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Town Council Public Hearing Minutes 5/2/2011


May 2, 2011

7:15 p.m.

South Windsor Council Chambers

PURPOSE:        To receive citizen input on the Installation of Sidewalks on Hayes Road

Mayor Pelkey called the Public Hearing to order at 7:15 p.m.; and requested that the Clerk of the Council read the call of the meeting (a copy of which is attached hereto).  There were approximately twenty-five (25) people present in the audience.

Mr. Jeff Doolittle, Town Engineer for the Town of South Windsor came before the Town Council.  He explained that the public hearing is to discuss and obtain input from the public on the proposal to install sidewalks on Hayes Road.  In all new projects the Town is considering sidewalks to improve facilities for pedestrians.  The Town will also look at bike ways to improve facilities for bicyclists.  This is a requirement of a new State Statute that went into effect last October and is good design practice.  The sidewalk on Hayes Road was originally proposed for the north side but did not get very much response so the Town sent flyers out to the residents on Hayes Road showing a sidewalk on both sides of the roads.  The Town is only proposing a sidewalk on one side of the road but wanted to show what it would look  like on either side of the road and also show the different impacts.  There were 18 responses received from the neighborhood with 11that prefer the south side and 7 that prefer the north side.  The north side has driveway entrances to the Catholic Church and the south side links to other side streets.  The idea is to put in the sidewalks to benefit the pedestrians and also with this new statute the Town has the requirement to spend at least 1% of all funds on public improvement projects for facilities that will improve access for bicyclists, pedestrians, etc.   

Mayor Pelkey asked if there was anyone from the public that would like to speak.

Mr. Gregory Fisher, 63 Hayes Road stated that he is against this project.  The Town is redoing Hayes Road and the biggest issue is speeders.  There is no contingency plan to stop the speeding on the road.  This sidewalk is not connecting to anything.

Ms. Sandra Poliks, 10 Hayes Road stated that her and her husband Alan are also against the installation of sidewalks.  To maintain the sidewalks would be very difficult and financially could not afford to have someone maintain them.

Mr. Jon Westbrook, 87 Hayes Road stated that he is in favor of the sidewalks being installed on the north side of the road.

Ms. Ginny Hole, 185 LeFoll Boulevard stated that she is in favor of the installation of sidewalks.  Being a member of South Windsor Walk and Wheel Ways their goal is to promote connections between neighborhoods.  Sidewalks would be safer for walkers and walkers because of the speeding that is occurring on the road.

Public Hearing Minutes – Installation of Sidewalks on Hayes Road
May 2, 2011
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Mr. Robert Dickinson, 19 Birch Road stated that he is in favor of the installation of sidewalks.  Sidewalks need to be installed in different neighborhoods so connections can be made to other neighborhoods.  It is the right time to install sidewalks while streets are being improved.  As gasoline prices escalate there will be more incentive for people to walk and Mr. Dickinson stated he hopes the Town progresses on connecting the Town.

Mr. Scott Driscoll, 53 Hayes Road stated that he is in favor of the sidewalks being installed on Hayes Road.  The sidewalks should be on the same side as the Church for those individuals who walk to the church.  Speed on the road is a main concern and if the main reason to have the sidewalks is for the people who walk to the church, the sidewalks should be installed on the north side.

Ms. Bonnie Driscoll, 53 Hayes Road explained that she is home all day and you do see people walking.  Ms. Driscoll stated that she has a home daycare and it would be nice to have sidewalks on the street.

Answering questions from the Mayor, Mr. Doolittle stated that the public hearing was advertised for the installation of sidewalks but that does not mean people can not ask questions about the rest of the project.  The State Statute stated that not less than 1% of total funds received in any fiscal year by the State or any Municipalities for the construction, restoration, rehabilitation of roads shall be expended to provide facilities for all users including bikeways and sidewalks.  The statute does provide an exclusion which says “bikeways and sidewalks shall not be required if a municipal legislative body determines certain conditions are met such as non-motorized usage is prohibited, there is a demonstrated absence of need, the accommodation of all user would be excessively expensive component of the total project cost or the accommodation of all users is not consistent with the municipality program of construction, maintenance or repair”.

Councillor McCann questioned what percentage of cost for this project the sidewalks would represent?  Mr. Doolittle responded that for the cost for the sidewalks on Hayes Road would be approximately $70,000 which is a little bit over 10% of the project.  The total project construction costs are going to be approximately $600,000.

Mayor Pelkey questioned if there is anything built into the design of this project that would help with traffic calming?  Mr. Doolittle stated that there is presently no traffic calming but that is something that could be explored.  The one thing that has been done is the road has been kept as narrow as possible at 26’ wide.

