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Town Council - Regular Meeting - 4-3-06


Action Minutes  Page 1                                    April 3, 2006

TOWN COUNCIL – Regular Meeting
Council Chambers – South Windsor Town Hall

Members Present:        Mayor Matthew Streeter
Deputy Mayor Thomas Delnicki
Councillor Deborah Fine
Councillor Edward Havens
Councillor Kevin McCann
Councillor Tim Moriarty
Councillor John Pelkey
Councillor Cary Prague
Councillor Keith Yagaloff

Also Present:   Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan
        (No “Interim” Town Attorney present)

The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Streeter at 8:05 p.m.


5.     Public Input

Mr. Tim Shepard of 585 Main Street shared his personal views and commented on the topic of Golf Courses being taxed as Open Space.  He stated that he feels that golf courses being taxed as open space is just as valid as farm land.  He explained that economically it is no different than the economics of growing tobacco.  He said that he understands that this is a tough decision, because South Windsor is currently receiving tax dollars.  He explained how it is a shame that if a town that does not currently have a golf course and might be able to use a golf course as one more tool in open space, gets defeated.  

Mr. Shepard discussed how he had gone to the Town Manager on an open space project a while back, and the Town was not interested.  He explained that when it was later portrayed to the Open Space Task Force, there was an apparent misunderstanding of his intent.

Mr. Shepard also discussed how he felt it was out of line for a town staff member to submit a letter that talks about a scenario that could have been described philosophically the way it was without mentioning any golf course names or financial information.  


5.     Public Input (Continued)

Mr. John Pelkey Jr. of 81 Norman Drive came forward to discuss the backboards at Ellsworth Gym.  He explained that he has been on the traveling basketball team for 3 years and how he has played in various nice gyms across the State.  He said that when it is time for the other teams to come to South Windsor and play at Ellsworth Gym, they see a very old and ugly gym.  He said that one problem is the backboards, which are old and made of metal.  He explained that fiber glass backboards are much nicer and he thinks that a lot of kids would support him on that.

6.     Environmental Health & Safety Message  - None

7.     Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meetings - None

8.     Public Petitions  -  None

9.     Communications from Officers and Boards Directly Responsible to Council
        Mr. Bob Moeller, Patriotic Commission Chairperson of 203 Sand Stone Drive came forward and spoke about the following items:  

1)  He stated that they concluded this year’s essay contest on February 28th.  He said that they received 175 entries and the winners will be announced at the beginning of May and introduced at the Memorial Day Ceremony at Veterans’ Memorial Park.

2)  He said that they are looking to upgrade the Memorial Patio and there are quite a few bricks that are looking for a name.  He explained that the applications for the bricks must be received by May 1st.  The applications are available in the Town Manager’s and Town Clerk’s Offices.  Any questions can be directed to Herb Asplund at 644-0881 or himself at 644-9821.

3)  He also said that plans are being formulated for this year’s Armed Forces Day, Picnic in the Park.  They will recognize all branches of the military.  

4)  Mr. Moeller informed everyone that the Memorial Day Parade will be held on May 29th at 10:00 am.  He encouraged any South Windsor Veterans’ of Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom will join them and march as a group.  The parade will be followed by a ceremony at the park.  Anyone wishing to participate in the parade can call him.


9.      Communications from Officers and Boards Directly Responsible to Council (Continued)

5)  He also informed everyone, that if they have a flag that is no longer suitable for display, they can bring it to the Library to be retired.  He said that they will retire all worn and torn flags that are collected from the Library, on Saturday, June 10th at the Fire House.

6)  He discussed the Veteran Tax Exemption and encouraged all Veterans to go to the Town Hall and find out if they are eligible.

7)  He also encouraged all Veterans of South Windsor to take advantage of all Veteran benefits and entitlements, especially their benefits at the VA Hospital in Newington.  If anyone is not sure about what their benefits are, they can contact Colonel Daniel McKale, the State’s Benefit Advocate, at 860-524-4908.

