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Town Council Special Work Session Minutes 4/23/2012

TOWN COUNCIL                                                           MONDAY, APRIL 23, 2012
COUNCIL CHAMBERS                                                                   TIME:  7:00 P.M.

1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Delnicki called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.

2.      Roll Call

Members Present:        Mayor Tom Delnicki
        Deputy Mayor Gary Bazzano
        Councillor M. Saud Anwar (arrived at 7:03 p.m.) 
        Councillor Cindy Beaulieu (arrived at 7:02 p.m.)
        Councillor Ed Havens
        Councillor Kevin McCann (arrived at 7:02 p.m.)
        Councillor Cary Prague
        Councillor Janice Snyder
        Councillor Keith Yagaloff (arrived at 8:08 p.m.)

Also Present:           Matthew B. Galligan, Town Manager
Ms. Roseanne Sapula came before the Town Council to explain that the Penguin Plunge.  She explained that this program helps to raise funds for Special Olympics.  This year the Penguin Wannabe’s team collected a total of $9,000 and out of that amount $4,500 goes to Special Olympics Connecticut and the remaining $4,500 goes to the program in South Windsor.  

Mayor Delnicki presented the Penguin Wannabe’s with certificates.  Deputy Mayor Bazzano presented Mayor Delnicki with a certificate because he was also a part of the team.

3.      Public Participation

Mr. Andrew Hildebrandt, business owner of CPR Training Professionals, LLC came forward to announce the company’s expansion celebration which will be held on May 1, 2012 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.  The ribbon cutting will be held at 5:30 p.m. and all proceeds from classes that will be taught that day at 3:00 p.m. will be donated to Disabled Veterans.

4.      Communications


5.      Town Manager’s Report

Mr. Galligan informed the Town Council that Connecticut Light & Power will be upgrading transmission lines in Manchester.  They will be using imploding connectors which have the potential to be heard up to five miles away.  This will begin early May and end early June with three to four implosion events per day, Monday through Saturday.  The Town has already announced this on the website, facebook, twitter and on channel 16.  If anyone has any questions, pleas call the Town Manager’s Office.


6.      Items for Discussion

A.      Town Clerk’s Budget Presentation

Ms. Lori Trahan, Town Clerk came forward and reviewed the Town Clerk’s budget, as shown in attached Exhibit A.  Ms. Trahan explained that the Town Clerk’s Office is requesting an additional $500.00 in advertising, an additional $300.00 in printing, an additional $1,000.00 in the Professional account.  These additional amounts  total a 2.5% increase.

B.      Capital Projects Budget Presentation

Mr. Galligan explained that for a while the Town did not have a Capital Projects Committee meeting.  The Committee just met and the Chairperson of the Committee, Jan Snyder, would like a three fold capital plan.  One addressing immediate needs, one trying to build up the capital funds in the budget and one that looks at bonding for needs that cross many needs of the community.  The Committee will try to come up with broad community support of various issues that need to get done and try to come up with one package that meets those needs.  The needs should be prioritized and a dollar amount needs to be established.  The public will then be asked through the referendum process of what they feel should be addressed.      

Councillor Snyder stated that there has not been a Capital Projects Meeting since last May or June.  The Capital Projects Committee feels one of the key components is the three stage process.  Right now there is a little over $600,000 and there are things that need to be done such as the re-evaluation.  Moving forward the Committee would like to use that three stage process, (things want done for the 2012/2013 budget, put together a viable funding source to fund capital projects moving forward, and a community based referendum).  The Committee wanted to make sure that the Town Council would support this concept before going forward.  A plan would be developed for the Capital Projects Committee and Town Council’s review.  

Councillor McCann felt that this idea is something that needs to be addressed and he looks forward to having that dialogue with the Committee and the Council.  The Town Council needs to focus on and establish a policy of what is and what is not a capital project.  Councillor McCann felt that senior space needs should be addressed immediately by renting space for the pre-school until there is a different solution.  This would take pressure off of the Community Center from the children programs that are there right now and address that in an economical way through a short term lease of property in Town.  There may be additional buildings in the future that may be available for Town use.

Councillor Anwar felt that infrastructure in the Town needs to be addressed and will cost the Town more if it is not addressed soon.  The infrastructure in Town adds value to the Town and needs to be maintained.


6.      B.      (Continued)

Councillor Prague stated he would support any referendum that goes to the public but he would prefer if the referendum were broken up into separate requests and not go as one referendum.  Town Council should discuss this further.

Councillor Havens felt that if the Town were to lease space it should be down at Evergreen Walk which would draw people to the area.  There is also an unused building (old Post Office) that the Town needs to find a use for.  The problem with this building is it is a high traffic area but if access could be reviewed and made safer then that building could be a solution for the space needs of the Town.

Deputy Mayor Bazzano felt that the old Post Office should be used for something other than storage.  Deputy Mayor Bazzano then stated that he likes the idea conceptually of going to referendum for funds for capital projects, but wondered who would decide what gets put into the referendum?  Councillor Snyder explained that she has already solicited input from Town staff but the end result would be a review by the Capital Projects Committee and then provided to the Town Council for approval.

