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Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes 4/19/2010


Minutes Page 1  April 19, 2010

TOWN COUNCIL – Regular Meeting
Council Chambers – South Windsor Town Hall

1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Pelkey called the Regular Meeting to order at 8:04 p.m. and then recessed the Regular Meeting in order to finish the Work Session.  The Regular Meeting reconvened at 8:10 p.m.
4.      Roll Call

Members Present:        Mayor John Pelkey
        Deputy Mayor Edward Havens
        Councillor Gary Bazzano
        Councillor Thomas Delnicki
        Councillor Janice Favreau
        Councillor Kathryn Hale
        Councillor Kevin McCann
        Councillor Cary Prague
        Councillor Keith Yagaloff

Also Present:           Matthew B. Galligan, Town Manager

5.      Public Input

Mr. Richard Siedman of 56 Partridge Lane came before the Town Council to express his concern with sewer user billing practices of commercial condominiums versus residential.  This item should be reviewed very carefully because the Town is subsidizing the cost for commercial condominiums.

Ms. Kathy Daugherty of 12 Roy Road came before the Town Council to comment on the Board of Education budget.  Ms. Daugherty stated that the public hearing for the Board of Education budget drew a large crowd and she feels for safety reasons, all Board of Education public hearings should be held at the South Windsor High School.  Ms. Daugherty also felt that a Community Task Force should be formed to discuss shared services and she urged the Town Council to provide a number to the Board of Education for their budget so the Board will know what they have to do to meet the budget.  

6.      Environmental Health & Safety Message



7.      Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meetings

        BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby approves the Minutes of the following Town Council Meetings:  Special Budget Work Session of April 12, 2010; and Public Hearing of April 15, 2010.

Was made by Councillor Delnicki
Seconded by Mayor Pelkey
The motion was approved, unanimously

8.      Public Petitions


9.      Communications from Officers and Boards Directly Responsible to Council

Mr. Charlie Margolis who is the Poet Laureate for the Town of South Windsor came before the Town Council to inform the Council and the public that he has been meeting with a Steering Committee of eleven individuals to discuss the establishment of a program to show the poetry written by residents of South Windsor.  At this time the Committee would like to invite the public to submit their poems to them and a book with be created.  There will be work shops at the Library to help individuals write.  For more information please call (860) 644-0697.

At 8:32 p.m. the Regular Meeting was recessed in order to finish the Work Session agenda.  The Regular Meeting reconvened at 10:02 p.m.

Mayor Pelkey made a motion to Suspend the Rules to go to Items 17. A. and 17. B.  Councillor Favreau seconded the motion.  Councillor Hale made a friendly amendment to add Items 17. D. and 17. E.  The motion was approved, unanimously.


17.     New Business

A.      Resolution Setting a Time and Place for a Public Hearing to Receive Citizen Input on a Proposed Ordinance, an “Ordinance to Create and Become a Member of the Central Connecticut Solid Waste Authority

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby sets Monday, May 3, 2010, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the South Windsor Town Hall, 1540 Sullivan Avenue, South Windsor, Connecticut as the time and place for a Public Hearing to receive citizen input on a Proposed Ordinance, an Ordinance to Create and Become a Member of the Central Connecticut Solid Waste Authority”.

Was made by Councillor Bazzano
Seconded by Councillor Hale
The motion was approved, unanimously

  • Resolution to Enter into an Agreement with The State of Connecticut for Rights of Way Activities for the Reconstruction of Kelly Road
WHEREAS, the Town of South Windsor was awarded Federal and State funding from the Surface Transportation Program (STP-Urban) for the reconstruction of Kelly Road; and

WHEREAS, the South Windsor Town Council on December 10, 2009 has reaffirmed the need for said project and supports the continuation of the design and said project; and

WHEREAS, The State of Connecticut will be responsible for conducting the Rights of Way acquisition portion of said project and requires that the Town of South Windsor enter into an agreement with the State for this portion of the project; and

WHEREAS, the Town of South Windsor is responsible for 10% of the cost of acquisition of Rights of Way and easements and said portion is estimated to be $19,500, which the State requires as a demand deposit

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)


17.     B.      (continued)

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council authorizes its Town Manager, Matthew B. Galligan to execute the agreement titled “Agreement Between The State of Connecticut and the Town of South Windsor for Rights of Way Activities in Conjunction with Urban Systems for Reconstruction of Kelly Road”; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Council authorizes the expenditure of $19,500.00 for the demand from the Kelly Road portion of the Capital Bonded Projects Account.

Was made by Councillor Yagaloff
Seconded by Mayor Pelkey

Answering questions from the Council, Mr. Doolittle stated that he would research the necessity of an extra turning lane that is proposed to be constructed on Kelly Road.

Mayor Pelkey called for a vote on the motion; it was approved, unanimously

D.      Resolution Approving the Transfer of $4,500 from the Contingency Account to the Adult and Senior Department Equipment Account

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby approves a transfer of $4,500 from the Contingency Account to the Adult and Senior Department Equipment Account, to cover the cost to purchase a bus from The Hartford Transit District.

Was made by Councillor McCann
Seconded by Councillor Yagaloff
The motion was approved, unanimously

  • Resolution Authorizing Overtime for Public Works Staff
WHEREAS, it is planned to have an Electronics Recycling Collection with CRRA at the Earth Day celebration that is being held on April 24, 2010; and

WHEREAS, in order to hold this collection it is necessary for staff from Public Works to be able to work overtime

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)


17.     E.      (Continued)

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby authorizes the use of $600.00 to be used for overtime.

Was made by Councillor Hale
Seconded by Councillor Favreau

Councillor Hale explained that Earth Day will be held on Saturday, April 24, 2010 and CRRA will be holding an electronics recycling collection from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Nevers pavilion.  If anyone brings a laptop or desk top computers they are responsible for taking out the hard drive and destroying it.

