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Town Council Work Session 3/26/2007


ROOM ALT. 6                                                                           DATE:  MARCH 26, 2007
TIMOTHY EDWARDS MIDDLE SCHOOL                                             TIME:  7:00 P.M.

1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Streeter called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.

2.      Roll Call

                        Town Council

Members Present:        Mayor Matthew Streeter
        Deputy Mayor Delnicki
Councillor Edward Havens
Councillor Kevin McCann
Councillor Tim Moriarty
Councillor John Pelkey
Councillor Cary Prague

Members Absent: Councillor Deborah Fine
                                Councillor Keith Yagaloff

Also Present:           Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan

                        Board of Education

Members Present:        Chairman Janice Snyder
                                Kathleen Soucy Daugherty
                                Jack Chinsky
                                Carolyn Egan
Anthony Fornuto
David S. Joy

Members Absent: Timothy Kenefick
                                Lisa Maneeley
                                Richard Stahr

Also Present:           Superintendent of Schools Dr. Robert Kozaczka
                                Asst. Superintendent Daniel Hansen
                                Asst. Superintendent Ania Czajkowski
                                Business Manager Donna McKenty


3.      Public Participation

Mr. Ray Favreau, Director of Recreation came before the Town Council and Board of Education to introduce a new program called “The 4th R”, which will be a Municipal Before & After School Program, (Exhibit A).

Councillor Havens asked if transportation for this program has been addressed?  Mr. Favreau explained that transportation will be the responsibility of parents.

Councillor Havens then asked if this would solve some of the issues that the Board of Education has with busing?  Dr. Kozaczka, explained that it is a little too soon to know what impact will come from this program, but stated it would solve dilemmas for many parents because in some of the districts there are no daycare facilities for their child to be transported to.

Councillor Havens questioned the cost of this program?  Mr. Favreau explained that if a child where to use the before and after care, the cost for one month would be $395.00, but stated that each child’s needs, as far as when they were to attend and not attend the program will change the cost, (Exhibit B).

Councillor Pelkey praised the program and wanted to know if a study would be done on students to see if grades/weight/health improved as a result of this program?  Mr. Favreau said that the process for this program has not gotten that far yet.  The academic side of this has not been discussed, but Recreation could work with the Board of Education on this process.  The physical fitness side of this program may be monitored and have discussed with Manchester Community College to have study done on the physical fitness side of this program.

Board Member Fornuto asked what is the number of students that could use this program?  Mr. Favreau stated that based on square footage available, the program should be able to handle between 70-120 students at each facility.  Estimates were done based on twenty five (25) students at each facility.

Councillor McCann said that it was stated that this program would be supported by user fees, were other costs associated with this program discussed, (i.e. personnel/janitorial)?  Mr. Favreau stated that all costs associated with this program have bee incorporated.

Councillor McCann felt since the mastery test for physical fitness was below 30%, this program will increase student’s interest in physical fitness at an early age.


3.      Public Participation (continued)

Board Member Daugherty questioned where the kindergarteners would be housed and how the program would work for them?  Mr. Favreau stated that the kindergarteners are the hardest to accommodate, but the morning program would be offered to the morning kindergarteners and the afternoon program would be offered to the afternoon kindergarteners.

Board Member Chinsky asked if there would be a time for quiet study where children can get in groups and do their homework together as well as physical fitness?  Mr. Favreau stated that there would be time for that type of activity.

Councillor Prague questioned whether there was still overcrowding issues at the schools or if a room would be available for this program?  Classrooms that were empty are now being used for programs that the schools did not offer previously, i.e. computer labs.

Councillor Prague then questioned whether the program is more expensive to run when school is out and how the price being sought compared to other daycares?  Mr. Favreau explained that this program will be more affordable or equal to current daycare costs.

Deputy Mayor Delnicki asked if this would impact current daycare providers?  Mr. Favreau stated that this program is not being considered competition for other providers.  This program is another option for parents and will offer residents something different than what the daycare provider offers.

Deputy Mayor Delnicki questioned when a snow day occurs; will this program pay for everything that is necessary to run?  Mr. Favreau explained that the program will probably only use one facility when there are snow days.  The snow removal plan will be prioritized to go to that one site first.  Not all details have been gone through at this point.

Deputy Mayor Delnicki then questioned if one site has been picked out yet for snow days?  Mr. Favreau stated that has not been discussed yet, but if given a choice Mr. Favreau said he would like Wapping School used because it is centrally located in town.


3.      Public Participation (continued)

Deputy Mayor Delnicki asked how long it would take to make a determination to find out about the savings as far as school buses are concerned?  Dr. Kozaczka stated that in August is when the bus schedules are usually finalized, so hopefully by mid August.

Deputy Mayor Delnicki questioned if the Recreation Department plans on discussing this program with the private sector to fill them in on what is happening?  Mr. Favreau explained that he was not intending to, but would if the Town Council feels that discussions should ensue.

Town Manager, Matthew Galligan informed Board Members and Council Members that currently the Community Center is used by the YMCA for before and after school care.  With the incorporation of this new program, necessary space will become available for the seniors of South Windsor.