Answering further questions, Mr. Galligan stated that he feels the referendum should go forward in November when the Presidential election occurs.  The community needs to be involved in discussions regarding the items on the referendum.

Councillor Anwar felt that the projects on the referendum should be kept together and the numbers should be reasonable so the community can decide on these projects as a whole.

Mayor Delnicki stated that he felt Councillor McCann’s suggestion of leasing property to eliminate the immediate concerns of the Community Center is a good idea but the Town Council needs to be mindful not to direct the rental in one particular direction so the Town can save as much money as possible.  Mayor Delnicki stated that he feels that the referendum should be split up with the different items and the costs for these items.  Not separating the items on the referendum could cause the problem of all the items being denied.  If a referendum is going to be done there needs to be criteria.  Whatever is proposed in the referendum has to have a life span that will exceed the duration of the payment schedule.

Councillor Snyder informed the Council that Capital Projects would probably be meeting once every two weeks once all of the information is gathered.  Councillor Snyder thanked everyone for this discussion.


6.      Items for Discussion

C.      Park & Recreation Budget Presentation

Mr. Ray Favreau, Director of Parks & Recreation came before the Town Council and began by introducing the employees of the Park & Recreation Department.  Mr. Favreau then went on and reviewed the Park & Recreation as shown in attached Exhibit B.

Answering questions from the Council, Mr. Favreau explained that the skate park is part of the Park & Recreation Master Plan.  The project is put into three phases which are for design and construction for over the next three years.  The project is estimated to be approximately $250,000.  There are some funds in the capital projects account.  There have been no large projects done in the last few years since the building was built at Rye Street Park.  It is the Park & Recreation Departments intent to move forward with the design of the skate park this year.  

Mr. Galligan explained that when the Council passes a resolution freezing the spending, everything is frozen.  The funds do remain in Capital Projects.  

Mr. Favreau explained that the amount of funds that are sitting in the Capital Projects Account for Recreation is $451,000 which does not include this year’s $113,000 allocation.  The Park & Recreation Department is in the process of reviewing contractors that provide free design services.  The skaters need to be involved in this design process because the design is user specific as well as site specific.    

Answering questions from Councillor Anwar, Mr. Favreau explained that someone can view the availability of facilities on-line, but reservations are done by phone.  The Park & Recreation Department provides the Council with monthly reports to keep the Council informed on programs and facilities.  Mr. Favreau explained that Day Camp has doubled in the last five years.  The 4th R has approximately 200 participants and that program started with 90 participants.  The costs to families compared in the last four or five years can be given to the Council at a later date.  Mr. Favreau stated that every year the Park & Recreation Department would like to add more features to VMP which would attract more users of that facility.  An indoor pool is something that the Town would like to have but it is a big ticket item.  The Town would be willing to review options of a regional plan or a public/private partnership.

Mr. Favreau explained that the only senior programming that the Park & Recreation Department does is the fishing derby and one senior exercise program.  The Human Services Department runs all of the senior programming.  Councillor McCann suggested that the Special Revenue Fund be used to subsidize the existence of VMP if there are extra funds in that account.  


6.      Items for Discussion

C.      Park & Recreation Budget Presentation

Councillor Yagaloff felt it is important for the Council to hear what the cost of improvements to VMP will be in the future and what is the benefit the Town will get on these improvements.   Mr. Favreau explained that there are seven part time employees who run the pre-school program.  Councillor Yagaloff discussed converting the pre-school space and the all purpose room into space that the seniors can use.  The pre-school program could be moved to existing space at the elementary schools.  

Mr. Galligan stated that he felt the suggestion of leasing space for 5 to 6 years and using that space for the Park & Recreation Department was a good idea.  Councillor Yagaloff stated that policy decisions by the Council have to be decided upon.  

Councillor Snyder stated that Capital Projects has been cut so there have been no funds for projects.  The pre-school programs that are offered through the Recreation Department is something that helps with the quality of life in South Windsor and should not be changed.  The Town Council needs to be mindful of all programs that are offered and the space necessary for these programs.

Mr. Favreau reiterated that active programs for seniors are offered through the Human Services Department.  The Recreation Department and Human Services Department can discuss this issue further.  Mr. Favreau explained that he would be meeting with a group to discuss pickleball and where to locate this activity.

Council members discussed different ideas regarding the skate park.  Mayor Delnicki felt that a smaller skate park would work at this time.  Timothy Edwards Middle School seems like a good location to construct a skate park.

Mayor Delnicki announced that the ground breaking for FedEx Ground is scheduled for May 15, 2012.

7.      Executive Session



8.      Adjournment

At 9:16 p.m. Councillor Prague made a motion to adjourn the Work Session.  Councillor Snyder seconded the motion and it was approved, unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah W. Reid
Recording Secretary