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Town Council - Special Work Session - 8-29-05



1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Havens called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m

2.      Roll Call

Members Present:                Mayor Edward Havens
                                Deputy Mayor John Pelkey
                                Councillor Thomas Delnicki
                                Councillor Deborah Fine
                                Councillor Elizabeth Pendleton
                                Councillor Cary Prague
                                Councillor Matthew Streeter
                                Councillor Roseann Williams
                                Councillor Keith Yagaloff

Also Present:                   Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan
                                Town Attorney Barry Guliano

Also present were Fire Chief Philip Crombie, Jr., Public Building Commission Chair Hap Fitts, and other Members of the Volunteer Fire Department

3.      Public Participation - None

4.      Communications - None

5.      Items for Discussion:

Town Manager Galligan explained that there would be an Executive Session after this because the site that the Town has now is not suitable for the type of facility that is needed.  They are looking to put out a Referendum question to move forward with the new fire house but also sell the other property.   The prices may even offset each other a little to help keep the cost down for the taxpayers.         

        Town Manager Galligan also explained that the last time that items can be put on the agenda to put out for Referenda will be September 6.  He felt that they were ready by tonight and he wanted the Council to have an opportunity to look at them and discuss them.  

5.      Items for Discussion: (Continued)

        Proposed Referendum Questions for 11/8/05 Ballot
        Permission of Town Electors to –
a.      Convey, by Competitive Bidding, old Fire Station #3
        Councillor Streeter asked if it was prudent for them to discuss this since it has already been voted on.  Town Attorney Guliano confirmed that it can be discussed as a public entity but money cannot be spent to advocate a particular position.

Mayor Havens asked if they can speak as advocates or if they should remain silent.  Town Attorney Guliano stated that this is a public meeting and that they can state whatever it is their beliefs are of a situation one way or another.  There are no restrictions.  
b.      Purchase Land for, and Construct, a New Fire Station #3

Mr. Howard Fitts, Public Building Commission Chairman, distributed 4 items to the Town Council along with an item that was distributed by Fire Chief Crombie.  Mr. Fitts touched on what they have done in the last couple of months and what they have come to as far as a conclusion.   

One of the items that Mr. Fitts distributed was a summary entitled Public Safety Facilities Referendum Issues, which is attached as Exhibit A.  Mr. Fitts gave an overview of this summary.

Mr. Fitts then reviewed a letter from Jacunski Humes Architects, LLC, which is attached as Exhibit B.  He said that this letter provides the basis of the drawings that would ultimately be done.

Mr. Fitts explained that they are looking at $7,400,000 for the Fire and Ambulance Facility and less than $5,000,000 for the renovations and additions to the Police Station.

He said that if this is set as a Referendum question at the next meeting, the architects will begin the drawings and schematics that are necessary for public education.  This will be done well in advance of the votes being taken.

The Chairman then answered various questions from the Council.

Fire Chief Crombie gave some history of how this project has evolved.  He then, in detail, reviewed the document entitled Fire Station #3 Replacement Project Combined Fire and Ambulance Facility, which is attached as Exhibit C.

5.   a.  (Continued)

At the request of Mayor Havens, Fire Chief Crombie explained the Fire Departments Personnel (volunteer vs. paid) and the future thinking of the personnel.  

Various questions from the Council were answered by Fire Chief Crombie, Mr. Fitts, Mr. Larry Gorman (President & Chief of Services, S.W. Ambulance Corps),  Town Manager Galligan, and Town Attorney Guliano.

Councillor Streeter and Town Manager Galligan discussed that these amounts seem high, but the impact on the debt service and tax will be less than what people might think.  Mr. Gorman answered questions from Councillor Fine regarding the needs of the Ambulance Corps.

Deputy Mayor Pelkey thanked everyone involved in the Safety First Fair.  He also explained how it was not until the Ambulance Corp started charging for its services that the Town started charging them for space.  This saved the Town a lot of money in the long run.

The Deputy Mayor also spoke about how these projects will relieve some of the pressures that are on the Capital Projects end of it.  Many of the items that are in these projects are delineated within the Capital Projects budget.  

