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Town Council Public Hearing Minutes 5/17/2010

May 17, 2010
7:00 p.m.

South Windsor Council Chambers

PURPOSE:        To receive citizen input on the Participation in a Small Cities
Community Block Grant for the Expansion of the Community Center
For Senior Citizen Programming

Mayor Pelkey called the Public Hearing to order at 7:00 p.m.; and requested that the Clerk of the Council read the call of the meeting (a copy of which is attached hereto).  There were approximately seventy (150) people present in the audience.

Mayor Pelkey asked if there was anyone from the public that would like to speak.

Ms. Carol Flagg of 140 McGrath Road came before the Town Council on behalf of the Senior Advisory Committee to speak in support of the addition.  There is not enough room and there are no other alternatives.

Mr. Don Gonsalves, 40 Bayberry Trail wanted to know how many residents attend the programs and how many non-residents attend the programs.  Mr. Gonsalves feels the taxpayers of South Windsor should not be accommodating individuals from other towns and he would rather have lower taxes than have the Community Center expansion.

Mr. Galligan came before the Council.  He explained that this public hearing is to get input from the residents before the Town completes an application to receive grant money for this expansion.  There has already been one public hearing and this is the second one that is required prior to completing an application.  The grant is for a total of $750,000.00 and it is hopeful that the Town will be successful in receiving the grant funding.

Ms. Jeanne Spencer of 150 McGrath Road stated that the programs are a necessary service provided to seniors.  Presently there is only one room to support 25% of South Windsor’s population.

Following comments from the audience, Mayor Pelkey asked for a Straw Vote, the results of which were as follows:

Those who support moving forward with the participation in a Small Cities Community Block Grant for the Expansion of the Community Center for Senior Citizen Programming:  - 27

Those in opposition of moving forward with the participation in a Small Cities Community Block Grant for the Expansion of the Community Center for Senior Citizen Programming:  - 1

The public hearing was closed at 7:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah W. Reid, Clerk of the Council

Public Hearing Notice – Exhibit A