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Town Council Joint Work Session Minutes 4/3/2012


ROOM ALT. 6                                                                                DATE:  APRIL 3, 2012
TIMOTHY EDWARDS MIDDLE SCHOOL                                             TIME:  7:00 P.M.

1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Streeter called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

2.      Roll Call

                        Town Council

Members Present:        Mayor Tom Delnicki
        Deputy Mayor Gary Bazzano
        Councillor M. Saud Anwar
        Councillor Cindy Beaulieu       
Councillor Kevin McCann
Councillor Cary Prague
Councillor Keith Yagaloff
Councillor Janice Snyder

Members Absent: Councillor Edward Havens

Others Absent:  Town Manager, Matthew B. Galligan

                        Board of Education

Members Present:        Chairperson David Joy
Vice Chairperson Lisa Maneeley
Mark Abrahamson
                                Sheila Appleton
Philip Koboski
Richard Mabey
Richard Stahr

Members Absent: Diane Behler
                                Carol Driscoll

Also Present:           Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kate Carter
                                Asst. Superintendent Daniel Hansen
                                Asst. Superintendent Richard Cormier
                                Interim Business Manager Gary Miller


3.      Public Participation


4.      Items for Discussion

  • Board of Education and General Government Proposed Budgets for Fiscal Year 2012/2013
Board of Education Budget

Councillor McCann explained that he had reviewed the budgets from the past five years to see if there are any trends.  There has been an 11.44% increase of the budget over five years with a 6% per pupil increase per year.  The school population has decreased 11.86%.  Councillor McCann stated that there has been no correlation between the increases in the budgets with the number of students. This year’s increase is a responsible increase and it is less than 6% per pupil and Councillor McCann said he would be willing to support this budget.  The Town should review the number of schools in operation and consider consolidating them which could provide the Town with a cost savings.  This issue needs to be reviewed carefully because there are a number of things that would need to be considered.

Councillor Anwar reminded Council member and Board members that there are changes within the Town that may happen in the future that would have an impact on the schools, such as new apartment complexes, which could produce more students into the school system.  If this happens there may be a need for schools to remain open.

Answering questions from the Councillor Anwar, Dr. Carter explained that there has been a $4,600 reduction in the High School Art program because there has been a redistribution of excess materials of storage supplies which does not compromise the program.  In the Health Education there is a 27% reduction in the Middle School which calculates out to $2,000 and will not compromise the program.  

Councillor Anwar requested that in the future a summary be provided that would show the difference from the Superintendents budget versus the Board of Education budget.


4.      A.      (continued)

Chairperson David Joy stated that in some years this request would be simple, but in others there may be some challenge.  Chairperson Joy said that in the future the Board of Education would offer a summary to the Council of the changes between the Superintendents budget and the Board of Educations budget.

Answering further questions from Councillor Anwar, Dr. Carter explained that South Windsor does not have fewer gifted students compared to other similar communities, but does have fewer programs that begin in later years.  Dr. Carter felt that enhancements to this program should be reviewed.  Mr. Hansen gave an explanation of the gifted program.

Councillor Anwar felt that the gifted program needs to be strengthened and then stated that the school district diversity has changed. Presently there are 22.5% students that are classified as minority and only 3% minority professional staff.  These percentages should be more equalized.  Chairperson Joy explained that the State Department of Education publication has demographic information for Connecticut teaching staff and this is not a condition that South Windsor is alone in.

Councillor Anwar stated that he appreciates how the Board of Education has been able to reduce pension contributions, pension match and overtime.

Councillor Anwar questioned how a district reference group is identified?  Mr. Hansen explained that the most current reference group was determined based on the Census of 2000 through various criteria that was reviewed.

Dr. Carter explained that the Board of Education used the $375,000 surplus from last year to prefund the pension this year and the Board of Education plans on doing the same this year.


