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Town Council Special Work Session Minutes 11-24-2008

TOWN COUNCIL                                                 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2008
COUNCIL CHAMBERS                                                               TIME:  7:00 P.M.

1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Prague called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.

2.      Roll Call

Members Present:        Mayor Cary Prague
        Deputy Mayor Bazzano
        Councillor Kathryn Hale
        Councillor Ed Havens
        Councillor Lisa Maneeley
        Councillor Kevin McCann 
        Councillor Paul Oates
        Councillor John Pelkey
        Councillor Keith Yagaloff

Also Present:           Matthew Galligan, Town Manager
                                Duncan Forsyth, Town Attorney

3.      Public Participation

Attorney Wayne Gerlt came forward and stated that he has an office at 112 Deming Street and resides at 318 Felt Road.  Attorney Gerlt stated to the Town Council that after discussing the firehouse project with other residents, he believes it is not prudent to spend $1.8 million dollars to buy a piece of property to construct the firehouse when the Town has a piece of property already to construct the firehouse on.  Attorney Gerlt discussed options that the Town Council could review and also stated that he feels the Town Council should direct the Town Manager to not sign any contracts until the Town Council has made a final decision on the location for the firehouse project.

4.      Special Business

  • Communications from Council
Councillor Oates informed the Council that he attended the Regionalization Forum on November 13, 2008 at the University of Hartford.  Councillor Oates reviewed discussions regarding regionalization and feels South Windsor should participate in this type of opportunity.

Mayor Prague stated that on Sunday, November 23, 2008 several Council Members attended the “Wet-Down” ceremony at the South Windsor Fire Department.  This was a dedication to the new tower truck.  At the dedication, the Fire Department honored Corporal Brian Warren who has just returned from his second tour in Iraq.  
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4.      A.      (continued)

Councillor Hale questioned why the Sewer Treatment Plant is not listed on the letter regarding the stimulus package listing that the Town is forwarding to the State for possible federal funding?  Mr. Galligan explained that the stimulus program is for transportation items.  Mr. Gantick has submitted paperwork to the American Public Works Association regarding the funding for the Sewer Treatment Plant.  

  • State Representative Comments on the State Work Session
Mayor Prague explained that Representative Aman was unable to attend tonight and this item will be discussed at a later meeting.

Representative Elect Tim Larsen came before the Town Council to introduce himself to the South Windsor Town Council.

Councillor Hale stated that all items raised by Mr. Gerlt tonight were considered by the Town Council.  Various properties were discussed and 765 Sullivan Avenue was chosen.  This project needs to move forward.

Councillor Pelkey made a motion to Suspend the Rules in order to go to Item 5. on the agenda.  Councillor McCann seconded the motion; and it was approved, unanimously.

5.      Executive Session

At 7:17 p.m. Councillor Pelkey made a motion to go into Executive Session to discuss negotiations on 765 Sullivan Avenue.  Deputy Mayor Bazzano seconded the motion; and it was approved, unanimously.

The following individuals went into Executive Session:  Town Manager Matthew Galligan, Town Attorney Duncan Forsyth, Mayor Prague, Deputy Mayor Bazzano, Councillors Hale, Havens, Maneeley, McCann, Oates, Pelkey, and Yagaloff.

At 8:30 p.m. Councillor Maneeley made a motion to adjourn the Executive Session.  Councillor Pelkey seconded the motion; and it was approved, unanimously.

4.      Special Business

  • Discussion of Priorities for 2009/2010
Councillor McCann made a motion to table this item.  Mayor Prague seconded the motion; and it was approved, unanimously.
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4.      Special Business

        D.      Capital Projects discussion

Mayor Prague made a motion to table this item.  Councillor McCann seconded the motion.

Councillor Pelkey amended the motion to postpone this item to the next regularly scheduled meeting.  Councillor McCann seconded the amendment; and it was approved, unanimously.

Mayor Prague called for a vote on the Amended Motion; it was approved, unanimously.

E.      Budget presentation – Human Services

Mr. Dennis Sheridan, Director of Human Services, as well as Irene Murray, Coordinator of Adult & Senior Services and Joann Moriarty, Youth & Family Services Coordinator came before the Town Council.  Mr. Sheridan reviewed the budget of Human Services, which included administrative costs, Counseling/Social Services, Programs, Senior Lunch Program, Transportation, Fee for Service Programs, and Grants.

Mr. Sheridan and Mrs. Murray answered various questions from Town Council members.

F.      Budget presentation – General Government

Town Manager Matthew Galligan came before the Council members and reviewed the General Government budget.  Mr. Galligan also reviewed programs that are presently used and new programs that are being looked at to better organize the Town.  Mr. Galligan stated that if there is a particular item any Councillor would like discussed in length, he would have that certain department come to a future meeting.

A lengthy discussed ensued regarding shared services and combining town departments with the Board of Education administrative office departments.

                        Mr. Galligan answered various questions from Town Council members.

6.      Adjournment

At 10:20 p.m. Deputy Mayor Bazzano made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Councillor  Maneeley seconded the motion and it was approved, unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah W. Reid, Clerk of the Council