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Town Council Special Meeting Minutes 12/20/2010 (draft)


Minutes Page 1  December 20, 2010

TOWN COUNCIL – Special Meeting
Council Chambers – South Windsor Town Hall

1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Pelkey called the Special Meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and recessed the Special Meeting in order to finish the Work Session.  The Special Meeting reconvened at 7:55 p.m.

2.      Roll Call

Members Present:        Mayor John Pelkey
        Deputy Mayor Ed Havens
        Councillor Gary Bazzano
        Councillor Tom Delnicki
        Councillor Janice Favreau
        Councillor Kathryn Hale
        Councillor Kevin McCann
        Councillor Cary Prague
        Councillor Keith Yagaloff

Also Present:           Matthew B. Galligan, Town Manager

3.      Public Input

Ms. Cindy Beaulieu, 19 Cody Circle came before the Town Council and stated that although she feels the Town Council needed more information regarding TIF financing, Ms. Beaulieu feels the deal made was the best effort of the Town Council to protect South Windsor residents.  Ms. Beaulieu then stated that the behavior of the Town Council members towards each other was uncalled for and each member should have more respect for each other.  The behavior displayed may have played into the behavior of the audience after the meeting.

Mr. Michael Sullivan, 24 Jared Court felt that the unprofessionalism shown on this Council has been uncalled for.  Mr. Sullivan then questioned who picked the consultants of Stone & Youngberg because they have been ordered to reimburse one of their clients for not doing the appropriate due diligence and recommending that they invest their funds in a certain scheme.  When will the Town hear about the progress of the bonding in order to move this project forward?


3.      Public Input (Continued)

Mr. John Marchesseault, 75 Murielle Drive came forward and stated that he had previously ran for Town Council because of the partisan bickering that was displayed.  There is now bi-partisan bickering going on within each party which needs to stopped and should be discussed in Executive Session.

4.      Special Unfinished Business

A.      Resolution Approving the Transfer of $3,000 from the Contingency Account to the Town Council’s Professional Account (Postponed from the September 20, 2010 meeting)

WHEREAS, the Board and Commission Recognition Event began in 1998 and was last held in 2008.  After the 2008 “Recognition Event” this item was eliminated from the budget; and

WHEREAS, the South Windsor Town Council wishes to again recognize the volunteers who serve on Boards and Commissions

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby approves a transfer of $3,000 from the Contingency Account to the Town Council’s Professional Account to cover expenses associated with a “Recognition Event” honoring Members of Boards and Commission who have generously volunteered their time to serve the Town of South Windsor.

Was made by Bazzano
Seconded by Delnicki

Councillor Bazzano read a letter from Roy Normen, a resident who lives at 158 Homestead Drive into the record speaking in favor of reinstating the Recognition Event for Boards & Commissions.  Mr. Bazzano stated he would like to also reinstate the Recognition Event.  This event is a great way to reward citizens of South Windsor for all of their volunteer work.

Mayor Pelkey explained that this item was tabled from the September 20, 2010 meeting in order to see where the Town stood on the budget.  After review of budget items, Mayor Pelkey felt comfortable using $3,000 for the Recognition Event.

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)


4.      A.      (Continued)

Councillor Hale felt that in view of the fact that the amount has been reduced from $5,000 to $3,000 it was a good idea.

Councillor Delnicki stated that a community is only as good as its volunteers and South Windsor has been very well served.  The money for a reception is well spent.

Councillor Prague stated that the volunteers work hard and there is nothing wrong with thanking them.  Councillor Prague then made a Motion to Amend the Resolution to change the amount from $3,000 to $5,000.  Councillor Bazzano seconded the Amendment and it passed on a Roll Call vote of 7 to 1 with 1 Abstention (Mayor Pelkey, Deputy Mayor Havens, Councillors Bazzano, Delnicki, Favreau, McCann and Prague all voting in favor of the Amendment; Councillor Yagaloff voting in opposition to the Amendment; and Councillor Hale Abstaining.

The Amended Resolution to read as follows:

WHEREAS, the Board and Commission Recognition Event began in 1998 and was last held in 2008.  After the 2008 “Recognition Event” this item was eliminated from the budget; and

WHEREAS, the South Windsor Town Council wishes to again recognize the volunteers who serve on Boards and Commissions

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby approves a transfer of $5,000 from the Contingency Account to the Town Council’s Professional Account to cover expenses associated with a “Recognition Event” honoring Members of Boards and Commission who have generously volunteered their time to serve the Town of South Windsor.

