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Joint Work Session, Town Council and Board of Education 3-24-2008


ROOM ALT. 6                                                                           DATE:  MARCH 24, 2008
TIMOTHY EDWARDS MIDDLE SCHOOL                                             TIME:  7:00 P.M.

1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Streeter called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.

2.      Roll Call

                        Town Council

Members Present:        Mayor Matthew Streeter
        Deputy Mayor Cary placeCityPrague
Councillor Gary Bazzano
Councillor Kathryn Hale
Councillor Edward Havens
Councillor Lisa Maneeley
Councillor Kevin McCann
Councillor John Pelkey
Councillor Keith Yagaloff

Also Present:           Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan

                        Board of Education

Members Present:        Chairman Janice Snyder
                                Vice  Chairman David Joy
Sheila Appleton
Jack Chinsky
                                Carolyn Egan
Kathleen Soucy Daugherty
Anthony Fornuto
Timothy Kenefick
Richard Maybey

Also Present:           Superintendent of Schools Dr. Robert Kozaczka
                                Asst. Superintendent Daniel Hansen
                                Asst. Superintendent Ania Czajkowski
                                Business Manager Donna McKenty


3.      Public Participation


4.      Items for Discussion

A.      Board of Education and General Government Proposed Budgets for Fiscal Year 2007/2008

Chairperson Janice Snyder gave a brief summary of the Board of Education’s budget.  Ms. Snyder explained that the personnel costs are proposed at $48,607,156, program costs are proposed at $12,144,919, which gives a total of $60,752,075 and represents a 5.79% increase.

Town Manager Matthew Galligan gave a brief summary of the Town’s budget stating that the Town is proposing a 7.37% increase which includes the Board of Education’s budget.  The proposed budget would represent a 28.28 mill rate.  The Town is growing and needs to try to maintain programs.  Mr. Galligan explained issues that are making the budget grow, as well as explained that this year Standard & Poore and Moody’s is looking at pension costs.  Municipalities are now required to pay the maximum amount into pension which is an increase of $432,000.  Another issue that is raising the budget percentage is GASB45 which requires Municipalities to have a certain amount in an account for health insurance for retirees.

Mayor Streeter explained to the public that through State grants the Board of Education would be receiving a total of $14,123,991, which represents a $328,000 in additional funds from last years budget.  

Answering questions from Dr. Jack Chinksy, Mr. Galligan reviewed how the ECS educational grant is put into the budget.  He then explained the impact of the grant.

Councillor Yagaloff questioned how shared services between the Board of Education and the Town have been implemented into this year’s budget and he also asked why more shared services have not been implemented for approximately two years?  Dr. Kozaczka explained that the shared services that the Board of Education and the Town have in common have been implemented into business practices, but other services are more problematic to share.  Mr. Galligan added that there are different levels of services that are being looked at presently, but they are more difficult to combine as shared services.

4.      A.      (continued)

Councillor Yagaloff stated that money for programs in the schools have gotten squeezed.  If the budget is lessened there may be programs on the Board of Education side as well as on the Town side that are effected.  Shared services was a way to address this concern.

Councillor Hale questioned if there has been a reassessment recently done on the school bus routes in Town?  Dr. Kozaczka explained that the Board of Education has retained a professional to perform a transportation study and review the contract with First Student.  The study should be complete in April and recommendations will be made at that time.  The recommendations, however, will not be available for this year’s budget.

Councillor Hale then questioned the 7% decrease in energy and utility costs for next year’s budget.  Is that a supportable number and how did the Board of Education decrease that number?  Dr. Kozaczka explained that the Board of Education formed an Energy Conservation Program which has had a reduction in kilowatt usage resulting in a 2.59% decrease from fiscal year 05/06 to fiscal year 06/07.

Mrs. Donna McKenty, Business Manager for the Board of Education further explained how this savings was established.  She explained that electricity decreased $13,000., natural gas decreased $36,000., there was a removal of telecommunications for $128,000 which shifted to Information Services, and fuel oil increased $60,000.