Answering further questions from Council, Mr. Doolittle explained that both sides of the road are comparable for safety aspects.  The Town tries to put the sidewalk on the north side of the road because in the winter time the north side gets more sun so it helps melt the snow a little bit quicker than the south side of the road.  On the north side of the road there are three utility poles that would have to be moved to accommodate the sidewalk.  That does not cost the project any more.  If people are walking to church it would be better to have the sidewalk on the north side, but there are children that are dropped off on the south side of the road.
Public Hearing Minutes – Installation of Sidewalks on Hayes Road
May 2, 2011
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Councillor Anwar then questioned if there are residents unable to maintain the sidewalks, what are their options?  Mr. Gantick explained that a few years ago the Human Service Department had a program that would line up help for individuals that needed it.  The Town has an ordinance that states the sidewalks should be cleared of snow within 24 hours after the snow storm has ceased.    

Councillor Anwar felt that sidewalks are better for the Town properties.  As the Town is improved there are opportunities to improve the quality of the Town by increasing the sidewalks but the Town Council has to recognize that not everyone is able to maintain these sidewalks.  The Town Council should explore how to help this situation.

Councillor Delnicki stated that it bothers him that the residents are responsible for the clearing the sidewalks of snow and maintaining the sidewalks.  Seems like it would be much easier to mark off a bike path on one side.  

Mr. Doolittle explained that was an option that was explored but it would require widening the road to provide enough space for both bicyclist and vehicles.  

Councillor Bazzano said he is in favor of sidewalks but feels the residents should not be burdened with maintaining sidewalks.

Councillor Prague thanked the residents for coming to the public hearing.  When individuals moved into their homes on this street there were no sidewalks.  Sidewalks belong on major roads.  Councillor Prague said he would like to see more roads improved rather than having sidewalks installed and would be opposing the installation of sidewalks on Hayes Road.

Councillor Yagaloff questioned if there have been any studies done on preference of sidewalks in certain locations.  The Town can not afford to put in sidewalks in certain locations and then hope in 20 years somehow they connect.  Seems like the Town should have a plan that shows where sidewalks would be most important to locate rather than just installing a sidewalk and hoping some day it will connect with others.  How does connectivity in this area fit with the overall plan for connecting areas in Town, is it a high priority or a low priority?

Mr. Doolittle answered that there is no comprehensive sidewalk plan for South Windsor to decide which areas need to be connected and how best to connect those areas.  I believe that would be part of the Town Plan of Conservation and Development which is going to begin to be updated this year.  The South Windsor Walk & Wheel Ways group has done a lot of work in identifying trails in areas where they could connect neighborhoods through a variety of ways including on-road trails, off-road trails, etc.  Mr. Doolittle said he has not found a map that says these are the priority sidewalks if the Town were to build sidewalks.

Councillor Yagaloff stated that the last phase of the Nevers Road reconstruction is occurring, are there sidewalks down to Hayes Road from Nevers Road?

Mr. Doolittle explained that there will be sidewalks on Nevers Road which will be across from Hayes Road.  

Mr. Doolittle then answered that there are other Towns such as Manchester who maintain the sidewalks and Glastonbury who provide part of the cost of maintaining sidewalks.  

Public Hearing Minutes – Installation of Sidewalks on Hayes Road
May 2, 2011
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Mayor Pelkey questioned if the design on the north or the south change the design of the road?  Mr. Doolittle stated that the Town designed the road so that the sidewalks could either be included or excluded without affecting the design of the road.

Councillor Delnicki questioned how much money is put into Manchester and Glastonbury’s budget for the maintenance of sidewalks?  Mr. Doolittle stated that Manchester has a significant amount in their budget for sidewalk maintenance which could be as much as $1,000,000.

Councillor Delnicki requested that the amount that Manchester and Glastonbury budget for the maintenance of sidewalks be given to the Town Council.

Councillor Bazzano also would like to see what other Towns budget for the maintenance of sidewalks and requested that if a sub-committee is formed he would like to be involved.

Mr. Robert Dickinson, 19 Birch Road came forward again and stated the ordinance regarding snow removal on sidewalks could be changed to state that snow removal is not required and if it becomes a necessary route for children going to school then the Town could maintain it and still save money.

Mr. Scott Driscoll, 53 Hayes Road came forward again and said that he had stated earlier that he would like to have the sidewalks on the north side of the road.  After listening to all the discussion on this issue, Mr. Driscoll stated that he is opposed to sidewalks now and does not want to put liability onto his neighbors.

Mayor Pelkey asked for a Straw Vote, the results of which were as follows:

Those in favor of the sidewalks being installed on Hayes Road:  - 9
Those opposed to sidewalks being installed on Hayes Road:  - 11
Those in favor of locating sidewalks on the south side of Hayes Road:  - 2
Those in favor of locating sidewalks on the north side of Hayes Road:  - 1

The public hearing was closed at 7:51 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah W. Reid, Clerk of the Council

Public Hearing Notice – Exhibit A