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Town Council - Work Session - 2-21-06

TOWN COUNCIL                                                    WORK SESSION
COUNCIL CHAMBERS                                                February 21, 2006
SOUTH WINDSOR TOWN HALL                                 Time:  7:00 P.M.

1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Streeter called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

2.      Roll Call

Members Present:        Mayor Matthew Streeter
Deputy Mayor Thomas Delnicki
Councillor Deborah Fine
Councillor Edward Havens
Councillor Kevin McCann
Councillor Tim Moriarty
Councillor John Pelkey
Councillor Cary Prague

Members Absent: Councillor Keith Yagaloff

Also Present:   Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan
        (No Town Attorney Present)

3.      Public Participation

        Mr. Bill Myers of 1141 Strong Road, was on the negotiation team on behalf of the teachers.  He said that the process was disappointing when it got to this level, because of the politics that became involved in it.  He said that the Council should have been a bigger part of the process.  Mr. Myers said that the only reason he was speaking was because of a misquote in the paper.  Deputy Mayor Delnicki was quoted as being disappointed that the Board of Education didn’t do better for the people of South Windsor.  Mr. Myers said that Deputy Mayor Delnicki is very mistaken.  

        Mr. Myers mentioned a few facts about arbitration and negotiation.  He said that on the State level, 51% of the time that something goes to arbitration the Town wins.  Mr. Myers informed the Council that the paper misquotes things.  He also said that the teachers received 2.6, 2.6, and 2.75 over a three year period.  He said that they have a reopener in the second year on health, they agreed to that because they know that health is an issue and they want to do what is right by the Town.  They also agreed that no matter what happens with the health reopener they should bare a greater burden in that.  They came up with that one their own.   

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3.      Public Participation(Continued)

        Mr. Myers said that the game that is being played on the State level is one of greed.  He said that it is one of rich towns wanting to keep money for themselves.  If the State legislatures really wanted to fix things they would be far more interested in working on the cost sharing education formula, which he said that they refuse to tackle.  He said that they have no memory of what use to happen before binding arbitration, when teachers use to go on strike, which would make towns a mess.  He feels that the rich towns are trying to protect their wealth.  South Windsor is not one of the richest towns, but is a well off town.  

        Mr. Myers said that if the Town wanted equity, they should work on a different formula of taxation in the Town.  He said that the Board of Education and Dr. Wood did and does a great job by the people of South Windsor.  He said that it is common knowledge across the State that people move here because of the schools.  Teachers like it here, because of the stability and that it is a good town to work and live in.  The teachers settled for less than the cost of living; for less than the average negotiated contract across the State this year; and they stuck with what they agreed upon with the Board of Education in arbitration, and that they could have gone for more and gotten more.  Mr. Myers said that the Council should be appreciative, that they should work together and give the Board a number that the Council would be happy with, which would give the Board something to work towards.  

        Mr. Myer thanked the Council for the job that they do on behalf of the Town’s people, but please consider that the Council should be thanking the Board of Education and the teachers.  He said that the next time he is on negotiations; he might decide to play “hardball”.  

        Mr. Robert Benson of 15 West Road said that he is deeply disappointed that the Town’s Board of Education went to arbitration and could not return with a better contract.  He said that it is terrible that the Council would spend funds for no changes to be seen.  He retired from State Services and he does not receive any perks that are in the teachers’ contract.  He discussed how the Town is losing young educated people through the high cost of housing and taxes.  He said that the rise in housing is beyond the reach of the entry level work force.  He said that even people that rent a two bedroom apartment have to make about $25 an hour or over $40,000 to $42,000 a year.  

        Mr. Benson said that putting politics aside, when municipalities decide to do something on their own, there has to be a combined effort of the Town Council, Town Manager, School Administrators, Planning & Zoning, and Unions.  Businesses are not likely to stay or expand in the Town because of tax increases.
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3.      Public Participation(Continued)

        The people that the Town needs to drive economic growth here in South Windsor and in the State are slowly leaving.  He said that his point tonight is that it is getting harder and harder to live in South Windsor and he hopes things turn around before it is too late.  

4.      Communications - None

5.      Town Manager’s Report – He said that he will do his Report later, but he wanted to inform the Council that L.L. Bean has signed with Poag & McEwen to provide a 30,000 square foot store at the Evergreen Walk site.  They will be putting plans together.  This will be their first store in Connecticut, with a target opening of Summer 2007.  

6.      Items for Discussion

        A.  General Discussion on Proposed Town Budget for Fiscal Year 2006/2007

Town Manager Galligan said that this is the first time that he is giving the Council a preview.  He distributed documents to the Council, which gave them an overview of where some of the cost drivers are by department.  Certain areas have no increases and some areas have increases ranging from .7% to 50%.  The higher increases are in areas like pensions.  This gives a quick snapshot by department.  

