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Town Council - Work Session - 6-19-06

TOWN COUNCIL                                                    WORK SESSION
COUNCIL CHAMBERS                                                June 19, 2006
SOUTH WINDSOR TOWN HALL                                 TIME:  7:30 P.M.

1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Streeter called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

2.      Roll Call

Members Present:        Mayor Matthew Streeter
Deputy Mayor Thomas Delnicki
Councillor Edward Havens
Councillor Kevin McCann
Councillor Tim Moriarty
Councillor John Pelkey
Councillor Cary Prague
                                Councillor Keith Yagaloff

Members Absent: Councillor Deborah Fine

Also Present:           Town Manager Matthew Galligan

3.      Public Participation  

William Krawski, 130 Buckland Road, said he wished to address a problem (albeit his problem) which may be Town-wide—that is, he owed ‘back taxes;” had owed them twice in the past -for as much as $50,000, and they had always been paid.  Saying he had no issue with “collecting” taxes; however, was addressing “the way it is spent;” and, in his opinion, the methods by which it is collected and the associated cost to the taxpayers.

Don Gonsalves, 40 Bayberry Road, saying that he has lived in South Windsor about 7 months; and, during that time, has attended “a lot of Council meetings.”  He commented on the fact that it was obvious that “nobody attends;” and he felt this was “tragic.”  He suggested that the Town Council might consider meeting, occasionally, on a Saturday—thus making it possible for those who did not wish to drive at night to attend a Town Council meeting.

4.      Communications  -  None

5.      Town Manager’s Report  -  (Reserved for Regular Meeting)

6.      Items for Discussion

A.       Review of Questions for Citizens Survey Questionnaire; and Update on Timeframe for Distribution and Return of Same

Deputy Mayor Delnicki began the report by introducing the Council Subcommittee charged with overseeing this project--Councillors Fine and Prague, Assistant Town Planner Michele Lipe, and himself.  The Deputy Mayor said the Subcommittee has met five times to review and “draft” questions for the Survey Questionnaire.  He pointed out that Council had received a copy of that “draft;” and the Subcommittee would be meeting for one final time to review the Questionnaire following any changes and corrections.  Deputy Mayor Delnicki then turned the discussion over to Assistant Town Planner Michele Lipe.

After providing a brief history on what had to be done by the Subcommittee to reach the point it is at, presently, as well as what Town agencies, or persons, were solicited for questions to be included In the Questionnaire, Ms. Lipe pointed out that it is “a pretty full Survey—maxed out at 13 pages”—with as many questions as possible being included in the document.

Ms. Lipe then went through the “draft” Questionnaire the Council had before it, (stating that some were “repeat questions” from a previous Survey).  She pointed out various sections—including one where the public is asked what they would like to see the Town “invest in,” such as “a weekly TV Show” on South Windsor; and a “Community Bulletin Board” at 4-Corners; and “trash pick-up in the Parks.”  Another area where the public is questioned is with regard to “Referenda” the public would like to see put forth—such as for “road drainage improvements,” “bridges,” “Town Hall expansion;” an “indoor pool;” etc.  

According to Ms. Lipe, there are areas within the Questionnaire that have been provided so that residents may write in comments and, thus, provide feedback to the Town on a variety of issues.  Another section, she added, deals with “public safety”—which is changed, slightly, from the past to include questions related to “fire and ambulance services” in Town.  Another change, according to Ms. Lipe, was within the public works section—which, this time, excluded the obvious priorities by the public (such as snow-plowing and leaf collection) and, rather, asked for ratings; and included a question about “permanent bathrooms at the parks;” and will be adding a question about “Porto-potties” at the parks, and what parks they should be in.

6.      A.  (Continued)

Other issues included, according to Ms. Lipe, concerned “economic development,” specifically as related to Evergreen Walk and the current “mix” of shops, as well as what else people would like to see included in that area.  There are questions regarding “wetland regulations;” “the environment;” the importance of “farmland” in Town; “open space;” and a section added by Planning and Zoning regarding “land use.”

Intentionally omitted from the survey, she added, were questions regarding “housing in Evergreen Walk.”  The reason for the omission, according to the Assistant Town Planner, was because there is currently an Application Pending with P&Z for a Regulation Amendment addressing this request.

Quite an extensive section is included in the Questionnaire related to South Windsor’s Public Library, and as submitted by its Director, Mary Etter.  The survey also includes questions put to those residents receiving the Survey regarding their participation in Town activities and meetings; their use of the “internet” and what they may want to see in the future related to internet use here at Town Hall.

Next, Ms. Lipe explained that there were questions regarding Human Services programs and services, and how important the public feels it is to offer them.  With regard to the questions relating to the Board of Education, Ms. Lipe said they drew from those asked in the previous Survey; however, one change includes a new section related to the next Referendum on the elementary schools that they would like to see added this year.

Ms. Lipe then entertained questions from the Councillors.  At the conclusion of this “question and answer period,” Deputy Mayor Delnicki commented that he felt the questions and suggestions posed by both Councillor Moriarty and Councillor Pelkey were “excellent;” and requested that both gentlemen put their comments in writing in time to incorporate them into the Questionnaire.

(At 8:00 p.m., Mayor Streeter recessed the Work Session long enough to call the Regular Meeting to order and immediately recess it.  He then reconvened the Work Session.)

7.      Executive Session  -  None

8.      Adjournment

At approximately 8:05 p.m., Councillor Pelkey moved to adjourn the meeting.  The Motion was seconded by Deputy Mayor Delnicki and was approved, unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia R. Brown
Clerk of the Council

Attmt.:  (Draft of Questions for 2006 Survey – 13 pgs.)