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Town Council - Regular Meeting - 7-18-05
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July 18, 2005

TOWN COUNCIL – Regular Meeting
Council Chambers – South Windsor Town Hall

Members Present:
Mayor Edward Havens
Deputy Mayor John Pelkey
Councillor Thomas Delnicki
Councillor Deborah Fine
Councillor Elizabeth Pendleton
Councillor Cary Prague
Councillor Matthew Streeter
Councillor Keith Yagaloff

Also Present:
Town Manager Matthew B. Galligan
Town Attorney Barry Guliano
Councillor Roseann Williams

Mayor Havens called the Regular Meeting to order at 8:15 p.m.


5.     Public Input

First to speak was Connecticut Senator Gary LeBeau who came before the Town Council regarding legislation approved by the State Legislature in its recently adjourned session.  

He enumerated, among other accomplishments—

The $608,000 increase in appropriations to the Town of South Windsor over the Fiscal Year 2005—or a 5.88% increase.  This amount, he added, was “substantially above” the $276,000 increase proposed by Governor Rell.

Another item, he said, was the State Department of Transportation’s selection of a consultant to devise a Comprehensive Plan to alleviate traffic congestion and improve public safety along the Buckland Hills traffic corridor (incl. Interstates #84, #291, #384, Routes 5, 30, 83, and 194); and local roads stretching from East Hartford, through South Windsor, and Manchester.  All of this, he added was made possible by a $500,000 Grant received last year from the State; and another $375,000 received from CRCOG.  This project should take about two (2) years, the Senator said.


5.     Public Input

Another item, specifically for South Windsor, that Senator LeBeau had placed in this year’s Bond Bill (thanks to the suggestion of Deputy Mayor Pelkey, he noted)--$1 million for the year 2006, and another $1 million for the year 2007 earmarked for Boundless Playgrounds.

Conveyance Tax – Senator LeBeau added that “keeping the Conveyance Tax alive, and continuing it, will mean $217,307 to the Town of South Windsor.

Farmland/Preservation Land Protection; Affordable Housing; and Historic Preservation.  The Senator said that this Bill creates a new farmland preservation program; and it institutes a new $30 Document Recording Fee to fund these and several existing programs.  Under this fee process, he said, the Town collects the fee for each document they record in their land records--keeps $3.00 to fund local Capital Improvement Projects—and $1 from each of these fees goes to the Town Clerk’s Office.  The Senator added there will be about $5.8 million for farmland preservation; and another $5.8 for open space acquisition.

Another Bill with local impact, according to Senator LeBeau, is the “Energy Bill” - an Act Concerning Energy Independence.  What this does, he added, is establishes several initiatives to reduce charges associated with congestion of the electrical transmission system by utilizing, instead, such other independent systems as:  fuel cells, solar power, other forms of distributed electricity.  This Bill, he continued, will help those companies/public entities to use those distributed electric resources in order to produce electricity.

Senator LeBeau referred to two other Bills, in particular, he was proud to have worked on—namely, the Stem Cell Bill—where the Committee was able to get $100 million into this research, rather than the original $10 million; and (b) the Sub-Base Closing Bill which provided $10 million to help reduce energy costs at the U.S. Submarine Base in Groton in an effort to make the sub-base “more viable.”


5.      Public Input

Deputy Mayor Pelkey, referring specifically to the Senator’s remarks regarding the “Boundless Playground,” said that the greatest fear of those working on this program was that the Governor would “sit on this money.”  He added that the Committee is presently on a “campaign” to acquire landscape contractors; and hoped to have the “site work” done by the end of Summer or early Fall.

Councillor Pendleton thanked Senator LeBeau for his hard work in the Legislature—particularly those efforts on behalf of South Windsor.  She specifically mentioned the $835,000 received for the Buckland Road/Traffic Studies.  Referring to the “Energy Bill” and the use of “fuel cells,” the Councillor asked the Senator if that “was only for the municipalities, or is it also for private homeowners.”  Sen. LeBeau said it was “definitely” for private companies who want to install fuel cells; however, he was less certain how it applied to municipalities.

Councillor Streeter thanked the Senator, in particular, for all the assistance he has provided over the years to South Windsor in its efforts to preserve farmland and acquire open space.

Mayor Havens, too, thanked the Senator for reporting to the Council this evening.