When the Council receives the budget this year, it will be different because it will be a detail budget that has everything except names.  Town Manager Galligan said that this year, besides getting the normal budget and this document, the Council will get a CD with the detailed budget.  

Town Manager Galligan explained some of the budget numbers and explained why there may be increases.  He said that currently without going through the budget with each department, the increase is at 9.8%.  Over the next two weeks he will be sitting with each department head and going over their budgets line by line.  He explained that what he tries to do is look at programs that affect a large group of people and see how they can get the “best bang for the buck.”  

Town Manager Galligan said that this document is for the Council to take a look at, study, and see what the cost drivers are.  He said that there are few things in there are estimates and there will be some changes.  He also said that the Council should be aware that the budget process will be a little bit different because it will be the first time on MUNIS.  In the future, they will be able to do more creative budgeting, for example look at trends.  
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6.      A. (Continued)

        Town Manager Galligan said that one item this year that they will probably have to steadfast is Pension.  They would like to make a substantial Pension Contribution.  He said that they have made them in the past; they want to keep it at a certain level and keep it funded.  

        The Town Manager reminded the Council not to be alarmed by the numbers because the numbers will change when they get his final numbers in March.

        Mayor Streeter asked when they will find out about the STEAP Grant (Small Town Economic Assistance Program).  Town Manager Galligan answered that he thought it was April, which is a problem.  The State budget reflects differently than the Town and because of the timing, it can mess up the Town’s budget a little bit. He said that he is hoping they will get some kind of indication by April, even if it is verbal.  

        Deputy Mayor Delnicki asked what would be on CD.  The Town Manager explained that every Councillor will receive a CD for the Detail Budget.  He said that there will be a hard copy in the Town Clerks Office and the Library; and it will also be able to be viewed on the Town’s website.  Town Manager Galligan also explained that the CD will give some explanation on what the money will be spent on, but in regard to commentary on why there is an increase or decrease, that is put in his detail budget where the Department Heads write to him.

        Deputy Mayor Delnicki also asked if any thought has been given to having purchase cards for commodities such as electricity.  Town Manager Galligan said that they can take a look at that and every dollar adds up.  Deputy Mayor Delnicki said that he believes that the Attorney General ruled that the utilities have to accept purchase cards.  

        Councillor McCann asked where the 2006 Revised budget comes from.  Town Manager Galligan answered that it comes from Council Resolutions where they might have changed things around or where the Town Manager changed things around internally.  He explained that he is allowed to change things around within a department budget but not from one department to another.  

        Town Manager Galligan also explained for Councillor McCann that the 2006 Actual budget is either a 6 or 7 month figure and a projection of what is going to be spent through to year end.  

        Councillor Fine said that in order to save trees, she loved the idea that the minutes to be approved, are sent to her by email and now having a CD for the budget is fabulous.  She asked if they could request that the School Board do the same thing.  Town Manager Galligan said that he thought that last year Dr. Wood said that he was going to put hard copies in the Library and Town Clerk’s Office, but he would ask about the CDs.  

        Town Manager Galligan made the Council aware of a few things that are plaguing the budget.  Some of those things are rising utility costs; CT Water Company rate increase; and that on the revenue side, the removal of car taxes.  

        Mayor Streeter asked if there are any preliminary targets on the revenue side of the budget.  Town Manager Galligan answered that right now, it looks like the Town will have a pretty good year, with a minimum on the revenue side of $1.5 to $1.6 million in new revenues.  He said that he will have a final number by the end of the week.

        Councillor Pelkey discussed how one of the arguments that the Governor made regarding the car tax proposal was that it is to help towns that are only collected 87% or 84% of what was taxed.  He finds it hard to believe that these towns don’t eventually get that money.  He explained that South Windsor collects on more than 100%, because those that don’t pay on time pay interest.  With the proposal that the Governor has made, would probably end up making South Windsor take a 5% cut.  He asked the Town Manager to explain why towns are only collecting the 84% when they have the same powers to foreclose and take property when taxes aren’t paid, that South Windsor has.  Town Manager Galligan explained that towns that are not aggressive on their collections should be.  South Windsor has been aggressive and works with residents that are having problems.  

        Mayor Streeter said that they will be following this proposal closely.  

7.      Executive Session – None

8.      Adjournment

A Motion to Adjourn was made at approximately 7:55 p.m.; duly seconded, and approved unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Vanessa Perry
Assistant to the Clerk of the Council