Mayor Pelkey called for a motion on the Resolution; it was approved, unanimously

Mayor Pelkey made a motion to Suspend the Rules to go to Item 17. F.  Councillor Yagaloff seconded the motion; and it was approved, unanimously.

  • Resolution to Support the Safe Routes to Schools Projects at Orchard Hill and Eli Terry Elementary Schools
WHEREAS, the Town of South Windsor has been short-listed to receive funding for Safe Routes to Schools projects at both Orchard Hill Elementary and Eli Terry Elementary Schools; and

WHEREAS, the Town has published a legal notice, mailed a news release and mailed a formal letter to area property owners, announcing a public informational meeting for the proposed Safe Routes to Schools projects at Orchard Hill and Eli Terry Elementary Schools; and

WHEREAS, a public information meeting was held on March 31, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. at Timothy Edwards Middle School at which meeting residents had an opportunity to provide input on these projects; and

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)


17.     F.      (Continued)

WHEREAS, the Town has received input from residents at the public information meeting and finds that the proposed Safe Routes to Schools projects are in the best interest of the Town of South Windsor; will promote the health, safety and general welfare of its residents and provide for the safety and convenience of the public; and

WHEREAS, The Board of Education supports these Safe Routes to Schools projects and has passed a resolution of support on April 13, 2010; and

WHEREAS, the Town will be responsible for completing the design, obtaining any permits and easements needed for these projects and intends to fund this part of these projects in the Capital Projects Budget

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby supports the Safe Routes to Schools projects at Orchard Hill and Eli Terry Elementary Schools and commits to completing the design and obtaining any permits and easements necessary for these projects.

Was made by Councillor Favreau
Seconded by Mayor Pelkey

Councillor Favreau stated the she would be supporting the resolution because it will make sidewalks safer and handicap accessible.  This could also be incorporated into South Windsor Walk and Wheel Ways plan.

Councillor McCann felt that the Town Council should revisit the ordinance that mandates residents to clear the sidewalks in front of their homes of snow and repair them if something happens to them.  This Ordinance is not fair to residents.

Mayor Pelkey called for a vote on this Resolution; it was approved, unanimously

10.     Communications and Reports from Town Manager

Mr. Galligan began his report by stating that shared services is not a new concept.  Share services has been an ongoing discussion through the years.  The reason this item was brought up again in the April 15, 2010 meeting was because during these tough economic times it is felt this could be a worthy discussion to save money for the Town.


10.     Communications and Reports from Town Manager (Continued)

Councillor Yagaloff stated that shared services has been an on-going discussion, but the Board of Education has not followed up on the Town Council’s request to have these discussions.

Answering questions from the Board, Mr. Galligan explained that there are no funds in the current budget to maintain the multi-purpose fields.  The Town did go out to bid on this item and the lowest bid for maintenance was $63,000.00.  Mr. Galligan suggested that the Town buy the piece of equipment second hand that is required for the maintenance and do this internally.  The Town is going to maintain the field at this time, but not using the required equipment.  

Mayor Pelkey established the following sub-committees:

WPCA Subcommittee:  Councillor Yagaloff, Councillor McCann and himself

Board of Education Initiatives:  Councillor Prague, Councillor Yagaloff and Deputy Mayor Havens

HSA Subcommittee:  Councillor Hale, Councillor Favreau and Councillor McCann.  If the Board of Education would like to have discussions regarding this item they can appoint Board of Education members

Fields Subcommittee:  Councillor Bazzano, Councillor Yagaloff and himself

Mayor Pelkey then stated that on April 26, 2010 a Joint Meeting will be held with WPCA.  Following that meeting, the subcommittee will meet to have discussions.  Mr. Galligan stated that his office will begin setting up meetings for the WPCA Subcommittee.

Mr. Galligan then told the Town Council that the Town received a check in the amount of $10,000 from the Clean Water Fund.

Mayor Pelkey informed the Town Council and public that a Power Point presentation would be done regarding the HSA medical coverage.


10.     Communications and Reports from Town Manager (Continued)

Councillor Prague stated that he feels the Town Council should provide the Board of Education with guidance on their budget.  More meetings should be established to discuss this budget further.  Mr. Galligan added that he feels the Town Council should decide on the number for taxes and based on that number the Town Council will know whether the budget will need to be reduced, look for new revenues or adjust the budget in some other way.

Councillor Delnicki questioned if the Town could legally put some sort of stipulation for individuals who can never by the nature of where their property is located, have sewers tied into their property yet are expected to pay the new sewer tax on the capital improvement.  Mr. Galligan stated he would research this issue and get back to the Town Council.

Councillor McCann felt that the Town Council should address with the WPCA the fairness of the charges for sewer usage for members of the community who are not hooked up to the system.  It should be recognized though that even though these people are not hooked up from their property, they do receive a benefit through the sewers through the use of the Town buildings and should be charged accordingly as well as residents who are hooked into the system.  Councillor McCann also stated that he feels the HSA medical coverage would be a benefit not only to the Town budget, but also the person who is being covered by this plan.  The last statement Councillor McCann made was with respect to shared services.  If the Town and Board of Education are going to benefit in a real reduction in costs through shared services, reduction in staff would have to be a part of that process.

Councillor Yagaloff agreed with Councillor McCann’s statement regarding shared services, but felt that staff reductions could be achieved through attrition.  Councillor Yagaloff requested that all the correct budget numbers and projections for the WPCA budget be provided to the Town Council.

At 11:00 p.m. Mayor Pelkey made a motion to extend the meeting past 11:00 p.m.; the motion was not seconded and the meeting ended.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah W. Reid, Clerk of the Council