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Town Council Work Session 1-22-2008

TOWN COUNCIL                                            WORK SESSION
COUNCIL CHAMBERS                                        JANUARY 22, 2008
SOUTH WINDSOR TOWN HALL                         TIME:  7:00 P.M.

1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Streeter called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.

2.      Roll Call

Members Present:        Mayor Matthew Streeter
        Deputy Mayor Cary placeCityPrague
        Councillor Kathryn Hale
        Councillor Edward Havens
Councillor Lisa Maneeley (arrived at 7:25 p.m.)
Councillor Kevin McCann (arrived at 7:10 p.m.)
Councillor John Pelkey
                                Councillor Keith Yagaloff

Also Present:           Matthew B. Galligan, Town Manager
                                Duncan Forsyth, Town Attorney

3.      Public Participation:


4.      Communications


5.      Town Manager’s Report

        Town Manager to discuss his report at the Regular Meeting

6.      Items for Discussion

A.      Review of changes being proposed to Ordinance #151 – Historic District Commission

Mrs. Virginia Macro came before the Town Council and explained that the Town Council had received the wrong document.  She then went on to review the changes being proposed to Ordinance #151.  The first change will be under Section 54-31(b), it presently reads, “one or more members or alternates of the Historic District Commission shall reside in an historic district under the jurisdiction of the Commission”.  This is proposed to read “two or more members or alternates of the Historic District Commission shall reside in an historic district under the jurisdiction of the Commission”.  The other change is under Section 54-38(b) which will become a new section that will discuss enforcement and the present section (b) will become section (c).
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6.      Items for Discussion (continued)

B.      Review of changes being proposed to Ordinance #151 – Historic District Commission (continued)

Mrs. Virginia Macro came before the Town Council and explained that the Town Council had received the wrong document.  She then went on to review the changes being proposed to Ordinance #151.  The first change will be under Section 54-31(b), it presently reads, “one or more members or alternates of the Historic District Commission shall reside in an historic district under the jurisdiction of the Commission”.  This is proposed to read “two or more members or alternates of the Historic District Commission shall reside in an historic district under the jurisdiction of the Commission”.  The other change is under Section 54-38(b) which will become a new section that will discuss enforcement and the present section (b) will become section (c).

Answering questions from the Council, Mrs. Macro explained that the Zoning Enforcement Officer would be referred by the Historic District Commission, after every step has been taken by the Historic District Commission to try to rectify a situation.  If the Zoning Enforcement Officer can not rectify the situation, it would then be referred to Superior Court.  

Councillor McCann reviewed the proposed Section 54-38(b) and stated that he feels this section needs clarification in order to understand the intent of this process.  Mrs. Macros stated that this section is clarified more in the State Statutes, but can be looked at more closely.

Councillor Pelkey suggested that in the proposed Section 54-38(b) where it presently reads “Regulations and order of the Historic District Commission shall be enforced”, to be changed to read, “Regulations and order of the Historic District Commission may be enforced”.

Mayor Streeter stated that this Ordinance is on for a public hearing at 7:30 p.m., but because the correct Ordinance was not posted in the Town Clerk’s Office, he would assume it will be the recommendation of the Chairperson of the Historic District Commission to hold off on taking action on this tonight and hold another public hearing at a later date.  Mrs. Macro concurred.

Answering questions from Councillor Yagaloff, Town Attorney Duncan Forsyth explained that the Historic District Commission would be subject to all of the requirements of the FOI Act just like other agencies of the Town.  The meetings and documents would have to be done in accordance to their rules and regulations.

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6.      Items for Discussion (continued)

A.      Review of changes being proposed to Ordinance #151 – Historic District Commission (continued)

Councillor Yagaloff stated that any notification to residents could be addressed through the normal process of the Commission.  Regulations require Board and Commissions to follow a certain procedure which could be altered to balance all individual needs.  Councillor Yagaloff also stated that residents have the right to come to the Commission with proposed changes or any concerns they may have.

Mrs. Macro told the Council that when residents have been notified the Commission has also placed copies of the regulations and procedures at the Library and Town Hall.