Mayor Havens then read a letter he had received from the International Institute of Municipal Clerks” crediting South Windsor’s Town Clerk Gretchen Bickford for having qualified for “First Level Membership in the IIMC Master Municipal Clerk Academy.”  Copy attached.)  Mrs. Bickford came forward to accept a copy of the letter and to receive the congratulations of the Council Members.

6.     Environmental Health & Safety Message  -  None

7.     Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meetings  -  None

8.     Public Petitions  -  None

9.     Communications from Officers and Boards Directly Responsible to Council -  None


10.     Communications and Reports from Town Manager

Assistant to the Town Manager, Judith Hall, updated the Town Council on the status of the mailing-out of the Town’s tax bills.  Motor Vehicle bills, however, were all out on or before July 11, according to Mrs. Hall; and, last week, some of the real estate tax bills were sent out—with the remainder of the real estate and personal property taxes to be mailed out tomorrow (7/19).

Although tax payments were due July 1, Mrs. Hall informed the Council and listening public that an “interest free” extension to August 12, 2005 has been granted to taxpayers for payment of these taxes.

Mrs. Hall then introduced the Town’s new “Information Systems Manager,” Scott Roberts who assumed his new duties on June 20, 2005.  Mr. Roberts, she added, prior to this appointment, had worked for Fuss & O’Neill for 11 years; and the Town was honored and delighted to have him working for South Windsor.  She then asked Mr. Roberts to come forward so that he might briefly address the Town Council.

Councillor Pendleton informed Mrs. Hall that she had previously requested that Town Assessor Charles Danna, appear once again before Council to present an update on the “Veterans’ Tax Exemption” perhaps at an October Regular Meeting following the determination of the latest Grand List.

Mrs. Hall then turned this Item over to the Town Attorney for his report.  

Atty. Guliano informed the Town Council that the six (6) Appeals remaining in Evergreen Walk, filed by Atty. Wayne Gerlt against the Town of South Windsor over the last three weeks, have all gone to trial and hearing.  At this point, he added, they are all “in Court;” and, although it has 120 days to issue its decision, Atty. Guliano suspected the time for a decision on these Appeals would be in approximately 60 days.

Continuing, Atty. Guliano said there were “still a couple of Appeals still pending”
regarding the Town’s sewer trunk line at Evergreen Walk.


10.     Communications and Reports from Town Manager

Atty. Guliano next referred to a “Verbatim Transcript” of the Minutes of the July 5, 2005 Regular Meeting of the Town Council distributed this evening.  He explained that the reason for this “Verbatim” was that he had been asked for an opinion on comments made at the 7/5/05 meeting by Councillors Pendleton and Streeter; and whether or not a “conflict of interest” had existed for either of these Councillors.

After reviewing the transcript, the Town Attorney determined that neither Councillor, in his opinion, had violated any kind of “conflict of interest” rule or regulation. or State Statute. He promised that his “written opinion” on this issue would be in Council’s next packet.

11.     Reports from Standing Committees

Deputy Mayor Pelkey wanted the Council, and listeners, to know that Council had received a response back from the Union School Committee.  The next step, he assumed, would be to sit down with the Committee and review its response to Council’s request for a “business plan.”

The Deputy Mayor then added that a request had been received by the Space Needs Committee from the “Seniors” at the Community Center asking that Committee to take a look at their particular space needs.  The Committee, he added, would try to set up a meeting with the Seniors to discuss this.

Mayor Havens asked the Deputy Mayor to get back to the Union School Committee as quickly as possible since, he felt, “they have been waiting patiently for some time” for this report.

12.     Reports of Temporary Committees  -  None

13.     Communications and Petitions from Council

After reading the list of South Windsor residents, or relatives of residents, serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, Mayor Havens read a “Thank You” note from the family of Major Michael Donnelly; as well as a letter from the Secretary of State’s Office regarding that Office’s 5th Annual Public Service Awards Program.  This year the Program would be recognizing recreation “Coaches” and “Assistant Coaches” throughout the State; and South Windsor’s honoree, this year, would be  Craig Zimmerman.  

13.     Communications and Petitions from Council  (Continued)

Deputy Mayor Pelkey relayed that he and Mayor Havens had participated in the “ribbon-cutting” ceremony following the refurbishing of MacDonalds on Route 5 in South Windsor.  He said that MacDonalds had donated $100 to the “Boundless Playground Project;” and they’re also applying to their Headquarters for additional funding for this project.

