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Town Council Work Session Minutes 4/19/2010

TOWN COUNCIL                                                           MONDAY, APRIL 19, 2010
COUNCIL CHAMBERS                                                               TIME:  7:00 P.M.

1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Pelkey called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.; and then recessed the Work Session in order to hold a scheduled Public Hearing.  The Work Session reconvened at 7:30 p.m.

2.      Roll Call

Members Present:        Mayor John Pelkey
        Deputy Mayor Edward Havens
        Councillor Gary Bazzano
        Councillor Tom Delnicki (arrived at 7:04 p.m.)
        Councillor Janice Favreau
        Councillor Kathryn Hale
        Councillor Kevin McCann
        Councillor Cary Prague
        Councillor Keith Yagaloff

Also Present:           Matthew Galligan, Town Manager
3.      Public Participation


4.      Communications

5.      Town Manager’s Report


6.      Items for Discussion

A.      Volunteer Fire Department Budget Presentation
Chief Crombie came before the Town Council to present the proposed Volunteer Fire Department Budget.  Chief Crombie explained that the Fire Department staff had submitted a budget request which totaled about $780,000.  Cuts were made in the amount of approximately $105,000, and that left a total of approximately $675,462.  There was interest income from the Town funds that come to the Fire Department which was estimated at $10,000 which then brought the Fire Department budget request to $665,462.  The Town Manager did not make any cuts to that proposal.  This proposal is an $80,220 increase from last year which represents 3 ½%.  The increase represents $60,000 in the operating costs from October 2010 to June 30, 2011 for the new Fire/Ambulance facility, the training budget and funds to refurbish the interior at the Fire Headquarters.  Chief Crombie reviewed the percentage that each part of the budget represents.
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April 19, 2010
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6.      A.      Volunteer Fire Department Budget Presentation

Council members discussed in length what the Ambulance Corp. would be contributing for the new facility.  Mr. Galligan explained that the Ambulance Corp. is working with the Town Attorney to determine the appropriate cost that they will be paying.  The square footage of 6,150 will be calculated to figure out a fair cost to the Ambulance Corp., but the Town would eliminate approximately $15,000 for communications with the hospitals which the Ambulance Corp. presently pays for and this is something that the Town should be paying for.  Councillor Yagaloff stated that he would like a fair number given to the Ambulance Corp. which should be a separate line item.  Mr. Galligan stated that there is a place holder in the budget for the amount to be filled in.  Presently there are numbers on the revenue side but the expense side will need to be discussed.

Answering questions from the Council, Chief Crombie explained that there is a reduction in cost for not running the old Fire Station.  Salaries include 19 individuals (Chief, Assistant Chief, three Deputy Chiefs, three Captains, and Eleven Lieutenants).  The salaries range from $5,300 to $1,600.  Chief Crombie stated he does not see any reason for any full-time employees.  There are two non-emergency vehicles that are used by the Duty Officers where there is a cost associated with them but the Duty Officer can then respond to an emergency from wherever they are directly to the incident.  The Professional services budget is used for the length of service to firefighters and for medical and physical programs where the Town does entry level physicals and annual physicals for firefighters.

Councillor Delnicki stated that he appreciates the work that the Fire Department does for the safety of the community.  A reasonable number needs to be decided upon that the Ambulance Corp. will have to pay.

Councillor Havens added that the Fire Department has a dangerous work to do.   

While answering further questions of the Council, Mr. Galligan explained that the Town leases the equipment and the only way to bond equipment is if you are going to get five or six pieces.  The Fire Department has never come in needing multiple equipment, they come in with one piece every two or three years that need to be replaced.  The Town will negotiate with a bank for a municipal lease.  The Town does not give an upfront payment, the bank pays when the apparatus is delivered and the Town finances the equipment through the bank.  

Mayor Pelkey recessed the Work Session in order to call the Regular meeting to order at 8:00 p.m.  The Regular Meeting was then recessed and the Work Session was reconvened.

Mr. Galligan explained how the leasing program works for the Town and explained that when the Town sells a building, the money goes into the Capital Non-Recurring Account.  

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6.      A.      Volunteer Fire Department Budget Presentation (Continued)

There was a lengthy discussion regarding the capital budget and equipment replacement.

Mr. Galligan stated the current leased equipment totals $173,020.

At 8:10 p.m. the Work Session was recessed in order to go back to the Regular Meeting.  The Work Session reconvened at 8:32 p.m.

        B.      Fire Marshal Budget Presentation

Mr. Walter Summers, Fire Marshal came before the Town Council to present his budget.  Mr. Summers explained that the Fire Marshal’s Office is currently staffed by one full time Fire Marshal, one Deputy Fire Marshal who is part time and one part time Fire Inspector.  The Fire Marshal’s Office does a number of duties as directed by State Statute and local responsibilities.  There were a number of goals that were set for this year which were completed and included apartment inspections, a Juvenile Fire Setter program, advanced training for South Windsor which was coordinated with the Town of Manchester, and the Town received national certification for Investigators who go out to investigate fires.  The Fire Marshal’s Office has been busy on other items also which have included Connecticut Studios, MDA 31, Everbridge, and fees and ordinances.  After the Town Manager viewed the proposed Fire Marshal’s budget he adjusted it to a 1% increase in the line items.  The Fire Marshal’s Office is in desperate need of more inspectors for the apartments.  

Councillor Hale voiced concern of making a part time inspector full time and suggested that staff not be added until Connecticut Studios is up and running and a staff member is necessary.

