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Town Council Regular Meeting 9/17/2007


Minutes Page 1  September 17, 2007

TOWN COUNCIL – Regular Meeting
Council Chambers – placePlaceNameSouth Windsor PlaceTypeTown Hall

1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Streeter called the meeting to order at 8:02 p.m.

4.      Roll Call

Members Present:        Mayor Matthew Streeter
Deputy Mayor Thomas Delnicki
Councillor Edward Havens
Councillor Daniel Jeski
Councillor PersonNameKevin McCann
Councillor PersonNameTim Moriarty
Councillor PersonNameJohn Pelkey
Councillor Cary CityplacePrague
                                Councillor PersonNameKeith Yagaloff

Also Present:           Matthew B. Galligan, Town Manager

Prior to the start of the meeting, Councillor Havens introduced Lance Corporal Brian D. Warren and his family to the Town Council and to the public.  Lance Corporal Brian Warren told the Town Council and the community where he has been stationed and his plans for the near future.  Robert Moeller who is the Chairman of the Patriotic Commission came forward to thank Lance Corporal Brian Warren.  Town Council Members proudly thanked and recognized Lance Corporal Brian Warren for his service to the Town and PlaceNameUnited PlaceTypeState of country-regionplaceAmerica.

Mayor Streeter recognized the Boundless Playground Committee Members and the Community Foundation Members with a “Certificate of Appreciation” and thanked them for their time and effort that was contributed to the completion of “My Friend’s Place.”

5.      Public Input

Mrs. Kathy Hale, addressStreet54 Orchard Hill Drive came before the Town Council to request that the Town Council go forward with a plan for tax relief for senior citizens.  She proposed that this tax relief be enacted to seniors who have a limited income and have lived in the Town of placeCitySouth Windsor for at least ten (10) years.  Mrs. Hale also felt that this should be passed without having a lien put on anyone’s property.

5.      Public Input (continued

Mr. Roy Normen, addressStreet158 Homestead Drive, congratulated everyone who participated in “My Friend’s Place” and stated he was pleased that our Community Foundation was able to play a part in that.  The Community Foundation has started out with primarily providing fiduciary assistance for organizations that do not have a non-profit taxable status.  The Community Foundation is trying to provide an opportunity for the community to make contributions to the fund, which in turn will make funds available to a variety of projects and initiatives that are going on in our community.  Mr. Normen then announced that an event that will be held on September 29, 2007.  Tickets are $20.00 per person.

Ms. Janice Snyder, addressStreet191 Bourbon Street, Chair, Board of Education came before the Town Council to give a quick report on the start of the school year.  On August 27, 2007, which was the start of the school year, Commander Reed gave a presentation on School Safety and did a wonderful job.  Special recognitions and awards were presented to “Support Staff of the Year”, they were as follows:  Mrs. Barbara Dunham who is the Nurse at PlaceNameSouth Windsor PlaceTypeHigh School and “Teacher of the Year” was awarded to Mr. Tom Savage who is a Music Teacher at placePlaceNameTimothy PlaceNameEdwards PlaceNameMiddle School.  The Board of Education would like to welcome Mr. Michael Seal who is the new Principal at PlaceNamePleasant PlaceTypeValley PlaceTypeSchool and also Mr. Mitchell Orkin who is the new Associate Principal at PlaceNameplaceSouth Windsor PlaceTypeHigh School.  All seven schools reported a smooth opening.  As of August 31, 2007 the total district enrollment was 4,868 students.  On opening day the total district enrollment was 4,875.  The official enrollment is not turned into the State until October 1, 2007.  

The Board of Education needs time to reconnect after the summer break and to allow the maximum amount of time to make a decision on the Elementary School Project.  

The school system has installed a telephone system upgrade.  This upgrade places telephones with outside lines in each classroom.  

There was also a security system installed at the elementary schools which requires visitors to be buzzed in.

The 4th R Program started off successfully.  Ms. Snyder stated she has only heard positive remarks regarding the program.  

5.      Public Input (continued)

Dr. Robert Kozaczka, Superintendent of Schools has discussed with the Administrators the importance of responding to parents and citizens in a timely manner.  He will be working with the staff to enhance customer service.

Mr. Cliff Slicer came forward and voiced his support regarding the senior tax relief.  He feels the Town Council should consider this program.  Mr. Slicer then thanked the Town Manager for having Town Staff trim trees on addressStreetNiederwerfer Road which has improved the site lines on the street.  Mr. Slicer then suggested that something be done to storm sewers that drop into ditches on the side of addressStreetNiederwerfer Road.  These changes would improve the dangerous situation on the side of the street and would additionally improve site lines greater.