14.     Public Participation  -  None

15.     Consent Agenda

(Before making the Motion, Councillor Pendleton corrected it by stating that the Motion should have started with 17. L. rather than 17. M.; and, further, removed 17. P. from the Motion because the appointee was no longer interested in serving.)

Motion to approve Agenda Items 17. L. through 17. O. as the Consent Agenda.

Was made by:    Councillor Pendleton
Seconded by:    Deputy Mayor Pelkey
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

16.     Unfinished Business  -  None

17.     New Business

A.      Resolution Transferring $20,000 from the Capital and Non-Recurring Expenditure Account to the Capital Projects Account to Secure the Services of an Architect for Proposed Renovations and Possible Expansion of South Windsor’s Police Headquarters on Sand Hill Road

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council, having conducted the required Public Hearing at 7:45 p.m. on June 18, 2005, approves the transfer of $20,000 from Capital and Non-Recurring Expenditure Account to the Capital Projects Account to secure the services of an Architect for proposed renovations to, and possible expansion of, South Windsor’s Police Headquarters on Sand Hill Road.

Was made by:    Deputy Mayor Pelkey
Seconded by:    Councillor Delnicki
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously


17.     New Business  (Continued)

B       Resolution Authorizing the South Windsor Public Building Commission to Develop Plans for Proposed Renovations and Possible Expansion of South Windsor’s Police Headquarters on Sand Hill Road

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council authorizes the Public Building Commission to work with Police Chief Gary Tyler and his staff to develop programs and plans for renovations and possible expansion of the South Windsor Police Headquarters on Sand Hill Road; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Public Building Commission shall (1) secure architectural services and assess opportunities for Referenda Questions for the building project; (2) periodically provide Town Council with progress reports on this project; and, (3), present its formal report to the Town Council no later than September 2, 2005.

Was made by:    Councillor Delnicki
Seconded by:    Deputy Mayor Pelkey

Before a vote was taken, Councillor Pendleton asked the Town Attorney if the Council might get a copy of the “Specifications” for this project that were being provided to the Architects.  Town Attorney Guliano said he would see to this; and further explained that what he was previously reading from was the “proposed Contract” between the Architect the Public Building Commission wished to retain and the Town.

The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

C.      Discussion Item – “Policy Statements(Requested by Deputy Mayor Pelkey)

The Deputy Mayor said he had requested this item following a conversation with the Town Attorney during which the Deputy Mayor had inquired into different “policies” within the Town Government—he cited such documents as the “Mini-Grant Program;” a policy on “Eminent Domain;” “Signage on Parks;” etc.  However, he pointed out, these policies, retained together, have no central location within the Town Hall.  


17.     C.  (Continued)

He felt that this would be most beneficial for new appointees to the Town Council.  He then asked Asst. to the Town Manager Judy Hall if the Town had any Summer “Interns” or “Coops” coming to work for the Town this Summer.  Ms. Hall replied—not to her knowledge.  He felt that this was a “house-keeping thing;” and it would be nice, when someone asked about a particular policy, to be able to refer them to one specific location where they were all located.

Councillor Delnicki felt that it should be located on the Town’s Web Site.  He also stated that he was surprised to learn that the Town’s Ordinances were not on the Town’s Web Site.  Town Clerk Gretchen Bickford reported that, very shortly, Town Ordinances would be available on the Web Site.

Councillor Pendleton asked if the Town Clerk’s Office would be the “central location” for the “Policy Book.”  

D.      Resolution Authorizing the Appropriation of $28,000 from Capital and Non-Recurring Expenditures Account to Capital Projects Account for the Purchase of a Boiler for Ellsworth School

WHEREAS, on June 20, 2005, the South Windsor Town Council approved a transfer of $95,000 from the Capital Projects Fire Department Pumper Account to the Capital Projects Ellsworth School Boiler Account, said amount to be applied toward the purchase price of a new boiler for Ellsworth School; and

WHEREAS, on July 5, 2005, the required Public Hearing was held to receive citizen input on an additional appropriation of $28,000 from the Capital and Non-Recurring Expenditure Account for the purchase of said boiler

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby approves the appropriation of $28,000 from the Capital and Non-Recurring Expenditure Account to Capital Projects Ellsworth School Boiler Account # 44325300 00320 for the purpose of purchasing a new boiler for Ellsworth School.

