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Town Council Regular Meeting 4-7-2008


Minutes Page 1  April 7, 2008

TOWN COUNCIL – Regular Meeting
Council Chambers – placePlaceNameSouth Windsor PlaceTypeTown Hall

1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Streeter called the Regular Meeting to order at 8:00 p.m.

4.      Roll Call

Members Present:        Mayor Matthew Streeter
Deputy Mayor Cary CityplacePrague
Councillor Gary Bazzano
Councillor Edward Havens
Councillor Lisa Maneeley
Councillor PersonNameKevin McCann
Councillor PersonNameJohn Pelkey
                                Councillor PersonNameKeith Yagaloff

Also Present:           Matthew B. Galligan, Town Manager

Following the Roll Call, Deputy Mayor Prague read the list of placeSouth Windsor residents who have served, or are currently serving, in either “Operation Iraqi Freedom,” or “Operation Nobel Eagle”.

5.      Public Input

Mr. Tim Shepard, addressStreet585 Main Street requested to the Town Council that the Town reconsidering looking into MDC for town sewer needs.  He would like to have the residents of placeSouth Windsor know that all aspects have been investigated.

Mrs. Mary Etter, Library Director came forward to inform the Town Council and public about a program that will be at the South Windsor Library called “A World of Words”.  Programs run from April 2, 2008 through April 24, 2008.

Mrs. Leah Gesualdi who is the Secretary for the MOM’s Club North came forward to ask the Town Council to support the proposed amendment to the Mini-Grant Program.  Mrs. Gesualdi then announced that on April 12, 2008, the 4th annual Consignment Sale at the Fire House Headquarters will be taking place.


6.      Environmental Health & Safety Message

Councillor Pelkey announced that anyone that does not have dental insurance and is in need of dental attention such as a cleaning, filling, and/or an extraction, can attend a program called “Missions of Mercy” at the placePlaceNameTolland PlaceTypeHigh School on April 12, 2008 from 5:00 am. to 5:00 p.m. or on April 13, 2008 from 5:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

7.      Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meetings

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council approves the Minutes of the following Town Council Meetings:  Special Meeting of December 3, 2007; Work Sessions of December 3, 2007, March 17, 2008 and March 24, 2008; and Regular Meetings of December 3, 2007 and March 17, 2008.

Was made by Councillor Havens
Seconded by Councillor Pelkey
The motion was: approved, unanimously

Councillor Hale made a motion to Suspend the Rules to go to items 17. F., 17. G., 17. H. and 17. placeI.; Councillor Pelkey seconded the motion; and it was approved unanimously.

17.     New Business

F.      Resolution Amending the “placeSouth Windsor Citizen Matching Mini-Grant Program” to Clarify Language Regarding “Programs”

WHEREAS, on June 20, 2005 the South Windsor Town Council established the Citizen Matching Mini-Grant Program to encourage town citizens to help achieve the common goal of “One Town One Future” by becoming participants and partners with their Town Government; and

WHEREAS, the South Windsor Town Council has approved since it’s inception a number of requests for Citizen Matching Mini-Grants in a variety of areas and wishes to encourage Town citizens to continue to invest in their community by participating in various private sector projects and initiatives that will benefit or enhance the Town of South Windsor and its citizenry; and

17.     F.      (continued)

WHEREAS, the South Windsor Town Council wishes to clarify the meaning of the word “Programs” as described on the application under the heading “The intent of this matching grant program is to.” (see Exhibit A)

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council adopts the new Section 5 of the Citizen Matching Mini-Grant application as more fully described in Exhibit A.

Was made by Councillor Pelkey
Seconded by Councillor Yagaloff

Councillor Pelkey explained that the amendment to this program was the original intent of the Matching Mini-Grant.  In the application it mentions program many times and Councillor Pelkey thought this would be a good opportunity to clarify the  grant program.

Mayor Streeter stated that when this program was originally initiated, concerns were voiced regarding having costs of on-going programs.  He felt that using the money in this way was not the intention of the Matching Mini-Grant program when it was initiated.  The Mini-Grant idea was to benefit all citizens.

Councillor Pelkey explained that this would be a one shot deal and would not be in the budget each year.

Both Councillors Yagaloff and Havens voiced their support for this amendment.  

Councillor McCann felt that South placeCityWindsor needs to keep those in need in the budget.  Human Services should have money in their budget to run programs.  Expanding the Mini-Grant Program is not the right way to accomplish running a program.