4.      A.      (continued)

Councillor Prague questioned how the decision was made to run the cafeteria for the CREC School which includes benefits for the staff members?  Dr. Carter explained that there was a lot of conversation regarding South Windsor providing cafeteria services to the CREC School.  Presently the result is a $35,000 profit.  If this endeavor does not result in a profit or a tangible benefit for the South Windsor Board of Education, it will not be supported after one year.  Chairperson Joy added that the Board of Education felt this was best for the children in South Windsor because South Windsor children will attend that school.

Councillor Prague asked if there was any discussion about South Windsor supplying the staff but CREC paying them.  Mr. Miller stated that the cafeteria staffing at the CREC School will be new staff.  There will be a Manager, Assistant Manager and two line staff that will be part time.  Forty percent of the health costs are covered by the running of the cafeteria.  South Windsor will benefit from operating the food service at the CREC School.

Dr. Carter explained to the Council that the Board of Education will be having discussions whether the Board would like pursue holding full day kindergarten.  The CREC School is scheduled to open in the fall of 2013, and part of the decision to discuss having full day kindergarten was because it is not wanted to have parents to decide on having their children attend the CREC School solely on the full day kindergarten schedule.  If it is decided that full day kindergarten is the direction the Board of Education would like to go, the financial piece of that will be discussed in next years budget.

Councillor Yagaloff thanked the Board of Education and the Board of Education Administration and stated he would be supporting the budget.  He then explained that he is a big proponent of neighborhood schools and small class sizes, and does not believe that closing schools always save funds for budgets.  This should not be looked at as a budget policy.

Mayor Delnicki agreed that the Board of Education presented a modest budget.  At this time residents are having their own struggles without having large tax increases.


4.      A.      (continued)

Councillor McCann said he agrees that this is not the time to discuss policies but felt discussions in the future with the Board of Education and Town Council could be beneficial.

Town Council members and Board of Education members discussed the different programs being offered and how funds were saved.

Councillor Snyder felt it is really important the way the Board of Education and Administration formulates their budget to move education forward and stated she would support the budget.  

Councillor Anwar questioned how is it decided which foreign languages are to be taught?  Dr. Carter explained that economics is one reason additional languages have not been included in the curriculum.  The complex languages really need to begin in the earlier years and she feels in the future languages will be included in the elementary school.

Mayor Delnicki asked what would happen to staff if the cafeteria services are not continued after one year.  Mr. Miller explained that the South Windsor schools may have an open position or the CREC School may have open position.

Mayor Delnicki then questioned what the full cost of having full day kindergarten would be?  Dr. Carter stated that those numbers would have to be reviewed but does not believe the cost would be significant.  Chairperson Joy added that there would be a cost savings due to mid-day transportation being eliminated.

Mayor Delnicki stated that he received an email from a resident suggesting that the Board of Education seek out Town services for fleet management.  Dr. Carter explained that based on the services that the Town could provide some of the services would still need to be provided elsewhere and would most likely not be a large savings.

Mayor Delnicki suggested that the Board of Education review this suggestion as well as combining facilities maintenance between the Board of Education and the Town.


4.      A.      (continued)

Mayor Delnicki questioned how many staff members are hired via grants and what would the impact be on next years budget?  Dr. Carter explained that there are quite a few positions associated with grants and it is recognized that eventually those positions will need to slowly shift into the Board of Education budget.  The grants allow us to launch initiatives, determine the success of those initiatives and then plan over time for the inclusion into the Boards budget.  Dr. Carter then explained that there are grants that are very stable.  There are no positions at this time that will be lost because of grant funds.

Mayor Delnicki thanked the Board of Education and the Superintendent for this year’s budget.  

Dr. Carter stated that there are a lot of individuals involved in the creation of the Superintendents budget which makes it a success.  It is nice to have a budget received so well by the Town Council.

Chairperson David Joy thanked the Town Council and stated that our schools are the reason many individuals move to South Windsor and the property values are linked to the quality of our schools.  Chairman Joy also thanked the Superintendent and administration for their work on the budget and requested the Town Council to consider the budget in full.  

5.      Executive Session


6.      Adjournment

Councillor Prague made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m.; Councillor Snyder seconded the motion; and it was approved, unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah W. Reid
Clerk of the Council