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)


17.     D.  (Continued)

Was made by:    Councillor Yagaloff
Seconded by:    Deputy Mayor Pelkey
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

E.      Resolution Authorizing Possible Conveyance, by Competitive Bidding, of Town Property Known as “Fire Station 3,” and Further Identified as 124 Sullivan Avenue, South Windsor

WHEREAS, the South Windsor Town Council is contemplating the sale of Town property known as “Fire Station 3,” and further identified as being located at 124 Sullivan Avenue, South Windsor; and

WHEREAS, said conveyance, if it is to take place, will be accomplished by competitive bidding with sealed bids

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby authorizes the possible conveyance of title to “Fire Station 3” located in the Town of South Windsor and owned by the Town of South Windsor, and further identified as 124 Sullivan Avenue, including land; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Manager, upon approval of the Town Council, is hereby authorized to transfer title and execute any and all documentation necessary to consummate said conveyances; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall become effective upon its approval by the Town electors at a Referendum called by the Town Council for such purpose.

Was made by:    Councillor Prague
Seconded by:    Councillor Fine
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

17.     New Business  (Continued)

F.      Resolution Providing for Referendum of Town Electors  (Re. Fire Station 3)

BE IT RESOLVED that the Resolution entitled “Resolution Authorizing Possible Conveyance, by Competitive Bidding, of Town Property Known as “Fire Station 3,”and Further Identified as 124 Sullivan Avenue, South Windsor,” heretofore at this meeting adopted, be submitted to the Town electors for approval or disapproval at a referendum to be held in conjunction with the general election to be held on November 8, 2005, and that the warning of said referendum state the question to be voted upon as follows:

“Shall the Resolution entitled “Resolution Authorizing Possible Conveyance, by Competitive Bidding, of Town Property Known as “Fire Station 3,” and Further Identified as 124 Sullivan Avenue, South Windsor,” adopted by the Town Council July 18, 2005, be approved?”

The ballot label for said question will read as follows:

“Shall the ‘Resolution Authorizing Possible Conveyance, by Competitive Bidding, of Town Property Known as ‘Fire Station 3’ and further Identified as 124 Sullivan Avenue, South Windsor’ be Approved?   YES     NO. ?

Was made by:    Councillor Pendleton
Seconded by:    Deputy Mayor Pelkey
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

G.      Resolution Amending a Resolution Adopted at the Town Council’s June 20, 2005 Regular Meeting Entitled “Resolution Approving Starting Salaries for Deputy Registrars of Voters Hired After June 30, 2005, and Establishing Time Record Policies

WHEREAS, the South Windsor Town Council is responsible for establishing the compensation received by the Registrars of Voters, Deputy Registrars of Voters, and Assistants for their services pursuant to Section 9-194 of the Connecticut General Statutes; and

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)

17.     G.  (Continued)

WHEREAS, the South Windsor Town Council wishes to amend the Resolution adopted at the Town Council’s June 20, 2005 Regular Meeting entitled “Resolution Approving Starting Salaries for Deputy Registrars of Voters Hired After June 30, 2005, and Establishing Time Record Policies” by formally establishing the compensation to be received by the current Registrars of Voters, Deputy Registrars of Voters, and Assistants as of the date of this Resolution for Fiscal Year 2005/2006, and by revising the pay scale for Deputy Registrars hired in the future.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the salaries for the current Registrars of Voters for the Calendar Year January 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005 is $25,970, each; and for the Calendar Year January 1, 2006 through December 31, 2006 shall be $26,880, each; the salaries for the current Deputy Registrars of Voters for Fiscal Year 2005/2006 shall be $16.15 per hour; and the salaries for the current Assistants to the Registrars of Voters for Fiscal Year 2005/2006 shall be $10.65 per hour; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Council shall review the compensation outlined above, annually, and will establish the compensation annually for each of the above positions, using as a guideline the standard percentage received by non-union Town Hall employees for that year; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Council may, in its discretion, establish a compensation different than the standard percentage increase outlined above but will use said standard increase as a guideline only; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council wishes to establish, as a guideline, only, the table appended hereto as Appendix A, for the starting salary, and subsequent increases, for any Deputy Registrar of Voters hired in the year designated and after July 18, 2005; the date of hire shall be the date when both of the following have occurred: the Deputy has begun her/his duties as a Deputy Registrar, and has been sworn in to perform said duties; and

