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Town Council - Public Hearing 1 - 7-18-05

JULY 18, 2005
7:30 P.M.


PURPOSE:  To Receive Citizen Input on a Proposed Amendment to Section 18-33 of the South Windsor Code of Ordinances Regarding “Peddlers – Application and Permit Fees”

Mayor Havens called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  The Clerk of the Council read the call of the meeting (a copy of which is attached hereto).  There were approximately 10 people in the audience.

The following Town Council Members were present:

                Mayor Edward Havens
                Deputy Mayor John Pelkey
                Councillor Thomas Delnicki
                Councillor Deborah Fine
                Councillor Elizabeth Pendleton
                Councillor Cary Prague
                Councillor Matthew Streeter
                Councillor Keith Yagaloff

Present:        Asst. to the Town Manager Judith Hall
                Town Attorney Barry Guliano

Absent: Councillor Roseann Williams
                Town Manager Matthew Galligan

Mayor Havens asked the Town Attorney to explain the reason for this Public Hearing.  

Atty. Barry Guliano explained that this was before the Town Council is that six or seven years ago, all of the Town’s Ordinances were codified into the one Code of Ordinances.  Continuing, Atty. Guliano said that when this was done, it required extensive work by himself, the Town Clerk, and others in order to put all of the Ordinances in the “proper place within that Code.”
Public Hearing Minutes
Re:  Proposed Amendment to Ordinance Re. “Peddlers Application and
Permit Fees”
Page 2
July 18, 2005

One of the Ordinances in that process, according to the Town Attorney, specifically had to do with “permit fees for peddlers.”  At that time, he said, the Town was charging a fee of  $25.00 for a Peddler’s Permit.  The Statute had been changed so that the Town could now charge up to $200 for that same Permit; and, according to Atty. Guliano, the Police Department felt that the $200.00 fee was appropriate when consideration was given to the administrative, and other, work associated with processing these permits.  

Continuing, the Town Attorney said that the change was made with the understanding that the “entire Code of Ordinances would have to be adopted, subsequently, by the Town Council.”  However, he said, when the entire Code went to the Town Council, there were two or three provisions that the Council chose not to amend and this was one of them.  Thus, the Code reflects the original $25.00 fee, rather than the $200.00 fee.

Atty. Guliano informed Council that, today, the Code is being updated in order to add all of the Ordinances that have been passed over the last six or seven years into their proper place within that Code.  Because of this, he said, the Police Department is once again requesting that the fee be increased to $200.00, which (he advised) Council is permitted to do under the new Statute.  He added that it was his understanding that the $25.00 fee has been at that level “for years and years.”

The Town Attorney concluded his remarks by saying that the Ordinance, itself, is not on tonight’s Agenda—and would probably require a vote at the first meeting in September.  If there are further questions for that meeting, he added, Police personnel could be present at that time to answer any of Council’s questions.

Mayor Havens asked if anyone from the public had any questions or comments on this proposed Amendment to the Ordinance.  There were none.  The Mayor then called for a straw vote on the question—the results of which were:  All those in favor of the Amendment  =  0; all those opposed to the Amendment  =  0.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia R. Brown
Clerk of the Council