After further discussion regarding this issue, addressStreetMayor Street voiced concerns he had with this resolution and then made a motion to postpone consideration until the May 5, 2008 meeting.  Councillor McCann seconded the motion, and it was approved, unanimously.


17.     New Business (continued)

G.      Resolution Granting a “South Windsor Citizen Matching Mini-Grant” to the South Windsor MOM’s Club North to purchase park benches for PlaceNameplaceRye PlaceNameStreet PlaceTypePark
WHEREAS, on June 20, 2005 the South Windsor Town Council established the Citizen Matching Min-Grant Program to encourage town citizens to help achieve the common goal of “One Town One Future” by becoming participants and partners with their Town Government; and

WHEREAS, the South Windsor MOM’s Club North has raised sufficient funds and has submitted a proper application to the Town Manager who after review, has determined that this project meets all the criteria of the program and therefore received his approval to purchase and install two park benches in Rye Street Park; and

WHEREAS, the South Windsor Town Council wishes to thank the South Windsor MOM’s Club North for their continued support of projects that have enhanced the Town of South Windsor

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council approves a Citizens Matching Mini-Grant for up to $900 to purchase two park benches for PlaceNameplaceRye PlaceNameStreet PlaceTypePark.

Was made by Councillor Pelkey
Seconded by Councillor Havens

Commission Members discussed the necessity of the review and approval of Matching Mini-Grants by the Town Attorney.  Town Manager Galligan explained that it was felt these mini-grants were minor and the approval of the Town Attorney would not be necessary.  

Councillor Pelkey explained that the Town Attorney would get involved with applications for Matching Mini-Grants only if there were permits or legal issued involved with the application process.

Councillor McCann then voiced concern that there are five resolutions that are on the agenda that have not been discussed previously.

Mayor Streeter called for a vote on this Resolution; it was approved, unanimously.


H.      Resolution Granting a “South Windsor Citizen Matching Mini-Grant” to the South Windsor MOM’s Club North to Fund Certain Youth Programming through the South Windsor Recreation Department

WHEREAS, on June 20, 2005 the South Windsor Town Council established the Citizen Matching Mini-Grant Program to encourage town citizens to help achieve the common goal of “One Town One Future” by becoming participants and partners with their Town Government; and

WHEREAS, the South Windsor MOM’s Club North has raised sufficient funds and has submitted a proper application to the Town Manager who after review, has determined that this project meets all the criteria of the program and therefore received his approval to fund a youth program through the Parks & Recreation Department; and

WHEREAS, a portion of said grant funds may also be used to underwrite the registration fees or cost of this program for those families that meet the South Windsor Human Services criteria for aid and as such will be administered through them; and

WHEREAS, the South Windsor Town Council wishes to thank the South Windsor MOM’s Club North for their continued support of projects that have enhanced the Town South Windsor

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council approves a Citizens Matching Mini-Grant for up to $1,600 to fund this program.

Was made by Councillor Pelkey
Seconded by Councillor Yagaloff
Councillor Pelkey made a motion to postpone consideration of this Resolution until the May 5, 2008 meeting.  Councillor Havens seconded the motion and it was approved, unanimously.


17.     New Business (continued)

I.      Resolution Granting a “South Windsor Citizen Matching Mini-Grant” to the South Windsor Panthers to Assist in Funding for an Electronic Scoreboard at the PlaceNameplaceRye PlaceNameStreet PlaceTypePark

        WHEREAS, the South Windsor Town Council created a “South Windsor Citizen Matching Mini-Grant Program” on June 20, 2005; and

        WHEREAS, the South Windsor Panthers has duly submitted a proper application for matching funds in the amount of $5,000 to purchase and install a new electronic scoreboard for Rye Street Park; and

WHEREAS, Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan has reviewed and approved this project and application and has determined that it meets all of the criteria of the “South Windsor Citizen Matching Mini-Grant Program”
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the placeSouth Windsor Town Council authorizes Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan to issue $5,000 of matching funds to the South Windsor Panthers from the “South Windsor Citizen Matching Mini-Grant Program”.

Was made by Deputy Mayor Prague
Seconded by Councillor Pelkey

Deputy Mayor Prague stated that the scoreboard will add the finishing touches that are needed to complete improvements at the placePlaceNameRye PlaceNameStreet PlaceTypePark fields.

Answering questions from the Council, Mr. Galligan explained that there will be Planning & Zoning review and approval necessary for this project.

Mayor Streeter called for a vote on this Resolution; it was approved, unanimously.

