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Town Council - Work Session - 4-3-06

TOWN COUNCIL                                                    WORK SESSION
COUNCIL CHAMBERS                                                April 3, 2006
SOUTH WINDSOR TOWN HALL                                 Time:  7:00 P.M.

1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Streeter called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

2.      Roll Call

Members Present:        Mayor Matthew Streeter
Deputy Mayor Thomas Delnicki
Councillor Deborah Fine
Councillor Edward Havens
Councillor Kevin McCann
Councillor Tim Moriarty
Councillor John Pelkey
Councillor Cary Prague
                                Councillor Keith Yagaloff

Also Present:   Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan
        (No Town Attorney Present)

3.      Public Participation

Ms. Aamna Manzooz from the South Windsor High School Executive Committee of the Human Relations Commission.  She informed the Council that there will be a Multi-Cultural Fair open to the public on April 5th at 5:00 p.m.  She explained that the Fair is put on by students presenting different cultures.

Mr. Cliff Slicer of 391 Niederwerfer Road came forward to discuss the Wildlife Sanctuary.  He passed around photographs to the Council that showed various types of garbage that have been in the Sanctuary.  Mr. Slicer said that he has noticed that there has not been any elderly people in the Sanctuary in some time, and it is probably because of the unsightly and unsanitary trash.  He does not understand how the Town can go into the Sanctuary to mow the rye field, but nobody has taken the time to pick up the trash.  Mr. Slicer did suggest that maybe somebody from the Police Department should take a look at what is in the two garbage bags that have been there for two years.  

Mr. Slicer also stated that even though there is a sign that says no dogs are allowed in the Sanctuary, people still take their dogs and some allow them to be unleashed.  He explained that because there are domesticated dogs in the Sanctuary, there is hardly any wildlife.  
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3.      Public Participation(Continued)
        Mr. Slicer suggested that maybe if another gate was put on the Niederwerfer Road side similar to the one that is on the Barber Hill Road side.  That would allow the Town to physically close the facility at dusk.  He thinks that that would help eliminate some of the offensive activity.  

        Mr. Slicer also suggested that the Council should establish an enforcement policy and make sure that the facility is used as a Wildlife Sanctuary.  He does not feel that the Sanctuary is a credit to the community right now.

4.      Communications

        Town Manager Galligan said that he has talked to Mr. Slicer before about this and that he will take another look and he will talk to the Chief.

        Mayor Streeter asked that the Town Manager let the Council know the outcome so that they can inform the public.

5.      Town Manager’s Report – None

6.      Items for Discussion
        A.  Senior Citizen Advisory Council Report
Ms. Mary Martin, Chairperson of the Senior Citizen Advisory Council came forward and stated that with her was Dennis Sheridan and Irene Deneen from Human Services; Bill Conley, past Chairman; Carol Flagg, Marilyn Morrison, and Jeanne Spencer from the Senior Citizen Advisory Council; and Carol Hatch, Senior Center member.

Ms. Martin introduced and described what the Senior Advisory Council is, how they came into being, who they represent, and what their role is in the affairs of the Senior Center.  Ms. Martin explained the following as the role of the Senior Advisory Council:  1)  Make recommendations about Senior Center operations and programs; 2)  Inform and advise the Director or Human Services and the Coordinator of Adult and Senior services about community needs, both short and long term; 3)  Represent participants on specific issues and problems to the Director and Coordinator;  4)  Provide feedback relative to existing services and activities.  

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6.   A.  (Continued)

Ms. Martin explained that the results of a Senior Center Survey that was done in April 2005 showed that lack of dedicated space for senior activities and parking led the list of problems.  This lead to the formation of a subcommittee for Space Needs.

Ms. Martin discussed how Mayor Streeter, Councillor Fine, and Councillor Pelkey toured the Enes Community Center.  They were briefed on the different activities, functions, and programs that are vying for the same space within the Community Center.  She explained how there is limited rooms for the seniors and other community groups.  

Ms. Martin pointed out that it was suggested that there is a need to revise the Town’s Strategic Plan which was drafted in June 2001, because it is outdated and does not reflect the Town as it is today.  Ms. Martin also said that it was suggested that the Town Council appoint a liaison to the Senior Advisory Council.  

She said that there group recently took a trip to visit the new Community Center in Glastonbury and plans on visiting the new Center in Enfield to gather information regarding their uses of space and how they are serving people’s needs.

Ms. Martin explained that their future plans are to continue to inform and advise the Director of Human Services and the Coordinator of Adult and Senior Services about community needs and make recommendations about Senior Center operations.  She said that they will provide feedback relative to existing services and activities as well as assist the Director and Coordinator in achieving their goal of having the Senior Center gain accreditation through the National Institute of Senior Centers.  She explained that that is an important process because in the future, that accreditation may be required when applying for funding or other recognition purposes.

Mayor Streeter thanked her and asked that she provide the Council with a copy of her report.  He also said that as a Mayoral Appointment, he is going to have Councillor Debbie Fine be the Liaison to the Senior Center Advisory Council.  

7.      Executive Session – None

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8.      Adjournment

A Motion to Adjourn was made at approximately 7:30 p.m.; duly seconded, and approved unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Vanessa Perry
Assistant to the Clerk of the Council