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Town Council - Public Hearing 2 - 7-18-05

JULY 18, 2005
7:45 P.M.


PURPOSE: To Receive Citizen Input on the Transfer of $20,000 from Capital and Non-Recurring Expenditures Account to the Capital Projects Account to Secure the Services of an Architect for Proposed Renovations and Possible Expansion of South Windsor’s Police Headquarters on Sand Hill Road

Mayor Havens called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m.  The Clerk of the Council read the call of the meeting (a copy of which is attached hereto).  There were approximately 10 people in the audience.  Mayor Havens then asked the Town Attorney to explain the reason for this Public Hearing.

Town Attorney Barry Guliano explained that, essential, the Public Hearing is regarding a request for the Public Building Commission to have an Architect review the feasibility in terms of what’s needed at the Police Department Headquarters in terms of “space.”

He then read from the proposed Agreement with the Architect as a means of more fully describing what the Architect would be looking at.  The proposal is “not to draft final plans;” that would not be done until after a successful Referendum vote.

Continuing, Atty. Guliano said that the three (3) items the Architect would be looking at were:

Determine the physical and programmatic shortcomings of current physical plant—including meeting and staff spaces, garaging facilities, health and safety issues, technological requirements, and estimates of costs to construct and renovate; and

Develop building and program thoughts prepared by the Police Department, based on their evaluation of their needs; and

An analysis of existing site to determine if current land use standards will permit implementation of the recommendations.

Public Hearing Minutes
Re:  Proposed Transfer of $20,000 from Cap. And Non-Recurring Expend.
 Acct. to Secure Services of an Architect for Proposed Renovations
 To Police Headquarters
Page 2
July 18, 2005

These are the only things that would be done by the Architect, according to Atty. Guliano.  They would also “draft” pre-Referendum Plans (rough plans) that could be used for the Referendum if the Council decided to go to Referendum.

Mayor Havens asked if anyone in the audience wished to address this Public Hearing.  There was no one.

He then took a straw vote on the issue, with the following results:

        All in favor of this expenditure:                       1

        All opposed:                                            0

The Public Hearing was concluded at 7:50 p.m. and the Mayor then reconvened tonight’s Work Session.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia R. Brown
Clerk of the Council