8.      Public Petitions



9.      Communications from Officers and Boards Directly Responsible to Council

Mrs. Janice Favreau, Chair of the Human Relations Commission came forward on behalf of the Human Relations Commission to condemn all racial, hateful, and discriminatory acts.  Residents should contact the Commission to give ideas regarding different activities that could be held to address this topic.

10.     Communications and Reports from Town Manager

        Town Manager Matthew Galligan presented his report as written, (Exhibit B).  

11.     Reports from Standing Committees


12.     Reports of Temporary Committees


13.     Communications and Petitions from Council

There will be a meeting held on April 17, 2008 which will be hosted by Representative William Aman at 7:00 p.m. in the South Windsor Town Hall, Council Chambers to discuss State and Federal benefits for veterans.

Councillor Havens questioned if there has been any progress on finding a location for the Wapping Fair?  Deputy Mayor Prague stated that the location will be Evergreen Walk again, but the area will be doubled or tripled in size from last year.

Mayor Streeter announced that on Monday, April 14, 2008 there will be a Special Work Session at 6:00 p.m. which will be prior to the public hearing at 7:00 p.m.

14.     Public Participation



15.     Consent Agenda

Motion to approve Agenda Items 16. A. through 16. D. and 17. A. through 17. D., as the Consent Agenda.

Was made by:    Councillor Yagaloff and Maneeley
Seconded by:    Councillor Pelkey

Before calling for a vote on the Consent Agenda, Mayor Streeter asked if there were any items to be removed.  Councillor Pelkey removed Agenda Item 17. A. be removed from Consent Agenda and acted upon separately.

Mayor Streeter called for a vote on the Consent Agenda; it was approved, unanimously.

16.     Unfinished Business

*A.     Resolution Appointing Anthony Duarte (D) to the Inland Wetlands Agency/Conservation Commission

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby appoints Anthony Duarte (D) to the Inland Wetlands Agency/Conservation Commission for a term ending December 1, 2008 to fill an unexpired term of James Kupchunos.


*B.     Resolution Appointing John Blondin (D) an Alternate to the Inland Wetlands Agency/Conservation Commission

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby appoints John Blondin (D) an Alternate to the Inland Wetlands Agency/Conservation Commission for a term ending December 1, 2008 to fill an unexpired term.



16.     Unfinished Business (continued)

        *C.     Resolution Appointing Carol Flagg (D) to the Library Board

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby appoints Carol Flagg (D) to the Library Board for a term ending November 30, 2009 to fill an unexpired term of Gladys Nadel.


*D.     Resolution  Reappointing James Kupchunos (D) to the South Windsor Agricultural Land Preservation Agency Commission

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby reappoints James Kupchunos (D) to the South Windsor Agricultural Land Preservation Agency Commission for a term ending November 30, 2010.


*B.     Resolution Appointing David Romejko (R) to the Park and Recreation Commission and Postponing Consideration of this Motion until the Town Council’s Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby appoints David Romejko (R) to the Park and Recreation Commission for a term ending November 30, 2009 to fill an unexpired term of Ronald Mirek, and postpones consideration of this motion until the Town Council’s next regularly scheduled meeting.


*C.     Resolution Appointing Barbara Hoff (R) to the Human Relations Commission and Postponing Consideration of this Motion until the Town Council’s Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby appoints Barbara Hoff (R) to the Human Relations Commission for a term ending November 30, 2009 to fill an expired term, and postpones consideration of this motion until the Town Council’s next regularly scheduled meeting.



16.     Unfinished Business (continued)

*D.     Resolution Reappointing Elizabeth MacDonald (R) to the South Windsor Alliance for Families and Postponing Consideration of this Motion until the Town Council’s Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby reappoints Elizabeth MacDonald (R) to the South Windsor Alliance for Families for a term ending September 1, 2009, and postpones consideration of this motion until the Town Council’s next regularly scheduled meeting.

17.     New Business

A.      Resolution Accepting the Resignation of Ronald Mirek (R) from the Park and Recreation Commission

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby accepts, with regret, the resignation of Ronald Mirek from the Park and Recreation Commission, said resignation to be effective immediately; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council extends its thanks to Mr. Mirek for the time he has dedicated to servicing his community by his membership on the Park and Recreation Commission.

Was made by Councillor Maneeley
Seconded by Councillor McCann

Councillor Bazzano explained that Mr. Mirek has submitted a resignation letter.

Mayor Streeter then called for a vote on the Motion.  The Motion Passed 7 Ayes to 0 Nays and 1 Abstention by Mayor Streeter on a Roll Call vote.

