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Town Council Joint Work Session with the Board of Education Minutes 10/18/2011


TOWN COUNCIL &                                                                                                                                           JOINT WORK SESSION
BOARD OF EDUCATION                                                                                                                               DATE:  OCTOBER 18, 2011
COUNCIL CHAMBERS                                                                                                                                                 TIME:  7:00 P.M.

1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Pelkey called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

2.      Roll Call

                        Town Council

Members Present:        Mayor John Pelkey
        Councillor M. Saud Anwar
        Councillor Gary Bazzano
        Councillor Tom Delnicki
Councillor Kevin McCann
Councillor Cary Prague

Also Present:           Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan

Members Absent: Deputy Mayor Edward Havens
Councillor Janice Favreau
                                Councillor Keith Yagaloff

                        Board of Education

Members Present:        Chairperson Lisa Maneeley
                                Sheila Appleton
                                Diane Behler
Carol M. Driscoll
Timothy Paul Kenefick
Richard Mabey
Craig Zimmerman

Also Present:           Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kate Carter
                                Asst. Superintendent Daniel Hansen
                                Interim Asst. Superintendent Richard Cormier
                                Business Manager Donna McKenty

        Members Absent: Vice Chairperson Janice Snyder
David Joy


3.      Public Participation


4.      Items for Discussion

  • The proposal to construct the “CREC International Magnet Elementary School” on property located at L007 Long Hill Road (Capitol Region Education Council “CREC” to be present)
Mr. Matthew Galligan, Town Manager stated that CREC has been looking to locate a magnet school in South Windsor.  They have been before the Planning & Zoning Commission and have received approval from that Commission.  This is not an item to debate, but have the Council’s and Board of Education’s questions answered which were given to CREC representatives ahead of time.  Here tonight are Ann McKernan and Dina Crowl, both Assistant Superintendents of CREC and they will do a presentation as well as answer the questions that Council and the Board of Education have asked.

Mayor Pelkey explained that following the presentation the Town Council and Board of Education will be allowed to ask further questions.

Mr. Galligan added that if the public has any questions they can bring them to the Town Manager’s Office and answers will be provided.

Ms. Ann McKernan who serves as the Assistant Superintendent for the CREC Magnet School came forward and stated that she and Dina Crowl who is also an Assistant Superintendent for CREC Magnet Schools and is the Director of our Teaching and Learning program were present tonight on behalf of Dr. Bruce Douglas, Executive Director.  Ms. McKernan explained that the Capitol Region Education Council offers a wide variety of cost effective services and high quality programs to meet the educational needs of children and families in the Capitol Region.  CREC was established in 1966 and presently operate 15 inter-district magnet schools.  CREC is supported by local state and federal funds as well as some private funds.  There are 35 member districts.    


4.      A.      (Continued)

Ms. Dina Crowl came forward and explained that in 2008 CREC opened four magnet schools.  One of the schools is located in East Hartford, but currently is in incubator space located on Silver Lane and Church Street.  The current enrollment is 311 and it is being projected at 435 when grades 4-5 are added.  Tuition is $3,740 which the districts pay.  The magnet school received a magnet grant from the State of Connecticut in the amount of $10,443 per student.  This has been the level of funding for the past three years, so the district portion has not risen in the past three years.  The permanent school is scheduled to open in September of 2013.  The square footage is 64,300 square feet.  The address is on Chapel Road.  The school will have a gym and two fields that are large enough for youth sports, probably youth soccer or youth lacrosse.  

Ms. McKernan and Ms. Crowl reviewed the questions that were asked by the Town Council and Board of Education, as shown in attached Exhibit A.

Additional questions that were asked are as follows:

Is there specific designed curricula?

If a student continues in the IB Program, they would be afforded the opportunity to take Board Examination Systems in the upper level.  The IB Middle Years Program and IB Diploma Program are International Board Examination Systems for college preparation.

What is the difference between what children are already receiving in their education in South Windsor to what they would receive in the magnet school?

The magnet schools have the same curriculum or very similar to South Windsor Public Schools, but the magnet schools are required to have a theme.

The theme for this magnet school is an International Baccalaureate theme, so additional services are brought into the school.


4.      A.      (Continued)

If 50% of Hartford students will be allowed to attend the magnet school, out of the other 50%, how many seats would be available for South Windsor students?

That is something that could be negotiated.

Are there specific elements to every Partnership Agreement or are they all unique?

Partnership Agreements are negotiated with the Town.

If South Windsor does not have to have any preference for a certain number of students to attend the magnet schools.  South Windsor students could still apply and they would be in the lottery.

Will the School have elevators?


What happens if the State funding is reduced?

CREC works very hard with the State Legislature.  The funding has not gone down for the past three years.  CREC works to deliver low costs and high quality services to all 35 districts.

