high school he is all for it.

Ms. Chris Wanner, Athletic Director for South Windsor High School explained that the fields are being used constantly and additional fields are necessary.  Two of the fields would be synthetic turf which would be outstanding.  This would enable the high school sports to fully use all of the practice time that is available.

Mayor Delnicki thanked the Committee for all of their efforts.  This is a comprehensive proposal.

Councillor Yagaloff felt that it is important to discuss the conduit issue before this goes to referendum.  The Committee should meet and discuss this issue.

Mr. Mike Burgess, 18 Mountain View Road requested that this item be discussed with the neighborhood.

Councillor Havens recommended leaving the conduit out of the package.  

Deputy Mayor Bazzano requested that the presentation be put onto the Town’s website.  Deputy Mayor Bazzano stated he would not have a problem if the conduit were eliminated from the proposal but also reminded residents that if it were not eliminated, it would be part of the referendum and would have to be voted up or down by the residents.  


6.      B.      (Continued)

Mr. Galligan explained that when the leasing is done, every detail of the lease and what you are putting there has to be spelled out otherwise you would not be able to float bonds.  

Deputy Mayor Bazzano also reminded residents that it would be the Planning & Zoning Commissions decision whether lighting is installed at the Stadium Field.

Mr. David Joy, Chairperson of the Board of Education stated that it is the Boards position that ultimately the Board of Education would have to accept the installation of lights or any other improvements at the High School Stadium Field.  

Mr. Caldwell stated that he really supports this proposal and will help rest the other fields.

  • Capital Projects
Councillor Jan Snyder who is Chairperson of the Capital Projects came before the Town Council to explain a three phase plan for Capital Projects.  The phases consist of 1) putting together a Capital Projects program which gives clear strategy moving forward to support Capital Projects and provide a sound policy for the Town to support Capital Projects and start addressing infrastructure over a period of time; 2) put together a Capital Project community referendum; and 3) targeting and prioritizing projects for the next five years that fit into the new Capital Improvement Program to support the planning and budgetary needs moving forward.  Then year by year it needs to be determined what needs to be funded.  Councillor Snyder stated she is looking for approval questions and input to finalize the South Windsor Capital Improvement program.  A resolution will hopefully be brought to the Town Council to get the program in place.  The next step will then be to discuss the referendum and during that period of time a five year plan will be put together.

Mr. Galligan explained to the Town Council how these projects would be financed.  Mr. Galligan then explained that the Town Council looked at a proposal a couple of years ago to expand the Community Center for 10,000 square feet and that proposal came in at about $3 million dollars.  Many years ago there was a proposal for an Indoor Family Recreation Center.  This proposal failed when it went to referendum.  Mr. Galligan stated that if the Town does do the PFIC financing, an indoor facility consisting of approximately 35,000 square feet at a different location in Town be considered.  That facility would allow the entire Recreation Department to move out of the Community Center and would allow the Senior Center to have the space that they need.  The proposal in 1998 was $4.8 million dollars to create an indoor swimming facility.  There is property at Evergreen Walk where this facility could be situated.  This would provide a lot of the community with what they have requested over the years.  


6.      C.      (Continued)

Mr. Galligan then informed the Council that there have been mistakes in the proformas for the Plant.  There may be a proposal coming back to the Council cutting down on interest costs and doing things a little bit differently.  Mr. Galligan also explained that debt will be coming off in 2013 from previous projects.

Mayor Delnicki felt that was good new about the sewer treatment plant but he does have a concern about all of these projects getting done in this tough economic time.

Councillor Snyder explained that on the Capital Projects Community referendum includes the school roofs.  There are still discussions regarding the roofs being fixed when the solar is being provided.

Councillor Yagaloff stated he is a little conflicted on what the right way to go in terms of a proposal for referendum.  Most of these items are things that need to get done but there are items that should not be bonded out.  

Councillor Snyder felt that the items on the list are not a spending spree.  If Capital Projects had been addressed in a timely manner and the general budgets were properly funded for over the past five or six years none of these things would be on this list.  The roofs on the schools have to be done as well as building upgrades, ADA requirements and underground gas storage and fuel tanks.  Town Council leadership support for these items is necessary.   

Councillor McCann stated that the Town Council has been talking about quite a few different projects and proposals for the future.  The Town Council has also discussed several different funding mechanisms and some of these discussions have become a little confusing to the public.  Councillor McCann reviewed the different projects and how they are being proposed to be funded.  The Town Council needs to come up with a plan of what the Town’s needs will be over the next ten years and come up with a reasonable amount that can be set aside each year for funding.  

Councillor Havens said there are too many items that have been discussed for the public to follow this conversation.  The important items should be discussed.  The Town Council has to decide on a plan and also decide on priorities.

Answering questions from Deputy Mayor Bazzano, Mr. Galligan explained that the numbers that are being used for the proposed Recreation Center are from 1998.  The Town Council would be looking at a $1.5 million dollar amount to expand the Senior Center 10,000 square feet versus $4.8 million dollar amount to create a Recreation Center consisting of 35,000 square feet.  If the Senior Center took over the whole Community Center, Senior’s would get 15,000 square feet.  The Town Council should review these projects to see what can be covered under the debt that is coming off in 2013.


6.      C.      (Continued)

Mr. Galligan then stated that if Evergreen Walk came in and they get their hotel done.  This would create new taxes and the Town Council could set a policy that some of those taxes being put under new projects.  This will allow the budget to remain the same.

Deputy Mayor Bazzano felt that the Town Council has to make sure priorities are covered and this has not been done as well as it could be done.  

Councillor Beaulieu felt that the projects and the bonding make a lot of sense.  The Town can not afford to do nothing anymore and should considering financing items at a low rate.  

Mayor Delnicki stated that it is not the business of the public to be funding stimulus packages and felt that the proposals should be separated instead of being all put into one referendum.

Answering further questions, Mr. Galligan requested that the Town Council set their priorities.

Councillor Beaulieu explained that the Town has debt service that is coming off and have ways to finance items which may not necessarily increase the burden to the taxpayers.  Councillor Beaulieu requested that the Town Manager bring to the Council what will be coming off for debt service each year and what could be replaced with the Capital Projects referendum.  

Councillor Haves stated that the Town Council has a responsibility and should not keep putting off repairs and replacements.  Every Town Council member has priorities but a decision has to be made what should be going to referendum this year.


6.      C.      (Continued)


Mr. David Joy, Chairperson of the Board of Education came forward and stated that the current 1990 policy for Capital Budget has not been being followed.  This year the Board of Education received no capital appropriations for next year.  There are critical needs that have to be done.  It is commendable that a sustainable method  to fund capital projects has been drafted.  This proposal recommends a concept of a community bond of $10 or $12 million dollars that is intended to fund a variety of projects that represent some critical projects over the next five years.  Chairperson Joy stated he would support this idea of a proposed bond in order to deal with a number of needs and is in favor of keeping these items as one referendum.  The bond issuance should probably be 10 years instead of a 20 year bond.

Mr. Matt Riley, 12 Heatherwood Drive stated that it seems like there is a lot of items that would be on a maintenance list and are very behind.  The Council has a good opportunity to get some things done that need to get done at a low interest rate.  Do not miss this opportunity; the rates will not be this low in five years.

7.      Executive Session


8.      Adjournment

At 10:15 p.m. Deputy Mayor Bazzano made a motion to adjourn the Work Session.  Councillor Yagaloff seconded the motion and it was approved, unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah W. Reid
Recording Secretary