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Town Council - Work Session - 11-20-06


TOWN COUNCIL                                                    WORK SESSION
COUNCIL CHAMBERS                                                NOVEMBER 20, 2006
SOUTH WINDSOR TOWN HALL                                 TIME:  7:00 P.M.

1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Streeter called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

2.      Roll Call

Members Present:        Mayor Matthew Streeter
Deputy Mayor Thomas Delnicki
Councillor Edward Havens
Councillor Kevin McCann
Councillor Timothy Moriarty
Councillor John Pelkey
Councillor Cary Prague
                                Councillor Keith Yagaloff

Members Absent: Councillor Deborah Fine

Also Present:           Town Manager Matthew Galligan

3.      Public Participation  

        Ms. Carrie Morse of 100 Robert Drive came forward.  She is the Membership Vice President of the South Windsor MOM’S (Mothers Offering Mothers Support) Club, North Chapter.   She explained a few aspects of the Club.

        Ms. Leah Gesualdi, the Administrative Vice President of the North Chapter lives at 96 Gordon Drive.   She explained the success of a tag sale that they held for the Boundless Playground which raised $1,300.  She also explained the success of a children’s clothing and toy consignment sale that they held at the Fire Headquarters on Ellington Road.  She thanked all of those that participated and supported their consignment sale and those that donated food and raffle prizes.  She presented a check for $2,100 from the MOM’S Club of South Windsor North Chapter to the South Windsor Boundless Playground Committee for My Friends Place.  

        Councillor Pelkey thanked the MOM’S Club for their second donation and also all of the people and businesses that have donated to the Boundless Playground.  

4.      Communications  -  None

5.      Town Manager’s Report  -  None

6.      Items for Discussion

A.      “Fair Funding for a Better Way to Finance Local Public Education in Connecticut” (Conducted by the “Citizens Network of the Capital Region” – Lyle Wray, Executive Director of CRCOG, to report)
Town Manager Galligan introduced Mr. Courtney Bourns, President of the Citizens Network of the Capital Region.  He explained the Network.   Ms. Kathy Wilson and Lyle Wray also spoke regarding the Network.  See attached Exhibit A.

        At 8:00 p.m. Mayor Streeter recessed the Work Session and called the Regular Meeting to order and immediately recessed it to reconvene the Work Session.

They continued a discussion between Members of the Town Council, residents, and representatives from the Citizens Network.

7.      Executive Session

8.      Adjournment

At 8:25 p.m. Councillor Pelkey made a motion to adjourn; Deputy Mayor Delnicki duly seconded the motion and it was approved, unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Vanessa Perry
Assistant to the Clerk of the Council