The Public Participation portion was extended by general consensus of the Town Council.

Board Member Joy stated that this is an exciting program, but feels that this program could impact current providers in town and also feels conversations should take place with these current daycare providers because this could be a profit problem for those current providers.  Mr. Joy then stated that he feels transportation issues should also be addressed prior to the start of this program.

Councillor Pelkey asked what would happen to the bus route if it is decided a child will not be attending this program after already attending the program?  Dr. Kozaczka explained that bus routes are changed due to programming conflicts at various times of the school year.

Councillor Moriarty asked if the cost for additional equipment necessary to run this program has been included?  Councillor Moriarty then stated that he agrees that current daycare providers in the town should be notified regarding this program.

Mayor Streeter stressed that safety should be a major concern regarding this program and asked if consideration has been given to the policy for dropping children off and picking children up from this program?  Mr. Favreau explained that the program will only let pre-authorized individuals pick up or drop off children.


3.      Public Participation (continued)

Chairperson Snyder stated that she feels this is a great program and will be an alternative to parents in the Town of South Windsor.  This program will give each school district a program that will be safe, secure and a familiar place for children.

Councilor Moriarty stated that there has never been a daycare facility in town that has developed five facilities within each district, so therefore Councillor Moriarty felt it is very important to discuss this with other current providers in town.

Mr. Bob Dickinson of 19 Birch Road came before the Town Council to discuss the school buses dropping children off.  Currently the bus will drop children off that live 2 to 3 houses apart.  Mr. Dickinson feels there would be a savings if children had one area to drop off and have children walk to their prospective homes.  The problem is that there are no sidewalks to have children walk on.  Mr. Dickinson requested that the Town Council consider modifying the towns’ policy such that people would not oppose putting gin sidewalks in the Town of South Windsor.

4.      Items for Discussion

A.      Board of Education and General Government Proposed Budgets for Fiscal Year 2007/2008

Town Manager Matthew Galligan informed the Town Council and Board of Education that in the Budget he gave a 10-year budget projection.

Mayor Streeter asked the Board of Education if they knew what the time line for a referendum would be for the renovation of different schools in town?  Dr. Kozaczka stated that the issue of a referendum is unknown at this time.

Mayor Streeter expressed that time and public input is necessary on this type of issue, but is looking forward to reviewing options for the schools.

Councillor Prague questioned why in this budget was it decided to not reduce any staff in the elementary schools?  Dr. Kozaczka explained that last summer it was necessary to add two teachers in order for the Board of Education to stay within guidelines.


3.      A.  (continued)

Councillor Prague then asked, after adding 24 teachers to the budget, if a student doesn’t show up will a teacher have to be eliminated?  

Councillor Prague questions the number of teams in the Middle School?  Dr. Kozaczka answered that there are four.

Councillor McCann asked why the additional five (5) teachers are necessary at the High School?  Dr. Kozaczka explained that these teachers will be used in case classes are approaching or exceeding 25, then an additional teacher will be needed, or more electives will be offered to students.  This will improve the quality of education at the High School.

Councillor Havens stated that he is satisfied with the budget, but the Board of Education should be prepared for a budget cut.  Dr. Kozaczka stated that the Board of Education certainly hopes that the Town Council will approve the 2007/2008 budget as presented.  A lot of work and hours were necessary to prepare this budget.  Dr. Kozaczka informed Council members that in prior years, the budget had monies available in case it was necessary to out place a child.  This budget had not taken into consideration this type of situation.

Board Member Chinsky stated that budget cutting was done prior to coming to the Town Council, therefore budget cuts are not expected this year.  This budget should be accepted as it is because it is still maintaining programs and not increasing program.

Chairperson Snyder stated that there are no new initiatives and she feels that Dr. Kozaczka and his staff has brought forward a budget that they could live with.  She asked that the Town Council fully fund this budget.

Councillor McCann felt this budget not only maintains but also addresses needs at the High School and moves education forward.  Councillor McCann then asked if the proposal to put automatic controlled lighting in the High School and Middle School has been worked into this budget and if there would be a considerable savings with this program?  Ms. McKenty who is the Business Manager for the Board of Education explained that the program would be absorbed for 36 months then the savings would be outright.  Mr. Hankard who is the Facilities Manager for the Board of Education would be able to answer this question further at tomorrow nights Board of Education meeting.


3.      A.  (continued)

Board Member Fornuto stated he felt this budget to be a reasonable request and hopes that town officials will show that they are looking out for the best interest of the residents.  Teachers at the high school are needed.  The Recreation program is beginning and maybe in the future could turn into something bigger and better.

Board Member Chinksy stated that this budget will be correcting a deficiency in the High School because it is known that there is overcrowding in the high school and the teachers included in this budget will solve that problem.

Mr. Galligan informed Town Council Members and Board of Education Members that this budget the full Governors budget has not been put in.  The tax rate could jump either way.

5.      Executive Session - None

6.      Motion to Adjourn

Delnicki made a motion to adjourn at 8:35 p.m.; Pelkey seconded the motion; and it was approved, unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah W. Reid
Clerk of the Council

Attachments (Exhibits A, and B)