The motion was: approved, unanimously

17.     New Business (continued)

E.      Discussion Item:  Proposed 2008/2009 Budgets for Human Services, Town Manager, Town Council, and Boards & Commissions

Dennis Sheridan, Director of Human Services; Irene Murray, Coordinator of Adult & Senior Services; and Joann Moriarty, Youth & Family Services Coordinator came before the Town Council and each presented their portion of the budget to the Council, (Exhibit C).

Individuals from Interval House came before the Town Council to explain how their program works and why the budget for this item has been increased.

Various questions were answered for the Council.

J.      Resolution setting a Time and Place for a Public Hearing to receive citizen input on an Appropriation of $45,000 from the Capital and Non-Recurring Expenditure Account to Fund for the Replacement of an Air Conditioning Chiller Condenser at Town Hall, 1540 Sullivan Avenue; and to Fund Replacement of three Water Source Heat Pumps at the Police Department, 150 Nevers Road

BE IT RESOLVED, that the South Windsor Town Council hereby sets Monday, April 21, 2008, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers of the South Windsor Town Hall, 1540 Sullivan Avenue, South Windsor, Connecticut as the time and place for a Public Hearing to receive citizen input on an appropriation of $45,000 from the Capital and Non-Recurring Expenditure Account to fund replacement of an Air Conditioning Chiller Condenser at Town Hall, 1540 Sullivan Avenue; and to fund replacement of three Water Source Heat Pumps at the Police Department, 150 Nevers Road.

Was made by Councillor McCann
Seconded by Councillor Pelkey
The motion was: approved, unanimously


17.     New Business (continued)

K.      Resolution Authorizing the Town Manager to Enter into a Contract with the StateplaceConnecticut Commission on Culture and Tourism for a $15,000 Grant-in-Aid

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council authorizes Town Manger Matthew B. Galligan to enter into a contract between the “State Historic Preservation Office of the Connecticut Commission on Culture and Tourism” and the Town of South Windsor for a $15,000 Historic Preservation Grant-in-Aid to the South Windsor Historic District Commission; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said $15,000 Grant is awarded to assist the Commission in conducting the second phase of its historic and architectural resource inventory of the buildings located in town.

Was made by Councillor Bazzano
Seconded by Councillor Pelkey

        Town Manager Matthew Galligan explained that this grant would be used to categorize inventory (phase II) that has already been identified in phase I.

Mayor Streeter called for a vote on this Resolution; it was approved, unanimously.

L.      Resolution to Direct Town Attorney to Draft Language to Expand Eligibility for Tax Relief for Elderly or Disabled Homeowners under placeSouth Windsor Code of Ordinances, Section 90-6

        BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Council hereby directs the Town Attorney to draft language and provide direction on necessary procedures to:

1.      Expand eligibility for tax relief to any person, otherwise qualified, whose income exceeds the State’s qualifying income by an amount less than or equal to $2,000; and
2.      Provide a flat benefit of $150 for persons in this category.

Mayor Streeter made a motion to postpone consideration of this item until the May 5, 2008 meeting.  Deputy Mayor Prague seconded the motion and it was approved, unanimously.


17.     New Business (continued)

M.      Resolution Approving a Refund of Taxes to Six (6) placeSouth Windsor Taxpayers

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council approves a refund of property taxes to six (6) South Windsor Residents, the total of said refunds being $9,969.72, and as more fully described on attached Exhibit D.

Was made by Deputy Mayor Prague
Seconded by Councillor Pelkey
The motion was: approved, unanimously

18.     Passage of Ordinance - None

19.     Communications and Petitions from Council (Continued)

Councillor Pelkey informed Council Members that he would not be at the Town Council Meeting being held on April 21, 2008.

20.     Communications and Reports from Town Manager (Continued)

        Mayor Streeter announced that the Annual Business & Expansion Awards Ceremony and Dinner will be held on April 10, 2008 at Maneeley’s Banquet Facility beginning at 5:00 p.m.

        A meeting on April 14, 2008 will begin at 6:00 p.m. rather than at 7:00 p.m.  Councillors Hale and Bazzano have requested an early meeting to give an update on the Fire Department Project and discuss energy efficiency criteria.


21.     Executive Session


22.     Motion to Adjourn

At 10:21 p.m., Councillor Havens made a motion to adjourn the Regular Meeting; Councillor Maneeley seconded the motion; and it was approved, unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah W. Reid
Clerk of the Council