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Town Council - Regular Meeting - 12/4/06


ACTION MINUTES  Page 1  December 4, 2006

TOWN COUNCIL – Regular Meeting
Council Chambers – South Windsor Town Hall

1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Streeter called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m.

2.      Roll Call

Members Present:        Mayor Matthew Streeter
Deputy Mayor Thomas Delnicki
Councillor Deborah Fine
Councillor Edward Havens
Councillor Kevin McCann
Councillor Tim Moriarty
Councillor John Pelkey
Councillor Cary Prague
                                Councillor Keith Yagaloff

Also Present:           Town Manager Matthew Galligan


5.      Public Input

The Mayor and the Town Council recognized approximately 30 young Midget Football Players, and their Coaches, for winning the “League Championship.”  Introducing the young men, individually, was David Dubiel, Head Coach.

Next to come forward was Ms. Ellen Castaldini, 311 Twin Circle Drive, who spoke briefly on the, in progress, “20% by 2010 Clean Energy Program—a program associated with the theory of “global warming;” and involved with urging more research, development, and use of “non-fossil fuels” in the United States.  Ms. Castaldeni asked the Town Manager for information prior to the Town Council’s next meeting regarding the amount of “energy” expended on Town buildings.  She also requested that a Resolution she had presented to Council this evening be included on a January 2007 Town Council Agenda.


5.      Public Input (Continued)

Ms. Castaldeni then introduced Mr. Roger Smith from “Clean Water Action” who elaborated further on the subject, and the “20% by 2010 Program.”

Mr. Don Gonsalves, 40 Bayberry Trail, who spoke of the futility of the Town Council approaching the Connecticut Department of Public Utility Control with its opposition to the Connecticut Light & Power’s proposed rate increase.  It was Mr. Gonsalves opinion that the only way anything will get done in Connecticut is through its Legislature; and the Council should urge its State legislators, such as Rep. William Aman, State Sen. Gary LeBeau, and State Rep. Michael Christ to urge State regulation of the public utilities.

Next to speak was Amanda (she gave no last name), 32 Seabrook (not a street in South Windsor) who commented on the Clean Energy Program.  She felt the Program was expensive, wind farms “took a lot of space” and “kills birds.”  She felt that the Program should start with automobiles; and urged everyone to get “hybrid” cars.

Jan Snyder, Chairperson of the South Windsor Board of Education, then came forward to bring Council up to date on Board of Education activities, and personnel changes in the school system—one being a new Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction, Dan Hanson; who, for 16 prior years, had been Principal of Pleasant Valley School.  Mr. Hanson would be replacing Asst. Supt. Steve Wlodarczyk who had left for another position.

Mary Etter, Library Director, provided Council with the latest in Library programs.

Kenneth Sek, 285 Griffin Road, who rose to respond to a previous comment by a previous speaker.  Mr. Sek, referring to the sources of solar power and wind power said he wished to clarify that he believed Conn. Light and Powers’ intent was to “buy solar power from some location (such as Nevada or Arizona)—which power would come to us through the grid; it would not be part of everyone’s house to have this implementation (solar panels and windmills) on it.

Meredith DeMallie, 2 Joseph Lane, and a Senior at South Windsor High School, said she was upset that, although the Town had installed a Fuel Cell at South Windsor High School, she did not think it was being used.  She, and her father (who also was present) were in attendance to support “20% by 2010 Clean Energy Program.”  Ms. DeMallie stated that “fossil fuels kill a lot more people than wind farms.”

6.      Environmental Health & Safety Message – Councillor Pelkey said that, in light of tonight’s presentation, he felt that the message would be “keep an open mind;” read the information; and make your decision.

7.      Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meetings - None

8.      Public Petitions - None

9.      Commun. from Officers and Bds. Directly Responsible to Council - None

10.     Communications and Reports from Town Manager

Mr. Galligan reported on the following:

1.      Plans made with the Board of Education to have a Joint “Dinner” Meeting on January 11, 2007.

2.      The need for another Executive Session this evening to discuss a Rye Street project of some importance to the Town.

3.      The Town’s receipt of three (3) more Lifepacs; and their placement at the Sewer Treatment Plant, the Town Garage, and the Recreation Department.  A portable Lifepac will be located at VMP Pool; and will be available for coverage at special events in Town.  At least two more Lifepacs are still in the offing.

