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Town Council Work Session 2-4-2008

TOWN COUNCIL                                                            WORK SESSION
COUNCIL CHAMBERS                                                        FEBRUARY 4, 2008
SOUTH WINDSOR TOWN HALL                                             TIME: 7:00 P.M.

1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Streeter called the meeting to order at timeMinute0Hour197:00 p.m.

2.      Roll Call

Members Present:        Mayor Matthew Streeter
        Deputy Mayor Cary CityplacePrague
        Councillor Gary Bazzano
        Councillor Edward Havens
Councillor Lisa Maneeley
Councillor Kevin McCann
Councillor John Pelkey (arrived at 7:16 p.m.)
                                Councillor Keith Yagaloff

Also Present:           Matthew B. Galligan, Town Manager
3.      Public Participation:

Mrs. Virginia Macro, Chairperson of the Historic District Commission came forward to inform the Council Members and the public that the Historic District Commission will be holding an Informational Meeting for residents of the Historic District on the new hand book and the ordinance on dateYear2008Day13Month2Wednesday, February 13, 2008 in the Madden Room at timeMinute30Hour197:30 p.m.

4.      Communications


5.      Town Manager’s Report

Town Manager to discuss his report at the Regular Meeting

6.      Items for Discussion

B.      Discussion regarding The Dzen Tree Farm Subdivision Open Space

Ms. Pat Botteron, Chair of the Open Space Task Force came before the Town Council.  She began her presentation by explaining in October of 2007, the Open Space Task Force reviewed a parcel to be known as “The Dzen Tree Farm Subdivision”.  The property is 95 acres.  Sixty-four homes are being proposed and 54 acres are being proposed as open space.  The area with the 54 acres is being

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proposed to be divided into five parcels.  Ms. Botteron reviewed what is being proposed on each parcel.

Answering questions from the Town Council, Mr. Michael Gantick who is the Director of Public Works explained that the recommendations in the report relate to some of the recommendations that were put forth by the Town’s Consultant which are relative to some of the issues with soil contamination that are on the property, but also relating to the overall goals and objectives that the Town has for any open space in Town.  There is limited top soil on these parcels, but there will be remediation recommendations that will be implemented.  The Town is suggesting that the remediation be done by the developer prior to the Town accepting the open space.  The Town would like to ensure the viability of these parcels.  

Councillor Yagaloff stated that eventually he would like to see the open space being used by residents.  He would like to also make sure there is a visible barrier for residents to know the difference between Town space and residential lawns.  Mr. Gantick explained how the open space will be stabilized, and preserved in a natural state that is low maintenance.  The open space will be managed on an annual basis.

Answering further questions from the Council, Ms. Botteron explained that house lots 63 and 64 are excluded from development and would provide more open space.  If the lots for some reason can not be excluded, the Open Space Task Force recommends that the Town still takes this parcel E.
Deputy Mayor Prague would like the pond to be assessable for public use, (fishing, ice skating, etc.).  Mr. Gantick stated that it is the vision of the staff to have the pond remain for public use and provide parking in that area.  This area would be used as passive recreation.

Mr. Rob Mannarino, Mannarino Builders came forward to explain that this property allows for 64 lots under the open space subdivision.  The layout of the development has been worked through with the Planning & Zoning Commission, but not yet approved in order for the Town Council to review.  There has been environmental testing done with more testing to be done on the west side of the property.  The application can not be moved forward with the Planning & Zoning  Commission until there is a decision by the Town Council.  Mr. Mannarino requested that the Town Council defer some of the responsibility to the Planning & Zoning Commission.  

Councillor Bazzano stated that when he was on the Planning & Zoning Commission there were preliminary discussions regarding this development.  There was discussion of turning the southeast corner into a recreational area.  Has there been

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any more discussion on this issue?  Mr. Mannarino stated that it was his understanding that that area would have to be graded and seeded.  Mr. Gantick explained that this issue will be addressed by the Planning & Zoning Commission.

Councillor Bazzano asked if it is the Town Council’s decision to accept the open space or not and if the open space is accepted, does this issue then go to the Planning & Zoning Commission for their approval?  Mayor Streeter answered that is usually the procedure that is followed.

Mr. Fred Johnson, Environmental Consultant working for GEI Consultants stated that he was asked by Town staff to review the various reports that were produced by the Developer.   Mr. Johnson explained what he has found in the soil testings that have been performed.  He then made recommendations of how the Town would manage these soils.  

Mr. Mannarino explained to the Town Council that additional testing will be performed on this area.  After testing is complete, remediation measures will be provided for safety concerns.  

Councillor Pelkey questioned if the Town wanted to develop a soccer field, would a different method be performed versus if the Town wanted the area seeded?  Mr. Johnson explained that if the Town remediates the soils to what the State calls, “a direct exposure criteria for residential use”, where nothing else would need to be done to change the use because this level of clean up is good for any type of use.  

Councillor Yagaloff made a recommendation that the Town Council consider accepting the Open Space Task Force recommendation and then ask the Town Attorney if a conditional acceptance could be done.  This would keep this project going forward.

A.      Review of the Bird Flu Program

Councillor Pelkey stated that he requested that a presentation be given by Town Staff regarding the Bird Flu Program the public could be updated on this program.

Ms. Judy Hall who is the Coordinator for the Town’s Mass Dispensing Clinic, Area #31 came forward to review this program.  She explained that following 911 it was mandated that all towns and cities work on a plan for a mass dispensing clinic.  The Town was partnered with the Town of placeCityWindsor to work on a plan for the dispensing of vaccinations.  Approximately one and a half years ago both Towns moved from concentrating on Small Pox to Pandemic Flu.  An influenza pandemic is a global outbreak of a disease that occurs when a new Influenza A Virus either appears
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or emerges in human beings causing serious illness and then spreading person to person.  At this time the Bird Flu is not considered a Pandemic Flu because it does not pass from person to person.  Volunteers include Town Staff and Residents.  Meetings between the Town of CitySouth Windsor and the Town of placeCityWindsor are held bi-monthly to go over information.  

Answering questions from the Town Council, Ms. Hall explained that presently there are 328 non-medical volunteers and 173 medical volunteers.  The new goal for non-medical volunteers is to try to get 500 individuals and if anyone is interested in becoming a volunteer they can either go to the Town Hall website at and go to the link for residents or call the PlaceNameplaceSouth Windsor PlaceTypeTown Hall at 644-2511 extension 201 or 225.  The volunteers take on all different roles such as data input, sign people in, police, erecting signs, providing daycare, and distribution of food.  The site where dispensing of vaccinations would take place is the PlaceNameplaceSouth Windsor PlaceTypeHigh School.  The Town of placeCityWindsor would have their own dispensing site.      

7.      Executive Session


8.      Adjournment

At 7:57 p.m. Councillor Bazzano made a motion to adjourn.  Councillor Pelkey seconded the motion and it was approved, unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah W. Reid
Clerk of the Council