Deputy Mayor Delnicki made a motion to Suspend the Rules in order to go into Executive Session at 8:37 p.m. to discuss possible purchase of real estate for the Town.  Councillor McCann seconded the motion; and it was Approved unanimously

The Regular Meeting reconvened at 9:30 p.m.

6.      Environmental Health & Safety Message - None

7.      Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meetings - None

8.      Public Petitions - None

9.      Communications from Officers and Board Directly Responsible to Council - None

Deputy Mayor Delnicki made a motion to Suspend the Rules in order to go to items 17. A., B., C., D., and E.; Councillor Prague seconded the motion; and it was Approved unanimously.

17.     New Business

A.      Resolution Approving the Submission of a Grant Application to OPM for a New Senior Recreational Enrichment Program

WHEREAS, the Town of South Windsor is eligible to apply for a grant from OPM in the amount of $10,000 to fund the Senior Recreational Enrichment Program; and

17.     A.  (continued)

WHEREAS, the Human Services Department has researched senior recreational needs and prepared this grant application; and

WHEREAS, this grant will allow the Town to procure recreational items that are accessible, durable and portable, thus enriching the activities and social opportunities for our seniors

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Council hereby Approves the submission of the South Windsor Recreational Enrichment Program Grant Application and the attendant Project Budget as prepared by the Human Services Department; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan is authorized to sign the grant application and award.

Was made by:    Councillor Prague
Seconded by:    Councillor Pelkey

Mr. Dennis Sheridan, Director of Human Services came before the Town Council and informed them that the money would be used to purchase the following items:

Auditory/visual bingo board
Portable shuffle board court to be placed on the back patio
Bocce Ball set
Patio bench for the back patio
Patio umbrella for the back patio

Mayor Streeter then called for a vote on the Resolution, it was Approved, unanimously.

B.      Resolution Supporting the Design and Construction for Replacement of the PlaceNameplaceFelt PlaceNameRoad PlaceTypeBridge over Farm Brook

WHEREAS, the Town has determined that the Felt Road Bridge over the Farm Brook needs to be replaced and is eligible for a grant from the State of Connecticut under the Local Bridge Program; and

WHEREAS, the Town of South Windsor was awarded a grant from the State of Connecticut Local Bridge Program to fund 31.19% of the eligible project costs for the replacement of the Felt Road Bridge over the Farm Brook; and

17.     B.  (continued)

WHEREAS, the construction costs for this project are estimated to be $537,500 which shall be funded through the approved 2006 Road, Drainage, and Intersection Improvements Referendum; and

WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on September 17, 2007 to receive citizen input on this project

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby reaffirms the need for said project and supports the design and construction of the replacement of the placePlaceNameFelt PlaceNameRoad PlaceTypeBridge over Farm Brook.

Was made by:    Councillor Pelkey
Seconded by:    Councillor Jeski

Councillor Pelkey questioned if the estimated cost of $537,500 is with the reimbursement of 31.19%?  Mr. Galligan explained that he believed that was the total cost.  Usually the Town has to budge for the total cost and then will get reimbursed from the State.

Councillor Pelkey asked if the complete project has to be done prior to any reimbursement?  Mr. Doolittle stated that most of the money you get back when the project is complete.

Councillor Pelkey voiced concern regarding the detouring of vehicles.  People may travel at higher speeds through neighborhoods where the traffic is being detoured.

Deputy Mayor Delnicki abstained from voting on this item because he is an abutter.

Councillor Yagaloff questioned if one project per year would be done?  Mr. Doolittle, Town Engineer explained that the Town is presently working on designs for three other projects.  As the projects get designed and approved, they will be started.

Mayor Streeter then called for a vote on the Resolution; it was Approved, with a vote of 8-0 with Deputy Delnicki abstaining.

