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Town Council - Regular Meeting - 4-17-06


Action Minutes  Page 1  April 17, 2006

TOWN COUNCIL – Regular Meeting
Council Chambers – South Windsor Town Hall

1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Streeter called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m.

2.      Roll Call

Members Present:        Mayor Matthew Streeter
Deputy Mayor Thomas Delnicki
Councillor Deborah Fine
Councillor Edward Havens
Councillor Kevin McCann
Councillor John Pelkey
Councillor Cary Prague
                                Councillor Keith Yagaloff

Member Absent:  Councillor Timothy Moriarty

Also Present:           Town Manager Matthew Galligan


5.     Public Input  

Mr. Doug Conrath, 987 Strong Road, came forward again to ask the Republic majority on the Town Council was they were planning for the Board of Education Budget.  He again asked the Town Council to “leave the Board of Educati0on Proposed Budget alone; and wished those listening who agreed with this to contact their Town Council or Board of Education Members by E-mail, etc, in order to provide their input.

Next to speak was Don Gonsalves, 40 Bayberry Trail, stated that 95% of the people present at the Board of Education Public Hearing were employed by the school system.  He felt that their comments and vote did not provide an unbiased and accurate opinion of the wishes of the taxpayers of South Windsor with regard to the school budget.

6.     Environmental Health & Safety Message  -  None

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7.      Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meetings

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council approves the Minutes of the following Town Council meetings:  Work Session of March 20, 2006; Regular Meeting of March 20, 2006; Work Session of April 3, 2006; Public Hearing of April 3, 2006 (General Government Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2006/2007); and Public Hearing of April 10, 2006 (Board of Education Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2006/2007)

Was made by:    Councillor Havens
Seconded by:    Deputy Mayor Delnicki
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

8.     Public Petitions  -  None

9.     Commun. from Officers and Bds. Directly Responsible to Council - None

10.     Communications and Reports from Town Manager  -  None

11.     Reports from Standing Committees  -  None

12.     Reports from Temporary Committees  -  None

13.     Communications and Petitions from Council

Deputy Mayor Delnicki reported that he had spoken with Bob Conway (Avery Heights Water Association) and learned that the “flushing” of the Association’s water lines has been completed.  He added that a “survey card” has been sent out to all the homeowners within that water system asking them the results of this flushing process in their homes.  

Because returns of the completed survey cards have been “lagging,” and at the specific request of Mr. Conway, Deputy Mayor Delnicki urged the residents in the Avery Heights Water Association area who have yet to fill out and return these cards, to please do so no later than April 24.  Receipt and summation of the information on whether or not the flushing procedure was successful in each home is critical before any further action can be taken to alleviate this serious problem.

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14.     Public Participation  -  None

15.     Consent Agenda  -  None

16.     Unfinished Business

A.      Resolution Appointing Roy E. Szoka (R) an Alternate to the Inland-Wetlands Agency

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council appoints Roy E. Szoka an Alternate to the Inland Wetlands Agency for a term ending December 1, 2007 to fill the unexpired term of Maureen B. Discola.

Was made by:    Deputy Mayor Delnicki
Seconded by:    Councillor McCann
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

B.      Resolution Appointing Daniel M. Gentile (R) an Alternate to the Zoning Board of Appeals

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council appoints Daniel M. Gentile an Alternate to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a term ending November 30, 2009.

Was made by:    Deputy Mayor Delnicki
Seconded by:    Councillor Prague
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

17.     New Business

A       Discussion Item:  Fiscal Year 2006/2007 Proposed Budgets for Town Clerk, Public Library, Volunteer Fire Department, Town Council, and Town Manager

Town Manager Galligan introduced Town Clerk Gretchen Bickford who made her budget presentation.  Ms. Bickford said the proposed budget for the Town Clerk’s Office is conservative; and the total increase for this year was 2.75%, or an increase of $5,170.  Most items, she added, have stayed the same.
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17.     A.   (Continued)

Mayor Streeter questioned Ms. Bickford on “revenues” coming into the Town Clerk’s Office.  She responded that the State of Connecticut has “extended the ‘sunset period’ on the conveyance tax.”  Previously, she explained, the Town was allowed to collect .0011 on each $1,000 of conveyance; the State has not raised that, she said, to .0025—thus more than doubling the Town’s income on conveyance taxes.  She gave the example of Fiscal Year 04/05, with the old tax, the town collected $274,962;  

