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Town Council - Public Hearing - 6-20-05


JUNE 20, 2005
7:45 P.M.


PURPOSE: To Receive Citizen Input on a proposed Non-Emergency Interagency Agreement with the Town of Manchester, Connecticut

Mayor Havens called the Public Hearing to order at 7:45 p.m.  The Clerk of the Council read the call of the meeting (a copy of which is attached).  

The following Town Council Members were present:

        Mayor Edward Havens
        Deputy Mayor John Pelkey
        Councillor Thomas Delnicki
        Councillor Deborah Fine
        Councillor Elizabeth Pendleton
        Councillor Roseann Williams
Councillor Cary Prague
                Councillor Matthew Streeter

Present:        Town Manager Matthew Galligan
                Town Attorney Barry Guliano

Attorney Guliano stated that this Public Hearing pertains to an agreement that was before the Council a couple of weeks ago.  The reason that it is back here for Public Hearing is that the State Statute that the Town is operating under for this agreement, requires that it be approved in the same way an ordinance is approved.  This means that they have to have a Public Hearing and a separate vote on it after the Public Hearing.  

Attorney Guliano then explained that this is an Agreement between the Town of Manchester and the Town of South Windsor regarding some shared services with the Police Department.  There are already several agreements like this in place, which were allowed by the Connecticut Statutes previously.  Recently, there has been a change in State Legislation that has allowed the neighboring towns to enter into broader agreements than in the past.   

Public Hearing Minutes
Re:  Non-Emergency Interagency Agreement
Page 2
June 20, 2005

This Agreement will allow Police Officers from Manchester, under certain circumstances, operate in South Windsor and vice versa.  This has seemed to be a benefit with the neighboring development that the Town has that borders both of the towns.  This is an opportunity so that police services can be provided more efficiently and quickly.  He explained that under the agreement each town pays for the own police services, controls their police services, and takes care of their own benefits.  This agreement will be in place for five (5) years and automatically after the five years it has to either die or be reapproved.  Either town may withdraw at any time by giving 30 days written notice.  

Mayor Havens asked if there were any questions.

Mayor Havens then called for a straw vote on this evening’s Public Hearing discussion.  The vote results were:

                Those in favor of the Agreement         =   7
                All those opposed:                              =   0

The Mayor adjourned the Public Hearing at  7:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia R. Brown
Clerk of the Council