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)

17.     G.  (Continued)

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, except for the compensation established for the current Registrars of Voters, Deputy Registrars of Voters, and Assistants as of the date of this Resolution, the salaries and potential increases are guidelines only, and the Town Council is not bound to follow said guidelines in any given year; and the compensation established each year is solely within the discretion of the South Windsor Town Council; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all current and future Registrars of Voters, Deputy Registrars of Voters, and Assistants shall be bound by the policies outlined in Appendix B, attached hereto, pertaining to keeping track of their hours and following those Personnel Rules and Regulations of the Town of South Windsor dated January 11, 2005 which apply to conduct with co-workers and on town property, such as Work Place Violence Regulations, Sexual Harassment Rules, and similar such general policies.

Was made by:    Councillor Fine
Seconded by:    Councillor Pendleton
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

H.      Resolution Limiting the Use of “Eminent Domain” by the Current Town Council to Public Purposes and Public Uses Rather than Private Economic Development

WHEREAS, the United States Supreme Court, in the recent decision of Kelo v. City of New London, Docket Number 04-108, upheld a ruling that a municipality may take private property, including private residences, by Eminent Domain where the purpose of the taking is to construct a private development for economic development within the municipality; and

WHEREAS, the present South Windsor Town Council is sensitive to the private property rights of the citizens of South Windsor in their homes and believes that such residential property should not be taken by Eminent Domain where the purpose is to facilitate private development for purposes of economic development to the Town; and

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)

17.     H.  (Continued)

WHEREAS, the present South Windsor Town Council wishes to limit its use of the power of Eminent Domain where the property in question is a private residence but to only those situations where the property will be used for public development to be used as public property for a public purpose and not to facilitate private development, even where such development may provide an economic benefit to the Town.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that during the term of the present South Windsor Town Council, the power of Eminent Domain will not be used with respect to property that constitutes a private residence unless the property is taken to be used by the public as public property for a public purpose and not to facilitate purely private development even where this may provide an economic benefit to the Town.

Was made by:    Councillor Delnicki
Seconded by:    Councillor Streeter

A very lengthy discussion followed the Motion; and several Amendments were moved.  Following are the Amendments and the action taken by the Council on these proposed Amendments.

Councillor Delnicki amended the Resolution by adding as a last paragraph:

“BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby requests that the South Windsor Redevelopment Agency pass a similar limitation, by Resolution, as soon as possible.”

The Motion was seconded by Councillor Streeter; and, prior to a vote on the Amendment, Councillor Delnicki explained his reason for amending.  Following this, Mayor Havens called for a vote on the Amendment.  It was approved, unanimously.

Councillor Yagaloff moved to Amend by removing paragraphs 1, 2, and 3, and the words “NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED from the Resolution; and replacing it with the following:

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)


17.     H.  (Continued)

“BE IT RESOLVED THAT during the term of the present South Windsor Town Council, the power of Eminent Domain will not be used; and

“BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council requests that the South Windsor Redevelopment Agency pass a Resolution limiting the use of Eminent Domain.”

Deputy Mayor Pelkey seconded the proposed Amendment.  Following the Town Attorney’s recommendation that Councillor Yagaloff’s Amendment not be adopted, and his reasons for that recommendation, Mayor Havens called for a vote on the Amendment.  It was defeated, on a Roll Call vote, 1 Aye to 7 Nays, as follows:

        Councillor Fine                 No
        Councillor Delnicki                     No
        Councillor Pendleton            No
        Councillor Prague                       No
        Councillor Yagaloff                     Yes
        Councillor Streeter                     No
        Deputy Mayor Pelkey             No
        Mayor Havens                    No

Deputy Mayor Pelkey then moved to Amend the Resolution by inserting the word “current” in the first line of the last paragraph of the Resolution so that it would read—

“NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that during the current term……….”

The Motion to Amend was seconded by Councillor Fine; and approved, unanimously.

Mayor Havens then called for a vote on the Amended Resolution; and it was approved, unanimously.