This current Fiscal Year, she continued, with the stated increase, the Town Clerk’s office collected $491,000—which, she added, was an increase of $274,000.  Continuing, she reported that for the 2005 Calendar Year, on the old rate, the Town Clerk’s Office would have collected $196,318; but, instead, collected $446,177—again, a $249,000 increase.  These increases, she pointed out, were dependent upon receiving “a lot of transfers” within the year.  South Windsor, she added, continues to be a very desirable community, both with commercial and residential sales.  However, she added, those transfers are starting to level off now.  

Questions followed from some of the Town Councillors.  When asked about the $30.00 “recording fee,” Ms. Bickford said that the State of Connecticut imposes this fee; and that $26 of those $30 goes to the State; $3.00 goes to LoCIP; and only $1.00 remains in the Town Clerk’s Office—which, incidentally, then goes toward “historic preservation.”

The next proposed budget to be discussed is the South Windsor Public Library’s.  Speaking to this was Gladys Nadel, 135 Edgewood Drive, and a Member of the Library Board.  Mrs. Nadel said that the Library, as a Grant agency, follows the Town Manager’s guidelines on the maximum allotment; and has, therefore, asked for a 4% increase.  

Mrs. Nadel said that Library staff are always very conservative; and are always looking for donations for the Library.  A few facts she conveyed to Council was that, contrary to early predictions, computers have not taken the place of people coming into the Library for books; circulation is still up; people still come into the Library requesting special items.
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17.     A.   (Continued)

Mrs. Nadel pointed out that, in spite of accelerating costs for books and printing, the Library still tries to remain within its budget.  However, she added, in order to maintain the quality level of personnel and remain competitive with other municipalities seeking this same quality, salaries must be offered that attract good people.  This item—salaries—according to Mrs. Nadel is the Library’s most expensive budget expense.

Her last remarks were dedicated to congratulating Mrs. Etter, Library Director, on the “wonderful job she does on public relations on her faithful attendance at Town Council meetings in order to keep the Library Board apprized of what is going on in the Town, and for the valuable resource she is to the community.  Mrs. Nadel then asked if the Town Council had any questions.  The Councillors had no questions.

South Windsor Volunteer Fire Department – Fire Chief Philip Crombie, Jr. was present to discuss the Fire Department’s Proposed 2006/2007 Fiscal Year Budget.  He called the Councillors attention to a packet he had provided prior to the meeting which explained the Budget in detail.  (A copy of this presentation is attached hereto.)  

The Chief said he wished to, briefly, go through a couple of areas—and began, specifically, with the Department’s “Operating Budgets” for the current year, and for the proposed budget.  He reminded Council that, like the Library, the Volunteer Fire Department was a Grant agency of the Town.  He then began with the 2005/2006 Operation Budget figures; and went on to explain that Fire Department Staff requests for the new 2006/2007 Operating Budget had originally totaled $700,294; but after whittling away at this total, the final request to the Town Manager for the upcoming Fiscal Year is $564,295.

The Chief then went on to explain, more fully, the five items that contributed toward the increase request.  He also speculated that, at this point in time, there was a feeling that the new Fire Station’s “on line” date would be more like June or July of 2007 rather than January of 2007.  It that were to be the case, the $28,400 would then have to be brought over to the 2007/2008 Fiscal Year Budget.
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17.     A.   (Continued)

Referring to the next page of his written report explained how the budget dollars were divided up by “programs.”  The information was self-explanatory.

The next two pages, the Chief explained, give a picture, by account, of the actual expenditures for 2004/2005; the approved 2005/2006 expenditures; the nine months remaining up until the present time; and then the proposed budget associated to these items.

The final page of the report is an Organizational Chart of the South Windsor Volunteer Fire Department.  This Chart reflects recent changes, according to Chief Crombie.  

Questions arose regarding the “housing” of the new Fire Marshal.  Currently, the Fire Marshal is being housed here in the Town Hall; however, according to Chief Crombie, with the part-time staff that the current Fire Marshal is expecting to have, those people will be housed at Fire Headquarters rather than here in the Town Hall.