Mayor Pelkey called for a vote on the Amended Resolution; it was approved, unanimously.

5.      New Special Business

A.      Resolution Approving an Annual Salary for Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan for Fiscal Year 2010/2011

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council approves an annual salary of $148,962 for Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan for Fiscal Year 2010/2011, said annual salary rate to be retroactive to July 1, 2010.

Was made by Deputy Mayor Havens
Seconded by Councillor McCann

Deputy Mayor Havens explained that the Town Council has been so busy with other business of the Town and felt changing the regular procedure when reviewing the Town Manager for a raise is fine.  Mr. Galligan will be having an evaluation complete which will state goals and objectives at another time.  Deputy Mayor Havens felt that the Town Manager has done a great job and will support his proposed raise.

Councillor Favreau stated that she would be soliciting goals and objectives from other Council members.  Councillor Favreau stated she has been very impressed with Mr. Galligan and also felt this is a well deserved raise.

Councillor Prague stated he fully supports this increase and then stated the Town Manager’s accomplishments.  

Councillor Hale thanked Mr. Galligan for his service to the Town over the years, truthfulness, financial expertise and always having the citizens of South Windsor on his mind.  A lot of items Mr. Galligan does are usually handled by an Assistant Town Manager.  Councillor Hale stated she would support his increase.

Councillor McCann stated that the Town Manager has not had a raise in three years and feels the Town Manager should receive an increase this year.

Mayor Pelkey said that Town employees are always being recognized for their performance and that is a sign of a good Town Manger.  The Connecticut Studios principals were very impressed with Mr. Galligan’s knowledge of financing which helped bring that project to South Windsor.

Mayor Pelkey called for a vote on this Motion; it was approved, unanimously.


5.      New Special Business (Continued)

B.      Resolution Approving an Annual Salary for the Registrars of Voters for Fiscal Year 2010/2011

WHEREAS, the Registrar(s) of Voters are elected positions, serving a four-year term; and

WHEREAS, the Registrar(s) of Voters rate of compensation is, by State Statute, to be paid by the municipality

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby stipulates that the annual compensation for the Registrar(s) of Voters shall be $31,926 each effective January 1, 2011; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that their annual salary shall be increased to $33,043 effective January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012 and that South Windsor Town Council shall review and address by Resolution the salary adjustment for the two-year period of 2011 and 2012.

Was made by Councillor Delnicki
Seconded by Mayor Pelkey

Councillor Hale stated that the Registrars of Voters do a superb job and work well together.  This is a job were there is a lot of preparation that goes into everything they do, most of which is not in the public eye.

Councillor Prague felt that the Registrars run the office very well and do a great job.  These positions do not have benefits and the raises are well deserved.

Councillor Yagaloff made a Motion to Amend the Resolution by striking out “and that South Windsor Town Council shall review and address by Resolution the salary adjustment for the two-year period of 2011 and 2012.”  Councillor Delnicki seconded the Amendment; and it was approved, unanimously.

Mayor Pelkey called for a vote on the Amended Resolution; it was approved, unanimously.


5.      New Special Business (Continued)

C.      Resolution Approving the I-291 Corridor District Municipal Development Project, Project Plan, dated May 2003, as Amended and Supplemented by the First Amendment to Project Plan, dated October 2010

WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of South Windsor, Connecticut (the “Town”) approved the I-291 Corridor District Municipal Development Project, Project Plan, dated May 2003, on July 7, 2003 (the “Original Project Plan”); and

WHEREAS, the South Windsor Redevelopment Agency, acting as the South Windsor Development Agency (the “Development Agency”) pursuant to Chapter 132 of the Connecticut General Statutes, has prepared a First Amendment to Project Plan, dated October 2010 (the “First Amendment”), amending and supplementing the Original Project Plan (as amended and supplemented, the “Project Plan”) for the Connecticut Studios Project (as defined therein); and

WHEREAS, the South Windsor Planning and Zoning Commission has found the Project Plan to be in accord with the plan of development for the Town and approved the findings set forth in the Project Plan; and

WHEREAS, the Capitol Region Council of Governments Regional Planning Commission has found the Project Plan to be in accord with the plan of development for the Capital District and approved the findings set forth in the Project Plan; and