Deputy Mayor Pelkey and Town Manager Galligan explained that it is important to have “up to snuff” Town buildings and services because that is what attracts most people and businesses to a town.

c.      Expand South Windsor’s Police Headquarters on Sand Hill Road

Town Manager Galligan gave an overview of what would be done and why it is needed and answered various questions from the Council.  Attached as Exhibit D is an excerpt from the booklet entitled Addition & Alterations, South Windsor Police Facility, which was prepared by The Lawrence Associates, Architects/Planners, P.C.

Mayor Havens stated that he supports both projects because safety is number one.

Councillor Delnicki discussed that he feels, after what he has heard at this meeting, and they should be dealing with one public safety question dealing with the Fire House and the Police Department.

5. c. (Continued)

Councillor Pendleton complimented the Fire Department, the Police Department, and the Ambulance for the responses that they had for the last major storm.  

Councillor Streeter had a procedural concern with regard to suspending Item 5 so that it can be resumed after the Executive Session.  Town Attorney Guliano agreed that the rules should be suspended.

6.      Executive Session  - To discuss the possible purchase of land by the Town of South Windsor for the location of a new Fire Station #3

At 9:40 p.m. Councillor Fine made a motion to adjourn to Executive Session and as time permits, to discuss personnel matters.  Deputy Mayor Pelkey seconded that motion.

Councillor Streeter made a point of order to suspend the rules to move up Executive Session as Councillor Fine has motioned so that Item 5 can be resumed.  All were in favor.

All were in favor of going to Executive Session.

At 10:00 p.m. the Mayor reconvened the Work Session.  Mayor Havens stated that the question before them was how the referenda is to be placed on the ballot.  His opinion is that there should be two separate questions, one for the Police Department and one for the Fire Department.

Town Attorney Guliano explained that if the sale of the old Fire Station passed but the purchase of land for the new Fire Station did not pass, the Council does not have to sell the old Fire Station; the Referendum is only giving the Council authority.  

Deputy Mayor Pelkey also agrees that the questions regarding the Fire Station and the Police Department be separate.   He also felt that the selling of the old Fire Station, the purchase of land for the new fire station, and the construction of the new Fire Station should be one question.  

Councillor Streeter stated that on July 18th the Referendum Question for the Conveyance, by Competitive Bidding, of the old Fire Station #3 was already passed.  Since this is already on the ballot as its own question, and the items are all public safety related, the other question should have the projects put together.  

Councillor Fine asked Town Attorney Guliano if the Conveyance Referendum can be amended, in which he said yes and explained.  Councillor Fine said that she

6. Executive Session (Continued)

supports the conveyance, purchase, and reconstruction of the Fire Station as one question and the expansion of the Police Department as another question.   

Town Manager Galligan said that Bond Counsel may not combine a sale with a bond.  

Councillor Prague asked Town Manager Galligan to confirm that if the Fire Station Resolution passes and not the Police, the Fire Station can move forward and the Ambulance Corp can move, and the Police Department will be able to use the available space.  Town Manager Galligan agreed.  Councillor Prague asked what if the Police Department Resolution passes, but not the Fire Department, which means that the Ambulance Corp has to stay.  Town Manager Galligan said that either the plans would be different or they can tell the Ambulance Corp that they still have to move, because the Town is not required to provide space, but the Council would have to make that decision.  He agrees with Deputy Mayor Pelkey with the idea that items should be separate, but in this case, because all of the items go together, he feels that one question would be best.  

Councillor Yagaloff supports the Mayor’s recommendation to go with two questions.   He said that the taxpayers should be able to make the decision and the two separate projects should be spelled out because they are totally different questions, problems, dollars, and buildings.   

Councillor Williams agreed with Councillor Yagaloff.  She also said that to her this is a safety issue, and the Fire Department is needed, and yes the Police Department has space issues, but it is not a safety issue.

Town Attorney said that they should now ask for separate resolutions for the next meeting.  The questions would be as follows: (1) for the renovation of Police Headquarters; and (2) for the purchase of land and construction of Fire Station #3.

Mayor Havens asked for a consensus of b. and c.  separate.  

Councillor Fine described the format for the evaluations of Town Manager and Town Attorney.

7.      Motion to Adjourn

A Motion to Adjourn was made at 10:15 p.m.; was duly seconded; and approved, unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Vanessa Perry
Assistant to the Clerk of the Council

Attachments (Exhibits A, B, C, and D)