4.      The letters that our Engineering Department sent out to Avery Street and Pleasant Valley road residents regarding an “Information Meeting” for these residents, prior to a scheduled Public Hearing, at which the public can made known their concerns regarding these roads.

Comments and questions from the Councillors followed.

11.     Reports from Standing Committees - None

12.     Reports from Temporary Committees - None


13.     Communications and Petitions from Council

Councillor Moriarty read into the record a letter he received from Mr. Richard Siedman of 56 Partridge Lane, in support of the Councillor’s objection to the leasing and possible purchase of the old Post Office building.  Councillor Moriarty asked that this be made a part of the record; and, in compliance, it is attached hereto as Exhibit A.

Councillor Pelkey relayed to those listening the “high praise” Father Jeremiah Murasso had for Town staff in his and contractor’s dealings with the Town during the recent renovation of St. Francis of Assisi Church.  The Councillor quoted Father as saying, during Sunday’s service, that South Windsor “was the best Town he has ever worked with” in the course of a construction project of this size.

Councillor Prague praised the Town’s Public Works Department for their “innovative” efforts in creating holiday decorations.  He specifically mentioned the candy canes on Buckland Road.  Another item he said he wished to mention was the Holiday Concert put on, at TEMS, by the 102nd Army Band of the Connecticut Army National Guard on Sunday, December 3, 2006.

14.     Public Participation

Jan Snyder, 191 Bourbon Street, Supt. of the Board of Education and a Member of the Capital Projects Committee thanked the residents of South Windsor for their votes approving the Referendum Question last November.  As a Member of the Capital Projects Committee, she felt it was very important not to tie required funding in Capital Projects to the budget.  She did feel, however, that funding in this account should be increased each year by a percentage.

Mr. Don Gonsalves, 40 Bayberry, disagreed with Mrs. Snyder; and continued to feel that many of the capital projects on the Referendum list were “deferred maintenance” projects--and were included on this list rather than fixing them “20 years ago” because, at the time, no one wanted to raise the taxes to do so.  

Mr. Gonsalves felt this was “wrong,” and said he would vote “1,000% against charging any deferred maintenance.”  He also referred to the results of a Survey conducted by the Town; and the fact that, in the results of this Survey, 62% of the residents polled voted against going to Referendum on these projects.


15.     Consent Agenda

        Motion to approve Agenda Items 17. A. through 17. E. as the Consent Agenda.

Was made by:    Councillor Moriarty
Seconded by:    Deputy Mayor Delnicki
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

16.     Unfinished Business

        A.      Discussion ItemCapital Projects – Planning Ahead
                                                (Requested by Councillor Pelkey)

Councillor Pelkey wanted to make it clear that he was not speaking on behalf of the Capital Projects Committee; but was speaking as a person who has served on that Committee since its “modern” inception.  None of the reasons for requesting this item, he said, was in order to post any blame, but was because he said he wished to leave office, someday, not having to worry how South Windsor was funding these projects.  

The Councillor then stated that the 2007/2008 draft plan of priority projects that the Capital Projects is currently working on identifies $3,758,000 in potential projects.  Last year, he said, $2,785,000 was budgeted.  The #1 priority, he said, included on that “draft plan” is the $150,000 for the architectural services for the elementary school renovations.

Also new, he continued, and another one of the top 10 priorities are three new projects that had not, previously, been included on the 10-year plan—a new school system-wide fire code update plan; a system-wide school security plan; and food equipment replacement for the school system.  The cost of these projects, alone, he said, is $388,000.  The point in his mentioning these projects, he emphasized, was to demonstrate that “new projects crop up every year.”  

At some point, he predicted, the $150,000 used for the Architectural Study will turn into a Referendum Question to upgrade the elementary schools regardless of whether they are done all at the same time, or over a five or more year period—the Town will have to borrow the money.  The cost for this particular Capital Project, he said, will most likely exceed $100 million; and the longer they are delayed, the more the cost will rise—the same, he felt, as they did for the road projects.  This pattern would continue for other projects, as well, he said, just as the town grows in size and age.

16.     A.  (Continued)

Councillor Pelkey felt that “a 20-year record is horrid!”   It was because of this record, he added, that the Town was forced to go to Referendum this Fall in order to get some relief.  The Councillor then spoke of the “bonus” of funding a sound Capital Projects Budget in the first place.  He felt that serious long-ranging planning was essential.  