There was some confusion regarding the location of the Fire Marshal in Town Hall—while his staff was to be housed at Fire Headquarters.  Town Manager Matt Galligan explained that the Fire Marshal’s Office is located, for the convenience of the public and other department personnel who deal directly with the Fire Marshal, here in Town Hall.  However, he said, Kevin Cooney a Volunteer Firefighter and a part-time Fire Marshal will be maintaining an office and the Fire Marshal’s staff at Fire Headquarters, and will be doing 20-25 hours a week in this position.  He will be responsible for reporting directly to the Fire Marshal.

Deputy Mayor Delnicki thanked the Chief and his volunteers for the “thousands of hours that you’re literally donating to the Town.  He said he keeps hearing the figure $4 million to $5 million for a paid fulltime Fire Department.  Rank and file firefighters, according to Chief Crombie, spend about 20,000 hours a year, totally, as volunteer firefighters.  Chief Officers and Captains, he added, spend another 5,000 or 6,000 hours; and he and the other chief officers average about 50 hours per month in terms of time.

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17.     A.   (Continued)

Enumerating the number of officers in each rank, Chief Crombie said that, at present, there are 17 officers—incl. lieutenants, captains, chief officers.  Depending upon the rank not all officers participate in the reimbursement system or the “point” system—since the officers put in a lot of time and it would “devalue” the value of a “point” for the rank-and-file firefighters.

To compensate for that, Chief Crombie said, historically, there has been a “stipend” given to the officers—i.e., lieutenants currently receive $1,000 per year; the Captain, $2,000 per year; and then the various chief officer ranks up to the Chief’s stipend, which is $5,000 per year.

Councillor Prague initiated a discussion regarding “stipends” for officers in the Department; and number of firefighters entitled to an “annual physical”—and what is special about these physicals.  Chief Crombie answered that about 60 firefighters are entitled to annual physicals—which would “include the staff that is qualified to do interior structural firefighting (or those qualified to wear breathing apparatus).  When asked if there was something special about this type of physical that would prohibit a firefighter from having a physical by his/her own physician, Chief Crombie explained that there is-- that part of that physical includes a “lung function test” which is essential to ensure that the person being tested has the capacity to use the breathing apparatus and “be in the fire-fighting type environment.”

The discussion then went on to explain the difference between the normal “annual physical” process through ones own physician and health insurance carrier, and the use of a physician in “CorpCare (a part of Manchester Memorial Hospital) who is qualified to conduct these types of physicals.  Another difficulty with having ones own physician for this annual physical, according to Chief Crombie, is getting your own doctor to agree to sign the form stating that you are “physically fit to fight fires” and taking on the liability associated with that certification...

Councillor Yagaloff asked the Town Manager why the completion time on the new Fire Station #3 is being deferred until the Summer of 2007 rather than the original completion date of the “beginning of 2007.”  Mr. Galligan referred the question back to Chief Crombie because of the Chief’s attendance at Public Building Commission meetings.  
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17.     A.   (Continued)

Chief Crombie explained that the PBC has been going through a process of (1) contracting with an architect (the contract is now signed);  and (2) in the next week or two, will interview for a “Construction Manager—which, too, will be complete upon that contract signing.  Following both of these processes, according to Chief Crombie, the final design work can then be completed and, then construction can begin.

Mr. Galligan added that he was waiting for the Architect to provide him with a construction schedule.  Bonding for this project, he added, will be based upon this schedule-- indicating (as it should) that “certain dollars have to be spent at certain times” in order to remain within the confines and meet the concerns associated with “arbitrage” on bonding for a project exceeding $5 million.

Councillor Yagaloff again expressed a concern about postponements of completion of a project—particularly on a public safety facility.  He cited the inevitable increases in construction costs and interest rates as time goes on; and the fact that the Town will, until the completion of the new Fire Station, “be carrying two properties”—the old Fire Station #3 during its renovation and the property for the new Fire Station #3 which has already been purchased.  The Councillor said he wished to see the completion date pushed back to the original target date; and, if the Town Council agreed, to make the PBC aware of Council’s concerns.

The Mayor assured those listening and the Councillors that it certainly was not the Chief’s desire to delay the opening of this new facility.  The Mayor added that, in light of his having attended several of the Public Building Commission meetings regarding this project, he felt the term “pushed back” when speaking of a target completion date for this facility was not the proper term.  According to what the Mayor had originally been told by the PBC, the completion date would be “sometime in the Fall of 2007” and that, actually, July of 2007 is an earlier target date than originally anticipated.