8)  Mr. Moeller also said that there is a need for food cards for families of Connecticut Soldiers who are presently deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Food Cards can be mailed to the Town Hall Attention Patriotic Commission or they can be mailed directly to the Family Assistance Center Attention Mrs. Kim Hoffman at 360 Broad Street in Hartford.  Make sure that your name and address is included.

9)  He said that it has come to the Patriotic Commission’s attention that telephone cards that are preferred by the soldiers are the AT&T Global card, which allows the soldier to add time to the card by using their debit cards.

10)  He also said that the Patriotic Commission as tentatively scheduled the return of the 102nd Army Band to perform their holiday band concert on Sunday, December 3rd at the Timothy Edwards Middle School auditorium.  

Mr. Moeller explained for Councillor Fine that a flag is retired by burning it and having a ceremony.  He explained that he has asked the Boy Scouts if they would do the ceremony as an annual project and is waiting to hear from them.  Anyone can come and participate or observe.  

Mr. Moeller explained for Councillor Moriarty that Girl Scouts do not do the ceremony because they do not have the same venue as far as doing things to earn their merit badges.  He explained that the Boy Scouts use the ceremony as a project to earn their Eagle Badge.

Councillor Pelkey reminded everyone, as a Health & Safety Message, that pedestrians have the right of way and to watch for crosswalks.  


9.      Communications from Officers and Boards Directly Responsible to Council (Continued)

        Ms. Janice Favreau, Chair of the South Windsor Human Relations Commission, came forward to inform the Council about the Diversity Training Session that the Commission will be hosting on May 2nd at 5:30 pm.  They will be using the services of KLR Consulting.  She discussed the importance of the training and extended the invitation to all Boards and Commissions.  The session is expected to last approximately 3 hours.

        Ms. Favreau introduced Mr. David Olio, a faculty member of South Windsor High School English Department and a sponsor of the South Windsor Human Relations Committee, which is a student version of the Human Relations Commission.  Mr. Olio spoke about the Multi Cultural Diversity Fair that was taking place and is open to the public on Wednesday, April 5th from 5 to 8 pm.  

        Mr. Olio explained that this fair is so important because freedom is about individuals pursuing their own goals and having their own unique talents.  The Multi Cultural Fair gives people the opportunity to not only express, but to share things that make up who they are.  Mr. Olio explained for Councillor Prague how the fair is run.

        Mayor Streeter took this time to read the list of men and women who have served or are serving in either Operation Iraqi Freedom or Operation Noble Eagle.

10.     Communications and Reports from Town Manager

Town Manager Matthew Galligan stated that there are some things in the report that he can go into further explanation when they get to the Resolutions, so he didn’t feel there was any reason to go over them right now.  He did say that he gave the Council his vacation schedule.  

He also discussed the bill on the golf course issue.  He explained that he doesn’t think that any of the municipalities have a problem with the open space issue.  He said that the problem is that the open space is not forever, it is for 10 years or sooner with a penalty.  He explained that it has been CCM’s position to allow the local government the tools to decide with individual companies that meet certain criteria, who should be getting tax relief.  Town Manager Galligan explained that he understands where Mr. Shepard is upset, but he said that he has nothing against the golf course, that this is more of a mandated issue.

Councillor Moriarty said that he does not understand why this is even on the table at the legislature.  Town Manager Galligan explained how the bill came about.


10.     Communications and Reports from Town Manager  (Continued)

Councillor Prague asked the Town Manager to fill everyone in on the new sign at Nevers Road Park.  The Town Manager said that he does not have the full report in from Public Works, but because Public Works has done such a good job with other signs, they decided to have Public Works put this sign up.  He said that it is very attractive and it is not a costly sign because it was done by Public Works at their own leisure.  They were not ordered to do this, it is something that they have done over a period of time.  Councillor Prague said that a sign like this would cost about $10,000 if the Town had it made, but it probably only cost the Town about $1,500.  Councillor Prague and the Mayor both said that it is beautiful and looks really good.