17.     New Business (continued)

C.      Resolution to Enter into an Agreement with the State of Connecticut for a Grant to Fund 31.19% of the Repair of the Main Street Bridge over Stoughton Brook under the Local Bridge Program

WHEREAS, the Town of South Windsor has conducted a study of four bridges owned and maintained by the Town and prioritized these bridges according to their need for repair and eligibility for State and Federal Funding; and

WHEREAS, the Town has determined that the Main Street Bridge over Stoughton Brook needs to be repaired and is eligible for a grant from the State of Connecticut under the Local Bridge Program; and

WHEREAS, the Town of South Windsor was awarded a grant from the State of Connecticut Local Bridge Program to fund 31.19% of the eligible project costs for the repair of the Main Street Bridge over Stoughton Brook; and

WHEREAS, the design cost for this project is estimated to be $86,250 which shall be funded through the approved 2006 Road, Drainage, and Intersection Improvements Referendum

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council Authorizes Town Manager, Matthew B. Galligan to accept the Commitment to Fund letter from the Connecticut Department of Transportation, Local Bridge Program for the Main Street Bridge over Stoughton Brook, Bridge No. 132-017

Was made by:    Councillor McCann
Seconded by:    Councillor Pelkey

Councillor McCann questioned the estimated total cost of the bridge project?  Mr. Doolittle stated it is estimated at $810,000 which includes engineering.

Councillor McCann then asked if the Town would get 31.19% of the cost back?  Mr. Doolittle said the Town would.

Councillor McCann stated that what the Town Council is acting on tonight is just to authorize the Town Manager to accept the Commitment to Fund Letter for the design cost of that bridge at this time.  A resolution will be voted on after the design for the placePlaceNameMain PlaceNameStreet PlaceTypeBridge is complete.

17.     C.  (continued)

Mr. Doolittle explained that as with any state program there are several steps.  The first step is to sign the agreement to get into the program, complete the design work, do a resolution similar to the one that was passed tonight saying that the Town Council endorses this and is ready to go forward, permitting is done and then we proceed with construction.

Mayor Streeter then called for a vote on the Resolution, it was Approved, unanimously.

D.      Resolution Approving the Transfer of $16,000 from Nevers Road Park Soccer Fields Paving Capital Account (44058300-00320) to the Community Center Parking Lot Repaving Capital Account (44510300-00320)

WHEREAS, the Town Council has allocated Capital Funds for the repaving of the Nevers Road Park soccer fields parking lot and the project has been completed at a lower cost than originally estimated; and

WHEREAS, the Town Council has allocated Capital Funds for repaving of the Community Center parking lot and the scope of this project has increased and the cost has also increased beyond the original estimate

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby Approves a transfer of $16,000 from Nevers Road Park Soccer Fields Paving Capital Account (44058300-00320) to the Community Center Parking Lot Repaving Capital Account (44510300-00320) to fund repaving of the parking lots around Nevers Road Park and repaving of the main part of the Community Center parking lot.

Was made by:    Councillor Jeski
Seconded by:    Deputy Mayor Delnicki

Councillor Yagaloff felt that the money should be used to expand the parking lot.  He stated he will support the transfer because the more funds in the account the better, but the expansion of the parking should be addressed at the same time.

Mr. Jeff Doolittle, Town Engineer explained the work that would be necessary for the repaving of the Community Center.  If the Town went through and just sealed the parking lot, it would need to be repaved in a few years.  Re-grading and repaving of the parking lot at this time will make the lot last 10-20 more years.

17.     D.  (continued)

Mr. Doolittle then reviewed other exhibits which represent more parking near the Boundless Playground.  There is $25,000 set aside for the parking near the Boundless Playground.  If this area were done at the same time as the repaving, it would be in the $25,000 range.  Another plan proposed would create 66 more parking spaces and is estimated to cost approximately $250,000, but could not be done prior to winter.

Mr. Galligan, Town Manager explained that a public hearing would need to be held for the transfer of money if the plan with 66 more spaces were agreed upon.  Recommendations from staff have been to complete a plan that could be funded in next year’s budget.

Councillor Prague felt the whole issue should be referred back to Capital Projects.  He then stated the he felt the repaving of the parking lot could be put off for a couple of years because it does not need to be done immediately.  For existing and proposed projects, the Town should try to use the same contractor or projects should be combined to lower costs.  Councillor Prague then added that the whole project at the Community Center should be done at the same time.

Councillor McCann said he would like to use the money to expand the parking rather then repave it, but then questioned if there are signs that the parking lots needs repaving?  Mr. Doolittle explained that there are areas in the parking lot that are cracking and some areas that are beginning to break up.

Councillor Moriarty felt that sealing of the parking lot at the Community Center should not be done at this time.  The design with the additional parking is a higher priority.

Councillor Jeski felt that all of the work for the Community Center parking should be combined into one in order to reduce the cost.

After a lengthy discussion, if was stated that the legislative intent of this resolution is to transfer money, and not do anything until after discussion with Capital Projects.  After discussions are held, a recommendation could be voted on by the Town Council.

Mayor Streeter then called for a vote on the Resolution, it was Approved, 8-1 with Councillor Moriarty voting against approval of the resolution.