WHEREAS, the Project Plan has been the subject of a public hearing held by the Development Agency on December 1, 2010; and

WHEREAS, the Development Agency adopted the Project Plan as a development Project for the Town on December 3, 2010

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)


5.      C.      (Continued)

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town:

  • The Project Plan is hereby approved as a development project for the Town and meets the intents and purposes of Chapter 132 of the Connecticut General Statutes, inclusive of Section 8-186 of the Connecticut General Statutes.
  • The findings made in the Project Plan are hereby approved, including (1) the land and buildings within the Project Area will be used principally for industrial or business purposes; (2) the Project Plan is in accordance with the Plan of Conservation and Development of the Town and the Regional Plan for he Capital District; (3) the Project Plan was prepared giving due consideration to the State Plan of Conservation and Development and any other applicable state-wide planning program objectives of the State and State Agencies as coordinated by the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management; and (4) the Connecticut Studios Project will contribute to the economic welfare of the Town and the State, and to carry out and administer the Connecticut Studios Project, public action under Chapter 132 of the Connecticut General Statutes is required.
  • This resolution shall become effective immediately upon its approval.
Was made by Councillor Hale
Seconded by Mayor Pelkey

Mayor Pelkey made a friendly amendment on the sixth WHEREAS.  The date should be changed from December 3, 2010 to December 13, 2010.  Councillor Hale accepted this as a friendly amendment.

The correction to read as follows:

WHEREAS, the Development Agency adopted the Project Plan as a development Project for the Town on December 13, 2010

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)


5.      C.      (Continued)

Councillor Hale explained that Bond Council advised the Town Council that this is a step to move Connecticut Studios forward.

Mr. Galligan stated that the project plan is supposed to be updated every ten years but it was advised with the Connecticut Studios Project being proposed that the plan be reviewed, amended if necessary and approved.

Councillor Yagaloff stated that the Town Council is making another decision tonight that shows our support for the Connecticut Studios project.  This is the final piece that is necessary for the developer to move forward to try to sell bonds.

Mayor Pelkey called for a vote on the Resolution; it was approved, unanimously.

D.      Discussion Item:  Appropriate Town Council Response when Town Councillors Incite the Public Against other Members of the Town Council (requested by Councillor Yagaloff)

Councillor Yagaloff explained that his concern is regarding the last Town Council meeting where there were a lot of individuals in attendance who were out of work and very emotional.  There were comments made by a Council member which were directed at me and caused the audience to applaud.  This should not happen and would like Council to be willing to cease this behavior because this could create a safety hazard.

Councillor Hale stated that she too is concerned about he subject of civility.  All members should be treating each other with more respect.  There was one resident very upset at the last meeting because he was previously promised one thing and then got another when he came to the meeting.  Councillor Hale then went on to say she has been working very hard on the Connecticut Studios project because of the jobs that will be created.  It is inappropriate for any member of the Council to be attacking each other based on opinions.

Councillor McCann felt these discussions should be private and apolized to the public for actions of the Council at the previous meeting.

(Continued on Next Page)


5.      D.      (Continued)

Councillor Delnicki stated that the Town Council has an opportunity to learn from what occurred and should now put that behind us and move forward to represent the citizens of South Windsor.

Deputy Mayor Havens stated that there are a few unhappy people who feel personally insulted.  Deputy Mayor Havens stated that he is not part of this situation and he feels the Council members must now move on and not think about it any more.

Councillor Favreau explained that there were approximately 200 individuals present at the last meeting and only three individuals came forward tonight to complain about the Council.  Democracy is some times messy although it is not inappropriate to remind the Council to have decorum.  Do not feel the process was bad, it was a way for the Council to act in the best interest of the Town.

Mayor Pelkey stated he has tried to run meetings where everyone can get their points across.  It is good to be passionate and think that is why Councillors were elected because the residents of South Windsor know we have passion for our Town.  The biggest disappointment for myself was an article in the paper where an individual questioned if I had the ability to be a part of the Council.  It is always good to make a point but do not have to attack other individuals.

6.      Executive Session


7.      Adjournment

At 9:26 p.m. Councillor Delnicki made a motion to adjourn the Special Meeting.  Councillor Prague seconded the motion; and it was approved, unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah W. Reid
Clerk of the Council