Who determines the operating budget?

CREC Council manages the operating budget for all of the magnet schools.

How does transportation work?

The Town of South Windsor will provide transportation to all students other than pre-school students.  There are usually zoned stops within suburban districts.  Ms. Crowl said she would find out if the Town would be compensated for busing or if it would come out of the Town’s budget.


4.      A.      (Continued)

Answering further questions, Ms. Crowl explained that the admission to the school is done by a blind lottery.  The school has to maintain a 26% non-minority population.

Is there a typical percentage of time that the facility will be available for community use?

This issue would have to be discussed.  Obviously when school is in operation, the facilities are not available.

Is there a fee associated with the use of the facility?

That is something that would have to be negotiated.

Are there sports associated with the magnet schools?

There are no sports in the Elementary Schools.  At this time there are no sports in the Middle School or High School, but that is being looked at now.

Who will be maintaining the fields and who will pay for the maintenance?

CREC subcontracts for the maintenance of the fields, landscaping and snow removal.

Is there a description of the meeting areas within the facility available?

Architectural plans are being worked on now and something will be available for the Town shortly.

What hours will the fields and the facility be available?

School days run from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and there could be evening events.

Will the fields have lighting?

Will have to get an answer regarding this at a later time.


4.      A.      (Continued)

In other communities, who is the individual that reserves rooms and fields?

The Principal would have to be contacted regarding this.

Does a Partnership Agreement typically increase the number of students that the Town is entitled to have in the school?

It establishes the number.

What percentage would CREC be willing to provide to South Windsor students under a Partnership Agreement?

That is something that would need to be worked out with the Town and then with the State.

Who would be involved in the negotiations regarding the Partnership Agreement?

The Board of Education and the Town Council would need to work together to determine what would be the best way that everyone could work together.

What does South Windsor pay currently to attend magnet or charter schools managed by CREC?

For 2011 school year, it looks like South Windsor is being billed $175,000 and that is without Two Rivers.  That will have to be checked and will get back with a definite answer.

Does the magnet school have special education students in the program?

Yes, the magnet school accepts all students within the lottery.  The Town is billed for special education services.

How is the cost determined?

The same formula is used that South Windsor uses to figure costs for special education.


4.      A.      (Continued)

Is the $3,740 figure charged for tuition at all of the magnet schools?

The lowest tuition is for the East Hartford/Glastonbury Magnet School at $2,517 and the highest tuition is for the Math and Science Academy at $4,950.

Would CREC consider having an indoor pool?

Will bring this back to CREC.

Would CREC consider increasing the size of the gymnasium to a full size gymnasium?

Will bring this back to CREC.

Mayor Pelkey requested that the gym size be brought back to the Council.

Is there auditorium space in the school?

Will get back to the Council and Board of Education on this question.

Are there any after school events?

Yes there are after school events as well as evening events.

What time is there no longer someone at the school?

Typically 6:00 p.m.

Is there a cost associated with the use of meeting rooms or fields?

Would have to get back to the Town Council and Board of Education on that.

Does CREC expect South Windsor to provide security at the school?

No CREC has School Security Officers.


4.      A.      (Continued)

Superintendent Kate Carter stated that she believes this school will be attractive to South Windsor resident because a 3 and 4 year old program is being offered which currently South Windsor does not offer and she also said she believes a full day kindergarten program is anticipated.  Dr. Carter requested a trend experience as part of this plan.

Will the Town collect building fees and inspection fees?

Yes, building fees will be collected.

What is the benefit to the children?

It is believed that a child will be well rounded if they come out with an increased and enhanced world view and understanding.

How do the bus routes work?

There are zones within a Town.  Parents would bring their children to a selected location where the bus will pick them up and drop them off in the afternoon.  This is something that the Board of Education would negotiate.

Anyone can create a Partnership Agreement, not just the host Town?


The Town will pay for transportation costs for children in South Windsor, even if the school is built elsewhere?

Will check on this.

Will the Town have to pay for after hour’s use of the facility?



4.      A.      (Continued)

The Town will never collect any taxes or payments in lieu of taxes from the building on the property.


Town Officials have no choice on whether this school comes to South Windsor?

The Planning & Zoning Commission approved this and that is all that is necessary.

It was requested that field maintenance be put out to bid to South Windsor contractors.  This will be reviewed.

Ms. Crowl explained that the State average for achieving gaps for students are often a difference of 30 points or more between races and at the magnet schools they are nearly nothing.  At secondary schools they are less than the State average.

5.      Executive Session


6.      Adjournment

Councillor Prague made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 p.m.; Councillor McCann seconded the motion; and it was approved, unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah W. Reid
Clerk of the Council