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Town Council Work Session 4/2/2007

TOWN COUNCIL                                            BUDGET WORK SESSION
COUNCIL CHAMBERS                                        APRIL 2, 2007
SOUTH WINDSOR TOWN HALL                         TIME:  7:00 P.M.

1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Streeter called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

2.      Roll Call

Members Present:        Mayor Matthew Streeter
Deputy Mayor Thomas Delnicki
Councillor Edward Havens
Councillor Kevin McCann
Councillor Tim Moriarty
Councillor John Pelkey
Councillor Cary Prague
                                Councillor Keith Yagaloff

Members Absent: Councillor Deborah Fine

Also Present:           Town Manager Matthew Galligan
                                Melanie Crucitti, Director of Finance

3.      Public Participation:  None

4.      Communications:  None

5.      Town Manager’s Report:  None

6.      Items for Discussion

A.      Proposed Fiscal Year Budgets for: Human Services, Town Council, Town Manager and Boards & Commissions

Mr. Dennis Sheridan, Director of Human Services came forward and gave a brief description of the Department, (Exhibit A).

Ms. Irene Murray, Adult & Senior Services Coordinator came before the Town Council and discussed the different programs offered to adults and seniors, (Exhibit A).

Budget Work Session – Town Council
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April 2, 2007

6.      A.   (Continued)

Ms. Joann Moriarty, Youth & Family Services Coordinator gave a presentation on the programs offered to youth and families in South Windsor, (Exhibit A).

Mr. Sheridan concluded the presentation from Human Services by reviewing the grants/individuals that help keep programs running.  Mr. Sheridan stated that the senior population is rising and more space will be necessary in the future.

Councillor Prague questioned as part of the energy assistance program, are individuals educated on how to save energy?  Ms. Murray answered that things such as wrapping pipes are done, but feels the implementation of such thing as the energy savings light bulbs would be a good idea.

Councillor Moriarty asked if seniors are helped with filling out their income tax forms?  Ms. Murray answered that they are.

Councillor McCann questioned if there are Adult Education Classes offered in South Windsor?  Mr. Sheridan stated that South Windsor used to have classes, but all classes are now held through Rockville High School.

Councillor Yagaloff asked out of the total space, what percentage of the time are the rooms used by seniors, youth, or Recreation?  Mr. Sheridan explained that all of the rooms are used all of the time by the various departments.

Councillor McCann questioned if there is any way that programs are tracked in order to see how well the demand for each program is being met?  Ms. Murray stated that the only way to determine that is to look at the town citizen survey because people that come into Human Services do let us know verbally what they want in programs, but those that do not come in are unknown.

Councillor McCann then asked if Human Services has to turn people away from programs?  Ms. Murray answered that with certain programs there is a waiting list.  McCann then stated that may be a way of tracking programs.

Deputy Mayor Delnicki asked how many seniors, families and youths numerically are served then the amount five years ago?  Mr. Sheridan state he would have to do a comparative scheme because the numbers are available.  Deputy Mayor Delnicki stated that may help to find out how residents are being served.

Budget Work Session – Town Council
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April 2, 2006

6.      A.   (Continued)

Deputy Mayor Delnicki then questioned what the success rate for cases that the Juvenile Review Board sees?  Mr. Sheridan stated that there is approximately 1 case annually out of the 25-30 cases that the Board will see a repeat offender.  Presently there is less activity on the Board than usual and the Board is reviewing how referrals are made and what sources they come from.

        Deputy Mayor asked how the food and fuel bank has done this year due to the relatively mild winter until January?  Ms. Murray answered that this has been an excellent year.  There is $19,000 left in this year’s budget.

At 7:35 p.m. Mayor Streeter recessed the Work Session in order to call a Public Hearing.

The Public Hearing adjourned at 7:45 p.m. and a discussion ensued regarding the proposed budget for Human Services.

        Councillor Prague questioned regarding the money that was given to Human Services last year and if it was known how that money benefited Human Services?  Mr. Sheridan said he would have to research that and tell the Town Council at a later date.

        Councillor Prague then asked how come another new bus was needed?  Mr. Sheridan explained that the bus was necessary to keep up with demands.  Human Services is getting ready to phase out an older bus and within the next year will need to plan for another bus.

        Councillor Pelkey asked if seniors mentor the youth?  Ms. Murray stated that seniors share reading experiences, discuss what it was like to be a child and tell youth about different experiences.  This is a program that could be built on.

        Councillor Pelkey then questioned what ideas have surfaced regarding the parking problem at the Community Center?  Mr. Sheridan stated that there is lawn area where parking could be developed.  There is room for growth and this will have to be something that will need to be looked at in the future.

        Councillor Havens asked what the percentage increase is for the budget this year?  Town Manager Matthew Galligan answered that there is 6% increase proposed.

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        Mayor Street commended Human Services for their great work/programs and their ability to seek out grants which gives the town relief.

Ms. Murray invited the Town Council to attend “Senior Safety Program” that is being held on Friday, May 4, 2007 at the South Windsor Community Center.

The Mayor said that due to the lateness of the hour, the Town Council Budget and Boards & Commissions Budget would have to be discussed at a later meeting.

7.      Executive Session - None

8.      Adjournment

At 7:58 p.m. Deputy Mayor Delnicki made a motion to adjourn the Work Session; the motion was seconded by Councillor McCann and approved unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah W. Reid
Clerk of the Council

Attmt.  Human Services Budget presentation, (Exhibit A)