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17.     A.   (Continued)

Chief Crombie confirmed these facts; and added that when he put his budget together in December 2005, he wanted to make sure if the project moved quicker he would have enough money to operate the new building in the Fire Department’s budget—hence the inclusion of $28,000 in that six months of 2007.

Councillor McCann expressed his feelings that a 2.3% increase in the entire Volunteer Fire Department/Fire Marshal budgets is very reasonable in the context of the entire Budget for FY 2006/2007.  He, too, thanked the volunteer firefighters, as well as their families and local businesses/employers who allowed these volunteers to share their time with us for the public’s safety.

Councillor Pelkey, speaking from the experience of having worked with the SWVFD because of a fire in one of South Windsor’s condominium complexes, added that as a result of this fire a “Comprehensive Plan of Evacuation for Apartments and Condominiums in Town is being developed—thanks to the help of  Chief Crombie and his staff.  

Deputy Mayor Delnicki informed Chief Crombie that on a recent trip to the NASCAR Races there was a firm that was “giving away smoke detectors;” and, when asked by the Deputy Mayor where the funding for this “give-away” program was coming from he was told that they had “applied for a Grant from FEMA.”  Chief Crombie said that the Grant the Town has applied for is a part of that same funding money—and is used for a whole range of purposes.

The Mayor reminded Chief Crombie of his prior presentation on the Department’s “long-term apparatus schedule;” and asked if he would provide this –and, additionally, any updates, revisions, or additional information be provided to all the Councillors.”  The Chief said he would be happy to do that; and, added, that the Fire Department had recently taken delivery of the first piece in that plan—a pumper which had arrived here on April 13 and was presently at an East Hartford dealership being outfitted.

Mayor Streeter, on behalf of the Town Council, again thanked Chief Crombie and all South Windsor’s firefighters for all their contributions to the well-being of its citizens.
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17.     A.   (Continued)

The next budget, Mr. Galligan said, was the Town Council’s—which was increased by about 2.7% this year.  He added that the Town Council’s Budget included such things as the Town Audit; fees for such organizations as CCM. CRCOG, Council of Small Towns; MetroHartford Alliance; the Annual Report; and the Clerk of the Council’s salary.

Mr. Galligan stated that he felt the increase in the Town Council’s budget was small.  He went on to explain that the institution of the “Citizens Satisfaction Survey,” which the Council was contemplating would be paid for from funds remaining in the current budget--and from TQM funds.  Speaking of the Survey, Councillor Havens asked if the Council had approved going forward with this Survey; and, if so, why had had no opportunity for input.  After explaining that a committee had been selected to oversee this project (Deputy Mayor Delnicki, Councillor Fine, and Councillor Prague), the Deputy Mayor stated that, to date, no questions have been selected.  

He added that if Councillor Havens felt that a Resolution should be acted upon prior to beginning the survey process, one would be added to the next Agenda.  Councillor Havens felt that this was a good idea, as did Councillors Yagaloff and Fine.  A discussion regarding the budget figure included for this Survey ensued with Town Manager Galligan concluding the discussion by stating that he had budgeted $7,000 for such a purpose.

Councillor McCann questioned the approximate $2,000 raise in the Fees and Membership Account for such organizations as CCM, CRCOG, etc.  He asked if there was a specific method for assessing Towns for these memberships.  Mr. Galligan responded that the Towns are usually assessed according to population.  

Councillor McCann then asked if there were “some room for reducing the Town Council budget.  Mr. Galligan mentioned miscellaneous charges that come out of the Town Council’s budget—such as attendance by Town Council Members at Chamber functions (almost all of which have a fee associated with it).  The Councillor then asked the Town Manager to provide a list of “actual expenditures” for the items listed.  Mr. Galligan said he would.
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17.     A.   (Continued)

The next and final budget this evening to be discussed is the Town Manager’s Budget.  This budget, according to Town Manager Matthew Galligan is about a 2.7% increase—one of the big numbers being for the salaries of Economic Development Coordinator; the Assistant to the Town Manager Judy Hall, and the Town Manager.