17.     New Business (continued)

E.      Resolution Approving the Transfer of $14,000 from Rotary/Nevers Pavilion Driveway Capital Account (44027300-00320) to Community Center Parking Lot Repaving Capital Account (44510300-00320)

WHEREAS, the Town Council has allocated Capital Funds for the repaving of the Rotary/Nevers Pavilion driveway and the project scope has been reduced resulting in a lower cost than originally estimated; and

WHEREAS, the Town Council has allocated Capital Funds for the repaving of the Community Center parking lot and the scope of this project has increased and the cost has also increased beyond the original estimate

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby Approves a transfer of $14,000 from Rotary/Nevers Pavilion Driveway Capital Account (44027300-00320) to the Community Center Parking Lot Repaving Capital Account (44510300-00320) to fund repaving of the parking lots around Nevers Road Park and repaving of the main part of the Community Center parking lot.

Was made by:    Councillor Moriarty
Seconded by:    Councillor Pelkey

Councillor Moriarty stated that this resolution is along the same line as the previous resolution.  Councillor Moriarty has no objections to moving money when needed, but feels the repaving of the Community Center parking lot is not necessary and he will not support this.

Mayor Streeter made an amendment to the resolution.  Where it states “Rotary/Nevers Pavilion”, Nevers should be eliminated; Deputy Mayor Delnicki seconded the amendment; and it was Approved, unanimously.

Councillor Yagaloff questioned if the goal is to transfer the money into this account, go back to Capital Projects, take look at the budget and then talk to the Engineering Department and see if there are other options to add additional space?  Mr. Galligan stated that with this resolution there is the same intent as in the previous resolution.

Mayor Streeter then called for a vote on the Resolution, it was Approved, 8-1 with Councillor Moriarty voting against approval of the resolution.

10.     Communications and reports from Town Manager

Mr. Galligan reported on the following:

1.      At the last meeting Deputy Mayor Delnicki mentioned about sending questions off to the Town Attorney that has been done.

2.      Everything that was discussed regarding “best route” signs in the Town of CityplaceSouth Windsor have been sent to the Town Attorney for his review.

3.      Since the ordinance passed on Governor’s Highway, there have been no complaints, warnings or infractions issued.  Commander Reed Is recommending that the $99 fine set by the ordinance be changed.

4.      A 10-year projection without the elementary school project has been submitted to Town Council members.  These projections do not include any additional cost of personnel.

5.      Another e-mail from Mrs. Conrad has been received.  It was sent to the Town Attorney for his review.

6.      Melanie Crucitti, Director of Finance has given the Council information on the amount of money that is left under the Open Space Fund.

7.      Dennis Sheridan, Director of Human Services has decided to try to work within the perimeters of the regulations for the Moderate Priced Housing as it is written presently.

8.      I will be attending the ICMA Conference in placeCityPittsburgh which starts on Saturday, October 6, 2007 and goes through Tuesday, October 9, 2007.  Will be back in the office on Thursday, October 11, 2007.

9.      I will be on vacation from Friday, November 23, 2007 through November 30, 2007.

Councillor Yagaloff discussed the Fire House Construction Referendum and then questioned if the Town Manager could ask the Town Attorney what options are available to the Town?  Mr. Galligan explained that the project has been reduced to 5,000 square feet which is required.  Letters have been sent to the Army Corp.  The IWA/CC has received a response on the wetlands delineation, but the Town is still waiting for a response on the plan.  The Town Attorney is now writing letters to the DEP and Army Corp. of Engineers trying to find out what the delay is on this project.

10.     Communications and reports from Town Manager (continued)

Mr. Galligan stated he would be meeting with State Representatives and Congressional Representatives to discuss this matter.  The Chairman of the Public Building Commission has been working closely with the Town Attorney.  The Town will discuss options with the Town Attorney.

A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the handout of the 10-year expenditure projections.  Mr. Galligan explained how the percentages for the assumptions where calculated.  This item will be discussed further at another meeting.

Deputy Mayor Delnicki stated that he has received prices on the electronic speed signs that were discussed.  The signs would cost $5,000 each, are solar powered and could be the solution to traffic issues throughout the Town.  Deputy Mayor Delnicki also had pictures of speed humps and felt different calming measures would be positive as well as ordinances to control traffic.

Councillor Pelkey voiced concern regarding the Fire House Construction project and felt that the Towns State Representative and Senator should have been contacted regarding issues with this project.  He also stated that the Public Building Commission should have kept the Town Council members up to date on this project.

