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Town Council Special Work Session 4-14-2008

TOWN COUNCIL                                                    SPECIAL WORK SESSION
ROOM ALT. 6                                                             APRIL 14, 2008
TIMOTHY EDWARDS MIDDLE SCHOOL                           TIME:  6:00 P.M.

1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Streeter called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m.

2.      Roll Call

Members Present:        Mayor Matthew Streeter
        Deputy Mayor Cary CityplacePrague
        Councillor Gary Bazzano
        Councillor Kathryn Hale
        Councillor Edward Havens
Councillor Kevin McCann
Councillor John Pelkey
                                Councillor Keith Yagaloff

Also Present:           Matthew B. Galligan, Town Manager

3.      Public Participation:


4.      Items for Discussion

A.      Update on Fire Department Project

Mr. Hap Fitts, Chair, Public Building Commission came forward to update the Town Council regarding the Fire House Project.  Mr. Fitts voiced concerned with going forward with the project on the selected site.   He then informed the Town Council that additional funds will be necessary even if construction is on the selected site because prices for materials are increasing.  The estimated additional funds are approximately $1.5 million.

Town Manager, Matthew Galligan explained that alternatives are being discussed with two options which include finding another site to locate the Fire House and Ambulance Corp., or do mitigation on another property.  The site that is being looked at presently is on the corner of addressStreetWest Road and addressStreetSullivan Avenue.  The property is owned by the Woodcock family.  It is thought that some of the land can be divided in order to have a connection to the abutting open space, (Major Michael Donnelly).  Some of the other land could also be used for passive recreation, and/or additional ball fields for the town.  The Town Attorney is negotiating for this property and it is hopeful to have a contract for the Town Council to review by April 21, 2008.  Additional testing of the property will have to

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4.      Items for Discussion

        A.      Update on Fire Department Project (continued)

be conducted prior to approving this property for purchase.  Town staff feels if this property is purchased, there are area’s to reduce costs to the town.  The Town will hire an Environmental Specialist prior to any decision being made on the purchase of different property for the site of the Fire House.  He then informed the Council that the Department of Environmental Protection is trying to have a bill passed that would not allow anything to be built within 100’ of a stream.  There has been a lot of controversy regarding this subject and a lot of opposition.  The Town is watching that bill as well as Senator LeBeau and Representative Christ.

Answering further questions, Mr. Fitts explained that the present foot print of the Fire House has and will remain that same, even if the site location is changed, which will save the Town money.  The Public Building Commission will come back to the Town Council to discuss financing at a later date after the location and design are decided upon.  There would be testing that would need to be done on the new site which would be essential for the decision on whether the town would purchase the property or not.  

Discussions then took place regarding the use of the present Firehouse.

B.      School Projects – concerning Energy Efficiency Criteria

Councillors Hale and Bazzano approached the rest of the Town Council to discuss energy efficiencies that could be incorporated into the plan for the school project.  A Task force would need to be formed consisting of two members from the Public Building Commission, two members from the Town Council and two members from the Board of Education.

Answering an assortment of questions, it was stated that operating costs for all four schools would be approximately $163 million, which does not include the telephone system.  Energy efficiencies are usually elements that are included in the design, but may be cut because of costs.  The elements will cost the town money up front, but will save the town money in the long run.

Councillor McCann stated that it is his feeling the school projects should be split up because there are not many contractors qualified to do this large of a project.
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4.      Items for Discussion

Board Member Tony Fornuto stated that there is plenty of opportunity to seek ideas that are not costly.  The residents of placeSouth Windsor will support this concept if they see a well thought out plan.

Dr. Kozaczka, Superintendent of Schools felt there is also an opportunity to   educate children regarding energy efficiency if these types of elements are implemented into the design of the schools.

8.      Adjournment

Deputy Mayor Prague made a motion to adjourn the Work Session at 6:55 p.m.  Councillor Bazzano seconded the motion and it was approved, unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah W. Reid
Clerk of the Council