Answering questions from the Town Council, Mr. Summers explained that buildings that need to be inspected by the Fire Marshal’s Office are anything that is three family and above by construction.  If in the condo’s every unit or every second unit is separated by a fire wall which is a two hour rated fire wall from the basement floor to the underside of the roof deck would be classified as a two family and therefore they do not fall under the purview of the Fire Marshal.  A lot of the condos in South Windsor do not have that separation by construction and therefore under the definition of the fire code they are apartments.  The apartments are required by State Statute to be inspected annually.  Mr. Summers then explained that the fire alarm renovation in the Town Hall is something that is desirable but not mandatory.  The system in the Town Hall is rather old and the parts are not around anymore and does not have the audio and visual devises that the Fire Marshal’s Office would like to see especially in the bathrooms and handicap areas.  The hand rails, guards, fire doors and the fire separation in the second floor hall are required by the fire code.  The Town would like to maintain the glass doors in the front but a smoke detector would have to be added to the existing system to meet code and separation issues there.
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6.      B.      Fire Marshal Budget Presentation (Continued)

Councillor Prague thanked the Fire Marshal for all his hard work.  Councillor Prague stated that he only has one concern regarding increase in fires.  Mr. Summers stated that there is not an increase in fires in South Windsor.  There is usually three to four house fires per year and all the fires seem to be accidental.  Answering further questions, Mr. Summers explained that the Fire Department tries to educate residents in different ways for fire safety and did have a campaign for numbering your house and there is a local ordinance that requires your house to be numbered, but that could be looked at that again.  The new buildings for the movies studios will require sprinklers.  

Mr. Summers explained that there are no funds that are necessary for the Juvenile Fire setter Committee, that Committee is funded by grants.  The part time inspector is Town funded.  

Councillor Yagaloff stated that the Town Council had received an opinion regarding the 53rd week pay period from the Town Attorney.  The issue is that because there is a one day shift in this calendar year there is an extra pay period.  The Town Attorney stated that individuals that are paid hourly can not be negotiated regarding the 53rd pay period because they have been negotiated by collective bargaining units.  There are individuals that are paid salary and the budget includes a 53rd pay period for those individual which Councillor Yagaloff feels is a bonus week.  The Town Council needs to decide whether or not as a policy decision the Town is willing to pay for the bonus 53rd pay period or whether it should be taken out of the budget.  Councillor Yagaloff stated that he does not feel salary individuals should receive the 53rd pay period, but felt that this issue should be discussed further.  Town Manager Galligan stated that there is a moral issue if the Town Council takes that 53rd payroll period away.  

Councillor Favreau requested that Mr. Summers explain how the number of 2,000 apartments was arrived at?  Mr. Summers explained that this is our best guess.  There are seventeen condominium complexes that would need to be evaluated.  There may be less but will not know until each complex is reviewed.  Mr. Summers then explained how the process of inspections takes place and what is involved in the inspections.  The fire code began in the 1970’s.  Mr. Summers stated that he was certified in 1987 and these inspections were required at that point.  

        C.      Recreation Budget Presentation

Mr. Ray Favreau, Director of Recreation came before the Town Council to present the Recreation budget.  Mr. Favreau explained the different accomplishments throughout the year which included hosting a national training program that focuses on successfully including children with special needs into summer camp situations.  Youth basketball participation remains static despite declining enrollment in student population.  Summer camps are highly utilized by residents.  The summer concert
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6.      C.      Recreation Budget Presentation (Continued)

series is also a highly utilized by residents.  The annual egg hunt had 3,500 to 4,000 participants.  The Department celebrated its 40th Anniversary last August with well over 5,000 people participating.  These programs are self sustaining and are not part of the Town budget.  The Administrative functions are in the general fund budget.  The goals that have been established for 2010/2011 include maintaining affordability, addition of a middle school teen after school club, dissolve the Recreation Revolving Account as required by the Auditors and use the balance of Special Recreation Fund to enhance programs.  Ongoing goals are always to track more participants, keep public recreation affordable, increase enrollment, provide better customer service and subsequently maintain a revenue fund to support the Recreation Special Revenue Fund.

Answering questions from the Town Council, Mr. Favreau explained that the salary line item includes the 3 ½% increase that was recommended by the Town Manager as well as the 53rd pay period.  There is fluctuations in the  4th R program between revenue and expenditures because some individuals pay in advance, staffing levels change based on the number of children with special needs that the Recreation Department needs to provide one to one’s for and there are enrollment changes month to month.  With all these variables factored in the expense and the revenue can fluctuate dramatically.  Also in our expense side are replacement costs for equipment and supplies.  

Councillor Yagaloff discussed taking half of the administrative costs and moving them over to the Recreational Special Revenue Fund.  Mr. Galligan responded that if the Council places any administrative costs into the Recreation Special Revenue Fund, that cost would have to be pro-rated between the various programs and then residents would be charged more.  Mr. Favreau added that there is a new audit expectation of keeping 10% of your adopted budget in reserve in Special Revenue Funds that the Recreation Department will have to maintain and the other item that the Recreation Department was requested to do is eliminate the current Revolving Account which has been done.  The annual average of the Recreation Fund Balance is approximately $42,000.  

Answering further questions from Council members, Mr. Favreau explained that the increase in the Recreation Special Revenue Fund is due to growth.  The Recreation Department added the Middle School after School Club which is approximately $150,000.  The 4th R Program numbers are close to 200 children each month and when this program began there were only 80 participants.  The cost for a family pass for the pool last year was $145.00 and this year the cost will increase to $150.00.  Other questions concerning programs were answered and discussed.

A discussion ensued regarding the maintenance and scheduling of the fields in Town.  Mr. Galligan stated that this item would be discussed further and brought back to the Council for more discussion.

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7.      Executive Session


8.      Adjournment

At 10:01 p.m. Councillor Yagaloff made a motion to adjourn the Work Session.  Councillor Hale seconded the motion; and it was approved, unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah W. Reid
Clerk of the Council