Answering further questions from Councillor Hale, Mrs. McKenty explained that the joint medical coverage is quite small compared to last year.  There is still some negotiating left to decide whether the Board of Education and Town should raise the stop loss limits.

Councillor Hale stated that she is concerned that if there are substantial decreases in the Board of Education’s budget, programs will be affected.  She also stated that she was glad to see an increase in Literacy Coaching and is hopeful that will stay in the budget.

Answering questions from Board Member Egan, Mr. Galligan explained  that last year the Governor stated that each Board of Education could get a certain amount of money, as long as they had budgeted for the certain amount of money that was being disbursed.  This was a two year program because the State budget is a two year budget.  The money from the State goes to the General Fund and a portion is spent on education.

4.      A.      (continued)

Dr. Kozaczka stated that with the ECS funding, the Board of Education has to absorb certain costs associated with tuition increases which are for magnet schools.  

Board Member David Joy explained to the Town Council that the format of the Board of Education’s budget book is different then in previous years.  Most programs and personnel costs are combined with the budget.  Real cost of programs is within staff.  When reducing budget there is concern of reducing combined costs, which could include personnel.

Dr. Kozaczka explained that there has been a change in state law, effective July 1, 2008 which requires school districts to have all school suspensions to be in school suspensions.  The 2.6% increase will allow the Board of Education to hire part time Suspension Mediators.

Board Member Anthony Fornuto said that the school budget is becoming smaller and smaller portion percentage wise within the budget process each year and he urged Town Council Members to take mercy on the school budget.  Enhancements to existing programs are necessary.

Councillor McCann stated that the Town Council approves a certain dollar amounts for the Board of Education budget and then it is up to the Board of Education to decide where to cut the money from their budget.  Shared Services between the Town and Board of Education should be reviewed further.  Councillor McCann then said he is in agreement to the positions that have been added to the Board of Education budget, but when cuts happen to the budget, it will effect personnel and programs.  

Board Member Kathleen Daugherty stated that the Board and Town have worked together in the past on the budgets.  This budget year the Board of Education and Town need to work on then budget as one.  Mrs. Daugherty then questioned what is the revenue picture that should be looked at to fund both budgets?  Mayor Streeter explained the different programs that are the reasons why the budget is being raised.  Mr. Galligan added other reasons for the rise and explained how residents could be effected.

Deputy Mayor Prague questioned if there would be a possibility of taking two part time positions and making it one full time position in order to save money in the budget?  Dr. Kozaczka explained that a person must work 20 hours per week to qualify for benefits.  The Board of Education has made part time position in order to save money on the benefits that would be required if an individuals works 20 hours or more a week.

4.      A.      (continued)

Deputy Mayor Prague then questioned if there are programs that are discontinued because of the budget process?  Dr. Kozazcka explained that when building the budget there are items that are discontinued in order to put the money in other areas where it would be necessary.  Mr. Hanson added that there are changes in the professional development based on Board of Education goals, as well as curriculum changes due to changes in the State laws.

Deputy Mayor Prague asked about special educations costs?  Dr. Kozazcka    explained that the formula is based on the 4.5 x normal per pupil expenditures and any thing above is funded by the State.  One hundred percent funding of excess costs are expected to be funded this year.  The Board of Education tries to provide services to all students to the best of our ability.

Board Member Mabey stated that the Board of Education and the Town need to act as one body.  Services should be provided, but economic times need to be kept in mind.  Even with the enrollment going down, residents still want the best available services provided so the Board has to do this in a diligent way.  

Councillor Bazzano first stated he feels that when discussing eh budget, dollar amounts should be discussed rather than percentages.  Councillor Bazzano then stated that it is important to maintain the school system, and would like to understand where in the budget is the Board of Education getting increased student performance?  Dr. Kozazcka stated that Literacy Coaches will help improve student performance in reading, which in turn increases performance.  placeSouth Windsor is highly regarded school system.  Chairperson Snyder added that each component in the school system work together to have a fine tuned system so every student learns.