There was discussion between the Mayor, Town Manager, and Councillor Pelkey about the reason for the coyote statutes at Nevers Road Park.

Councillor Yagaloff asked the Town Manager about the Lawrence Road Park Survey.  He asked if at some point, the Council can get an update.  The Town Manager said that he would get them copies.

Councillor Fine discussed an email received from Mr. & Mrs. Torff regarding the Board of Education budget document at the Library not being updated.  Town Manager Galligan said that he already responded to that email and the Board of Education was looking into that.  

Councillor Pelkey discussed the Procedures Booklet that that the Council received.  He explained that it is a collection of different Council Rules, Regulations, and Policy Statements.  He asked that if the Council thinks that there is something that should be added, to let the Town Manager or Vanessa Perry know.  

Councillor Fine asked for a status on the new Fire Station 3.  The Mayor explained that he has been going to all of the meetings and that they are in the process of receiving of receiving Requests for Proposals for a Construction Manager and they are preparing to go forward with that.  He said that he believes that there should be an opening in the Spring or Summer of 2007.

11.     Reports from Standing Committees  -  None

12.     Reports of Temporary Committees  -  None


13.     Communications and Petitions from Council

Deputy Mayor Delnicki discussed the correspondence that the Council received from Capitol Sweeping and read it into the record; a copy is attached as Exhibit B.  Deputy Mayor Delnicki discussed a resolution that passed back on December 11, 1995.  He also discussed an ordinance that had a Public Hearing on January 6, 1997.  He said that it was never put on a forthcoming agenda to be voted on.  He suggested that the question of whether there is any legality in the Council taking the opportunity to allow a Town owned business to have an opportunity to match a bid of a company that is located out of Town.  Deputy Mayor Delnicki also suggested that the Town Attorney review the proposed ordinance for validity and bring the ordinance back up for a vote.  After a lengthy discussion, Town Manager Galligan said that he would ask the Town Attorney for a legal opinion.

Councillor Havens asked the Town Manager to discuss the tax breaks that are given to senior citizens.  Town Manager Galligan said that he has not looked at it recently and would prefer to get them a report.  He said that this year there may be some changes in laws, but last year he believes they were at there maximum.  

Councillor Prague stated that the South Windsor High School Robotics team was reported that they won the Regional in the UTC Robotics Competition at the Convention Center a few weeks ago.  He said that they also competed in Pennsylvania and won a second Regional.  The team will be going down to Atlanta in a few weeks and will have a good chance of winning.

Councillor Pelkey reported that he has been having some discussions with State Senator LeBeau regarding a couple of projects that are going on in Town and he is trying to seek some State funding on them.  He said that there is some hope that the Town will be getting some State dollars to support the Ropes Course.  

14.     Public Participation  -  None

15.     Consent Agenda  -  None

16.     Unfinished Business  

A.      Resolution Reappointing Alan Larson (D) to the Park and Recreation Commission
BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council reappoints Alan Larson to the Park and Recreation Commission for a term ending November 30, 2009.


16.     A.  (Continued)

Was made by:    Councillor Fine
Seconded by:    Councillor Pelkey
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

B.      Resolution Approving a $1,900 Reimbursement to the Property-Owner for a Sewer Lateral at 9 Arnold Way

WHEREAS, the Water Pollution Control Authority, at its Regular Meeting of March 7, 2006, authorized the expenditure of $1,900 from the Sewer Capital Reserve Fund to reimburse the property-owner, Mr. Charles Duart, 9 Arnold Way, South Windsor for a sewer lateral

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby approves a reimbursement of $1,900 for a sewer lateral at
9 Arnold Way from the Sewer Capital Reserve Fund; said reimbursement to be paid to the property-owner, Mr. Charles Duart.

Was made by:    Councillor Moriarty
Seconded by:    Deputy Mayor Delnicki

Mr. Fred Shaw explained background information on this issue.