Mr. Galligan touched on the ICMA Professional Organization he belongs to; etc.  He asked for questions.

When Councillor Havens asked for inclusion of Interval House in the Budget, he was told that it was already included in the Human Services Department budget.  The Councillor reminded the Town Manager that he had requested an update on any new “tax breaks” for seniors.  Mr. Galligan responded that the Town Assessor would be providing that information shortly.

A discussion then ensued regarding “economic development” issues and efforts—including the value of attending conferences associated with economic development; etc.  Mr. Galligan felt that the Town does not spend enough money on “exhibits” aimed at selling the Town of South Windsor at major conferences.

Councillor McCann observed that, in view of the economic growth in South Windsor in recent years, perhaps it was time to consider hiring a “full-time” Economic Development Coordinator.  He questioned whether or not the $30,000 currently allocated for an “outside consultant” is the best use of that money.  Mr. Galligan stated that a major problem with this suggestion is that there “are not a lot of good Economic Development Coordinators out there.”  

Councillor Yagaloff asked about the status of the Town’s “Fund Balance”—particularly as compared with last year.  Mr. Galligan explained that last year, $1,125,000 was allocated in this current budget of Fund Balance.  Next year’s budget, he continued, is being allocated $1.3 million—if Council approves.  Mr. Galligan added that predicting what next year’s Fund Balance is going to be is very difficult because of adjustments made by the Town Auditors.

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17.     A.   (Continued)

Councillor Yagaloff referred to the position of the “Town Attorney’s Assistant” (actual title “Executive Secretary to the Town Attorney”).  He pointed out that the proposed Budget reflects no change for that position in spite of the fact that there is no Town Attorney in the town Hall.  Mr. Galligan explained that at the time the budget was drawn up, no decision had been made with regard to a new Town Attorney.  Now that it has, this position will probably be reclassified to the Town Manager’s budget.  Councillor Yagaloff added that Council should then see an increase in the Town Manager’s budget and a decrease in the Town Attorney’s budget.  Mr. Galligan said this is correct.

Councillor Havens asked if the Fund Balance was going to be reduced by $1.3 million, as projected today, how was he going to “grow that Fund Balance” to what Moody’s is recommending today—other than “saving” money?  He asked if the Town Manager was not merely “swapping dollars at this time?”  Mr. Galligan said you had to strike a balance between using Fund Balance and Moody’s.  He explained further how this is accomplished.

Councillor Havens’ opinion was that he felt the $1.3 million was sufficient Fund Balance; and he saw no need to raise it, this year, by $200,000.  The Councillor asked the Town Manager if he was presently satisfied with the Fund Balance.  The discussion progressed into talk regarding the Town’s Bond rating with Moody’s and S&P.  Mr. Galligan said that he has already told Moody’s that if, the next time the town goes out for bonds, they don’t raise the Town up to an AA2 and meet the criteria that the Town has always met, he won’t use them as a rating agency and will stay with S&P and Fitch.

Councillor Fine asked if the Volunteer Fire Department gets a percentage of the fees turned into the Police Department as a result of false alarms in private residences and businesses.  Mr. Galligan said that these monies are turned into the General Revenue Account.  Chief Crombie added that the fees actually benefit the Fire Department because part of the money for that fee goes into keeping tract of who has alarm systems; who the key-holders are; who the alarm company is; and, if it’s a burglar alarm, the Police Department gets that information; if it’s a Fire Alarm, the Fire Department gets that information; and there are people within the Police Department who keep track of that information.
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17.     New Business  (Continued)

B.      Resolution Approving a Refund of Property Taxes to Thirteen (13) South Windsor Taxpayers

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council approves a refund of property taxes to thirteen (13) South Windsor taxpayers, the total of said refunds being $4,377.18, and as more fully described on attached Exhibit A.

Was made by:    Councillor McCann
Seconded by:    Deputy Mayor Delnicki
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

18.     Passage of Ordinance  -  None

19.     Communications and Petitions from Council (Continued)  -  None

20.     Communications and Reports from Town Manager  (Continued)  -  None

21.     Executive Session  -  None

22.     Motion to Adjourn

A Motion to adjourn was made at 9:45 p.m.; was duly seconded; and unanimously approved.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia R. Brown
Clerk of the Council

Attmt.  (Exhibit A.)