Mayor Streeter recessed the Work Session at 7:30 p.m. in order to hold a public hearing and then reconvened the Work Session at 7:34 p.m.

B.      Discussion regarding Recreation Programs

Mr. Ray Favreau, Director of Recreation came forward as well as introduced the Recreation staff that was in the audience, (Ryan Kane, Assistant Director of Recreation, Karen Lussier, Child Development Coordinator, Patrick Telmen, Recreation Supervisor and Jaime Crowley, Recreation Supervisor).  Mr. Favreau then reviewed the different programs that are offered by the Recreation Department, (see attached Exhibit A).  

Answering questions from the Town Council, Mr. Favreau explained that the administrative costs are part of the general fund.  The use of gym facilities in Town are very hard to manage, so this year the Town has rented use of the Nomads facility on Tuesday and Thursday nights consisting of four hours per evening.  The Recreation Department investigated renting space from L.A. Fitness, but it was found that it was unaffordable and the necessary time slots were not available.  Renting this space has helped alleviate the stress on Town facilities.  

Non-Residents that participate in the sporting activities are charged an additional $10.00 above what a resident pays.  This helps support some of the events that take place that may otherwise not have enough participation to keep the program running.

Mayor Streeter recessed the Work Session in order to call the Regular Meeting to order at 8:00 p.m., and then reconvened the Work Session.

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6.      Items for Discussion (continued)

B.      Discussion regarding Recreation Program (continued)

The cost to run the 4th R Program was reviewed and Councillor Yagaloff wondered since this program is not going to be making any revenues for the Town and will be paying administrative salaries through the general budget, does it make sense to keep this program running?  Mr. Favreau explained that the labor intensity that is required presently with this program will not require the same level in the future.  The Recreation Department develops programs to be cost efficient.  

Councillor Yagaloff then stated unlike other programs that supplies activity for a large number of individuals, the 4th R Program currently operates for a small number of individuals and there are others that provide this service privately.  Should the Town improve other programs instead of putting efforts forth on the 4th R Program?  Mr. Favreau explained that it would be necessary to have this program run for a couple of years prior to finding out if the program should continue or not.  The 4th R Program will be one of the largest programs in Town and runs for ten months, five times a week.  Answering further questions from the Town Council, Mr. Favreau stated that the 4th R Program will look at different ways to expand the activities that are established for the children.  

It was the intention of the Recreation Department to have the measurements of activity as part of a component of this program, but in order to do any sight testing, participants are necessary.  The Recreation Department will look at ways to gather information in a way that it will not be intrusive to any individual.  The 4th R Program does not intrude on gym space for any other activity and the children go outside as much as possible.  The ratio of teachers to students is 1 to 10.  There is staff that is CPR trained and is also allowed to administer medicines if necessary.  

Answering a variety of other questions, Mr. Favreau explained that advertising in the Recreation Magazine may not be eliminated, but will be discussed further.  Deputy Mayor Prague stated that he feels the advertising in the magazine is a good service to the business community.  

Mr. Favreau then stated that he would look into a physical program for the senior population, but it would have to be in conjunction with the senior center.  

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6.      Items for Discussion (continued)

B.      Discussion regarding Recreation Program (continued)

Mr. Favreau explained that during a recession there are two things that happen at the Recreation Department, which are; 1) people utilize the programs offered by the Recreation Department more; and 2) The Recreation Department will not turn anyone away.  Fees or percentages of fees are waived.  

Mayor Streeter thanked the Recreation Department for coming forward with their presentation.

7.      Executive Session

Deputy Mayor Prague made a motion to go into Executive Session at 8:42 p.m. to discuss pending claims and litigation.  Councillor McCann seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.

The following individuals went into Executive Session:  Town Manager Matthew Galligan, Mayor Streeter, Deputy Mayor Prague, Councillors Hale, Havens, Maneeley, McCann, Pelkey, and Yagaloff

8.      Adjournment

The Executive Session and the Work Session both adjourned at 9:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah W. Reid
Clerk of the Council