Councillor Bazzano then questioned what the Literacy Coaches would be doing?  Mr. Hanson explained that Literacy Coaches are early intervention literacy specialists.  There will be one on one instruction for grades K-2 which will enable students to be reading on grade level by third grade.  Presently the Board of Education has effective reading intervention in place, but not enough students get that service because there is not enough staff.  There will be varying interventions that will be put into place for students.  The intent this to have the Literacy Coaches within the classroom wherever possible and also the Literacy Coaches will show teacher strategies to use in the classroom.

4.      A.      (continued)

Answering further questions from Councillor Bazzano, Mr. Hanson explained that the main goal of employing Literacy Coaches is to improve student literacy which in turn will help students in all other areas.  This needs to happen early on in a child academic career and in a systematic approach to be successful.

Board Member Kenefick spoke next saying there is really no opportunity to reduce teachers in any of the schools.  In some cases, this years budget will address past increases in students, which have not been addressed.  In other cases, there are very large classrooms that may have an opportunity to decrease in the number of students.  Board Member Kenefick stated hw supports this budget and it is important to maintain services.  Each year it will cost more to maintain services.

Councillor Pelkey questioned if in the budget, has the Board of Education met their goals setforth?  Chairperson Syder stated that each portion of the goals have touched part of the budget.

Councillor Pelkey then stated that after listening to discussions, it is apparent that there will be cuts in the budget, even with cuts, will the Board of education still meet the goals setforth?  Chairperson Snyder stated that the Board of Education will work with Administrators to try to mitigate those impacts in order to still meet the goals.

Board Member Chinsky stated that the Board worked very hard on this budget.  If anyone finds an area of redundancy in the budget, he stated he would advocate for that reduction.  He then stated that he feels there is no excess in this budget.

Councillor Hale acknowledged that because there was a 0% increase in taxes last year, there is payback this year, as well as hard economic times.  The performance of the school system has been sliding and that trend needs to be reversed.  Councillor Hale then stated she supports the budget and believes improvements are necessary.

Board Member Egan said that it is appropriate to make a comparison between staff needs and enrollment.  Enrollment is not the only factor driving staff needs.  The Literacy Coaches are necessary and are driven by the achievement gaps.

4.      A.      (continued)

Councillor Yagaloff felt the Board of Education budget as presented is an appropriate budget.  The budget can not be under spent as it was last year and there should be a moderate budget working with both budgets from year to year.

Board Member Fornuto stated that the board is presenting a fiscally responsible budget, which is below inflation and addresses some needs with mitigation from other cuts in other areas.  The Town and Board of Education need to look more seriously at shared services.

Board Member placeCityAppleton explained that there is one goal that has not been met, which is the reduction of classroom sizes for kindergarten.  It is important to keep the budget as it is.

Councillor McCann stated that he does not believe the budget needs to be slashed.  It is a reasonable budget that will need adjustments and trimming.  Based on the fact that the Town will be facing a referendum for the Elementary School buildings because there will be an impact to the tax payers, is this the proper year to be funding new positions?  Dr. Kozazcka explained what the rational for each position was.

Vice Chairperson Joy thanked the Town Council for their time tonight.  The Board of Education will work with the budget that the Town Council feels is reasonable.

Chairperson Snyder thanked all who were present tonight.  She stated she feels good about the 5.79% budget increase, and urged the Town Council to fully fund, but is there are deductions, the Board of Education will work with what the Town council decides is the appropriate budget.

Mayor Streeter thanked the Board of Education and the School Administrators for all of their hard work.  The Town Council will work hard and deliberate on this budget.

5.      Executive Session - None

6.      Motion to Adjourn

Councillor McCann made a motion to adjourn at 9:32 p.m.; Councillor Hale seconded the motion; and it was approved, unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah W. Reid
Clerk of the Council