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Town Council Public Hearing 1-7-2008 WPCA Facility


January 7, 2008
7:30 p.m.


PURPOSE:        To receive citizen input on the potential appropriation of $39,300,000 for the Planning, Acquisition and Construction of Upgrades to the Water Pollution Control Facility Treatment Plant in the Town of South Windsor and authorizing the issuance of $39,300,000 Clean Water Fund Obligations of the Town under the State of Connecticut Clean Water Fund Program secured solely by revenues of the sewerage system and authorizing the Town to enter into Grant and Loan Agreements

Mayor Streeter called the Public Hearing to order at 7:30 p.m.; and requested that the Clerk of the Council read the call of the meeting (a copy of which is attached hereto).  There were approximately thirty (30) people present in the audience.

Mr. Fred Shaw came forward to explain that with this resolution, the Town is declaring to the State of StateConnecticut that placeSouth Windsor is ready to upgrade the Plant and four pump stations.  When the report for the whole system was complete in 2002 there were no Clean Water Funds available.  The Town did improve some pump stations with loans, but have four more pump stations and the entire Water Pollution Control Facility to upgrade.  There is a waiting list for funding, and it is the Town’s intent to show the State of StateConnecticut that the Town of CityplaceSouth Windsor is ready to begin our improvements.  It is hopeful that the State will allow the Town to move up on the waiting list because the other Towns on the list are not ready to begin their improvements.

Mr. Shaw then review the problems that exist at the Water Pollution Control Plant, which is 40 years old.

Mayor Streeter asked if there was anyone from the public that would like to speak.

Mr. Don Gonsalves, 40 Bayberry Trail came forward to address this issue.  Mr. Gonsalves questioned why there is a public meeting scheduled for tomorrow at 6:30 p.m.?  Town Manager Matthew Galligan explained that the Clean Water Fund requires the Water Pollution Control Authority to hold a public hearing which is scheduled for January 8, 2008.  

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January 7, 2008

Public Comments (Continued)

Mr. Gonsalves then went on to voice his concerns.  He stated that in the Budget there is a Commentary which states, “The Pollution Control Budget operates as a special revenue fund, it is the intent through the implementation of user charges to fund 100% of the operation, maintenance and replacement costs of the treatment system through the users of the system on a proportional basis related to flow and strength of wastewater”.  This is not being done in the Town of placeCitySouth Windsor and as a citizen I would like to know why.  Mr. Gonsalves then stated that after doing some calculations he felt the citizens of placeSouth Windsor should know that after this project is complete, the charge will jump from $264.00 per household to $500.00 per household.  He questions how much of this project is required and how much of this project is what the Town would like to have done?

Mr. James Dean, Main Street came forward to speak in favor of the Town proceeding to go after this grant and also supports the improvements, except he requested that the sludge pumping operation be relocated to the west side of the plant instead of on the east side.

Mayor Streeter recessed this public hearing at 7:46 p.m., called to the 7:45 p.m. public hearing to order and then reconvened at 7:47 p.m.

Mr. Thomas Taylor, addressStreet954 Main Street stated that he would appreciate the upgrades, the smell is terrible in that area.

Mr. James Throwe, addressStreet1330 Main Street said that this upgrade has been necessary for ten years.  The Town should get the help of the State Representative and the State Senator with this project.  The principle problem is funding and he does not know why the Town did not get on the priority list earlier.  Mr. Throw also felt that the user fee should be part of the general tax for the whole Town to pay.

Mr. John Bentley, addressStreet61 Brian Road came forward to voice his concern that the entire project is too costly, but does feel the upgrades are necessary.  The funding method should be considered more and if this does go to referendum all the information necessary should be available.

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January 7, 2008

Public Comments (Continued)

Senator Gary LeBeau, addressStreet4 Gorman Place, East CityHartford, came before the Town Council and stated that it only makes sense to have an application prepared and ready to go as soon as possible.  The other Towns on the list are not ready to go and there is not a whole lot of Federal money available.

Mr. David Caron, addressStreet798 Main Street encouraged the Town to do whatever is possible to get funding for this project and to get this project started, the smell is horrible.

Mayor Streeter recessed the public hearing in order to call the Regular Meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and then reconvened the public hearing.

Winifred Wilson, addressStreet107 Tallwood Drive urged the Town Council to go forward with this in order to get some funding.  There should be a method to have at least part of the user fees as they increase incorporated into the tax bill.

Jean Howat, addressStreet763 Main Street came forward and explained that the plant is directly behind her house.  The odor is terrible and she feels this will decrease the re-sale value of her home and is hopeful action is taken to rectify this situation.

As is the custom, the Mayor Streeter asked for a show of hands for a straw vote on the proposal.  The results were as follows:

All those in favor of the Town Council going forward with a resolution on the potential appropriation of $39,300,000 for the Planning, Acquisition and Construction of Upgrades to the Water Pollution Control Facility Treatment Plant in the Town of South Windsor and authorizing the issuance of $39,300,000 Clean Water Fund Obligations of the Town under the State of Connecticut Clean Water Fund Program secured solely by revenues of the sewerage system and authorizing the Town to enter into Grant and Loan Agreements    -  15
Public Hearing – Town Council
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January 7, 2008

Straw Vote (Continued)

All those opposed to the Town Council going forward with a resolution on the potential appropriation of $39,300,000 for the Planning, Acquisition and Construction of Upgrades to the Water Pollution Control Facility Treatment Plant in the Town of South Windsor and authorizing the issuance of $39,300,000 Clean Water Fund Obligations of the Town under the State of Connecticut Clean Water Fund Program secured solely by revenues of the sewerage system and authorizing the Town to enter into Grant and Loan Agreements     -  0

The Public Hearing was closed at 8:04 p.m.  

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah W. Reid
Clerk of the Council

Attmts.  Public Hearing Notice