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Town Council Work Session 9-15-08

TOWN COUNCIL                                                    WORK SESSION
COUNCIL CHAMBERS                                                SEPTEMBER 15, 2008
SOUTH WINDSOR TOWN HALL                                 TIME:  7:00 P.M.

1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Prague called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.

2.      Roll Call

Members Present:        Mayor Cary placeCityPrague
        Deputy Mayor Gary Bazzano
        Councillor Kathryn Hale
        Councillor Edward Havens
        Councillor Lisa Maneeley
        Councillor Kevin McCann
        Councillor John Pelkey
        Councillor Matthew Streeter
        Councillor Keith Yagaloff

Also Present:           Matthew B. Galligan, Town Manager
                                Duncan Forsyth, Town Attorney
3.      Public Participation:

The following individuals came forward to voice their concerns regarding traffic on  addressStreetDeming Street:

Mrs. Annamae Davis, addressStreet9 Ridge Road
Mr. Ray DeMaio, addressStreet663 Deming Street
Mr. Jed Beaulier, addressStreet673 Deming Street
Mr. Bob Britton, addressStreet649 Deming Street
Mr. Lee Santos, addressStreet513 Deming Street
Mr. Joe Maddaluno, addressStreet539 Oakland Road

Councillor Havens stated that addressStreetDeming Street is very dangerous.  Council Members should review ways to slow traffic down in this area.

Mr. Galligan, Town Manager stated that Commander Reed is present to discuss this item.  Mr. Galligan then suggested that the Town try to cul-de-sac addressStreetDeming Street, or discuss the use of traffic calming measures.

Councillor Hale made a motion to Suspend the Rules to go to Item 6. B.; Deputy Mayor Bazzano seconded the motion; and it was approved unanimously.

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6.      Items for Discussion

B)      Traffic on addressStreetDeming Street (Requested by Mayor Prague)

Council Members discussed the dangers of addressStreetDeming Street and then felt a work shop with the residents should be the next step.  Mr. Galligan was requested to see how much a traffic study would cost.

Commander Reed of the South Windsor Police Department came forward to discuss addressStreetDeming Street.  He stated that a traffic study was done on addressStreetDeming Street, and there are fewer vehicles traveling west bound (towards addressStreetBuckland Road) than there are vehicles traveling east bound.  There are 170 parcels that are serviced by addressStreetDeming Street.  If changes are made to addressStreetDeming Street, proposed changes would also impact addressStreetSlater Road, and Rte. 30.

Answering questions from Councillor Bazzano, Commander Reed explained that the speed limit on addressStreetDeming Street is 25 mph.  The vehicles that are traveling east bound on addressStreetDeming Street are traveling at a speed occurring most frequently of approximately 39 mph and the vehicles traveling west bound are traveling at a speed most frequently of 35 mph.  These speeds are not absolute, they were taken in a study that was performed for seven days.  Improvements to the addressStreetDeming Street and addressStreetBuckland Road intersection will be in progress as soon as outstanding issues are settled.  Commander Reed then explained that the proposal to erect stop signs along addressStreetDeming Street would not necessarily slow traffic down.  Stop signs can create more traffic violations, and motor vehicle accidents.  There has been development in the area that has increased the amount of traffic, but the accident rate and speed statistics do not show that traffic is unreasonable or out of control.

Councillor Bazzano then questioned if putting a one way between addressStreetSlater Road and addressStreetDeming Street would decrease traffic?  Commander Reed stated that you would be displacing traffic and most likely would have traffic going down the hill on addressStreetSlater Road which can be a treacherous hill especially during the winter months.

Councillor Pelkey and Councillor McCann both felt that there needs to be a public forum to discuss measures that could be taken to slow traffic in the area.  Councilor Pelkey suggested that calming measures be discussed when a forum is held.

Commander Reed concluded discussions by stating that the Police Department has tried to be responsive to concerns of speeding on local roads.  In the past 24 months there have been 378 tickets distributed as a result of speeding on addressStreetDeming Street.  Commander Reed explained that as he was going through statistics, it showed that the tickets that were issued were for individuals living in the neighborhood, not vehicles going through.

Mayor Prague stated there will be more discussions held regarding this issue in the future.
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4.      Communications

Councillor Streeter stated that he had attended Jim Morrison’s retirement party.  Councilor McCann, Councillor Havens and Commander Reed were also all in attendance.

5.      Town Manager’s Report

Will be discussed the Regular Meeting.

The Work Session was recessed in order to call the Regular Meeting to order at 8:00 p.m.; and then the Regular Meeting was recessed to finish the Work Session.

6.      Items for Discussion

A)      “Do’s and Don’ts” after a referendum question has been set, (Town Attorney Duncan Forsyth to be present)

Town Attorney Duncan Forsyth reviewed do’s and don’ts after a referendum question has been set with the Council, see attachment Exhibit A.

Answering questions from Council Members, Attorney Forsyth stated he would give a written opinion regarding the Board of Education posting a referendum question and historical information on their website.  The Board of Education will also receive this opinion.  If an individual serves as an Officer of a Town Committee, that individual could not also be Treasurer or Secretary of a PACT.  The Town Council is not to hand out information.

7.      Executive Session


8.      Adjournment

At 8:17 p.m., Councillor McCann moved to adjourn the meeting.  The Motion was seconded by Councillor Streeter and was approved, unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah W. Reid
Clerk of the Council