The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

17.     New Business

A.      Resolution Accepting the Resignation of Harvey Fine (D) from the Patriotic Commission
BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council accepts, with regret, the resignation of Harvey Fine from the Patriotic Commission; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council, on behalf of its citizens, extends its thanks to Mr. Fine for the many hours he has volunteered, in several capacities, and on behalf of his community.

Was made by:    Councillor Havens
Seconded by:    Deputy Mayor Delnicki

The Motion was approved 8 Ayes to 1 Abstention, on a Roll Call vote with the abstaining vote being Councillor Fine:


17.     New Business (continued)

B.      Resolution Appointing Roy E. Szoka (R) an Alternate to the Inland-Wetlands Agency, and the Tabling of Same
BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council appoints Roy E. Szoka an Alternate to the Inland Wetlands Agency for a term ending December 1, 2007 to fill the unexpired term of Maureen B. Discola, and hereby tables the same.

Was made by:    Deputy Mayor Delnicki
Seconded by:    Councillor Pelkey
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

C.      Resolution Appointing Daniel M. Gentile (R) an Alternate to the Zoning Board of Appeals, and the Tabling of Same

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council appoints Daniel M. Gentile an Alternate to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a term ending November 30, 2009, and hereby tables the same.

Was made by:    Deputy Mayor Delnicki
Seconded by:    Councillor Pelkey
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

D.      Discussion Item:  Proposed Budgets for Town Council, Town Manager, Boards & Commissions, Human Services, and Information Technology

Mr. Dennis Sheridan, Director of Human Services presented the proposed budget for Human Services.  He had Ms. Irene Deneen and Ms. Jennifer Anderson with him.  He stated that a couple weeks ago they gave a presentation about Human Services and that they will answer any questions.  Ms. Deneen and Ms. Anderson discussed their accomplishments over the past year and their goals for the upcoming year.  Mr. Sheridan, Ms. Deneen, and Ms. Anderson answered various questions for the Council.

Mr. Scott Roberts, Director of Information Technology gave a presentation on the Information Technology Primary Administrative Functions and 2006/2007 Budget Review, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit C.  Mr. Roberts had with him Mr. John Marchesseault and Mr. Al Dumas.  Mr. Roberts, Mr. Marchesseault, and Mr. Dumas answered various questions for the Council.


17.     D.  (continued)

Mayor Streeter suggested that because of the time, the Town Manager can present the Town Council, Town Manager, and Boards & Commissions proposed budgets at a later meeting.  There was no objection by the Council.

E.      Resolution Approving the Waiving of Competitive Bidding for Five (5) Laptop Computers for the Recreation Department
WHEREAS, the South Windsor Recreation Department wishes to provide “on-line registration” for participants in its recreational programs, and software system upgrade; and

WHEREAS, to support this goal and the implementation of this initiative requires the purchase of five (5) laptop computers; and

WHEREAS, standard State Bid List quotes are substantially higher than those quotes received directly from the Vendor; and said direct purchase could result in anticipated savings of approximately $3,000

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby approves the waiving of competitive bidding for the purchase of five (5) laptop computers by the Recreation Department for implementation of “on-line registration,” and for software system upgrade.

Was made by:    Councillor Prague
Seconded by:    Councillor McCann

After discussion about the State’s bidding process and the price of the computers by the Council and Town Manager, the Motion was approved 8 Ayes to 1 Nay, on a Roll Call vote, as follows:

        Deputy Mayor Delnicki           Yes
        Councillor Fine                 Yes
        Councillor McCann                       Yes
        Councillor Havens                       Yes
        Councillor Moriarty                     Yes
        Councillor Pelkey                       Yes
        Councillor Prague                       Yes
        Councillor Yagaloff                     No
        Mayor Streeter                  Yes


17.     New Business (continued)

F.      Resolution Authorizing the Town Manager to Enter Into a Lease/Purchase Agreement with the Bank of America for the Purchase of Necessary Equipment for New Volunteer Fire Department Pumper

WHEREAS, THE South Windsor Town Council approved the purchase of a new pumper for the South Windsor Volunteer Fire Department at its Regular Meeting of June 20, 2005; and

WHEREAS, the cost of this additional necessary equipment for the new Fire Department Pumper is estimated to be $63,761.80

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby approves the purchase of this added equipment; and authorizes Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan to enter into a Lease/Purchase Agreement with Bank of America for said purchase.