The Councillor then read a small portion of a 1965 Town Council Capital Goal’s report on this subject.  It became apparent, then, that a “pay-as-you-go system” was producing no tangible results toward creating adequate reserves.  The report, at that time, stated that this Committee abandoned the pay-as-you-go system and decided to reserve funds of any amount be more desirable than none at all.  Following their report, the Capital Goal’s Committee was granted, in principal by the 1964/1965 Council adherence to a plan that required the Council to set aside one 1 Mill ($37,890), yearly, to be cumulative up to the point where the reserves would reach the equivalent of 3 mills, yearly.  

Councillor Pelkey said that his best guess as to why this plan failed was because of “politics.”  Today, he added, the Town is bonding for roads and bridges that could have been done for half the money (maybe a third) back then.  The Councillor then asked that the Council “agree on some formula; some long-range vision for our Town.”  He suggested creating an Ordinance that would implement this plan and would enable the Town to “gradually work its way out of this burden.”

Starting with the 1986-1987 Fiscal Year, Councillor Pelkey elaborated on what he referred to as the “yo-yo type of planning” during the 20 years from 1986 to 2006.  He said that “you can’t do Capital Projects when you’re playing with “yo-yo” figures.  He then read those figures from the 1986-1987 Fiscal Year, forward, to the present time.

He asked for dialogue from the Councillors regarding this.  Comments and questions followed.  Councillor McCann agreed with Councillor Pelkey that more long-range planning was needed; however, he felt that the proper forum for that discussion, initially, was in the Capital Projects Committee.  

With that in mind, Councillor McCann made a Motion to refer this discussion of long-range goals for Capital Projects funding to the Capital Projects Committee.  The Motion was seconded by Councillor Moriarty.  Mayor Streeter asked for a brief recess in order to research what was correct, procedurally, under these conditions.

16.     A.  (Continued)

Following the brief recess, Mayor Streeter reconvened the Regular Meeting and stated that, as per Robert’s Rules it was an allowable Motion.  Since it has already been seconded, the Mayor asked for discussion on the Motion.

Councillor Yagaloff said that he did not think that this should be referred to the Capital Projects Committee tonight because it is a Discussion Item on this evening’s Agenda, and he was of the opinion that each Councillor should have the opportunity to express his/her own feelings with regard to Capital Projects; and a public discussion was called for.  He said he would support the Motion after this public discussion was held.

Mayor Streeter agreed that public discussion should be held first.  There followed comments and questions from the remainder of the Councillors.  

The Mayor then called for a vote on the Motion to refer this item to the Capital Projects Committee.  The Motion was defeated on a Roll Call vote 5 Nays to 4 Ayes, as follows:

                Deputy Mayor Delnicki           No
                Councillor Fine                 No
                Councillor McCann                       Yes
                Councillor Havens                       Yes
                Councillor Moriarty                     Yes
                Councillor Pelkey                       Yes
                Councillor Prague                       No
                Councillor Yagaloff                     No
                Mayor Streeter                  No

A lengthy further discussion ensued on the handling and financing of Capital Projects; and, if there were projects that should not be financed through the Capital Projects Budget.  Of particular interest was the subject of what exactly constituted a “capital project;” and what did not and, therefore, should be funded elsewhere.  

The steady yearly funding of the Capital Projects Budget through the Budget process, and the lack of such, was of major concern to some Councillors.


16.     A.  (Continued)

Following this discussion, Councillor Yagaloff said he would be happy to refer this matter to Committee for action.  He felt that everyone had had an opportunity to express their feelings, to some degree, this evening.  He added that following this he would hope that “the Committee would then bring something back to Town Council.”

Councillor Pelkey expanded on that request by asking that the Committee return to Council with their report somewhere in the January/February 2007 timeline.

The Mayor again asked for a vote on the previous Motion that this issue be referred to the Capital Projects Committee.  The Motion was approved, unanimously.

17.     New Business

*A.     Resolution Accepting the Resignation of Lavina Wilson (R) from the Zoning Board of Appeals

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council accepts the resignation of Lavina Wilson from the Zoning Board of Appeals, said resignation to be effective immediately.


*B.     Resolution Reappointing Scott C Simmons (R) to the Patriotic Commission, and Postponing Consideration of this Motion until the Town Council’s Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council reappoints Scott C. Simmons to the Patriotic Commission for a term ending August 31, 2009, and hereby postpones consideration of this Motion until the Town Council’s next regularly scheduled meeting.