Town Manager Galligan explained that he has asked for a meeting with Representatives Christ, Aman and Senator LeBeau.  It has also been suggested by the Town Attorney to set up a meeting with our Congress person.  Letters have been sent to Army Corp. of Engineers.  They have responded to wetland delineations, but not to the scientific information the Town provided them about the endangered species found on the property.  The DEP had stated that the time table for any project review is approximately 6 months.  The 6 months has now gone by and a meeting will be held with the appropriate individuals to try to get this project going.  The Town Attorney has been advising me of the proper way to handle this situation.

Councillor Havens questioned if the Town could get some tax relief for the purchase of Hybrid cars?  Town Manager Galligan stated that he would be meeting with Scott Chanley from CityManchester because the Town of placeCityManchester has information on this subject and they are considering this same issue now.  If information is provided, the Town Council will receive it shortly.

Councillor Havens also asked the Town Manager if he would see if there is anything that could be done with the Senior Tax Relief?  Town Manager Galligan said that the Assessor had recommended against this issue previously, but he would look into seeing if anything has changed.

10.     Communications and reports from Town Manager (continued)

Councillor Havens then questioned how much the Town paid for the land that the Fire House is proposed to be constructed on?  Town Manager Galligan answered $595,000.

Councillor McCann stated that at the beginning of the Summer the Federal Regulations changed, restricting the jurisdiction of both the Federal EPA and the Army Corp. of Engineers.  In order for the Army Corp. of Engineers to exert jurisdiction, they have to show that the particular body of water they are looking at directly affects navigable waters.  

Councillor McCann then applauded the Town Managers efforts with respect to the 10-year projections.  He then mentioned that after discussions with Mr. Dan Hanson, Assistant Superintendent of Schools, that under the proposal that the Steering Committee has come up with, the operation costs would be significantly lower.

Deputy Mayor Delnicki made a motion to Suspend the Rules in order to go to items 16. A. and B. and items 17. F. G. and H.; and to extend the meeting past 11:00 p.m. to complete these items; Councillor Havens seconded the motion; and it was Approved unanimously.

16.     Unfinished Business

A.      Resolution Appointing Mario Marrero (D) a Member of the Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission

BE IT RESOLVED that the South CityWindsor Town Council hereby Appoints Mario placeMarrero (D) a Member to the Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission for a term ending December 1, 2007.

Was made by:    Councillor Havens
Seconded by:    Deputy Mayor Delnicki
The motion was: Approved, unanimously

B.      Resolution Appointing Mark Abrahamson (D) an Alternate of the Planning & Zoning Commission

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby Appoints Mark Abrahamson (D) an Alternate of the Planning & Zoning Commission for a term ending November 12, 2007.

16.     B.  (continued)

Was made by:    Councillor Yagaloff
Seconded by:    Councillor Pelkey
The motion was: Approved, unanimously

17.     New Business

F.      Resolution Approving the Transfer of $14,570 from Various Board of Education Capital Project Accounts to the Board of Education Fuel Tank and Piping Updates Capital Project Account

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby Approves a transfer of $1,158 from the Ellsworth Roof Capital Project Account; $7,067 from the Elementary Schools Driveway Repaving Capital Project Account; $479 from the Food Service Equipment Capital Project Account; and $5,866 from the System-Wide Fire Code Updates Capital Project Account for a total transfer of $14,570 to the Fuel Tank and Piping Updates Capital Project Account, to cover the excess cost over the originally approved budget.

Was made by:    Councillor Yagaloff
Seconded by:    Deputy Mayor Delnicki
The motion was: Approved, unanimously

G.      Resolution Approving the Transfer of $97,026 from Various Board of Education Capital Project Accounts to the Board of Education High School Boiler Capital Project Account

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby Approves a transfer of $91,597 from the Ellsworth Boiler Capital Project Account and $5,429 from the Ellsworth Roof Capital Project Account for a total transfer of $97,026 to the High School Boiler Capital Project Account, to cover the excess cost over the originally approved budget.

Was made by:    Deputy Mayor Delnicki
Seconded by:    Councillor McCann
The motion was: Approved, unanimously

17.     New Business (continued)

H.      Resolution Approving a Refund of Property Taxes to Seventy-six (76) South Windsor Taxpayers

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby Approves a refund of property taxes to seventy-six (76) South Windsor Residents, the total of said refunds being $9,324.31, and as more fully described on attached Exhibit A.

Was made by:    Councillor Havens
Seconded by:    Councillor Pelkey
The motion was: Approved, unanimously

22.     Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 11:03 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah W. Reid
Clerk of the Council