Was made by:    Deputy Mayor Delnicki
Seconded by:    Councillor Pelkey

Town Manager Galligan explained that at the time they did not have a list of the equipment so the bank was not going to provide a loan.  Now that they have the equipment, they are only doing a 9 year note so that it coincides with the 10 year on the other.  He said that, on the fire truck, they had all of the specifications, so they prepaid that in escrow in order to keep the 3.77% rate.  Now the interest that was earned from the escrow is going to make the first year payments on this equipment.

The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

G.      Resolution Authorizing the Town Manager to Issue $2,750 of Matching Funds to purchase a scoreboard at Ellsworth from the “South Windsor Citizen Matching Mini-Grant Program”
WHEREAS, the South Windsor Town Council, at its Regular Meeting of June 20, 2005, created a “South Windsor Citizen Matching Mini-Grant Program;”and

WHEREAS, John Pelkey has duly submitted a proper Application for matching funds of $2,750 to purchase a scoreboard at Ellsworth; and

WHEREAS, Town Manager Mathew B. Galligan has reviewed and approved this project and Application and has determined that it meets all of the criteria of the “South Windsor citizen Matching Mini-Grant Program

17.     G.  (continued)

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council authorizes Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan to issue $2,750 of matching funds to the purchase of a scoreboard at Ellsworth from the “South Windsor Citizen Matching Mini-Grant Program;” and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council thanks John Pelkey for his active participation in projects of this type on behalf of all the citizens of South Windsor.

Was made by:    Councillor Yagaloff
Seconded by:    Deputy Mayor Delnicki

(For the record, Councillor Pelkey left the dais to address the Town Council from the audience.)

All Councillors and John Pelkey participated in a lengthy discussion about this item.

At 11:00 p.m. Councillor Fine made a motion to extend the meeting for 10 minutes; Councillor Prague seconded that motion; and it was approved unanimously.

The Motion was approved 8 Ayes to 2 Nays and 1 Abstention, on a Roll Call vote, as follows:

        Deputy Mayor Delnicki           Yes
        Councillor Fine                 Yes
        Councillor McCann                       No
        Councillor Havens                       Yes
        Councillor Moriarty                     Yes
        Councillor Pelkey                       Abstained
        Councillor Prague                       No
        Councillor Yagaloff                     Yes
        Mayor Streeter                  Yes

At 11:10 p.m. Deputy Mayor Delnicki made a motion to handle Items H and I before adjourning; Councillor Fine seconded that motion; and it was approved unanimously.

H.      Resolution Authorizing an Expenditure of $2,000 for South Windsor High School’s 2006 “Operation Graduation”

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby authorizes and directs Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan to contribute $2,000 from the Contingency Fund to the Town Manager Professional Account as the

17.     H.  (continued)

Town’s contribution toward South Windsor High School’s 2006Operation Graduation” Fund.

Was made by:    Councillor McCann
Seconded by:    Deputy Mayor Delnicki
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

I.      Resolution Approving a Refund of Property Taxes for Six (6) South Windsor Taxpayers

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council approves a refund of property taxes to six (6) South Windsor taxpayers, the total of said refunds being $1,678.90, and as more fully described in attached Exhibit A.

Was made by:    Deputy Mayor Delnicki
Seconded by:    Councillor McCann
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

18.     Passage of Ordinance  -  None

19.     Communications and Petitions from Council (Continued) - None

20.     Communications and Reports from Town Manager  (Continued) - None

21.     Executive Session - None

22.     Adjournment

Respectfully submitted,

Vanessa Perry
Assistant to the Clerk of the Council

Attmts.  Exhibit A, Exhibit B, and Exhibit C