17.     New Business (Continued)

*C.     Resolution Appointing Matthew J. Davis (R) to the Zoning Board of Appeals, and Postponing Consideration of this Motion until the Town Council’s Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council appoints Matthew J. Davis to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a term ending November 30, 2007, to fill the unexpired term of Lavina Wilson, and hereby postpones consideration of this Motion until the Town Council’s next regularly scheduled meeting.

*D.     Resolution Appointing Lavina Wilson (R) an Alternate to the Planning and Zoning Commission, and Postponing Consideration of this Motion until the Town Council’s Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council appoints Lavina Wilson an Alternate to the Planning and Zoning Commission for a term ending November 30, 2009, to fill the unexpired term of Christopher Lariviere, and hereby postpones consideration of this Motion until the Town Council’s next regularly scheduled meeting.


*E.     Resolution Appointing Mary Katherine DiModugno (U) to the Human Relations Commission, and Postponing Consideration of this Motion until the Town Council’s Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council appoints Mary Katherine DiModugno to the Human Relations Commission to fill a vacancy with a term ending November 30, 2008, and hereby postpones consideration of this Motion until the Town Council’s next regularly scheduled meeting.



17.     New Business (Continued)

F.      Resolution Approving an Annual Salary for Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan for Fiscal Year 2006/2007

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council approves an annual salary of $130,410 for Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan for Fiscal Year 2006/2007 said annual salary rate to be retroactive to July 1, 2006.

Was made by:    Councillor Prague
Seconded by:    Councillor Havens
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

G.      Resolution Authorizing the Payment of $11,139.10 from Contingency Funds to the Connecticut Development Authority

WHEREAS, on August 12, 2004, the Town of South Windsor entered into an Agreement with the Connecticut Brownfields Redevelopment Authority (CBRA), a subsidiary of the Connecticut Development Authority, for the purposes of remediation and redevelopment of  property located at 300 Rye
Street; and

WHEREAS, in consideration of financial assistance from CBRA, the Town of South Windsor pledged certain incremental real property tax revenues; and

WHEREAS, the remediation project is completed; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to the signed Agreement, the amount due to the Connecticut Development Authority is $11,139.10

NOW, THERFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby authorizes Town Manager, Matthew B. Galligan to pay the Connecticut Development Authority $11,139.10 from the Contingency budget as stipulated in the aforementioned Agreement.

Was made by:    Councillor Yagaloff
Seconded by:    Councillor Pelkey
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously


17.     New Business (Continued)

H.      Resolution Setting a Time and Place for a Public Hearing Regarding the Town’s Application for Surface Transportation Program (STP) Funds

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby sets Monday, December 18, 2006, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers of the South Windsor Town Hall, 1540 Sullivan Avenue, South Windsor, Connecticut as a time and place for a Public Hearing to receive citizen input on the Town’s proposed Application for “Surface Transportation Program” (STP) Funds for improvements to a portion, each, of Avery Street and Pleasant Valley Road; and all of Sand Hill Road.

Was made by:    Councillor Pelkey
Seconded by:    Councillor McCann
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

I.      Resolution Opposing a Proposed Connecticut Light & Power Company (CL&P) Rate Increase

WHEREAS, the Connecticut Light and Power Company, on November 15, 2006, filed Docket No. 03-07-02RE09, Application of The Connecticut Light and Power Company to Amend Its Rate Schedules and Docket No. 03-07-01RE06, Application of The Connecticut Light and Power Company to Establish The Transitional Standard Offer, with the Connecticut Department of Public Utility Control; and

WHEREAS, if these Dockets are approved, effective January 1, 2007 thru June 30, 2007 the resulting increase of rates for a typical residential customer using 700 kW per month would be approximately 8.3 % and the resulting increase of rates for large commercial customers who have not elected to receive service from a competitive retail supplier would be approximately 18.9 %; and

WHEREAS, the Connecticut Light and Power Company has received a 11.4% rate increase effective January 1, 2005, a 17.5 % rate increase effective January 1, 2006 and a 4.9% increase effective April 1, 2006; and

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)


17.     I.  (Continued)

WHEREAS, electricity is an essential commodity in our daily lives and an additional increase of 8.3% for a typical home owner will place a substantial burden on the most vulnerable of our residents, our seniors and families just making ends meet.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council, acting on behalf of all the citizens of South Windsor, is opposed to the proposed rate increase filed in Docket No. 03-07-02RE09, Application of The Connecticut Light and Power Company to Amend Its Rate Schedules and Docket No. 03-07-01RE06, Application of The Connecticut Light and Power Company to Establish The Transitional Standard Offer, with the Department of Public Utility Control on November 15, 2006; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be sent to the Connecticut Department of Public Utility Control for their consideration during deliberations on the proposed rate increase.

