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Town Council Approved Work Session Minutes 12/7/2009

TOWN COUNCIL                                                    MONDAY, December 7, 2009
COUNCIL CHAMBERS                                                               TIME:  7:00 P.M.

1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Pelkey called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

2.      Roll Call

Members Present:        Mayor John Pelkey
        Deputy Mayor Edward Havens
        Councillor Gary Bazzano
        Councillor Tom Delnicki
        Councillor Janice Favreau
        Councillor Kathryn Hale
        Councillor Kevin McCann
        Councillor Cary Prague
        Councillor Keith Yagaloff

Also Present:   Matthew Galligan, Town Manager
3.      Public Participation

Mr. Larry DiBenedetto, 85 Orchard Hill Drive came before the Town Council.  Mr. DiBenedetto voiced his concerns about the production studios that will be breaking ground in the spring of 2010.  He stated that he is thrilled because this is a good opportunity for growth in the community.  However, last summer Mr. DiBenedetto was  unable to gain employment when the Sewerage Treatment Plant was being upgraded.  Mr. DiBenedetto would like to enable a fair amount of Connecticut residents that are seeking employment for these types of construction opportunities in South Windsor to have priority to gain employment.  Other cities and towns have adopted a program under the PLA Agreement.  

4.      Communications

5.      Town Manager’s Report


6.      Items for Discussion


7.      Executive Session

Work Session – Town Council
December 7, 2009
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At 7:03 p.m. Mayor Pelkey recessed the Work Session to hold a Public Hearing.  The Work Session reconvened at 7:18 p.m.

8.      Adjournment

At 7:19 p.m. Councillor Delnicki made a motion to adjourn the Work Session.  Deputy Mayor Havens seconded the motion; and it was approved, unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah W. Reid
Clerk of the Council