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Town Council Public Hearing 10-15-2007 Preference to Town Based Bidders


October 15, 2007
7:50 p.m.


PURPOSE:        To receive citizen input on an “Ordinance Providing for Preference to Town Based Bidders on Town Contracts” in the Town of placeCitySouth Windsor.

Deputy Mayor Delnicki called the Public Hearing to order at 7:50 p.m.; and requested that the Clerk of the Council read the call of the meeting (a copy of which is attached hereto).  There were approximately twelve (12) people present in the audience.

Deputy Mayor Delnicki then explained that this proposal first surfaced in 1996/1997 and again resurfaced about one year ago.  This ordinance provides Town based business to match within a 3% range of the lowest bid for good and services on contracts.  

Deputy Mayor Delnicki asked if there was anyone in the audience who wished to address this proposed ordinance.

Mr. Mike Gantick, Director of Public Works came forward to address this issue.  He stated that he is opposed to this ordinance because over the years the Town has found it difficult to get businesses to bid on a lot of projects and he believes that an Ordinance of this nature will discourage some bidders from presenting bids.  To submit a bid costs any company money and time to prepare it.  Ways to help local businesses would be to look at economic incentive programs.  Mr. Gantick stated he feels it is better to help a company grow their business so that they can not only do business in placeSouth Windsor, but other communities also.  

Mr. Larry Torff of addressStreet521 Quarry Brook Drive came forward to address this ordinance and stated that he is against providing preferential treatment to Town Based Bidders.  placeSouth Windsor procurement practices should be designed to create a level playing field for all.  Suppliers should be chosen on the basis of cost, quality and ability to deliver on time, not their street address.  Preferential treatment will discourage out of town bidders, reducing the option the Town has and ultimately increasing costs.  placeSouth Windsor businesses can fair just fine on a level playing field.  On a final note I suggest that any Town Councillor who supports preferential treatment and could personally benefit or their employer could benefit by this motion should abstain on voting on this.

Public Hearing – Town Council
Page 2
October 15, 2007

Mr. Robert Dickinson of addressStreet19 Birch Road came forward and stated that he feels 3% is a significant amount.  The Town would probably end up with one bid in many cases and would probably exclude out of town bidders.  Mr. Dickinson said he is against this resolution.

As is the custom, the Deputy Mayor asked for a show of hands for a straw vote on the proposal.  The results were as follows:

All those in favor of the Town Council adopting an “Ordinance Providing for Preference to Town Based Bidders on Town Contracts” in the Town of South Windsor    -  0

All those opposed to the Town Council adopting an “Ordinance Providing for Preference to Town Based Bidders on Town Contracts” in the Town of CityplaceSouth Windsor    -  5

The Public Hearing was closed at 7:58 p.m.  

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah W. Reid
Clerk of the Council

Attmts.  Public Hearing Notice