17.     New Business  (Continued)

I.      Discussion Item:  “Development Rights”   (Requested by Deputy Mayor Pelkey)

The Deputy Mayor reminded the Town Council that at its last Regular Meeting, a Resolution was passed to go to Referendum this Fall for more “Open Space dollars.”  In all of these issues, he added, there is the question of “Open Space with Development Rights.”  He then brought up the subject of a “policy” for Farmland Preservation.

Deputy Mayor Pelkey then referred the Councillors to a Farmland Preservation Outline he had just distributed.  He said that the contents of this handout were an outline of the different conversations they had all had as a Town Council.  He added that the outline was meant to provide guidance as to how the preservation of farmland should be approached.  He also meant the data to be of assistance to the general public in understanding just how the Council would approach purchasing “development rights.”

The Deputy Mayor then read the Outline for the public’s information (copy attached).  He asked Council to consider the contents of this Outline during its “summer break” so that they all might have the opportunity to “develop a real plan for purchasing development rights” upon their return in September.

Following the Deputy Mayor’s presentation, Councillor Streeter said he wished to echo his suggestion that the Council return, in the Fall, with a Work Session on this topic—and include SWALPAC in the exchange of information.

J.      Resolution Approving an Hourly Wage Increase and Fringe Benefits Equivalent to Those Approved by Council for Non-Bargaining Unit Members for the Clerk of the Council for Fiscal Year July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council approves an hourly wage increase of 3.5% for the Clerk of the Council for Fiscal Year 2005/2006 said wage increase and benefits being equivalent to those approved by Council in June of 2004 for the Non-Bargaining Unit Members Job Classification Plan for Fiscal Years 2004/2005 and 2005/2006; and

(Resolution Continued on Next Page)


17.     J.  (Continued)

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said benefits will be calculated on a prorated basis according to the average number of hours worked in the previous Fiscal Year; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the hourly wage increase and participation in the Non-Bargaining Unit Members Fringe Benefit Package shall be effective as of July 1, 2005.

Was made by:    Councillor Streeter
Seconded by:    Deputy Mayor
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

K.      Resolution Approving a Refund of Property Taxes to Two (2) South Windsor Taxpayers

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council approves a refund of property taxes to two (2) South Windsor taxpayers, the total of said refunds being $114.37, and as more fully described on attached Exhibit A.

Was made by:    Councillor Prague
Seconded by:    Deputy Mayor Pelkey
The Motion was: Approved, unanimously

*L.     Resolution Appointing Daniel L. Jeski, Sr. (D) an Alternate to the Planning and Zoning Commission to Fill the Unexpired Term of Marc Finer, and the Tabling of Same

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council appoints Daniel L. Jeski, Sr. an Alternate to the Planning and Zoning Commission for a term ending November 30, 2005 to fill the unexpired term of Marc Finer, and hereby tables the same



17.     New Business  (Continued)

*M.     Resolution Appointing Jayne Carlson (D) to the Human Relations Commission, and the Tabling of Same

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council appoints Jayne Carlson to the Human Relations Commission for a term ending November 30, 2005, to fill a vacancy left by the resignation of Anita Cappalla, and hereby tables the same.


*N.     Resolution Appointing Leslie Ann Carmon (D) to the Human Relations Commission, and the Tabling of Same

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council appoints Leslie Ann Carmon to the Human Relations Commission for a term ending November 30, 2005 to fill the unexpired term of Carolyn Egan, and hereby tables the same.


*O.     Resolution Appointing Cynthia Iriondo (D) to the Human Relations Commission, and the Tabling of Same

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council appoints Cynthia Iriondo to the Human Relations Commission for a term ending November 30, 2006 to fill an existing vacancy, and hereby tables the same.


(Agenda Item 17. P., originally a part of the Consent Agenda, was withdrawn earlier in the evening because the appointee no longer wish to be considered for the appointment.)


18.     Passage of Ordinance  -  None

19.     Communications and Petitions from Council (Continued)  -  None

20.     Executive Session  -  None

21.     Motion to Adjourn

At 10:10 p.m., Councillor Fine moved to adjourn the meeting.  The Motion was duly seconded; and approved, unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia R. Brown
Clerk of the Council

Attmts. (Letter from IIMC re. Town Clerk; and
                Farmland Preservation Outline)