Was made by:`   Deputy Mayor Delnicki
Seconded by:    Mayor Streeter

Before a vote could be taken, Councillor Pelkey moved to Amend the Motion by adding, a final paragraph which would read:

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution shall be sent to State Senator Gary LeBeau, State Representative William Aman, and State Representative Michael Christ.

Deputy Mayor Delnicki seconded the Motion; and the Amendment was approved, unanimously.  Mayor Streeter then called for a vote on the Amended Resolution.  It, too, was approved, unanimously


17.     New Business.  (Continued)

J.      Resolution Authorizing Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan to Execute and Deliver Any an All Documents Deemed to be Necessary or Appropriate to the State of Connecticut Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security

BE IT RESOLVED, that the South Windsor Town Council may enter into with, and deliver to, the State of Connecticut Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security any and all documents which it deems to be necessary or appropriate; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Matthew B. Galligan, as Town Manager of the Town of South Windsor is authorized and directed to execute and deliver any and all documents on behalf of the South Windsor Town Council; and to do and perform all acts and things which he deems to be necessary or appropriate to carry out the terms of such documents including, but not limited to, executing and delivering all agreements and documents contemplated by such documents.

Was made by:    Councillor Prague
Seconded by:    Councillor Yagaloff
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

K.     Resolution Approving an Annual Salary for the Registrars of Voters for Calendar Years 2007 and 2008

WHEREAS, the Registrars of Voters are elected positions, serving a four-year term; and

WHEREAS, the Registrars of Voters’ rate of compensation is, by State Statute, to be paid by the municipality

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby stipulates that the annual compensation for the Democratic Registrar of Voters, and for the Republican Registrar of Voters, shall be $27,821, each, effective January 1, 2007 through December 31, 2007; and shall increase to $28,795, each, effective January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2008.

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)

17.     K.  (Continued)

Was made by:    Councillor Havens
Seconded by:    Mayor Streeter

Before calling for a vote on the Resolution, Mayor Streeter made a Motion to Amend the Resolution by removing the names of the Registrars in the last paragraph of the Resolution and referring, only, to the positions of Democratic Registrar of Voters, and Republican Registrar of Voters, as follows:

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby stipulates that the annual compensation for the Democratic Registrar of Voters and the Republican Registrar of Voters shall be $27,821, each, effective January 1, 2007 through December 31, 2007; and shall increase to $28,795, each, effective January 1, 2008 through December31, 2008.

The Amendment was approved 8 Ayes to 1 Nay, on a Roll Call vote.  The dissenting vote was cast by Councillor Fine.

The Mayor then called for a vote on the Amended Resolution.  The Amended Resolution was approved 6 Ayes to 1 Nay on a Roll Call vote—with the dissenting vote being cast by Councillor Fine.  (Councillor Moriarty was not present for this vote.)

At 11:00 p.m., Councillor Pelkey moved to extend the meeting long enough to act upon Agenda item 17. L.  The Motion was seconded by Councillor Yagaloff; and was approved, unanimously.

L.      Resolution Approving a Transfer of Funds from the Contingency Account to a Public Work Parks & Grounds Account to Cover the Cost of an Energy Efficiency Project at Veterans’ Memorial Park Pool; and Authorizing the Town Manager to Execute an Energy Efficiency Services Agreement with CL&P for a 50% Grant for Said Project

WHEREAS, the Connecticut Light & Power Company offers Grants to encourage electric energy efficiency; and

WHEREAS, the Connecticut Light & Power Company has offered to the Town of South Windsor a 50% Grant for an energy efficiency project for the Town’s Veterans’ Memorial Park Pool

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)


17.     L.  (Continued)

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby approves a transfer of $25,871 from the Contingency Account to the Public Works Parks and Grounds Contractual Services  Account for the design and installation of variable frequency drive control for filter pumps; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby authorizes Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan to execute an Energy Efficiency Services Agreement with the Connecticut Light & Power Company for Project #EA-06-P-125.

Was made by:    Councillor McCann
Seconded by:    Deputy Mayor Delnicki
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

22.     Motion to Adjourn

Councillor Pelkey moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:05 p.m., the Motion was duly seconded; and approved, unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia R. Brown
Clerk of the Council

Attmt.  (Exhibit A.)